1 "Capitula bisexual, or if unisexual then sexes not very dissimilar; capitula not forming burrs in fruit, if sometimes with stiff barbed bristles, then borne in terminal heads" 2 1 "Capitula unisexual, male and females very dissimilar; male capitula in terminal clusters or racemes; female capitula in lower axils, enveloped in fused bracts forming hard spiny burrs at maturity (corolla and pappus absent)" 262 2 "Capitula with all florets tubular or some florets ligulate, mostly 3- or 4-lobed; lacking milky sap" 3 2 "Capitula with all florets ligulate, 5-lobed (commonly yellow); leaves, stems etc., exuding milky sap when broken" 239 3 "All florets tubular and/or some filiform, or if some ligulate, then ligules less than 3 mm long (but involucral bracts sometimes coloured and resembling ligules, or, rarely lobes of corolla long and resembling ligules)" 4 3 "Outer florets with ligules longer than 3 mm" 168 4 "Involucral bracts not spine-tipped; receptacle usually glabrous; styles usually glabrous" 5 4 "Involucral bracts (and often leaves) spine-tipped or comb-like at apex; receptacle usually with scales, bristles or hairs; styles usually with hairs below stigma branches (thistles and similar plants)" 156 5 "Inflorescence of simple capitula, solitary, or if variously grouped (in cymes, panicles etc.) then not surrounded by a common involucre" 6 5 "Inflorescence a compound head, with capitula clustered on a common receptacle, the whole usually surrounded by an involucre of scales or leaves" 139 6 "Leaves opposite at least at base, rarely in whorls" 7 6 "Leaves all alternate and/or radical" 18 7 "Leaves lobed to deeply divided" 8 7 "Leaves entire or toothed" 10 8 "Involucral bracts fused into tube; plant strongly odorous" "Tagetes {Tagetes minuta}" 8 "Involucral bracts free; plants usually odourless" 9 9 "Pappus of 2–4 stiff, barbed awns; receptacle scales present (but not persistent)" Bidens 9 "Pappus of 8–10 membranous scales (sometimes darkly striated at the apex); receptacle scales absent" "Schkuhria {Schkuhria pinnata}" 10 "Involucral bracts 5, fused for more than half their length; capitula solitary, on short decurved peduncles from upper axils; extensively rhizomatous subshrubs" "Iva {Iva axillaris}" 10 "Plants not combining the above characteristics" 11 11 "Cypselas narrow-cylindric with a long straight or curved beak; outer florets strongly decurved in upper part, overhanging involucre" Millotia 11 "Cypselas and florets lacking the above combination of characters" 12 12 "Pappus present, at least half as long as cypsela body" 13 12 "Pappus absent or very small" 15 13 "Pappus of 5–40 scabrid bristles not expanded at base; cypselas 1–2.5 mm long" Ageratina 13 "Pappus of 2–4 retrorsely barbed awns or 3–8 bristles expanded at base; cypselas 2.8–12 mm long" 14 14 "Pappus shorter than cypsela body, of 2–4 stiff, barbed awns; leaves usually lobed or compound, 6 cm long or more" Bidens 14 "Pappus longer than cypsela body, of 3–8 c. lanceolate scales, tapering to bristle- like tips; leaves simple, more or less conduplicate, under 2 cm long" "Quinetia {Quinetia urvillei}" 15 "All florets bisexual, similar in appearance" Gymnocoronis 15 "Outer florets female with only style present, filiform or ligulate, sometimes ligule very short, inner florets bisexual or functionaly male" 16 16 "Cypselas flat with involute herbaceous wings with large incurved appendages at the apex; small annuals of north-west" "Ceratogyne {Ceratogyne obionoides}" 16 "Cypselas obovoid to obloid, lacking wings or appendages; annuals or perennials" 17 17 "Capitula sessile, axillary; involucral bracts scarious, all erect or incurved, non-glandular; receptacle without scales; leaves under 1 cm long; rare north-western herb to c. 10 cm high" "Haegiela {Haegiela tatei}" 17 "Capitula pedunculate, in terminal cymes; involucral bracts herbaceous, the outer ones spreading, inner ones erect, usually glandular; receptacle with scales; leaves mostly longer than 2 cm; erect to spreading herbs mostly more than 30 cm high" Sigesbeckia 18 "Involucral bracts in 2 or more whorls and free, or inflorescence a compound head" 19 18 "Involucral bracts in 1 series (sometimes a few much shorter bracts present at base of involucre), usually fused (at least at base); capitula simple" 123 19 "Inflorescence of simple capitula, or if ever apparently a compound head, then capitula heterogamous (with inner floret or florets bisexual and the outer female)" 20 19 "Inflorescence a compound head, individual capitula homogamous, clustered on a common receptacle, the whole with or without a common involucre of scales or leaves" 106 20 "Pappus absent or reduced to a vestigial scarious cup" 21 20 "Pappus of bristles or scales at least subequal to the cypsela" 45 21 "Capitula 4–6-flowered, crowded into small clusters; at least the inner 2 capitular bracts with slightly hardened, hooked apices; leaves spathulate, grey-cottony" Stuartina 21 "If capitula ever clustered then inner capitular bracts never with hooked apices" 22 22 "Leaves entire, toothed or shallowly lobed" 23 22 "Leaves deeply lobed to pinnate (sometimes with several orders of division)" 38 23 "Cypselas distinctly (but sometimes very shortly) beaked" 24 23 "Cypselas without distinct beak" 25 24 "Cypselas with a short beak (much less than half the length of the entire cypsela), glandular near apex; capitula on long, erect peduncles; leaves mostly rosetted or contracted near base" Lagenophora 24 "Cypselas with a long beak (more than half the length of the entire cypsela), woolly