1 "Flowers lacking cilia on any segment, labellum margins and column wings sometimes irregular or denticulate but never ciliate" 2 1 "Flowers ciliate on at least one floral segment" 8 2 "Free part of leaf lamina ending short of lowest flower, usually appressed to flowering stem" 3 2 "Free part of leaf lamina arising among the lower flowers and projecting conspicuously outwards" 7 3 "Labellum lanceolate, apex acuminate to long-acuminate" "Corunastylis despectans" 3 "Labellum oblong, obovate or cuneate, apex obtuse to acute" 4 4 "Petals lacking an apical gland; labellum obovate-oblong or cuneate, contracting abruptly to an upturned irregularly crenate tip; flowers well-spaced" 5 4 "Petals gland-tipped; labellum more or less obovate, tip rounded or obtuse, margins entire or crenulate; flowers congested" 6 5 "Dorsal sepal 3.5–4 mm long; lateral sepals 4.5–5 mm long; mainly north of the Dividing Range" "Corunastylis clivicola" 5 "Dorsal sepal 3–3.5 mm long; lateral sepals 4–4.5 mm long; apparently confined to near-coastal areas between Sale and Bairnsdale" "Corunastylis capparina" 6 "Gland on petals bead-like; labellum dark purplish black; dry inland areas" "Corunastylis tepperi" 6 "Gland on petals thin and wavy; labellum green to yellowish; moist coastal and near-coastal habitats" "Corunastylis pumila" 7 "Lateral sepals about twice as long as the narrow-lanceolate labellum; very rare in the Otway Ranges" "Corunastylis leptochila" 7 "Lateral sepals considerably less than twice as long as the obovate labellum; very rare in the Snowy Plains area" "Corunastylis densa" 8 "Cilia confined to labellum margins" 9 8 "Cilia present on labellum and at least some other perianth segments" 12 9 "Flowers 2–3 mm across; perianth segments gland-tipped; labellum cilia 0.1–0.2 mm long" "Corunastylis nuda" 9 "Flowers 4–6 mm across; perianth segments not gland-tipped; labellum cilia more than 0.5 mm long" 10 10 "Lateral sepals erect or sub-erect; perianth segments wholly purple to purplish black; montane to sub-alpine areas; flowers appearing in Summer" "Corunastylis arrecta" 10 "Lateral sepals porrect or deflexed; perianth segments not wholly purplish black; lowland areas; flowers appearing in Autumn" 11 11 "Lateral sepals porrect; perianth segments usually bright green with a contrasting reddish labellum" "Corunastylis ciliata" 11 "Lateral sepals deflexed; perianth segments dark green and purplish with a dark reddish labellum" "Corunastylis archeri" 12 "Cilia sparse, short, present on labellum and petals but not dorsal sepal; flowers mostly 5–12 in a short crowded inflorescence" "Corunastylis archeri" 12 "Cilia numerous, long, present on labellum, petals and dorsal sepal; flowers mostly 10–22 in a long crowded inflorescence" "Corunastylis morrisii"