1 "All leaves (or leaflets) with entire (including undulate) margins" 2 1 "Some or all leaves (or leaflets) with toothed, lobed, or deeply divided margins" 85 2 "Ligulate florets absent or ligules less than 1 mm long" 3 2 "Ligulate florets present (with spreading ligules at least 1 mm long)" 57 3 "Bracts surrounding the flower head with a petal-like apical portion at least 1 mm long, held more or less at right angles to peduncle" 4 3 "Bracts surrounding the flower head without a petal-like apical portion at right angles to the peduncle, or bracts absent" 16 4 "Petal-like lamina white (rarely pink)" 5 4 "Petal-like laminae yellow or brown" 10 5 "Petal-like laminae forming a ring (when viewed from above) much narrower than the bright yellow floret cluster (poached egg daisies)" 6 5 "Petal-like laminae equal in width or wider than the floret cluster" 7 6 "Leaves 40-90 mm long; capitula 22-45 mm diameter" Polycalymma 6 "Leaves 6-35 mm long; capitula 10-18 mm diameter" Myriocephalus 7 "Stems winged; pappus a membranous cup" Ammobium 7 "Stems not winged; pappus of bristles" 8 8 "Achenes densely hairy; pappus bristles plumose, the ‘plumes’ 0.4-0.9 mm long" Rhodanthe 8 "Achenes glabrous; pappus bristles barbellate, with the ‘barbs’ 0.05-0.2 mm long" 9 9 "Pappus bristles with barbs c. 0.2 mm long" Anemocarpa 9 "Pappus bristles with barbs 0.05-0.1 mm long" Coronidium 10 "Petal-like bracts conspicuously hairy or with a toothed margin" 11 10 "Petal-like bracts glabrous, entire" 12 11 "Petal-like bracts with a toothed margin, glabrous; achenes glabrous" Waitzia 11 "Petal-like bracts conspicuously hairy; achenes with short non-glandular hairs" Chrysocephalum 12 "Annual plants < 20 cm high; petal-like portion of bracts 1.8-2.8 mm long; leaves 0.3-0.8(-1.2) mm wide" 13 12 "Perennial plants 20-200 cm high; petal-like portion of bracts 3.5-15 mm long; leaves 0.7-16 mm wide" 14 13 "Capitula longer than wide; achenes with antrorse hairs; pappus bristles barbellate (‘barbs’ c. 0.1 mm long)" Schoenia 13 "Capitula wider than long; achenes glabrous but warty; pappus bristles plumose (‘plumes’ 0.2-0.3 mm long)" Hyalosperma 14 "Yellow petal-like portion of bracts leathery in texture; basal part of the bract very short, just as broad as ‘petal’" Xerochrysum 14 "Yellow or brown petal-like portion of bracts papery or scarious; basal part of the bract quite long and narrower than ‘petal’" 15 15 "Pappus bristles plumose (‘plumes’ 0.2-0.5 mm long)" Leucochrysum 15 "Pappus bristles barbellate (‘barbs’ 0.05-0.1 mm long)" Coronidium 16 "Plants prostrate or up to 6 cm high, broader than high; flower heads +/- at ground level" 17 16 "Plants at least 6 cm high with ascending stems; flower heads not at ground level" 21 17 "Leaves in a basal rosette, compound flower head forming a convex mound; pappus comprising scales or pappus absent" 18 17 "Leaves alternating, compound flower head globose to hemispheric; pappus of bristles" 19 18 "Leaves oblanceolate, 2-4 mm wide" Chthonocephalus 18 "Leaves linear, grass-like, 0.5-1 mm wide" Isoetopsis 19 "Bracts surrounding the flower heads scarious" Myriocephalus 19 "Bracts surrounding the flower heads herbaceous" 20 20 "Hairs on stems woolly; pappus bristles 4-5" Actinobole 20 "Hairs on stems glandular; pappus bristles 8-12" Lemooria 21 "Involucral bracts invisible (hidden within a compound flower head) or only their apices visible" 22 21 "Involucral bracts unconcealed or at least the upper half visible" 27 22 "Pappus absent or comprising a cylindrical cup" 23 22 "Pappus comprising several plumose bristles" 25 23 "Corolla lobes projecting beyond involucral bracts; pappus cup 0.8-1.1 mm long; capitula 1-flowered" Trichanthodium 23 "Corolla lobes +/- hidden by involucral bracts or same length as bracts; pappus cup 0.2-0.6 mm long or pappus absent; capitula 2-6-flowered" 24 24 "Flower heads +/- globose OR stems glabrous with papillae" Gnephosis 24 "Flower heads more than twice as long as broad AND stems wolly-hairy" Angianthus 25 "Achenes hairless, smooth or papillose" Calocephalus 25 "Achenes hairy" 26 26 "Bracts and pappus bristles yellow; capitula sessile within compound head" Pycnosorus 26 "Bracts and pappus bristles white; capitula pedunculate within compound head" Craspedia 27 "Capitula all +/- sessile (peduncles < 1 mm