near apex; c. prostrate herbs; leaves mostly cauline" Millotia 25 "Subshrubby biennials or short-lived perennials to c. 3 m high, highly aromatic, with large, stem-clasping leaves (at least near base); inflorescence a large, drooping terminal panicle" "Calomeria {Calomeria amaranthoides}" 25 "Habit not as above" 26 26 "Receptacle with scales; capitula surrounded by numerous white, papery involucral bracts; stems usually winged to some extent" 27 26 "Receptacle naked; habit otherwise not as above" 28 27 "Herb; stems strongly winged; far east only" "Ammobium {Ammobium alatum}" 27 "Shrub; stems slightly winged from decurrent leaf-bases; western" "Ixodia {Ixodia achillaeoides}" 28 "All florets tubular to campanulate" 29 28 "Outer florets reduced, filiform or with a small ligule; differing in shape from the inner florets" 32 29 "Involucral bracts multiseriate; shrubs" Cassinia 29 "Involucral bracts in 2 series; herbs" 30 30 "Annual herbs with wiry stems; corolla woolly at base, glandular near apex" Eriochlamys 30 "Annual or perennial herbs lacking wiry stems; corolla glabrous, non-glandular" 31 31 "Cypselas non-pedicellate, the outer ones glabrous, not winged; inner cypselas not developing; very rare creeping herb of high-alpine areas" "Abrotanella {Abrotanella nivigena}" 31 "Cypselas pedicellate, dimorphic, the outer ones glandular-hairy, winged; the inner ones sparsely glandular-hairy, with narrow marginal ridge" Cotula 32 "Pappus of bristle-like hairs present when flowering, caducous from mature cypselas; involucral bracts clawed, the inner ones with papery white or coloured lamina" Hyalosperma 32 "Pappus absent or minute throughout floral development; involucral bracts not clawed, all green and herbaceous or sometimes with a membranous or pigmented margin" 33 33 "Leaves all rosetted at base" Solenogyne 33 "Leaves along erect or creeping stems and at base" 34 34 "Capitula solitary on terminal peduncles" Cotula 34 "Capitula in terminal panicles or racemes, or axillary and nearly sessile" 35 35 "Outer florets with small, deeply 3-lobed yellow ligules" "Madia {Madia sativa}" 35 "Outer florets tubular to filiform" 36 36 "Cypselas with 3–5 obtuse ribs, often terminating below apex of cypsela; plants aromatic; involucral bracts c. 2-seriate" Centipeda 36 "Cypselas with 8–10 fine ribs, continuing to apex of cypsela; plants more or less inodorous; involucral bracts 3–4-seriate" 37 37 "Capitula globose to ovoid in terminal panicles; leaves sessile; erect perennials" "Ethuliopsis {Ethuliopsis cunninghamii}" 37 "Capitula broadly hemispherical, solitary in leaf axils; leaves with a petiole-like base; prostrate to ascending annual to perennial" "Sphaeromorphaea {Sphaeromorphaea littoralis}" 38 "Cypselas broadly winged, sharply contracted above into 1 or more apical spines; prostrate herb with capitula sessile amongst the leaves" "Iva {Iva axillaris}" 38 "Cypselas and habit not as above" 39 39 "Capitula numerous in dense compound corymbs or panicles; rhizomatous peren- nials with c. erect stems" 40 39 "Capitula solitary or in few-flowered corymbs (rarely dense-flowered in annual Matricaria suffruticosa); annuals or decumbent perennials" 42 40 "Outer florets with ligules to c. 3 mm long" Achillea 40 "Outer florets without ligules" 41 41 "Capitula dull yellow or reddish, in leafy panicles" Artemisia 41 "Capitula bright yellow, in dense corymbs" Tanacetum 42 "Florets sessile on the receptacle which appears slightly pitted when cypselas have fallen" 43 42 "Florets minutely pedicellate, the pedicel persisting on the receptacle when ripe cypselas have fallen" 44 43 "Receptacle c. conical, hollow; leaves green, glabrescent" Matricaria 43 "Receptacle flat or convex, solid; leaves grey-green, pubescent" Oncosiphon 44 "Disc florets usually fertile, style bifid; cypselas with blunt-tipped hairs on surface; plants c. erect or decumbent, sometimes rooting at nodes" Cotula 44 "Disc florets sterile, style ending in a circular disc; cypselas glabrous; plants c. prostrate, creeping, rooting at nodes" Leptinella 45 "Plants dioecious, with capitula functionally unisexual; uncommon plants of mallee, central goldfields or higher alps" 46 45 "Plants not dioecius; capitula with all florets bisexual or marginal florets female and inner florets bisexual or functionally male" 49 46 "Prostrate herbs of higher alps" 47 46 "Erect or ascending herbs or shrubs to 2 m high of mallee or central goldfields" 48 47 "Leaves c. obovate, densely silvery- or brownish-sericeous; involucral bracts with short white papery lamina; cypselas appressed-hairy, with deciduous pappus" "Ewartia {Ewartia nubigena}" 47 "Leaves linear, mucronate, glabrous; involucral bracts lacking white papery lamina; cypselas glabrous, with persistent pappus" "Parantennaria {Parantennaria uniceps}" 48 "Leaves black gland-dotted, resinous, glabrous" Baccharis 48 "Leaves not gland-dotted or resinous, surfaces white-grey-tomentose" "Cratystylis {Cratystylis conocephala}" 49 "Pappus of 2 straight, diverging, retrorsely barbed awns 1–3 (–5) mm long; rare, few-leaved perennial herb of far east" "Glossocardia {Glossocardia bidens}" 49 "Pappus not as above" 50 50 "Pappus cup-like or crown-like of free or united scales (sometimes fringed along margin)" 51 50 "Pappus of smooth, barbed or plumose bristles (sometimes broadened and scale- like at base)" 57 51 "Florets each subtended by a scarious scale which persists on the receptacle; stems prominently winged; white-woolly herb of far east" "Ammobium {Ammobium alatum}" 51 "Florets not each subtended