1 "Ovaries and fruits shortly stipitate; plants cultivated trees" "Guaicum {Guaicum officinale}" 1 "Ovaries and fruits not or scarcely stipitate; plants growing wild, herbs or shrubs" 2 2 "Flowers in spikelike racemes or scorpioid cymes" 3 2 "Flowers solitary, in or near the leaf axils" 4 3 "Inflorescences scorpioid cymes; leaflets entire or with 3-fid tips; petals 5, concave, shortly hooded; stamens 10-15; fruits succulent berry-like drupes" Nitrairia 3 "Inflorescences spikelike racemes; leaves incised; petals (3)4, shortly clawed, not noticeably concave, not hooded; stamens (3-)4; fruits dry capsules" "Tetradiclis {Tetradiclis tenella}" 4 "Stipules spiny" Fagonia 4 "Stipules not spiny" 5 5 "Leaves simple, alternate, multifid; stamens 10-15; fruits 4-lobed" "Peganum {Peganum marmala}" 5 "Leaves usually compound, rarely simple, opposite; stamens 10 or fewer" 6 6 "Sepals 3, valvate; petals absent; stamens 5" "Seetzenia {Seetzenia lanata}" 6 "Sepals 4-5, imbricate; petals 4-5; stamens (5-) 10" 7 7 "Plants prostrate herbs; leaves pinnately compound; stamens alternately long and short; fruits villous" Tribulus 7 "Plants usual shrubs, rarely erect herbs; leaves usually palmately compound with 1-3 leaflets, rarely simple; stamens of qual length; fruits not villous" Zygophyllum