1 "Flowers radially symmetric; petals not overlapping in bud; stamens as many or twice as many the petals or numerous; leaves almost always bipinnate, sometimes reduced to a simple or entire blade-like phyllode; seeds normally with an arole on each side" 2 1 "Flowers usually bilaterally symmetric, often strongly so; petals overlapping in bud; stamens usually 10 or fewer; leaves various, rarely bipinnate; seeds usually without an areole" 18 2 "Leaves reduced to a bladelike phyllode (introduced species)" "Acacia {Acacia saligna}" 2 "Leaves bipinnate" 3 3 "Plants armed with prickles, thorns, or spines" 4 3 "Plants unarmed or with some short, spinelike branches" 11 4 "Spines terminating short branchlets, plants otherwise unarmed; inflorescences usually 2-colored, the lower portion white to mauve, the upper portion yellow" Dichrostachys 4 "Spines replacing stipules and paired at nodes or plants with prickles, either scattered or 1-3 together at the nodes or scattered" 5 5 "Mature pods splitting transversely into segments, each segment containing a single seed; branches and often the leaves with scattered hooked prickles; leaves with 1 pair of pinnae, each pinna with 1-2 pairs of leaflets; stamens 10" "Adenopodia {Adenopodia rotundifolia}" 5 "Pods splitting longitudinally into two parts at maturity, usually with with more than one seed, or indehiscent; other characters not combined as above" 6 6 "Pinnae 1-2, each with 1 pair of leaflets (Cultivated)" Pithecellobium 6 "Pinnae and/or leaflets in more than 1 pair (usually both pinnae and leaflets with more than 1 pair" 7 7 "Stamens more than 10" 8 7 "Stamens 8-10" 10 8 "Stipules not spinescent; plants usually with curved or hooked prickles" Senegalia 8 "Stipules spinescent, usually straight, rarely somewhat curved; prickles absent" 9 9 "Flowers in spikes; pod not bristly" "Prosopis {Prosopis juliflora}" 9 "Flowers in heads; pods more or less bristly" Mimosa 10 "Inflorescences spicate; stipular spines not inflated; leaf rachises with a conspicuous gland between each pair of pinnae; anthers without glands" "Faidherbia {Faidherbia albida}" 10 "Inflorescences capitate or, if spicate, rachises without conspicuous glands and anthers with a caducous apical gland" Vachellia 11 "Plants aquatic herbs; stems creeping" Neptunia 11 "Plants terrestrial trees or shrubs; stems ascending or erect" 12 12 "Calyx with overlapping lobes; inflorescences composed of large, club-shaped heads hanging on peduncles 9-35 cm long" Parkia 12 "Calyx lobes touching; inflorescences not hanging and club-shaped" 13 13 "Stamens 10; petals free or almost so" 14 13 "Stamens numerous; petals united at the base" 16 14 "Flowers in heads; leaflets with acute tips" "Leucaena {Leucaena leucocephala}" 14 "Flowers in spikes; leaflets with obtuse, sometimes mucronate, tips" 15 15 "Pods splitting longitudinally into two parts at maturity, remaining attached to each other on one side; leaf rachises with a gland at the base of each pinna-pair" Newtonia 15 "Pods splitting transversely into segments at maturity, each segment containing a single seed; rachis of leaves without glands" Entada 16 "Sides of pod dehiscing elastically from the tip, recurving; inflorescences inflorescences heads of 1-4 flowers; leaves less than 2 cm long" Calliandra 16 "Pods indehiscent or their sides not dehiscing elastically from the tip; inflorescences with more than 4 flowers; leaves longer than 2 cm" 17 17 "Fruits thick and fleshy, indehiscent; flowers about 3.5 cm long, pink; large cultivated tree" Samanea 17 "Fruits flat pods, dehiscent or not; flowers smaller; small to medium sized trees" Albizia 18 "Top petal overlapped by the adjacent lateral petals in bud when these are present; sepals often free; stamens usually free; radicle of seeds usually straight" 19 18 "Top petal outside the adjacent lateral petals (wing petals) in bud; sepals unted at the base; stamens usally variously united; radicles of seeds more or less straight" 34 19 "Leaves with 4 or more leaflets" 20 19 "Leaves simple, bilobed or deeply divided" 33 20 "Leaves bipinnate (rachis occasionally very short and spine-tipped)" 21 20 "Leaves simply paripinnate or imparipinnate, sometimes undeveloped at flowering time" 24 21 "Sepals not overlapping and plants unarmed; pods 13-80 cm long, usually with 12-many seeds" Delonix 21 "Sepals overlapping each other or plants