1 "Fertile flowers subtended by modified sterile flowers formed of antler-like scales or hooked spines" 2 1 "Fertile flowers never subtended by modified sterile flowers formed of antler-like scales or hooked spines" 3 2 "Leaves alternate; modified sterile flowers represented by antler-like scales" "Digera {Digera muricata}" 2 "Leaves opposite; modifed sterile flowers represented by hooked spines" "Pupalia {Pupalia lappacea}" 3 "Filaments fused almost to their tips, the tubes 5-toothed, teeth deeply bilobed with anthers set between the lobes; bracteoles with a verical crest along the dorsal surfae of the midribs" Gomphrena 3 "Filaments fused only at their bases; bracteoles not dorsally cristate" 4 4 "Ovaries with few to many ovules" 5 4 "Ovaries with only 1 ovule each" 6 5 "Fruits berries; flowers in racemes or on racemose branches, the uppermost branches forming a broad terminal panicle; terminals 1.5-2.25 mm long" "Deeringia {Deeringia maranthoides}" 5 "Fruits circumscissile capsules; flowers in dense silvery to pinkish spikes; tepals 6-10 mm long" "Celosia {Celosia argentea}" 6 "Pseudostaminodes absent" 7 6 "Pseudostaminodes present" 9 7 "Plants straggling shrubs; fruits globose berries" "Bosea {Bosea amherstiana}" 7 "Plants herbsl fruits circumscissile or irregularly dehiscing capsules" 8 8 "Plants bisexual; stigmas capitate, undivided" "Nothosaerva {Notosaerva brachiata}" 8 "Plants unisexual; stigmas 2-3, linear" Amaranthus 9 "Flowers in lax panicles, unisexual" "Iresine {Iresine herstii}" 9 "Flowers in spikes, with spikelike branches, or in axillary heads, bisexual" 10 10 "Bracteoles strongly spinescent with long-excurrent midribs; flowers in pedunculate spikes, the lower flowers increasingly distant in fruit" Achyranthes 10 "Bracteoles ucronate or aristate but not strongly spinescent; flowers in dense, axillary, sessile or pedunculate heads, spikes, or panicles of spikelike branches" 11 11 "Stigmas captiate; tepals glabrous or almost so or with tufts of glochidiate hairs" Alternanthera 11 "Stigmas 2, disinct, divergent; tepals more or less densely lanate" Aerva