1 "Perianths usually dry and scarious or membranous when in flower; filaments often connate to well above the base, sometimes resembling small corollas" 2 1 "Perianths when in flower usually green or greenish and more or less herbaceous, occasionally dry and somewhat scarious or mebranous; filaments distinct or connate at the base only (Chenopodioideae)" 25 2 "Bracteoles with a projecting dorsal keel along their midribs" "Gomphrena {Gomphrena globosa}" 2 "Bracteoles with no keel over their midribs" 3 3 "Flowers unisexual but all plants with both staminate and pistillate flowers" Amaranthus 3 "Flowers usually bisexual, if unisexual staminate and pistillate flowers on different plants" 4 4 "Modified sterile flowers consisting of hairs, spines, bristles, or scales present on both sides of fertile flowers (look within bracteoles in early flowers)" 5 4 "No sterile flowers present, all flowers fertile" 12 5 "Leaves opposite or, if alternate, the sterile flowers consisting of long flexible bristles" 6 5 "Leaves alternate; sterile flowers not consisting of long flexible bristles" 10 6 "Sterile flowers of uncinately hooked spines; pseudostaminodes absent" Pupalia 6 "Sterile flowers without uncinate hooks or with pseudostaminodes" 7 7 "Conspicuous pseudostaminodes present between the filaments" 8 7 "No pseudostaminodes present between the filaments" 9 8 "Inflorescences bright red; styles lanate at the base" "Eriostylos {Eriostylos stefaninii}" 8 "Inflorescences not bright red; styles glabrous throughout" Cyathula 9 "Sterile flowers 1 per fertile flower, scarcely exceeding the bracteoles, composed of small, large-celled cylinders. Tomentose on the ventral surfaces and lipped with small bract-like processes; leaves linear-oblong, sessile, and subauriculate" "Rosifax {Rosifax sabuletorum}" 9 "Sterie flowers eventually greatly exceeding the bracteole, 1 on each side of each fertile flowers, consisting of long flexible bristles" Dasysphaera 10 "Styles very short and thick, with shortly bilobed stigmas" Pleuropterantha 10 "Styles long and slender, the stigmas long, slender and usually more or less recurved" 11 11 "Fruiting partial inflorescences burr-like unites containing several seeds; at least some bracts containing more than 1 fertile flowers; ovary compressed" "Neocentema {Neocentema robecchii}" 11 "Fruiting partial inflorescences of a single fruit subtended by 2 pairs of bracteolate scales or small wings; ferile flowers always solitary in the axils of the bracts; ovaries scarcely compressed" "Digera {Digera muricata}" 12 "Stamens 1-2; flowers minute, tepals about 1.25 mm long; leaves glabrous to thinly pilose" "Nothosaerva {Nothosaerva brachiata}" 12 "Stamens 4-5 (sometimes partly without anthers); if flowers as small then leaves usually more hairy" 13 13 "Leaves mostly alternate, some more or less opposite sometimes" 14 13 "Leaves mostly opposite, sometimes a few of the uppermost alternate" 17 14 "Flowers in large, open panicles formed of spikelike branches with zig-zag capillary axes; tepals with long, silky, forwardly directed hairs" Psilotrichum 14 "Flowers not in large open panicles with zigzag branches having capillary axes" 15 15 "Tepals glabrous; pseuostaminodes absent; ovaries with more than 1 ovule" Celosia 15 "Tepals lanate; pseudostaminodes present; ovaries with 1 ovule each" 16 16 "Flowers in dense axillary spikes or terminal panicles; pseudostaminodes usually subulate, rarely narrowly oblong and truncate or emarginate, obtuse; tepals chaffy" Aerva 16 "Flowers solitary or paries in the axils of the upper leaves; pseudo staminodes broad, obtuse; tepals fimr" "Polyrhabda {Polyrhabda atriplicifolia}" 17 "Inflorescences sessile and axillary" 18 17 "Inflorescence not both sessile and axillary" 19 18 "Outer 2 and inner 2 tepals stronly different from each other and the intermediate tepals in form, all furnished with glochidiate, barbellate hairs, at least near their bases" "Alternanthera {Alternathera pungens}" 18 "Tepals not differing strongly in form, not bearing glochidiate, barbellate hairs" Psilotrichum 19 "Leaves sessile and auriculate-amplexicaul; inflorescences usually densely globose, sometimes shortly ovoid" "Lopriorea {Lopriorea ruspolii}" 19 "Leaves not sessile-amplexicaul; inflorescences neither densely globose not shortly ovoid" 20 20 "Pseudostaminodes present, conspicuous, denticulate to fimbriate at the tips" 21 20 "Pseudostaminodes absent" 24 21 "Inflorescences bright red; leaves linear-filiform to linear" "Centemopsis {Centemopsis micrantha}" 21 "inflorescences bit bright red; leaves broader" 22 22 "inflorescences with more than 1 flower in at least some bracts; leaves densely stellately hairy" "Sericocomopsis {Sericocomopsis pallida}" 22 "Inflorescences with only 1 flower within the bracts; leaves with simle hairs or subglabrous" 23 23 "Perianths glabrous, sharply deflexed along the inflorescence axes in fruit" "Achyranthes {Achyranthes aspera}" 23 "Periaths densely lanuginose, less deflexed in fruit" "Pandiaka {Pandiaka laniginosa}" 24 "Inflorescences densely white woolly" "Chionothrix {Chionothrix somalensis}" 24 "Inflorescences never densely white woolly" Psilotrichum 25 "Normal, well-developed, flat leaves present, often meal or hairy, never obviously succulent" 26 25 "Leaves apparently absent of very succulent, terete, obovoid, or reduced to scales, sometimes spine-tipped" 30 26 "Plants glabrous; flowers in groups of 2-4, fused at the base; fruits fused toether and dispersed in groups of 2 or 3" Beta 26 "Plants obviously mealy, pubescent or glandular at least when young; flowers all free from each other; fruits dispersed individually" 27 27 "Flowers unisexual, staminate flowers with perianth but without bracteoles, pistillate flowers without perianths but with 2 bracteoles that enlarge to enclose the fruits" Atriplex 27 "Flowers bisexual or pistillate, all with perianths and without bracteoles" 28 28 "Plants pubescent and with yellow to amber glands, without vesicular hairs" Dysphania 28 "Plants mealy, with greyish or whitish vesicular hairs" 29 29 "Pericarps very difficult to scape from the seeds, even with a needle; margins of seeds sharply keeled; seed coats with very close, minute, rounded pits" "Chenopodiastrum {Chenopodiastrum murale}" 29 "Pericarps fairly easy to scrape from seeds with a needle; margins of seeds only bluntly keeled; seed coats not with very close, minute, rounded pits, often radially furrowed" Chenopodium 30 "Leaves apparently absent, stems apparently composed of very succulent segments which eventually shrivel and fall away from the stem proper; flowers immersed within fleshy spikes; stamens 1-2" 31 30 "Leaves obvious but sometimes reduced to scales, always succulent" 32 31 "Fruiting branchse 3-4 mm thick; seeds black, shiny" "Arthrocnemum {Arthrocnemum macrostachyum}" 31 "Fruiting branches 5-7 mm thickl seeds pale brown" "Halosarcia {Halosarcia indica}" 32 "Leaf bases constricted, often with short but distinct peioles; leaf blades free, cylindrical, clavate or subglobose, often in axillary clusters" 33 32 "Leaf bases clasping or fused to the stems; blades often scale-like to mostly disted to the stem with only the triangular tips free" 36 33 "Leaf bases never indurate; staminode-like appendages absent from staminate flowers; fruiting perianths not developing scarious wings; seeds with thick, often glossy testa, easy to extract intact" Suaeda 33 "Leaves with distinct basal constriction which soon becomes indurate and brown; staminode-like appendages alternating with stamens; perianth tubes well-developed in at least some flowers; seeds with thin dull testas, difficult to extract intact" 34 34 "Flowers more than 6 per axil; staminode-like appendages fleshy; fruiting perianths not developing scarious wings; fruits, so far as known, thick walled and like nutlets" "Sevada {Sevada schimperi}" 34 "Flowers 1-3 per axil; staminode-like appendages scale-like; perianth developing very prominent scarious wings; fruits thin-walled utricles" 35 35 "Mature perianths with transverse, radially-veined, scarious wings" Lagenantha 35 "Mature perianths with 5 longitudinal wings" "Fadenia {Fadenia zygophylloides}" 36 "Leaves opposite or, if alternate, the sterile flowers consisting of long flexible bristles" "Anabasis {Anabasis ehrenbergii}" 36 "Leaves alternate; sterile flowers not consisting of long flexible bristles" 37 37 "Flowers minute, partlyhidden under leaf tips amongst the axially ahirs; fruiting periants not known for species in Somaliland and Somalia, the segments probably membranous with 1-2 lobes spine-tipped" "Cornulaca {Cornulaca ehrenbergii}" 37 "Flowers relatively conspicuous, often longer than the subtending leaves; fruiting perianths developing shorl of transverse scarious winger, these conspicuous in all species of Somaliland and Somalia" 38 38 "Fruiting perianths not indurate on lower portion or, if indurate, then bract and bracteoles of similar texture; bottomw of perianths rounded or tapering, not with features described in parallel lead" Salsola 38 "Fruiting perianths with cylindrical indurated lower portion, unlike bracts and bracteoles in this regard; bottom of perianths flat, with hardly any pedicel, apparently sessile on the branches, forming, when seen from below, a clearly marked circular of pentagonal shape with 5 radiatin ribs between which there are 5 regularly spaced grooves, all surrounded by a common, more or less thickened ridge along the edge" Halothamnus