spiny; pods shorter than 13 cm, with fewer than 12 seeds" 22 22 "Petals about 3 mm ling; fruits samaroid, with 1 seed at the base and a wide distal wing" Pterolobium 22 "Petals 7-15 mm long; fruits flat or swollen pods without a distal wing" 23 23 "Pods neither flattened nor constricted between the seeds, without conspicuous oblique or longitudinal venation" Caesalpinia 23 "Pods flattened or constricted between the seeds, papery or thinly coriaceous, with close longitudinal or oblique striate venation" Parkinsonia 24 "Leaves simply imparipinnate" "Cadia {Cadia purpurea}" 24 "Leaves simply paripinnate" 25 25 "Flowers without petals" 26 25 "Flowers with 1-5 conspicuous petals" 28 26 "Flowers in panicles; stamens 2; pod small, ellipsoid or subglobose, red or red-brown" "Dialium {Dialium orientale}" 26 "Flowers in racemes; stamens 5 or numerous; pod not as above" 27 27 "Flowers small; stamens 5; pods oblong, compressed, rather woody, thickened at sutures, with pulpy sugary septa between the seeds" "Ceratonia {Ceratonia oreothauma}" 27 "Flowers rather large; stamens numerous; pods subglobose" Cordyla 28 "Shrub with conspicuous red glands on stems and lower leaf surfaces" Cordeauxia 28 "Plants without such glands" 29 29 "Flowers with 1 large, red petal, the others rudimentary or absent; pods dehiscing into two woody valves; seeds black with a red, cup-shaped aril" "Afzelia {Afzelia quanzensis}" 29 "Flower with 3-5 yellow petals; pods various, not as above; seeds without an aril" 30 30 "Flowers with 3 well-developed petals, the lower two minute; stamens united on the lower 1/2, only 3 filaments bearing anthers; pods oblong, somewhat compressed, sometimes irregularly constricted between the seeds, with a dry, scurfy outer shell and pulpy inner layer" "Tamarindus {Tamarindus indica}" 30 "Flowers with 5 well-developed perals; stamens free, oftern varying in size but 4-10 with anthers; pods various" 31 31 "Filaments of the 3 lower stamens 2-3 cm long, with an S-bend near the base; pod cylindrical, 30-60 cm long, woody" Cassia 31 "Filaments much shorter, all straight or nearly so; pods shorter" 32 32 "Pedicels without bracteoles; pods dehiscent or tardily dehiscent, valves never twising" Senna 32 "Pedicels with 2 bracteoles; pods elatically dehiscent with twisting valves" Chamaecrista 33 "Plants with trailing or climbing, mostly herbaceous stems from a large underground tuber; tendrils usually present; calyx with 2 upper sepals partly or completely united, the rest free; pod (1-)2-seeded" Tylosema 33 "Plants erect, shrubs or small trees, without tendrils; calyx spathelike, splitting to the base on one side only; pods usually with more than 2 seeds" Bauhinia 34 "All leaves simple or 1-foliolate" 35 34 "At least some leaves compound" 41 35 "Anthers alternately long and short; pods inflated" Crotalaria 35 "Anthers uniform in length; pods not inflated" 36 36 "Anthers apiculate; hairs, or some of them, biramous" 37 36 "Anthers not apiculate; hairs simple" 38 37 "Standard pubescent outside; stigma terminal, capitate" Indigofera 37 "Standard glabrous; stigma oblique, discoid" Microharis 38 "Lower surface of leaves with sessile rounded gland-dots" Cullen 38 "Lower surface of leaves without gland-dots" 39 39 "Pods not constricted between the seeds and breaking up in segments; leaflets with many closely parallel, almost straight lateral veins running up the margins" Tephrosia 39 "Pods constricted between the seeds, mostly breaking into 1-seeded segments; leaflets with more open venation" 40 40 "Stipels present; corolla not persistent around the pod" Alysicarpus 40 "Stipels absent; corolla persistent around the pod" Taverniera 41 "Leaves digitately compound,with 2-3 leaflets, the leaflets all arising from the same point" 42 41 "Leaves pinnately compound, with 3-many leaflets, the leaflets arising from different points" 50 42 "Leaflets 2; stipules and bracts produced below the point of insertion" Zornia 42 "Leaflets 3 or more; stipules and bracts produced at the point of insertion" 43 43 "Leaflets 9-13" Lupinus 43 "Leaflets 3-5" 44 44 "Pods breaking up into spiny 1-seeded segments" Taverniera 44 "Pods not breaking into segments, not spiny" 45 45 "Anthers apiculate; at least some hairs 2-branched" 46 45 "Anthers not apiculate; hairs simple" 47 46 "Standard pubescent outside; stigma terminal, capitate" Indigofera 46 "Standard