1 "Leaves segmented, whether divided or simple and linear" 2 1 "Leaves not segmented, or absent" 3 2 "Compound inflorescences divided into several umbels" Aciphylla 2 "Inflorescence of simple umbels" Lilaeopsis 3 "Leaves without petiole and entire margins, sometimes reduced to scales or absent" 4 3 "Leaves (at least lower ones) divided, lobed, or if entire then petiolate" 6 4 "Leaves linear (petal apex incurved); sepals round" "Schoenolaena {Schoenolaena juncea}" 4 "Leaves elliptic or lanceolate, or if linear then petal apex spreading; sepal apex pointed if present" 5 5 "Inflorescence surrounded by large bracts; leaves clasping stems" Bupleurum 5 "Inflorescence with small often scale-like bracts; leaves absent or not clasping stem" Platysace 6 "Flowers sessile or nearly so in dense heads and surrounded by often coloured bracts of similar size (involucre) and being often larger than flowers or spine-tipped" 7 6 "Flowers stalked in umbels, or if not, then with 1 or few Usually unequal bracts (not spine-tipped and not larger than inflorescences)" 10 7 "Leaves and bracts spine-tipped" Eryngium 7 "Leaves and bracts without spines" 8 8 "Ovary (or fruit) with 1 chamber and 1 ovule" Actinotus 8 "Ovary (or fruit) with 2 chambers each with 1 ovule" 9 9 "Fruits irregularly wrinkled" "Chlaenosciadium {Chlaenosciadium gardneri}" 9 "Fruits more or less vertically ribbed" Xanthosia 10 "Fruits with stiff spines" 11 10 "Fruits without spines, rarely with soft irregular appendages" 13 11 "Half of fruit covered with spines" Torilis 11 "Whole fruit covered with spines" 12 12 "Two halves of fruit almost cylindrical" Daucus 12 "Two halves of fruit distinctly compressed" Trachymene 13 "Inflorescence simple, or if branched then irregular and part-inflorescences few-flowered" 14 13 "Inflorescence compound, regularly branched into many-flowered secondary umbels, i.e. dense terminal umbrella-shaped inflorescence" 34 14 "Fruit with 2 wings at apex" "Trachymene {Trachymene ceratocarpa}" 14 "Fruit without wings at the apex" 15 15 "Leaves with stipules at the base" 16 15 "Leaves without stipules" 18 16 "Bracts at base of inflorescence at least half as long its flowers" Centella 16 "Bracts at base of inflorescence minute or absent" 17 17 "Leaf blade abruptly constricted into petiole; petals not laterally overlapping in bud" Hydrocotyle 17 "Leaf blade gradually constricted into petiole: petals laterally overlapping in bud" "Neosciadium {Neosciadium glochidiatum}" 18 "Fruit beaked and at least 10 times longer than flower" "Scandix {Scandix pecten-veneris}" 18 "Fruit truncate, or if somewhat beaked then up to 4 times longer than flower" 19 19 "Fruit without vertical ridges but often wrinkled, hairy, or with appendages" 20 19 "Fruits with vertical ridges" 29 20 "Ovary (or fruit) with 1 chamber and 1 ovule" Actinotus 20 "Ovary (or fruit) with 2 chambers each with 1 ovule" 21 21 "Two halves of fruit cylindrical or nearly so" "Bifora {Bifora testiculata}" 21 "Two halves of fruit laterally compressed" 22 22 "Plants with leaves in basal rosette" 23 22 "Plants with leaves along elongated stern" 25 23 "Leaf blade entire or almost so" Diplaspis 23 "Leaf blade lobed or pinnatifid (leaflets usually in pairs)" 24 24 "Leaf blade palmately lobed" "Dichosciadium {Dichosciadium ranunculaceum}" 24 "Leaf blade pinnatifid" Gingidia 25 "Inflorescence among leaves along stem" "Homalosciadium {Homalosciadium homalocarpum}" 25 "Inflorescence in terminal position" 26 26 "Leaves regularly pinnatifid" Gingidia 26 "Leaves deeply but irregularly divided" 27 27 "Prostrate plants forming dense mats" "Schizeilema {Schizeilema fragoseum}" 27 "Diffusely branched herb with at least some erect branches" 28 28 "Leaves sessile and divided almost to their base" Platysace 28 "Leaves petiolate and divided towards the apex, if at all" Trachymene 29 "Inflorescence simple" 30 29 "Inflorescence branched into secondary umbels with one to several flowers" 32 30 "Fruits elongate and somewhat constricted towards the apex; stalk (peduncle) below inflorescence longer than leaves" Oreomyrrhis 30 "Fruits ovate usually with blunt apex; stalk below inflorescence rarely as long as leaves" 31 31 "Halves of fruits with 9 ribs; inflorescence with 1 or few flowers" Xanthosia 31 "Halves of fruits with 5 marked ribs; inflorescence usually with 10 or more flowers" Apium 32 "Apex of petals spreading" Oschatzia 32 "Apex of petals curved inwards" 33 33 "Leaves petiolate, usually compound" Apium 33 "Leaves sessile, simple, but deeply lobed" Platysace 34 "Lobes of leaves linear and rarely more than 2 mm broad" 35 34 "Lobes of leaves rhombic, ovate, or elliptic" 39 35 "Fruits 12-14 mm long" "Ferula {Ferula communis subsp. communis}" 35 "Fruits 2-6 mm long" 36 36 "Petals yellow" 37 36 "Petals white" 38 37 "Little-branched annual" "Anethum {Anethum graveolens}" 37 "Much-branched perennial" "Foeniculum {Foeniculum vulgare}" 38 "Fruits smooth" "Coriandrum {Coriandrum sativum}" 38 "Fruits irregularly wrinkled" "Bifora {Bifora testiculata}" 39 "Petals yellow" 40 39 "Petals white" 42 40 "Fruits strongly compressed and winged" "Pastinaca {Pastinaca sativa subsp. sativa}" 40 "Halves of fruit terete or slightly compressed" 41 41 "Leaflets or lobes in groups of 3" "Petroselinum {Petroselinum crispum}" 41 "Leaflets at least 4 in a row" Gingidia 42 "Leaves pinnate" 43 42 "Leaves bipinnate or tripinnate" 45 43 "Leaflets rhombic in outline, usually trilobed and toothed" Apium 43 "Leaflets elliptic to lanceolate, serrate or toothed" 44 44 "Petiole jointed (with a ring part way from the base to the blade)" "Berula {Berula erecta}" 44 "Petiole unjointed" "Helosciadium {Helosciadium nodiflorum}" 45 "Bracts at base of inflorescence many and divided" Ammi 45 "Bracts at base of inflorescence 5, undivided" "Conium {Conium maculatum}"