long), in clusters" 28 27 "Some or all capitula pedunculate (> 1mm)" 37 28 "Involucral bracts transversely wrinkled" Podolepis 28 "Involucral bracts smooth, without wrinkles" 29 29 "Stems winged; florets pink to purple" Pterocaulon 29 "Stems without wings; florets white to pale yellow (cudweeds)" 30 30 "Capitula 1 or 2 flowered" 31 30 "Capitula many flowered" 32 31 "Leaves and capitula densely woolly-hairy" Rhodanthe 31 "Leaves and capitula glabrous" Flaveria 32 "Leaf apex truncate or retuse; pappus bristles plumose; achenes densely hairy" Facelis 32 "Leaf apex acute or obtuse; pappus bristles barbellate; achenes glabrous or papillose" 33 33 "Clusters of capitula forming a solitary hemispherical to globose head" 34 33 "Clusters of capitula distributed along the branchlet or rachis" 35 34 "Tiny plants 5-10 cm high; involucral bracts with a recurved or hooked apex" Stuartina 34 "Plants 15-40 cm high; apex of involucral bracts straight" Euchiton 35 "Pappus bristles completely fused together at base, the whole pappus coming away in one piece, not breaking apart" Gamochaeta 35 "Pappus bristles free or lightly adhering at base via lateral hairs, the bristles coming away singly or in partial clusters that are loosely adhering at base" 36 36 "Involucres cupular to hemispherical (wider than long), pale yellow; outer involucral bracts translucent and broadly rounded; leaf-base slightly stem-clasping" Pseudognaphalium 36 "Involucres longer than wide, brownish; outer involucral bracts ovate to oblong to oblanceolate, acute to obtuse; leaf-base not stem-clasping" Gnaphalium 37 "Pappus of few to many bristles" 38 37 "Pappus a membranous cup, or scales, or pappus absent" 52 38 "Involucral bracts in a single whorl" 39 38 "Involucral bracts in two or more whorls" 40 39 "Leaves 10-25 mm long; pappus 0.9-1.3 mm long, plumose" Millotia 39 "Leaves 50-125 mm long; pappus 5-7 mm long, barbellate" Senecio 40 "Larger leaves 20-70 mm wide" 41 40 "Larger leaves 1-20 mm wide" 43 41 "Leaves densely hairy on both sides, lamina narrowing towards stem, petiole indistinct; capitula 18-25 mm diameter; shrub" Anemocarpa 41 "Upper surface of fully expanded leaves glabrous, lamina distinct from petiole; capitula 4-6 mm diameter; vines" 42 42 "Lower leaf surface with persistent appressed hairs; petioles 2-5 mm long; corolla lobes 4-5 mm long" Tarlmounia 42 "Lower leaf surface glabrous; petioles 12-20 mm long; corolla lobes 2.5-3 mm long" Decaneuropsis 43 "Dwarf plants c. 6-10 cm high" Triptilodiscus 43 "Herbs or shrubs 15-300 cm high" 44 44 "Florets 1-7 per capitulum" 45 44 "Florets 9-50 per capitulum" 47 45 "Shrubs 1-3 m high; paleae present" Cassinia 45 "Herbs 15-30 cm high; paleae absent" 46 46 "Outer involucral bracts widely spreading; pappus bristles barbellate" Allopterigeron 46 "All involucral bracts appressed; pappus bristles plumose" Rhodanthe 47 "Involucres 2-6 mm long, bracts elliptical to ovate" 48 47 "Involucres 6.5-10 mm long, bracts linear to narrowly-elliptic" 50 48 "Filiform florets absent or fewer than the tubular florets" Ozothamnus 48 "Filiform florets many more than the tubular florets" 49 49 "Florets white to yellow" Erigeron 49 "Florets pink" Pluchea 50 "Involucral bracts 0.3-0.5 (-0.6) mm wide at halfway point; margins glabrous or with matted woolly hairs; achenes 2.0-2.7 mm long" Leiocarpa 50 "Involucral bracts 0.5-1.0 mm wide at halfway point; margins with prominent cilia; achenes 1.0-1.5 mm long" 51 51 "Corolla tube hairy or papillose" Leptorhynchos 51 "Corolla tube glabrous, smooth" Chrysocephalum 52 "Leaves trifoliolate; peduncles with many dark glandular hairs; florets white" Florestina 52 "Leaves simple; peduncles without glandular hairs; florets yellow" 53 53 "Pappus absent" 54 53 "Pappus of several scales" 56 54 "Outer florets enlarged, sterile, with corolla lobes 6-8 mm long" Centaurea 54 "Outer florets same size as the inner, bisexual, with corolla lobes 0.3-1.3 mm long" 55 55 "Capitula 2.5-3.5 mm diameter; achenes smooth, 0.55-0.65 mm long" Eriochlamys 55 "Capitula 4.5-13 mm diameter; achenes warty, 0.8-2.5 mm long" Acomis 56 "Pappus scales 13-21, each divided apically into 3-5 ‘bristles’" Phacellothrix 56 "Pappus scales 6-12, entire or with short to long cilia" Rutidosis 57 "Outer surface of involucral bracts glabrous" 58 57 "Outer surface of involucral bracts sparsely to densely hairy" 74 58 "All florets ligulate" 59 58 "Ligulate florets only in the outer whorls" 60 59 "Leaves in basal rosette; florets yellow, achenes 6-8 mm long" Microseris 59 "Leaves cauline; florets pink to purple, achenes 11-13 mm long" Tragopogon 60 "Leaves opposite" Zinnia 60 "Leaves alternate or in basal rosette" 61 61 "Ligules pale to bright yellow" 62 61 "Ligules white, mauve or purple" 65 62 "Leaves clustered near ground level; involucral bracts fused in lower half" Gazania 62 "Leaves cauline; involucral bracts free to the base" 63 63 "Involucral bracts in a single whorl" Senecio 63 "Involucral bracts in 2-many whorls" 64 64 "Leaves 5-9 mm long; capitula 3-4 mm long" Kippistia 64 "Leaves 60-100 mm long; capitula 6-20 mm long" Podolepis 65 "Pappus reduced to a thick annular rim" Brachyscome 65 "Pappus of well-developed bristles" 66 66 "Pappus bristles about half as long as florets" Podolepis 66 "Pappus bristles same length as, or slightly longer than florets" 67 67 "Achenes separated from the pappus by a filiform ‘neck’" Ixiochlamys 67 "Achenes adjacent to the pappus" 68 68 "Inner tubular florets sterile (not forming achenes), the pappus with fewer or shorter bristles than on the ligulate florets, or with scales" Minuria 68 "All florets fertile and with similar pappus" 69 69 "Ligules not exceeding the pappus" Symphyotrichum 69 "Ligules extending beyond pappus" 70 70 "Achenes linear-cylindrical, with 3–7 longitudinal ribs, maroon or purplish when mature, glabrous or almost so" Camptacra 70 "Achenes ellipsoidal to obovoid, 2-ribbed or with more than 7 longitudinal ribs, grey to brown when mature, sparsely to densely hairy" 71 71 "Ligulate florets in one row" Olearia 71 "Ligulate florets in two or more rows" 72 72 "Leaves densely clustered on stem; ligules 8-10 mm long" Tetramolopium 72 "Leaves not densely clustered on stem; ligules 3-5 mm long" 73 73 "Achenes terete to moderately flattened with 7-12 longitudinal ribs; pappus in 2-3 whorls, the bristles equal to or slightly longer than achene" Vittadinia 73 "Achenes strongly flattened with 2 marginal ribs only; pappus in 1(-2) whorls, the bristles 1.5-2.5 times longer than achene" Peripleura 74 "Leaves opposite" Eclipta 74 "Leaves alternate" 75 75 "Ligules white, mauve or purple" 76 75 "Ligules yellow to orange, sometimes with some black" 79 76 "Achenes linear-cylindrical, with 3–7 longitudinal ribs, maroon or purplish when mature, glabrous or almost so" Camptacra 76 "Achenes ellipsoidal to obovoid, 2-ribbed or with more than 7 longitudinal ribs, grey to brown when mature, sparsely to densely hairy" 77 77 "Ligulate florets in one row" Olearia 77 "Ligulate florets in two or more rows" 78 78 "Achenes terete to moderately flattened with 7-12 longitudinal ribs; pappus in 2-3 whorls, the bristles equal to or slightly longer than achene" Vittadinia 78 "Achenes strongly flattened with 2 marginal ribs only; pappus in 1(-2) whorls, the bristles 1.5-2.5 times longer than achene" Peripleura 79 "Ligules 16-50 mm long" 80 79 "Ligules 2-13 mm long" 81 80 "Leaves clustered near ground level; involucral bracts fused in lower half" Gazania 80 "Leaves cauline; involucral bracts all free" Helianthus 81 "Pappus of numerous bristles" 82 81 "Pappus of scales, a membranous cup, or pappus absent" 83 82 "Stems and peduncles with numerous glandular hairs; capitula axillary" Dittrichia 82 "Stems and peduncles without glandular hairs; clusters of capitula on long peduncle" Podolepis 83 "Leaves orbicular or broadly obovate; achenes fleshy" Chrysanthemoides 83 "Leaves linear to lanceolate; achenes dry" 84 84 "Leaves linear, largest ones 0.7-1.6 mm wide; pappus of 6-8 scales" Helenium 84 "Leaves narrow-lanceolate to lanceolate, largest ones 4-10 mm wide; pappus absent" Calendula 85 "Leaves consistently opposite" 86 85 "All leaves or upper leaves alternate, or leaves in basal rosette" 119 86 "Ligulate florets absent, or ligules <1 mm long" 87 86 "Ligulate florets present and ligules at least 1 mm long" 101 87 "Pappus of numerous bristles or a membranous cup" 88 87 "Pappus of scales, or awns, or pappus absent" 94 88 "Pappus a small membranous cup" 89 88 "Pappus of numerous bristles" 90 89 "Achenes green to brown, warty; florets yellow; receptacle with