glabrous; stigma oblique, discoid" Microharis 47 "Anthers uniform" 48 47 "Anthers aternately long and short" 49 48 "Standard pubescent outside" Tephrosia 48 "Standard glabrous" Lotus 49 "Calyx not 2-lipped or, if slightly so, the lower lobes much long than the united portion" Crotalaria 49 "Calyx 2-lipped, the lower lip 3-fid" Argyrolobium 50 "Leaves paripinnate" 51 50 "Leaves imparipinnate" 54 51 "Leaves with 4 leaflets; fruits developing underground; flowers subsessile but receptacle long and filiform and easily mistaken for a pedicel" Arachis 51 "Leaves 6-many foliolate; fruits developing above ground; receptable not long" 52 52 "Calyx distinctly 2-lipped; pods with 4-13, 1-seeded segments" Aeschynomene 52 "Calyx not or only slightly 2-lipped; pods not segmented, with 1-many seeds" 53 53 "Plants twining or trailings; pods oblong, sometimes narrowly so, compressed; stamens 9" Abrus 53 "Plants erect; pods linear; stamens 10, 1 free, the others united" Sesbania 54 "Most leaves 5-foliolate (in Lotus the 5-foliolate leaves are sessile and the basal leaflets may be mistaken for stipules" 55 54 "All or most leaves 3-foliolate" 74 55 "Petals alike, cuneate or elliptic-ovate" 56 55 "Petals dissimilar, with a standard, 2 lateral wing petals, and 2 lower keel petals" 57 56 "Leaflets 20-50; stipules free, small; flowers cream, turning deep red" "Cadia {Cadia purpurea}" 56 "Leaflets 9-15; stipules connate; flowers white" "Dicraeopetalum {Dicraeopetalum stipulare}" 57 "Anthers apiculate; at least some hairs 2-branched; corolla usually reddish and falling early" 58 57 "Anthers not apiculate; hairs simple; corolla variously colored" 60 58 "Standard (upper petal) pubescent outside" Indigofera 58 "Standard glabrous" 59 59 "Bracts falling early" Indigastrum 59 "Bracts persistent" Microcharis 60 "Standard 2.5-5 cm long, held lowermost, much exceeding the other petals; bracteoles ovate, persistent" Clitoria 60 "Standard smaller,held uppermost, not much exceeding the other petals; bracteoles small or deciduous" 61 61 "Standard hairy all over" 62 61 "Standard glabrous or hairy only near the margins and close to the tip" 64 62 "Stipels present; pods somewhat woody" "Millettia {Millettia usaramensis}" 62 "Stipels absent; pods not woody" 63 63 "Lateral veins of leaflets not closely parallel; pods indehiscent or almost so; plants shrubs or small trees" "Mundulea {Mundulea sericea}" 63 "Lateral veins of leaflets numerous, closely parallel; pods dehiscent; plants herbs or slender shrubs" Tephrosia 64 "Plants annual or perennial herbs" 65 64 "Plants shrubs, trees, wor woody climbers" 67 65 "Leaflets (3-)5; pods straight, dehiscent, not jointed" Lotus 65 "Leaflets 5-11; pods strongly curved almost in a circle and indehiscent or jointed" 66 66 "Inflorescences heads with 4-6 flowers; pods curved almost in a circle, indehiscent, 2-seeded" "Dorynopsis {Dorynopsis abyssinica}" 66 "Inflorescences umbels with 1-2 flowers; pods jointed, breaking up into 1-seeded segments" "Coronilla {Coronilla somalensis}" 67 "Stamens free" "Platycelyphium {Platycelyphium voense}" 67 "Stamens variously united" 68 68 "Pods breaking transversely into 1-6, 1-seeded segments; branchlets usually with swollen-based glandular hairs whose bases persist as small tubercles" 69 68 "Pods not segmented; branchlets without swollen-based glandular hairs" 70 69 "Flowers pedicellate; receptacle cup-shaped; leaflets 3-5; tannins not forming rectangular patterns on leaflets" Ormocarpum 69 "Flowers sessile; receptacle tubular; leaflets 3-5; tannins forming rectangular pattern on underside of old leaflets" "Arthocarpum {Arthocarpum somalense}" 70 "Pods bladder-like, papery; style thick, incurved and hairy on the inner surface distally" "Colutea {Colutea abyssinica}" 70 "Pods not bladder-like; style slender, tapered, glabrous or nearly so distally" 71 71 "Anthers basifixed with apical dehiscence" Dalbergia 71 "Anthers dorsifexed with longitudinal dehiscence" 72 72 "Leaflets alternate; pods tapering at the base, the seeds in the distal half" Craibia 72 "Leaflets opposite; pods more or less oblon, narrowly winged along the distal margin" 73 73 "Plants shrubs or trees; panicles with many branches, the pedicels inserted singly" "Lonchocarpus {Lonchocarpus kanurii}" 73 "Plants woody climbers; panicles with a sinple rachis, the pedicels paired or clustered" "Derris {Derris trifoliata}" 