by a scale; stems not winged" 52 52 "Cypselas densely hairy or with long white antrorse hairs" 53 52 "Cypselas glabrous or with scattered globose hairs or glands" 55 53 "Involucral bracts 6–11 (–14) mm long; capitula 2.5–4 cm diam." Gaillardia 53 "Involucral bracts 2.5–5 mm long; capitula less than 1 cm diam." 54 54 "Decumbent to ascending herb; capitula terminal, pedunculate, exceeding leaves" Elachanthus 54 "Tufted, grass-like herb; capitula basal, sessile amongst leaves and greatly exceeded by them" "Isoetopsis {Isoetopsis graminifolia}" 55 "Leaves deeply dissected; ray floret ligulate, solitary; pappus scales dark-striated" "Schkuhria {Schkuhria pinnata}" 55 "Leaves entire; ray florets absent; pappus scales not darkly striated" 56 56 "Perennial; leaves longer than 1 cm; capitula pedunculate" Rutidosis 56 "Annual; leaves linear, c. fleshy, under 1 cm long; capitula sessile" "Siloxerus {Siloxerus multiflorus}" 57 "Shrubs, with persistent, woody stems" 58 57 "Annual or perennial herbs, rarely subshrubs then woody only near base" 62 58 "Involucral bracts herbaceous, usually green (sometimes tinged purple or obscured by hairs); inflorescence usually with few capitula or capitula solitary" 59 58 "Involucral bracts scarious, glabrous, white, yellow or reddish; inflorescence usu- ally a corymb of many capitula" 60 59 "Capitula with all florets similar; capitula button-like, bright yellow, each with at least 100 florets; garden-escape in near-coastal areas" "Chrysocoma {Chrysocoma coma-aurea}" 59 "Capitula with outer fertile female florets surrounding bisexual florets; total number of florets usually far fewer than 100 per capitulum (except in O. frostii, endemic on the Bogong High Plains); native species" Olearia 60 "Receptacle bracts present (resembling involucral bracts but narrower and usually thinner-textured); involucral bracts all c. erect, straight or apices incurved, not or hardly apically dilated" Cassinia 60 "Receptacle bracts (subtending individual florets) absent, or if ever present, then inner involucral bracts with spreading, usually dilated apical part" 61 61 "Semi-woody shrub with broadly elliptic leaves 5-10 mm long, 3-6 mm wide, densely white tomentose beneath, grey-green above; rays of involucral bracts white, spreading." "Plecostachys (Plecostachys serpyllifolia)" 61 "Woody, native shrubs; combined characters not as above" Ozothamnus 62 "Outer florets with small ligules" 63 62 "Outer florets not differentiated from inner florets, or at least without ligules" 72 63 "Outer involucral bracts sessile; inner bracts with scarious lamina on longer, herbaceous to hardened claws" Podolepis 63 "Outer involucral bracts not differing markedly from the inner ones; inner bracts lacking claws" 64 64 "Ligules and disc florets all yellow" 65 64 "Ligules white to blue, purple or pink; disc florets usually a contrasting colour, typically yellow or violet" 67 65 "Dwarf shrub with terete, somewhat fleshy leaves; gypseous areas of the north-west" "Kippistia {Kippistia suaedifolia}" 65 "Herbs with flat non-succulent leaves" 66 66 "Annual, sticky and aromatic due to glandular hairs; anthers tailed at the base" "Dittrichia {Dittrichia graveolens}" 66 "Perennial with rhizomes, non-glandular; anthers obtuse at the base" Solidago 67 "Disc florets sterile, producing abortive cypselas with pappus differing from those of ray florets" Minuria 67 "Disc florets fertile; pappus of both ray and disc florets similar" 68 68 "Capitula numerous in panicles or corymbs; erect herbs with numerous cauline leaves (a basal rosette sometimes present)" 69 68 "Capitula solitary or in loose groups of 2–4; leaves mainly basal, usually rosetted; alpine or subalpine herbs" 71 69 "Plants with conspicuous hairs on stems and leaves" Erigeron 69 "Plants glabrous or nearly so (sometimes glandular-pubescent immediately below inflorescence)" 70 70 "Peduncles and involucral bracts glabrous; widespread weed" Symphyotrichum 70 "Peduncles and involucral bracts glandular-pubescent; rare native of alpine areas, usually in rocky sites" Erigeron 71 "Cypselas 2–2.5 mm long, sparsely pubescent; capitula in loose groups of 2–4" Erigeron 71 "Cypselas 2.5–8 mm long, glabrous or very sparsely glandular; capitula solitary" Pappochroma 72 "Involucral bracts with fringed or comb-like apices, or with a lacerated apical appendage" Leuzea 72 "Involucral bracts entire (commonly), or ciliate to lacerated along all or most of the margin (i.e. divisions not confined to apex)" 73 73 "Involucral bracts (at least outer ones) with ciliate or plumose margins" 74 73 "Involucral bracts lacking ciliate margins (but outer ones sometimes woolly or lacerate)" 79 74 "Lamina of involucral bracts conspicuous, lanceolate, papery, yellow to reddish; cypselas with a distinct filiform, sterile neck" "Waitzia {Waitzia acuminata}" 74 "Lamina of involucral bracts inconspicuous, c. linear, scarious to papery, if con- spicuously white or coloured then cypselas lacking a neck" 75 75 "Capitula terminal on short branches, sessile, usually surrounded by a cluster of leaves" "Triptilodiscus {Triptilodiscus pygmaeus}" 75 "Capitula terminal on long peduncles; not surrounded by a cluster of leaves" 76 76 "Lamina of involucral bracts filiform, densely plumose" Asteridea 76 "Lamina of involucral bracts flat, ciliate" 77 77 "Corollas not extending beyond the level of the involucre; cypselas unribbed, with- out a distinct neck" Chrysocephalum 77 "Corollas extending beyond the level of the involucre; cypselas 3- or 4-ribbed, often with a distinct sterile