paleae" Eleutheranthera 89 "Achenes black, smooth; florets white; receptacle without paleae" Stevia 90 "Vine, stems and leaves glabrous" Mikania 90 "Shrubs, stems and leaves with sparse to dense hairs" 91 91 "Leaf undersides with abundant yellow sessile glands 0.1-0.2 mm apart; achenes 3-4 mm long" Chromolaena 91 "Leaf undersides with sparse dark sessile glands 0.3-0.6 mm apart, or sessile glands absent; achenes 1.5-2.5 mm long" 92 92 "Florets white; pappus bristles 5-12" Ageratina 92 "Florets purple; pappus bristles 15-40" 93 93 "Leaves 110-150 mm wide; achenes glabrous" Bartlettina 93 "Leaves 15-30 mm wide; achenes with sparse antrorse hairs" Praxelis 94 "Plant dichotomously branched with a sessile group of capitula at each branch, surrounded by 2 or 4 leafy bracts" Flaveria 94 "Plant not dichotomously branched; capitula solitary, pedunculate; leafy bracts absent" 95 95 "Involucral bracts 2 or 4; florets 3-17 per capitulum; capitula sessile in leaf axils" 96 95 "Involucral bracts 10-30; florets 18-60 per capitulum; capitula pedunculate, not in leaf axils" 97 96 "Florets 3-4 per capitulum; involucral bracts 2; achenes strongly flattened" Synedrellopsis 96 "Florets 13-17 per capitulum; involucral bracts 4; achenes slightly flattened" Enydra 97 "Florets white or purple" 98 97 "Florets yellow" 100 98 "Florets purple; pappus of 5-7 aristate scales" Ageratum 98 "Florets white; pappus of 3-5 awns or pappus absent" 99 99 "Achenes 2.7-3.5 mm long, with 3-5 gland-tipped awns" Adenostemma 99 "Achenes 1.2-1.3 mm long, pappus absent" Gymnocoronis 100 "Involucral bracts with conspicuous glandular hairs; achenes without pappus" Sigesbeckia 100 "Involucral bracts glabrous or with sparse non-glandular hairs; achenes with pappus of 2-4 rigid awns" Bidens 101 "Some or all leaves deeply divided, or pinnate to bipinnate" 102 101 "Leaves simple, marginal lobes/teeth not extending more than halfway to midrib" 107 102 "Leaves persistently hairy; achenes 2-3.5 mm long" 103 102 "Leaves glabrous or with scattered hairs along margin; achenes 6-30 mm long" 105 103 "Shrub 1-3 m high; ligules white; leaves densely hairy on lower surface" Montanoa 103 "Forb or shrub to 80 cm high; ligules yellow; leaves sparsely hairy on both surfaces" 104 104 "Outer involucral bracts without glandular hairs; achenes winged" Coreopsis 104 "Outer involucral bracts with conspicuous glandular hairs; achenes not winged" Sigesbeckia 105 "Outer involucral bracts strongly recurved; shrubs 2-4 m high" Dahlia 105 "Outer involucral bracts not recurved; forbs or shrubs 0.5-2 m high" 106 106 "Ligules 16-35 mm long; pappus awns widely spreading or absent" Cosmos 106 "Ligules 1-16 mm long; pappus awns always present, erect, +/- parallel" Bidens 107 "Flowering and fruiting heads sessile in leaf axils" 108 107 "Flowering and fruiting heads pedunculate" 109 108 "Fruit a cluster of several burrs (formed by fusion of outer involucral bracts to the achene), often prickly" Acanthospermum 108 "Fruit an achene, not in clusters, not prickly" Synedrella 109 "Outer involucral bracts with conspicuous glandular hairs" Sigesbeckia 109 "Outer involucral bracts lacking glandular hairs" 110 110 "Leaves sessile (with lamina tapering gradually) or petioles less than 10% of lamina length" 111 110 "At least the lower leaves with petioles > 10% of lamina length" 115 111 "Receptacle narrowly-conical and elongating in fruit; achenes ciliate on margins" Acmella 111 "Receptacle flat or slightly convex, not elongating in fruit; achenes glabrous or hairy but not ciliate on margins" 112 112 "Ligules 1-2 mm long" Eclipta 112 "Ligules 5-20 mm long" 113 113 "Leaves more or less trilobed; achenes tuberculate" Sphagneticola 113 "Leaves +/- evenly toothed or lobed; achenes smooth or with raised ribs" 114 114 "Achenes cuboid (about as long as wide), with raised ribs" Melampodium 114 "Achenes +/- cylindrical (2-3 times longer than wide), sometimes winged but without raised ribs" Apowollastonia 115 "Achenes 1.5-2.5 mm long; pappus of 15-25 bristles or scales" 116 115 "Achenes 2.5-6.5 mm long; pappus absent or comprising one or two awns" 117 116 "Peduncles 10-25 cm long; pappus of bristles; ligules 3-5 mm long" Tridax 116 "Peduncles 0.5-2.5 cm long; pappus of scales; ligules 1-1.5 mm long" Galinsoga 117 "Ligules 6-12 mm