74 "Undersurfaces of leaves, and often other organs, with sessile rounded gland-dots (often difficult to see if densely hairy)" 75 74 "Undersurfaces of leaves and other organs without gland-dots" 78 75 "Ovary with 1 ovule; pods indehiscent, 1-seeded; corolla white or white and purple" Cullen 75 "Ovary with (1-)2-7 ovules; pods dehiscent, usually with 2-7 seeds; corolla more or less yellow" 76 76 "Calyx scarious, strongly accrescent and up to 45 mm long in fruit, lobes obtuse, the lowest the largest, boat-shaped" Paracalyx 76 "Calyx not scarious, not strongly accrescent and otherwise not as above" 77 77 "Ovary with 4-7 ovules; pods obliquely grooved between the seeds" Cajanus 77 "Ovary with 2- ovules; pods not grooved between the seeds" Rhyncosia 78 "Anthers apiculate; at least some hairs 2-branched" 79 78 "Anthers not apiculate; hairs simple" 81 79 "Standard hairy outside" Indigofera 79 "Standard glabrous" 80 80 "Leaflets entire; top stamen free form others; pods not ridged" Microcharis 80 "Leaflets toothed; top stamen united with others; pods longitudinally ribbed" Cyamopsis 81 "Leaflets toothed" 82 81 "Leaflets entire or 3-5-lobed" 83 82 "Plants glandular-pubescent, at least above; filaments all united" "Ononis {Ononis sicula}" 82 "Plants not glandular pubescent; upper filament free" Medicago 83 "Pods breaking up transversly into 1-seeded segments" 84 83 "Pods not breaking into segments" 85 84 "Stipules adnate to the periole most of their length; calyx-tube very slender, stalk-like; pods not spiny, with 1-2 segments, the distal one narrowed into a distinct hooked beak" Stylosanthes 84 "Stipules free from the petiole for most of their length; calyx tube not slender and stalk-like; pods spiny with 1-4 segments, the distal one without a hooked beak" Taverniera 85 "Plants trees of shrubs" 86 85 "Plants herbs, subshrubs, or climbers" 87 86 "Plants trees or shrubs armed with prickles; corollas large, red or orange" Erythrina 86 "Plants trees, unarmed; corollas white" "Craibia {Craibia brevicaudata}" 87 "Calyx subtruncate; plants woody climbers; corollas white to pale mauve" Derris 87 "Cayx with distinct teeth, most trailing or climbing herbs or subshrubs; corollas of various colors" 88 88 "Alternate stamens sterile, lacking anthers; pods linear with an upturned beak" Teramnus 88 "All stamens with anthers; pods not as above" 89 89 "Style with a reflexed appendage beyond the stigma; keel incurved" Vatovaea 89 "Style sometimes elongated beyond the stigma as a beak but never with a reflexed appendage; keel various" 90 90 "Pods about 10-35 cm long and 2.5-3.5 cm wide, linear-oblong to oblong, with longitudinal ribs close to the upper margin; seeds about 1.5-2 cm long; standard reflexed, about 3 cm long" Canavalia 90 "Pods, seeds, and/or standard smaller" 91 91 "Style distinctly thickened at its junction with the ovary; bracteoles absent; leaflets often 3-lobed" Neorautanenia 91 "Style without such thickening; bracteoles often present; leaflets entire or lobed" 92 92 "Bracteoles absent; flowers yellow" Rhyncosia 92 "Bracteoles present, sometimes soon falling; flower color various" 93 93 "Style divided into a thin basal portion and a thick, hardened distal portion" 94 93 "Style uniformly thick or thin, tapering to the tip, not divided into two parts" 97 94 "Hooked hairs present on the vegetative parts; bracts and bracteoles more or less persistent" Phaseolus 94 "Hooked hairs absent; bracts and bracteoles usually falling early" 95 95 "Wings round, longer than the standard and keel, blackish purple" Macroptilum 95 "Wings not as above" 96 96 "Keels not beaked or, if beaked, clearly incurved for less than 1 turn; calyces with 2 upper lobes only partly united" Vigna 96 "Keels beaked, the beaks incurved for almost 1 to 2 or more completed turns; calyces with upper lobes completely united" Wajira 97 "Corolla yellowish; style filiform" Macrotyloma 97 "Corolla pink, red, purple, or white; style distinctly thickened" 98 98 "Style round in cross-sction, mostly glabrous but the stigmatic region penicillate; keel rounded below; seeds with a short hilum, without an aril" Dolichos 98 "Style laterally flattend, straight and blade-like its whole length, with a line of hairs near the top on the inner margin; stigmatic region not penicillate; keel sharlply angled at midlength; seeds with a long linear hilum and a whitish aril" Lablab