neck" 78 78 "Pappus bristles 16–24; cypselas smooth; outer involucral bracts linear" Leiocarpa 78 "Pappus bristles less than 16 or if greater than 16 then cypsela scabrous and/or involucral bracts elliptic, ovate or lanceolate" Leptorhynchos 79 "Involucral bracts uniseriate or almost so, equal, herbaceous" Millotia 79 "Involucral bracts multiseriate, frequently with inner bracts longer than the outer ones, herbaceous to scarious or coloured" 80 80 "Involucral bracts completely herbaceous or with membranous or scarious margins and apex, herbaceous region sometimes reduced and apex expanded; petaloid, papery white or coloured lamina absent" 81 80 "Involucral bracts with lamina (or at least apex of bract) papery and opaque, white or coloured; with or without a cartilaginous base or claw" 98 81 "Stems narrowly winged from decurrent leaf bases (wings c.0.2–2 mm wide); leaf margins dentate, denticulate or crenate (or sometimes entire in Pterocaulon); florets pink; pappus 1-seriate; rare species of floodplain area of far north west" 82 81 "Stems without wings, leaf bases not decurrent; leaf margins various, usually entire; floret colour various, usually yellow, if ever pink or purple then either leaves entire or pappus 2-seriate" 83 82 "Capitula solitary or if congested, not in spherical, spike-like or raceme-like secondary heads; involucral bracts 3–4-seriate, inner bracts longer than outer ones; disc florets (1–)4–30(–50)" Pluchea 82 "Capitula in congested spherical or spike-like or raceme-like secondary heads; involucral bracts 2-seriate, all similar in size; disc floret solitary (rarely 2)" Pterocaulon 83 "Outer filiform florets in 2-several whorls" 84 83 "Filiform florets fewer than tubular bisexual florets or absent" 91 84 "Capitula pedunculate, usually in large panicles, not subtended by a whorl of leaves; involucral bracts herbaceous, sometimes with scarious margins; plants not woolly (but often hispid or strigose)" Erigeron 84 "Capitula sessile to subsessile, usually in dense globose to spicate clusters (often subtended by a leaf or whorl of leaves), or solitary, or few in pedunculate, corymbose inflorescence; involucral bracts scarious; plants woolly to appressed-cottony, especially lower leaf surface" 85 85 "Capitula c. obconical, in small clusters surrounded and overtopped by leaves, and/or branches; innermost involucral bracts pouched and enveloping the outermost florets" "Logfia {Logfia gallica}" 85 "Capitula and inner involucral bracts not as above" 86 86 "Involucral bracts tapered into fine, awn-like apices c. 1 mm long; stems usually dichotomously (sometimes trichotomously) branched with a sessile cluster of capitula within each fork" "Filago {Filago pyramidata}" 86 "Involucral bracts not awn-tipped; stems not typically dichotomously branched" 87 87 "Capitula at least as wide as long, creamy; inner involucral bracts with a broad, cartilaginous claw especially visible after florets are shed" "Laphangium {Laphangium luteoalbum}" 87 "Capitula campanulate to urceolate, distinctly longer than wide, white or green- or pink-tinged; inner involucral bracts with a herbaceous central region but no dis- tinctive claw" 88 88 "Capitula in spike-like or paniculate inflorescence; clusters of capitula usually sub- tended by a single leaf; cypselas with globose hairs" Gamochaeta 88 "Capitula in c. hemispherical clusters subtended by a whorl of leaves, or solitary, or few in pedunculate, corymbose inflorescence" 89 89 "Plants not stoloniferous or with prostrate stems; involucres less than 3 mm long" Gnaphalium 89 "Plants stoloniferous or with prostrate stems producing roots; involucres longer than 3 mm" 90 90 "Prostrate plants with stems upturning at tips and retaining living leaves while older stem retains older leaf bases and produces adventitious roots; cypselas at least 1 mm long; involucral bracts entire" Argyrotegium 90 "Rooted leaf rosettes linked by stolons with long internodes and no roots; cypselas to 1 mm long or if longer then involucral bracts deeply lacerated at apex" Euchiton 91 "Creeping, aromatic herb with glandular hairs; cypselas on short pedicels which persist on the receptacle; florets all tubular; pappus bristles 5" "Podotheca {Podotheca angustifolia}" 91 "Habit not creeping, lacking the above combination of characters" 92 92 "Receptacle with scales; plant a white-tomentose, aromatic herb 1–2 m high, with large, stem-clasping leaves; mostly near-coastal, but also Grampians" "Apalochlamys {Apalochlamys spectabilis}" 92 "Receptacle lacking scales; plant lacking the above combination of characters" 93 93 "Involucral bracts resinous, recurved to hooked at apex; leaves gland-dotted and resinous" Grindelia 93 "Involucral bracts not with the above combination of features; leaves not gland-dotted or resinous" 94 94 "Pappus 2-seriate; outer bristles shorter than the inner; not fused; rare herb or subshrub of far east" "Cyanthillium {Cyanthillium cinereum}" 94 "Pappus l-seriate; shortly fused at the base and/or plumose from the base" 95 95 "Pappus bristles plumose from the base" 96 95 "Pappus bristles barbellate or plumose only near tip" 97 96 "Cypselas glabrous or with globose, mucilage-producing cells" Hyalosperma 96 "Cypselas hairy, lacking mucilage-producing cells" Rhodanthe 97 "Involucral bracts linear or oblong, green and herbaceous throughout except for a small membranous apex" Leiocarpa 97 "Involucral bracts with a conspicuous, broad and membranous or scarious apex, base cartilaginous and clawed or herbaceous and reduced and broadly