1 "Plants trees or shrubs" 2 1 "Plants usually herbaceous, sometimes becoming woody at the base, rarely shrubs" 3 2 "Styles 4-fid" Cordia 2 "Styles 2-fid" Ehretia 3 "Styles terminal" 4 3 "Styles gynobasic" 5 4 "Styles 2, not dilated towards the base or the top" "Coldenia {Coldenia procumbens}" 4 "Styles single, dilated towards the base or the top" Heliotropium 5 "Fruits with 2 nutlets" Rochellia 5 "Fruits with 4 nutlets, at least when young" 6 6 "Corollas clearly bilaterall symmetric" 7 6 "Coroall radially symmetric" 8 7 "Gynobases flat; styles usually 2-fid, rarely entire; nutlets not laterally attached" "Echium {Echium plantagineum}" 7 "Gynobases pyramidal; styles simple; nutlets laterally attached" "Echiochilon {Echiochilon persicum}" 8 "Anther tips elongated and contorted" Trichodesma 8 "Anther tips obtuse or apiculate, not contorted" 9 9 "Anthers unequal, 1 larger than the other 4" "Caccinia {Caccinia macranthera var. crassifolia}" 9 "Anthers all of similar size" 10 10 "Corolla throats sometimes villous, without scales" 11 10 "Corolla throas with scales, sometimes also sparsely hairy or with small glands" 15 11 "Flowers nodding at anthesis; corolla lobes redued; anther connectives elongated" Onosma 11 "Flowers more or less erect at anthesis; corolla lobes distinct; anther connectives not elongated" 12 12 "Corolla throats villous; stylpes undivided" "Sericostoma {Sericostoma pauciflorum}" 12 "Coroall throats glabrous; styles divided" 13 13 "Corolla throats glabrous; styles usually 2-4-fid, rarely undivided; stigmas 2-4" Arnebia 13 "Corolla throats glabrous or hairy; styles 2-fid; stigmas 2" 14 14 "Plants annual; corolla throats hairys; nutlets more or less pear-shaped, their surfaces tuberculate or rugose" Buglossoides 14 "Plants perennials; corolla throats not hairy; nutlets ovoid" "Lithospermum {Lithospermum officinale}" 15 "Margins and middle dorsal areas of nutlets glabrous to hairy or otherwise ornamented but never prickly or appendiculate" 16 15 "Margins and middle dorsal areas of nutlets prickly or appendicualte" 23 16 "Calyces bilaterally symmetric, enlarged in fruit, 12-14 mm long and saucer-like in fruit, lobes unequal, sinuses dentate" "Asperugo {Asperugo procumbens}" 16 "Calyces radially symmetric, not much enlarged in fruit, up to 10 mm long, lobes equal or unequal, sinuses not dentate" 17 17 "Throat scales fimbriate or densely pubescent; areolae prominently hollowed wth a thick girdle" Nonea 17 "Throat scales not fimbriate, glabrous or puberulousl areolae not prominently hollowed out" 18 18 "Calyx lobes spreading in fruit, fruits appearing stellate as a result" "Gastrocotyle {Gastrocotyle hispida}" 18 "Calyx lobes not spreading in fruit, fruits not appearing stellate" 19 19 "Flowers, at least the lower, axillary" "Bothriospermum {Bothriospermum tenellum}" 19 "All flowers in terminal cymes" 20 20 "Nutlet scars concave; nutlet margins prominently thickened" Anchusa 20 "Nutlet scars flat; nutlet margins not thickened" 21 21 "Plants perennial; corollas funnel-shaped or cylindrical-campanulate, blue to deep purple-blue" Pseudomertensia 21 "Plants annual or perennial; corollas with flat, spreading lobes, blue or white" 22 22 "Flowers not subtended by bracts; nutlets smooth" Myosotis 22 "At least the lower flowers subtended by bracts; nutlets minutely tuberculate" "Anoplocaryum {Anoplocaryum brandisii}" 23 "Nutlets attached laterally to the gynobase and decurrent on the style" 24 23 "Nutlets not as about" 25 24 "Backs of the nutlets partly covered, at least at midlength, by the incurved margins" Paracaryum 24 "Backs of the nutlets not covered by the margins" Mattiastrum 25 "Nutlets with middle area ovate, inner face keeled above the attachment scar" Lepechiniella 25 "Nutlets with middle area not ovate, inner face not keeled above the attachment scar or only partly so" 26 26 "Nutlets inseparable from the bynobase; bases of the marginal appendages conluent" Heterocaryon 26 "Nutlets separable from the gynobasel bases of marginal appendages not confluent" 27 27 "Nutlets more or less globose or turnip-shaped" 28 27 "Nutlets pyramidal to truncate-pyramidal-oblong" 30 28 "Filaments longer than the anthers, attached about the throat scales; stamens distinctly exserted" Solenanthus 28 "Filaments equalling the anthers; stamens included or barely exserted" 29 29 "Corollas rotate, tubes not exceeding the calyces; stamens included" Cynoglossum 29 "Corollas funnel-shaped, tubes exceeding the calyces; staments exserted" Lindelofia 30 "Nutlets more or less exceeding the gynobases, attached nearly their whole length, not exceeding the calyces" Lappula 30 "Nutlets exceeding the gynobases and styles, attached obliquley" 31 31 "Plants tall; leaves broad; fruiting calyces reflexed" Hackelia 31 "Plants usualy caespitose with small, narrow leaves; fruiting calyces not reflexed" Eritrichium