1 "Labellum without calli, entire; lateral sepals spreading, not recurved in mature flowers" 2 1 "Labellum with calli, entire, undulate or incised; lateral sepals recurved or revolute in mature flowers" 3 2 "Flowers usually yellowish; labellum ovate to elliptic, lamina flat; lateral sepals very blunt, not hidden by labellum" "Microtis atrata" 2 "Flowers green; labellum lamina more or less circular and concave; lateral sepals recurved, acute, hidden by labellum" "Microtis orbicularis" 3 "Labellum more or less triangular, apex obtuse or acute, lamina with only basal calli (sometimes with a minute papillose cushion in apical half)" "Microtis parviflora" 3 "Labellum more or less oblong, apex truncate, notched or bilobed, lamina with apical or subapical callus" 4 4 "Flowers distant; petals spreading below dorsal sepal; labellum two-thirds to as long as ovary" "Microtis rara" 4 "Flowers not distant; petals partly hidden within dorsal sepal; labellum less than half as long as ovary" 5 5 "Labellum pendulous, strongly bilobed (with hook-like, decurved point between lobes); dorsal sepal with acute, upturned apex" "Microtis arenaria" 5 "Labellum pressed against ovary, shallowly notched; dorsal sepal with obtuse apex" "Microtis unifolia"