triangular" Leptorhynchos 98 "Pappus plumose from the base (expanded basal region sometimes not or hardly ciliate)" 99 98 "Pappus barbellate or plumose only at the tip" 101 99 "Cypselas hairy, lacking mucilage-producing cells" Rhodanthe 99 "Cypselas glabrous or with globose, mucilage-producing cells" 100 100 "Cypselas oblong to obovoid, smooth or papillose; pappus united in a ring at the base and falling as a unit; leaves semi-terete" Hyalosperma 100 "Cypselas ellipsoid, warty; pappus persistent, eventually breaking shortly above base; leaves more or less flat" Leucochrysum 101 "Corollas reddish, at least toward apex" "Vellereophyton {Vellereophyton dealbatum}" 101 "Florets yellow" 102 102 "Involucral bracts consisting of mainly a relatively broad, tough, stiffly scarious lamina, the cartilaginous base broad and greatly reduced" Xerochrysum 102 "Involucral bracts with lamina papery or thinly scarious, and at least some of the bracts (usually intermediate) with elongated claws" 103 103 "Cypselas strongly constricted toward apex, often beaked; lamina of involucral bracts often ciliate on margins" Leptorhynchos 103 "Cypselas not strongly constricted toward apex, not beaked; lamina of involucral bracts not ciliate (but claws sometimes cottony)" 104 104 "Cypselas with scattered papillae and a distinct thickened pale basal collar (carpopodium)" Argentipallium 104 "Cypselas glabrous, or if ever with a few sparse papillae, lacking an indistinct basal collar (carpopodium)" 105 105 "Pappus bristles 80–100; involucral bracts white with broad herbaceous non-glandular claws" Helichrysum 105 "Pappus bristles 0–30; involucral bracts yellow or if white then with glandular claws" Coronidium 106 "Common involucre surrounding the compound head of numerous scarious, opaque white or yellow bracts" 107 106 "Common involucre of few green leaves, scales or absent" 108 107 "Pappus of a single bristle; leaves narrow-linear, grass-like, glabrous or cobwebbed; compound heads sessile; plants under 10 cm high" "Myriocephalus {Myriocephalus rhizocephalus}" 107 "Pappus of 9–15 bristles; leaves linear to lanceolate, glandular-pubescent; compound heads pedunculate; plants 10–50 cm high" "Polycalymma {Polycalymma stuartii}" 108 "Inflorescence sessile at ground-level, usually in a rosette of leaves; plants apparently stemless or stems prostrate" 109 108 "Inflorescence terminal on aerial or prostrate stems (sometimes stems branched just below inflorescence); if leaves ever rosetted then inflorescence stalked" 110 109 "Pappus present, of 4 or 5 stiff bristles fused at the base; stems absent or present; leaves spathulate to obovate; compound heads c. globular" "Actinobole {Actinobole uliginosum}" 109 "Pappus absent; stemless annual with a rosette of linear-oblong leaves; compound head broad and flattish" "Chthonocephalus {Chthonocephalus pseudevax}" 110 "Pappus absent" 111 110 "Pappus present (but very short, crown-like in Trichanthodium) on at least the inner florets" 114 111 "Corolla hairy; common involucre absent; individual capitula many-flowered" Eriochlamys 111 "Corolla lacking hairs; common involucre present; individual capitula 1–3-flowered" 112 112 "Involucral bracts papillate at tips; leaves hairy at the base only" "Pogonolepis {Pogonolepis muelleriana}" 112 "Involucral bracts not papillate at tips; leaves usually densely hairy" 113 113 "Stems and leaves with cottony hairs" Angianthus 113 "Stems and leaves with scale-like or bladder-like glandular hairs" Gnephosis 114 "Pappus of 8–12 subplumose bristles, united at the base for about half the length of corolla-tube; plants prostrate, with reddish, wiry stems terminating in very woolly compound heads" "Lemooria {Lemooria burkittii}" 114 "Pappus not as above; plants lacking the above combination of features" 115 115 "Stems and leaves with scale-like or bladder-like glandular hairs" Gnephosis 115 "Stems and leaves with cottony hairs or glabrous" 116 116 "Pappus inconspicuous, if ever almost as long as corolla, then only of 3–6 slender bristles; inflorescences elongate or c. globose; small annuals of mallee areas in north-west" 117 116 "Pappus conspicuous, usually at least as long as corolla, and of 6 or more bristles; inflorescences c. globose to hemispherical; annuals or perennials" 118 117 "Compound heads elongate, ellipsoid to ovoid (often narrowly), general involucre absent or inconspicuous, less than half as long as compound heads" Angianthus 117 "Compound heads c. globose, with a general involucre of leaf-like bracts at least half as long as compound heads" Trichanthodium 118 "Involucral bracts tapered into fine, awn-like apices c. 1 mm long; stems usually dichotomously (sometimes trichotomously) branched with a sessile cluster of capitula within each fork" "Filago {Filago pyramidata}" 118 "Involucral bracts not awn-tipped; habit not as above" 119 119 "Compound heads overtopped by subtending leaves or leaf-like involucral bracts" "Blennospora {Blennospora drummondii}" 119 "Compound heads not exceeded by subtending leaves or bracts" 120 120 "Cypselas glabrous to papillose" 121 120 "Cypselas hairy" 122 121 "Few-branched (or mostly basally branched) herbaceous perennials or annuals; not truly coastal" Calocephalus 121 "Much-branched, intricate, shrubby perennial of coastal dunes and cliffs" "Leucophyta {Leucophyta brownii}" 122 "Capitula pedunculate within the compound head; bracts and pappus hairs white (or bracts brown-tinged)" Craspedia 122 "Capitula sessile within the compound head; bracts and pappus hairs yellow" Pycnosorus 123 "Leaves