long; involucral bracts 15-25" Wollastonia 117 "Ligules 1-3 mm long; involucral bracts 4-6" 118 118 "Paleae glabrous, thin, with acute apex, not visible on undisturbed capitulum" Calyptocarpus 118 "Paleae hairy, thick, with truncate or laciniate apex, readily visible on undisturbed capitulum" Blainvillea 119 "Fruit an ellipsoidal burr with > 80 hooked spines" Xanthium 119 "Fruits not burr-like or without hooked spines" 120 120 "Ligulate florets absent or ligules < 1mm long" 121 120 "Ligulate florets present, ligules > 1 mm long" 168 121 "Involucral bracts in a single whorl (sometimes fused together) or involucral bracts not evident" 122 121 "Involucral bracts in two or more whorls" 130 122 "Involucral bracts not evident; flower heads spherical; stems winged" Sphaeranthus 122 "Involucral bracts obvious; flower heads cylindrical, campanulate or hemispherical; stems not winged" 123 123 "Capitula borne in a raceme; involucral bracts fused into a shallow bowl-shaped structure" Ambrosia 123 "Capitula not in a raceme; involucral bracts not bowl-shaped" 124 124 "Involucral bracts 17-23 mm long; petioles very slender (0.2-0.5 mm wide)" Porophyllum 124 "Involucral bracts 3-16 mm long; petioles 0.7-2 mm wide or petioles absent" 125 125 "Florets yellow" 126 125 "Florets white, mauve, purple or red" 127 126 "Achenes 5-8 mm long, glabrous; involucral bracts 10-16 mm long" Gynura 126 "Achenes 1.5-5 mm long, with papillose hairs; involucral bracts 3-11 mm long" Senecio 127 "Flowering and fruiting heads subtended by 2-4 bracts, each 2.5-8 mm wide; the many acute involucral bracts protruding beyond the outer bracts" Elephantopus 127 "Flowering and fruiting heads subtended by 6-16 slender bracts, each 0.6-1.8 mm wide; no bracts or paleae within the flowering/fruiting head" 128 128 "Calycular bracteoles absent; cauline leaves usually stem clasping" Emilia 128 "Calycular bracteoles 2-8 below capitulum; cauline leaves not stem clasping" 129 129 "Pappus bristles pink to mauve; leaves with 3-5 pairs of deep lobes; achenes 2.5-4 mm long; florets purple" Erechtites 129 "Pappus bristles white; leaves unlobed or deeply lobed only at base; achenes 2-2.5 mm long; florets red" Crassocephalum 130 "Outer involucral bracts spinose" 131 130 "All involucral bracts innocuous" 136 131 "Leaf margins without spines" Centaurea 131 "Leaves with spiny margins, spines 1.5-30 mm long" 132 132 "Stem with spinose wings formed by decurrent leaf bases" 133 132 "Stem not winged, not spinose" 134 133 "Upper surface of leaves with many stiff spinules, mostly 0.8-2 mm long on cauline leaves" Cirsium 133 "Upper surface of leaves without spinules" Carduus 134 "Leaves white underneath, due to dense indumentum" Cynara 134 "Leaves green underneath, indumentum sparse or absent" 135 135 "Leaves variegated, base of cauline leaves auriculate" Silybum 135 "Leaves green throughout, base of cauline leaves not auriculate" Carthamus 136 "All involucral bracts glabrous or with fewer than 6 hairs per bract (sometimes sessile glands are present)" 137 136 "At least outer involucral bracts sparsely to densely hairy, hairs glandular or non-glandular" 151 137 "Pappus of bristles" 138 137 "Pappus without bristles (an annular crown, or scales, or awns, or pappus absent)" 141 138 "Pappus bristles flattened, extremely caducous, readily becoming detached from the achene; florets purple" Centratherum 138 "Pappus bristles +/- terete, not caducous, not readily detaching from the achene; florets white or pink" 139 139 "Pappus bristles 2-6 per floret" Ethuliopsis 139 "Pappus bristles many per floret" 140 140 "Largest leaves 16-37 mm wide AND branchlets glabrous" Baccharis 140 "Largest leaves <16 mm wide OR branchlets sparsely to moderately hairy" Pluchea 141 "Some or all leaves deeply divided" 142 141 "All leaves toothed or lobed, divided less than halfway to midrib" 146 142 "Achenes 1-2 mm long; pappus absent or comprising a short lobed crown" 143 142 "Achenes 3-4.5 mm long; pappus of scales" 145 143 "Involucral bracts 1-1.5 mm long; deeply divided leaves with a large terminal lobe" Dichrocephala 143 "Involucral bracts 1.5-5 mm long; leaves without a large terminal lobe" 144 144 "Leaves 10-30 cm long; capitula in corymbose clusters" Tanacetum 144 "Leaves 2-9 cm long; capitula solitary" Cotula 145 "Capitula +/- globose; pappus scales 77-107; receptacle with abundant setae" Mantisalca 145 "Capitula obconical; pappus scales 8; receptacle bare" Schkuhria 146 "Leaves in basal rosette" Solenogyne 146 "Leaves arranged along aerial stems" 147 147 "Capitula more than 10, arranged in terminal paniculate clusters" 148 147 "Capitula 1-6 in leaf axils or at end of branchlets" 149 148 "Involucres 2.5-5 mm long; achenes glabrous, 0.6-0.7 mm long" Ethuliopsis 148 "Involucres 8-10 mm long; achenes hairy, 5-5.5 mm long" Pseudelephantopus 149 "Capitula 3-4 mm diameter" Centipeda 149 "Capitula 4-15 mm diameter" 150 150 "Inner involucral bracts 4.5-6.5 mm long; achenes 3.5-5 mm long" Pleurocarpaea 150 "Inner involucral bracts 1.4-3.2 mm long; achenes 0.45-1.3 mm long" Sphaeromorphaea 151 "Pappus absent, or comprising scales or awns" 152 151 "Pappus of bristles" 158 152 "Some or all leaves deeply divided" 153 152 "Leaves toothed, divided less than halfway to midrib" 155 153 "Plants prostrate; capitula at ground level" Soliva 153 "Plants erect; capitula at ends of branchlets" 154 154 "Receptacle paleate; pappus of two short broad scales; achenes 1.7-2 mm long" Parthenium 154 "Receptacle without paleae; pappus absent; achenes 0.6-1 mm long" Artemisia 155 "Pappus absent" 156 155 "Pappus of awns or scales" 157 156 "Peduncles 40-80 mm long; achenes 4.5-5.5 mm long" Carpesium 156 "Peduncles 0-3 mm long; achenes 0.6-2 mm long" Centipeda 157 "Pappus comprising rigid awns, very prickly" Calotis 157 "Pappus of soft scales" Thespidium 158 "Capitula in compound heads, spherical to cylindrical in shape" Pterocaulon 158 "Capitula all separate from one another, cupular, campanulate or hemispherical" 159 159 "Receptacle with persistent hairs or setae" 160 159 "Receptacle naked or paleate" 162 160 "Receptacle hairs 0.1-0.8 mm long; pappus bristles without barbs, or barbs visible only at x40 magnification" Blumea 160 "Receptacle setae 2.5-9 mm long; pappus bristles plumose or sub-plumose, plumes readily visible at x10 magnification" 161 161 "Leaves white underneath, due to very dense indumentum; achenes with c. 15 longitudinal ribs" Hemisteptia 161 "Leaves green underneath, hairs sparse or absent; achenes 3-5 ribbed or ribs absent" Leuzea 162 "Pappus comprising two distinct whorls, a whorl of long bristles +/- same length as styles, and a whorl of short (0.3-0.6 mm) bristles or scales" 163 162 "Pappus comprising a single whorl of long bristles +/- same length as styles" 164 163 "Outermost involucral bracts filamentous with long patent hairs; short pappus whorl consisting of scales" Vernonia 163 "Outermost involucral bracts not filamentous and without long patent hairs; short pappus whorl consisting of bristles" Cyanthillium 164 "Achenes with dense hairs, obscuring achene surface; involucral bracts not recurved at fruiting stage" Streptoglossa 164 "Achenes glabrous or sparsely hairy, achene surface readily visible; involucral bracts strongly recurved at fruiting stage" 165 165 "Achenes flattened (narrowly elliptic in cross-section) with thickened margins" 166 165 "Achenes not flattened (+/- circular in cross-section), with or without ribs" 167 166 "Corolla of filiform florets one-tenth to one-half as long as style" Eschenbachia 166 "Corolla of filiform florets extending almost the full length of the style" Erigeron 167 "Sweeping hairs on style acute, ending above bifurcation; florets yellow (8 spp.) or pink (2 spp.)" Blumea 167 "Sweeping hairs on style obtuse, and extending below bifurcation; florets pink" Pluchea 168 "All florets ligulate" 169 168 "Ligules present only on the outer florets" 183 169 "Hairs on leaves and stems forked (with 2-4 branches near the hair apex)" 170 169 "Hairs on leaves and stems not forked, or hairs absent" 172 170 "Fertile plants with leaves all in basal rosette, or with 1-2 cauline leaves; pappus of scales" Leontodon 170 "Basal rosette of leaves sometimes present on fertile plants, but leaves predominantly cauline; pappus of bristles" 171 171 "Outer involucral bracts 5, broad, leafy; inner bracts with a sub-apical spur" Helminthotheca 171 "Outer involucral bracts > 5, narrow, not leafy; inner bracts without a sub-apical spur" Picris 172 "Pappus absent or comprising many small scales 0.2-0.3 mm long" 173 172 "Pappus of numerous slender