1 "Stamens distinctly 5-bundled, staminal ring absent" "Phymatocarpus maxwellii" 1 "Stamens not distinctly 5-bundled (although often aggregated into clusters opposite the petals and then with weakly developed bundle claws), staminal ring well-developed ( 1.4-3 mm long)" 2 2 "Stamens 46-71 per flower; flowers bracteolate; leaf blade broadly elliptic, elliptic, obovate, angular-obovate or subcircular, the venation parallel-pinnate with 1-3 veins" "Phymatocarpus porphyrocephalus" 2 "Stamens 23-30 per flower; flowers ebracteolate; leaf blade very broadly ovate, broadly ovate, circular or transversely broadly elliptic, the venation parallelpinnate with 5-9 veins" "Phymatocarpus interioris"