opposite at least at base, rarely in whorls" 124 123 "Leaves all alternate and/or radical" 135 124 "Leaves lobed to deeply divided" 125 124 "Leaves entire or toothed" 127 125 "Involucral bracts fused into tube; plant strongly odorous" "Tagetes {Tagetes minuta}" 125 "Involucral bracts free; plants usually odourless" 126 126 "Pappus of 2–4 stiff, barbed awns; receptacle scales present (but not persistent)" Bidens 126 "Pappus of 8–10 membranous scales (sometimes darkly striated at the apex); receptacle scales absent" "Schkuhria {Schkuhria pinnata}" 127 "Involucral bracts 5, fused for more than half their length; capitula solitary, on short decurved peduncles from upper axils; extensively rhizomatous subshrubs" "Iva {Iva axillaris}" 127 "Plants not combining the above characteristics" 128 128 "Cypselas narrow-cylindric with a long straight or curved beak; outer florets strongly decurved in upper part, overhanging involucre" Millotia 128 "Cypselas and florets lacking the above combination of characters" 129 129 "Pappus present, at least half as long as cypsela body" 130 129 "Pappus absent or very small" 132 130 "Pappus of 5–40 scabrid bristles not expanded at base; cypselas 1–2.5 mm long" Ageratina 130 "Pappus of 2–4 retrorsely barbed awns or 3–8 bristles expanded at base; cypselas 2.8–12 mm long" 131 131 "Pappus shorter than cypsela body, of 2–4 stiff, barbed awns; leaves usually lobed or compound, 6 cm long or more" Bidens 131 "Pappus longer than cypsela body, of 3–8 c. lanceolate scales, tapering to bristle-like tips; leaves simple, more or less conduplicate, under 2 cm long" "Quinetia {Quinetia urvillei}" 132 "All florets bisexual, similar in appearance" Gymnocoronis 132 "Outer florets female with only style present, filiform or ligulate, sometimes ligule very short, inner florets bisexual or functionaly male" 133 133 "Cypselas flat with involute herbaceous wings with large incurved appendages at the apex; small annuals of north-west" "Ceratogyne {Ceratogyne obionoides}" 133 "Cypselas obovoid to obloid, lacking wings or appendages; annuals or perennials" 134 134 "Capitula sessile, axillary; involucral bracts scarious, all erect or incurved, non-glandular; receptacle without scales; leaves under 1 cm long; rare north-western herb to c. 10 cm high" "Haegiela {Haegiela tatei}" 134 "Capitula pedunculate, in terminal cymes; involucral bracts herbaceous, the outer ones spreading, inner ones erect, usually glandular; receptacle with scales; leaves mostly longer than 2 cm; erect to spreading herbs mostly more than 30 cm high" Sigesbeckia 135 "Tall shrubs or trees of montane forests, with leaves to c. 25 cm long, white-woolly beneath" "Bedfordia {Bedfordia arborescens}" 135 "Herbs, subshrubs (sometimes scandent) or twiners" 136 136 "Marginal florets sterile; erect purplish perennial of far east and north-east" "Arrhenechthites {Arrhenechthites mixtus}" 136 "Marginal florets fertile; leaves sometimes purplish beneath but plant not overall purplish" 137 137 "Cypselas narrow-cylindric with a long straight or curved beak; outer florets strongly decurved in upper part and overhanging involucre" Millotia 137 "Cypselas and florets lacking the above combination of characters" 138 138 "Plants climbing, twining or trailing; leaves ivy-like, thin-textured; stipules present, reniform" "Delairea {Delairea odorata}" 138 "Plants erect or decumbent, or if ever scandent then leaves thick-textured; stipules absent" Senecio 139 "Common involucre surrounding the compound head of numerous scarious, opaque white or yellow bracts" 140 139 "Common involucre of few green leaves, scales or absent" 141 140 "Pappus of a single bristle; leaves narrow-linear, grass-like, glabrous or cobwebbed; compound heads sessile; plants under 10 cm high" "Myriocephalus {Myriocephalus rhizocephalus}" 140 "Pappus of 9–15 bristles; leaves linear to lanceolate, glandular-pubescent; com- pound heads pedunculate; plants 10–50 cm high" "Polycalymma {Polycalymma stuartii}" 141 "Inflorescence sessile at ground-level, usually in a rosette of leaves; plants appar- ently stemless or stems prostrate" 142 141 "Inflorescence terminal on aerial or prostrate stems (sometimes stems branched just below inflorescence); if leaves ever rosetted then inflorescence stalked" 143 142 "Pappus present, of 4 or 5 stiff bristles fused at the base; stems absent or present; leaves spathulate to obovate; compound heads c. globular" "Actinobole {Actinobole uliginosum}" 142 "Pappus absent; stemless annual with a rosette of linear-oblong leaves; compound head broad and flattish" "Chthonocephalus {Chthonocephalus pseudevax}" 143 "Pappus absent" 144 143 "Pappus present (but very short, crown-like in Trichanthodium) on at least the inner florets" 147 144 "Corolla hairy; common involucre absent; individual capitula many-flowered" Eriochlamys 144 "Corolla lacking hairs; common involucre present; individual capitula 1–3-flowered" 145 145 "Involucral bracts papillate at tips; leaves hairy at the base only" "Pogonolepis {Pogonolepis muelleriana}" 145 "Involucral bracts not papillate at tips; leaves usually densely hairy" 146 146 "Stems and leaves with cottony hairs" Angianthus 146 "Stems and leaves with scale-like or bladder-like glandular hairs" Gnephosis 147 "Pappus of 8–12 subplumose bristles, united at the base for about half the length of corolla-tube; plants prostrate, with reddish, wiry stems terminating in very woolly compound heads" "Lemooria {Lemooria burkittii}" 147 "Pappus not as above; plants lacking the above combination of features" 