bristles" 174 173 "Leaves confined to base of plant, upper part +/- leafless; florets blue; peduncles 0-1 mm long" Cichorium 173 "Leaves distributed throughout the plant; florets yellow; peduncles 5-15 mm long" Lapsana 174 "Leaves with long rigid spines; stems winged" Scolymus 174 "Leaves not prickly; stems without wings" 175 175 "Pappus bristles plumose, ‘plumes’ 0.5-1.5 mm long" 176 175 "Pappus bristles barbellate (‘barbs’ 0.05-0.1 mm long) or without barbs" 177 176 "Involucral bracts in a single whorl, outer ones with long spreading setose hairs; receptacle ciliate" Urospermum 176 "Involucral bracts in 2 or 3 whorls, outer ones glabrous or with a few hairs along midrib; receptacle glabrous" Hypochaeris 177 "Inner involucral bracts 4-6 mm long" 178 177 "Inner involucral bracts 6-21 mm long" 179 178 "Outer involucral bracts considerably longer than inner; leaves hairy" Tolpis 178 "Outer involucral bracts much shorter than inner; leaves glabrous" Youngia 179 "Leaves in basal rosette; capitula solitary on long scape" Taraxacum 179 "At least some leaves cauline; capitula in cymes or panicles" 180 180 "Upper branchlets with sparse to dense glandular hairs, 0.25-0.8 mm long" Sonchus 180 "Upper branchlets glabrous, glandular hairs absent" 181 181 "Capitula 11-21 mm diameter; achenes adjacent to the pappus" Actites 181 "Capitula 2-4 mm diameter; achenes separated from the pappus by a filiform ‘neck’" 182 182 "Cauline leaves much smaller than basal leaves or sometimes lacking; peduncles 0-1 mm long; achenes not or slightly compressed" Chondrilla 182 "Cauline leaves prominent, not much reduced; peduncles > 2 mm long; achenes strongly compressed" Lactuca 183 "Involucral bracts in a single whorl (sometimes fused together)" 184 183 "Involucral bracts in two or more whorls" 188 184 "Pappus absent" Calendula 184 "Pappus of scales or bristles" 185 185 "Pappus of aristate scales; involucral bracts fused" 186 185 "Pappus of bristles; involucral bracts separate" 187 186 "Involucral bracts 12-22; calycular bracteoles present; pappus scales divided in distal half" Thymophylla 186 "Involucral bracts 3-8; calycular bracteoles absent; pappus scales undivided" Tagetes 187 "Largest leaves with petioles > 50 mm long, lamina 1-1.5 times longer than wide" Roldana 187 "Largest leaves with petioles 0-30 mm long, lamina 2-15 times longer than wide" Senecio 188 "Ligulate florets with ligules more than 16mm long" 189 188 "Ligulate florets with ligules less than 16mm long" 197 189 "Ligules wholly or predominantly white, pink, red, purple or blue" 190 189 "Ligules wholly or predominantly yellow to orange" 192 190 "Leaves and involucral bracts with tiny stalked glandular hairs" Dimorphotheca 190 "Leaves and involucral bracts with non-glandular hairs" 191 191 "Leaves woolly-hairy; ligules white to pink" Arctotis 191 "Leaves with stiff ascending hairs; ligules dull red with some yellow at apex" Gaillardia 192 "Peduncles swollen towards apex, 4-12 mm wide" Tithonia 192 "Peduncles about same width throughout, 1-4(-5) mm wide" 193 193 "All leaves toothed, divided much less than half way to midrib" 194 193 "At least some leaves deeply divided" 195 194 "Inner involucral bracts (9-)10-22 mm long, apex acuminate; achenes not winged" Helianthus 194 "Inner involucral bracts 7-10 mm long, apex acute; achenes strongly winged" Verbesina 195 "Involucral bracts connate in lower half; achenes with very numerous straight silky hairs 6-8 mm long" Gazania 195 "Involucral bracts all free; achenes glabrous or with crisped woolly hairs" 196 196 "Achenes 4.5-6 mm long, glabrous; pappus absent" Cymbonotus 196 "Achenes 2-2.5 mm long, enveloped by copious woolly hairs; pappus scales c. 1 mm long" Arctotheca 197 "Pappus absent, or a membranous cup, or scales, or awns" 198 197 "Pappus of bristles only" 211 198 "Receptacle with paleae" 199 198 "Receptacle lacking paleae" 205 199 "Leaves divided less than halfway to midrib" 200 199 "Leaves pinnatisect or bipinnatisect" 202 200 "Stems extremely short (leaves in basal rosette); longest peduncles 1-2.5 cm long" Cymbonotus 200 "Stems conspicuous, elongate; longest peduncles 5-15 cm long" 201 201 "Achenes with prominent lateral wings; awns of pappus fragile, deciduous" Verbesina 201 "Achenes +/- terete, without wings; awns of pappus stiff, persistent" Bidens 