1 "Plants ephemeral, 1–30 cm high; leaves fewer than 10" 2 1 "Plants perennial, 5–150 cm high; leaves more than 10" 6 2 "Calyx-tube globular, shorter than the lobes; calyx-lobes free; stigma strap- or fan-shaped with an apical brush or hairs; corolla-lobes folded at night or in dull weather" 3 2 "Calyx-tube linear, longer than the lobes; 2 calyx-lobes united almost to their tips; stigma cushion-like, hairy all over; corolla-lobes remaining spread until senescence" 5 3 "Corolla less than 5 mm across, white; stigma fan-shaped and brush-tipped" "Stylidium perpusillum" 3 "Corolla 6–15 mm across, white or pink; stigma strap-like and fringed, projecting beyond the anthers" 4 4 "Nectary spur of corolla as long or longer than subtending calyx-lobe" "Stylidium androsaceum" 4 "Nectary spur of corolla absent or shorter than subtending calyx-lobe" "Stylidium ecorne" 5 "Corolla 3–4 mm across, never fan-shaped, the lobes oriented in opposing pairs, white or pale pink without external stripes; throat appendages fewer than 6" "Stylidium despectum" 5 "Corolla 1.5–3.0 mm across, c. fan-shaped, pale pink with a deep rose stripe along outer side of each lobe, posterior lobes twice as long as anterior lobes; throat appendages 6" "Stylidium beaugleholei" 6 "Leaves not rosetted, crowded along the branches; far East Gippsland only" "Stylidium laricifolium" 6 "Leaves in basal rosettes or tufts" 7 7 "Leaves narrowly oblanceolate, incurved and closely packed, forming a basin, each often tipped by a long hair; flowers in a loose corymb or corymbose panicle; throat appendages absent; Grampians only" "Stylidium soboliferum" 7 "Leaves linear-lanceolate, never incurved, hair at leaf-tip absent; flowers in erect racemes; throat appendages 6–8" 8 8 "Leaf width less than 3 mm, more or less linear" 9 8 "Leaf width at least 3 mm or, if less than 3 mm, then leaf narrowly oblanceolate to oblanceolate" 10 9 "Flowers white to pale pink; plants generally not or only weakly rhizomatous; mainly sandy or clay soils from near sea-level to c. 500 m a.s.l." "Stylidium graminifolium" 9 "Flowers deep pink to magenta; plants typically strongly rhizomatous and forming compact clumps; restricted to peaty soils of montane to sub-alpine areas" "Stylidium montanum" 10 "Longest leaf (2–)5–40 cm, if longest leaf not greater than 11 cm then pilose; plants solitary or rhizomatous with 2–5 tufts; widespread from the coast to the subalps" "Stylidium armeria" 10 "Longest leaf 2–12 cm, glabrous; plants typically strongly rhizomatous and forming compact clumps of up to c. 50 tufts; restricted to moist, peaty soils of sub-alpine and alpine areas" "Stylidium montanum"