148 148 "Stems and leaves with scale-like or bladder-like glandular hairs" Gnephosis 148 "Stems and leaves with cottony hairs or glabrous" 149 149 "Pappus inconspicuous, if ever almost as long as corolla, then only of 3–6 slender bristles; inflorescences elongate or c. globose; small annuals of mallee areas in north-west" 150 149 "Pappus conspicuous, usually at least as long as corolla, and of 6 or more bristles; inflorescences c. globose to hemispherical; annuals or perennials" 151 150 "Compound heads elongate, ellipsoid to ovoid (often narrowly), general involucre absent or inconspicuous, less than half as long as compound heads" Angianthus 150 "Compound heads c. globose, with a general involucre of leaf-like bracts at least half as long as compound heads" Trichanthodium 151 "Involucral bracts tapered into fine, awn-like apices c. 1 mm long; stems usually dichotomously (sometimes trichotomously) branched with a sessile cluster of capitula within each fork" "Filago {Filago pyramidata}" 151 "Involucral bracts not awn-tipped; habit not as above" 152 152 "Compound heads overtopped by subtending leaves or leaf-like involucral bracts" "Blennospora {Blennospora drummondii}" 152 "Compound heads not exceeded by subtending leaves or bracts" 153 153 "Cypselas glabrous to papillose" 154 153 "Cypselas hairy" 155 154 "Few-branched (or mostly basally branched) herbaceous perennials or annuals; not truly coastal" Calocephalus 154 "Much-branched, intricate, shrubby perennial of coastal dunes and cliffs" "Leucophyta {Leucophyta brownii}" 155 "Capitula pedunculate within the compound head; bracts and pappus hairs white (or bracts brown-tinged)" Craspedia 155 "Capitula sessile within the compound head; bracts and pappus hairs yellow" Pycnosorus 156 "Receptacle lacking scales or bristles; plants often white-woolly" Onopordum 156 "Receptacle with scales, bristles or hairs" 157 157 "Receptacle with scales (sometimes very narrow) that are flattened at least toward base" 158 157 "Receptacle with capillary bristles or hairs" 162 158 "Leaves spinose" 159 158 "Leaves not spinose" 161 159 "Leaves and bracts with strongly recurved margins; florets yellow; pappus a small crown of minute fused scales" "Berkheya {Berkheya rigida}" 159 "Leaves and bracts with flat or incurved margins; florets purplish; pappus of plumose bristles" 160 160 "Capitula sessile; involucral bracts with a recurved terminal spine and 2–8 lateral spinules; leaves with lamina mostly less than 8 mm wide" Picnomon 160 "Capitula pedunculate; involucral bracts with a more or less straight terminal spine and lacking lateral spinules; leaves with lamina mostly more than 8 mm wide" Cirsium 161 "Outer florets with ligules c. 1.5 mm long, female, inner florets male; cypselas enclosed within swollen involucral bracts with uncinate prickles and 2 divergent terminal spines; pappus absent" Acanthospermum 161 "All florets tubular, bisexual; cypselas not enclosed within bracts; pappus present" Arctium 162 "Outer (and sometimes inner) involucral bracts loose and leaf-like" Carthamus 162 "Involucral bracts scale-like and more or less tightly appressed" 163 163 "Cypselas obliquely attached to receptacle" 164 163 "Cypselas vertically attached to receptacle" 167 164 "Leaves with spiny margins, often white-veined or variegated on upper surface" 165 164 "Leaves without spiny margins, usually uniformly coloured on upper surface" 166 165 "Capitula less than 3 cm diam.; involucral bracts entire; leaves not or weakly variegated" "Notobasis {Notobasis syriaca}" 165 "Capitula 3 cm diam. or more; involucral bracts with spiny margins; leaves strongly variegated" "Silybum {Silybum marianum}" 166 "Involucral bracts papery, margins lacerate or fringed; peduncles leafy; cypselas smooth; plants usually subshrubby" Centaurea 166 "Involucral bracts hard, leathery, entire; peduncles long and leafless; cypselas ribbed, finely wrinkled between ribs; plants cane-like, often nearly leafless at anthesis" "Mantisalca {Mantisalca salmantica}" 167 "Pappus hairs simple" Carduus 167 "Pappus hairs plumose" "Cynara {Cynara cardunculus}" 168 "Leaves all alternate and/or in basal rosette" 169 168 "Leaves opposite or whorled, at least near base of plant" 224 169 "Pappus of scales or bristles, usually prominent" 170 169 "Pappus absent or minute (less than 1 mm long), or cup-like" 201 170 "Involucral bracts 1-seriate (sometimes with a few much shorter bracteoles at base), often shortly fused at base" 171 170 "Involucral bracts 2-several seriate, usually free" 175 171 "Leaves more or less pinnately veined, more or less linear to ovate in outline (sometimes toothed)" 172 171 "Leaves palmately veined, palmate to reniform in shape" 174 172 "capitula solitary on a simple (rarely 1-branched) scape; glabrous alpine perennial with thickish toothed or lobed basal leaves" Scapisenecio 172 "capitula in >1-flowered inflorescences; leaves not all basal" 173 173 "Leaves quite glabrous, sessile, amplexicaul; peduncle hollow below the capitulum" Lordhowea 173 "Leaves hairy to some extent (sometimes merely sparsely arachnoid and glabrescent with age), sessile or petiolate, at least basal leaves non-auricuate; peduncle not hollow below the capitulum" Senecio 174 "Creeping rhizomatous herb; leaves suborbicular to reniform, not lobed" "Petasites {Petasites pyrenaicus}" 174 "Erect shrub or subshrub; leaves palmately 9–13-lobed" "Roldana {Roldana petasitis}" 175 "Receptacle with scales or setae" 176 175 "Receptacle lacking scales (but sometimes rough or pitted)" 181 176 "Receptacle with