202 "Peduncles and involucral bracts hairy; ligules white or pink; pappus absent" Achillea 202 "Peduncles and involucral bracts +/- glabrous; ligules yellow; pappus of rigid awns" 203 203 "Achenes transversely wrinkled" Trioncinia 203 "Achenes longitudinally striate or smooth" 204 204 "Leaves alternate throughout; leaf lobes linear, < 2 mm wide" Glossocardia 204 "Leaves opposite on lower part of plant; leaf lobes elliptical to lanceolate, 2-8 mm wide" Bidens 205 "Pappus of rigid awns and/or scales" 206 205 "Pappus a membranous cup, or pappus absent" 207 206 "Leaves pinnatisect, segments thread-like; ligulate floret one" Schkuhria 206 "Leaves toothed or pinnatifid, segments broad; ligulate florets numerous" Calotis 207 "Longest peduncles 15-32 mm long" 208 207 "Longest peduncles 40-300 mm long" 209 208 "Leaves with short teeth; achenes fleshy; ligules yellow" Chrysanthemoides 208 "Leaves pinnatisect to bipinnatisect; achenes dry; ligules white" Tanacetum 209 "Involucral bracts in (2-)3-6 whorls, outer bracts much smaller than inner bracts; achenes with a densely glandular terminal ‘beak’" Lagenophora 209 "Involucral bracts in 2 whorls, all bracts about the same size; achenes without a glandular beak" 210 210 "Woody shrubs; achenes with 10 longitudinal ribs" Euryops 210 "Herbaceous plants; achenes never with longitudinal ribs" Brachyscome 211 "Pappus bristles plumose with hairs at about 90 degrees to bristle" Calotis 211 "Pappus bristles smooth or barbellate, with barbs antrorse" 212 212 "Pappus bristles 0.2-0.9 mm long" 213 212 "Pappus bristles 1.5-9 mm long" 214 213 "Achenes with 2 swollen (along most of the length or apically) longitudinal ridges on each lateral surface AND anthers lacking a terminal appendage" Roebuckiella 213 "Achenes lacking 2 swollen or partly swollen longitudinal ridges on the lateral surfaces OR anthers with a terminal appendage" Brachyscome 214 "Ligules yellow" 215 214 "Ligules white, mauve, pink or purple" 216 215 "Branchlets with non-glandular hairs; involucre 3-5 mm long; pappus bristles white" Solidago 215 "Branchlets with dense glandular hairs; involucre 7-8 mm long; pappus bristles pink to rust-coloured" Heterotheca 216 "Involucral bracts thick, not recurved after fruits ripen and hence receptacle not readily visible; achene hairs dense, +/- obscuring achene surface" 217 216 "Involucral bracts thin, strongly recurved after fruits ripen, revealing receptacle; achene hairs absent or relatively sparse, achene surface visible" 218 217 "Achenes terete; pappus bristles all about the same length; disc florets pink; receptacle flat" Streptoglossa 217 "Achenes laterally flattened; outer pappus bristles much shorter; disc florets yellow; receptacle hemispherical" Dichromochlamys 218 "Achenes separated from the pappus by a filiform ‘neck’" Ixiochlamys 218 "Achenes adjacent to the pappus" 219 219 "Pappus bristles 1.5-2.5 mm long; achenes 0.8-1.5 mm long" 220 219 "Pappus bristles 2.5-9 mm long; achenes 2-8 mm long" 222 220 "Stems and peduncles with at least some glandular hairs" Iotasperma 220 "Stems and peduncles glabrous or with non-glandular hairs" 221 221 "Hairs on stems and peduncles straight, 0.2-0.8 mm long; leaves often in clusters at the nodes; ligules remaining straight when dried" Erigeron 221 "Hairs on stems and peduncles absent or crisped, c. 0.1 mm long; leaves always solitary at the nodes; ligules tightly coiled when dried" Minuria 222 "Inner tubular florets sterile (not forming achenes), the pappus with fewer or shorter bristles than on the ligulate florets, or with scales" Minuria 222 "All florets fertile and with similar pappus" 223 223 "Achenes linear-cylindrical, with 3–7 longitudinal ribs, maroon or purplish when mature, glabrous or almost so" Camptacra 223 "Achenes ellipsoidal to obovoid, 2-ribbed or with more than 7 longitudinal ribs, grey to brown when mature, sparsely to densely hairy" 224 224 "Ligulate florets in one row" Olearia 224 "Ligulate florets in two or more rows" 225 225 "Achenes terete to moderately flattened with 7-12 longitudinal ribs; pappus in 2-3 whorls, the bristles equal to or slightly longer than achene" Vittadinia 225 "Achenes strongly flattened with 2 marginal ribs only; pappus in 1(-2) whorls, the bristles 1.5-2.5 times longer than achene" Peripleura