numerous stiff setae 1.5–3 mm long; ray florets red basally, yellow apically; cypselas with long antrorse hairs on lower half" Gaillardia 176 "Receptacle with scales; ray florets entirely yellow, orange or cream; cypselas glabrous or pubescent" 177 177 "Pappus persistent in 2 series, an outer series of 5 white obovate scales 4–6 mm long and an inner series of 5 bristle-like scales" Ursinia 177 "Pappus in a single series of 2 awns or minute scales" 178 178 "Weak herb to c. 50 cm high; leaves pinnatifid, mostly basal; capitula under 1 cm diam.; pappus of 2 straight, diverging, retrorsely barbed awns 1–3 (–5) mm long; rare herb of far east" "Glossocardia {Glossocardia bidens}" 178 "Tall, erect, coarsely hairy herb; leaves large, ovate, entire, all or mostly cauline; capitula at least 5 cm diam. (rarely only 1.5 cm diam.); pappus of 2–many minute, sometimes deciduous scales or of short bristles" 179 179 "Outer involucural bracts pungent, longer than ligules; papus of numerous scales" "Asteriscus {Asteriscus spinosus}" 179 "Involucural bracts not pungent, shorter than ligules; pappus of 2–5 minute, sometimes deciduous scales or of short bristles" 180 180 "Pappus of 2–5 usually deciduous scales; apex of ligules of ray florets scarcely toothed" Helianthus 180 "Pappus of short bristles; apex of ligules of ray florets lobed or distinctly toothed" "Verbesina {Verbesina encelioides}" 181 "Involucral bracts distinctly recurved to hooked at apex, resinous; leaves gland-dotted and resinous" Grindelia 181 "Involucral bracts ± straight, rarely resinous; leaves not gland-dotted, rarely resinous" 182 182 "Pappus of 2 or more rigid barbed awns or spines; fruiting capitula becoming burr- like at maturity" Calotis 182 "Pappus not of awns; fruiting capitula not burr-like" 183 183 "Involucral bracts distinctly connate at base; capitula showy; ligules yellow to orange with a blackish basal blotch; cypselas with pappus of scales" Gazania 183 "Involucral bracts free; if ligules with a blackish basal blotch, then cypselas either lacking a pappus or covered by copious woolly hairs" 184 184 "Leaves (at least some) divided or lobed" 185 184 "Leaves entire to toothed" 188 185 "Ray florets sterile (i.e. not developing cypselas); cypselas densely covered by pink- ish woolly hairs; pappus of small scales" Arctotheca 185 "Ray florets female, fertile; cypselas glabrous to hairy, but not with pinkish wool; pappus of scales or bristles" 186 186 "Cypselas with 3 wing-like ridges on one side; pappus of pinkish scales" "Arctotis {Arctotis stoechadifolia}" 186 "Cypselas sometimes ribbed, but lacking wing-like ridges; pappus of bristles" 187 187 "Pappus much shorter than body of cypsela" Brachyscome 187 "Pappus longer than body of cypsela" Vittadinia 188 "Inner involucral bracts dry and membranous, with or without a herbaceous base" 189 188 "All involucral bracts herbaceous, or sometimes the margins membranous" 192 189 "Cypselas abruptly constricted into a short neck below the broader apex" "Dittrichia {Dittrichia graveolens}" 189 "Cypselas ellipsoid to cylindric, without a subapical neck" 190 190 "Outer florets all tubular" Panaetia 190 "Outer florets each with a ligule-like limb, prominent and far exceeding the involucres in most species, but small and barely exceeding the involucres in some species" 191 191 "Involucral bract lamina narrow-elliptic, prominently wrinkled transversely; outer involucral bracts passing into stem leaves with no obvious peduncle present; stems few-branched, thick" Podolepis 191 "Involucral bract lamina oblong, indented on both sides about half way along, more or less smooth; outer involucral bracts not passing into stem leaves with the capitula on an obvious leaf-free peduncle; stems much-branched, wiry" Siemssenia 192 "Pappus reduced, much shorter than body of cypsela, of small scales or minute bristles" 193 192 "Pappus conspicuous, longer than body of cypsela, of numerous hairs or fine bristles" 194 193 "Pappus of small scales; body of cypsela covered by woolly hairs" Arctotheca 193 "Pappus of minute bristles; cypsela hairy or glabrous, but not covered by woolly hairs" Brachyscome 194 "Inflorescence a solitary capitulum 30 mm wide or more, borne on an unbranched scape; leaves all basal, densely silvery-pubescent, at least on undersurfaces; peren- nial alpine herbs" Celmisia 194 "Inflorescences usually of several capitula, if ever a single capitulum, then less than 30 mm wide, and leaves not at once basal or silvery-pubescent" 195 195 "Pappus bristles of disc florets fewer than those of ray florets, and interspersed with several or numerous, much shorter scale-like bristles" Minuria 195 "Pappus bristles of all florets uniform and capillary" 196 196 "Capitula solitary on long wiry peduncles; cypselas slightly contracted below pale apical rim; leaves c. ovate, distantly toothed; ray florets mauve to blue; garden- escaped shrub to c. 1 m high" Felicia 196 "Capitula usually in corymbose or paniculate inflorescences, if ever solitary on wiry peduncles, then characters otherwise not as above" 197 197 "Cypselas and pappus enlarging greatly after anthesis, the pappus finally far exceeding the involucre; apices of style-arms subulate; mostly small shrubs or subshrubs, ray florets bluish, often in 2 or more series" Vittadinia 197 "Cypselas and pappus not greatly enlarging after anthesis, the pappus usually slightly exceeding the involucre at maturity (if ever much exceeding the involu- cre then plants rosetted herbs); apices of style-arms lanceolate to triangular" 198 198 "Shrubs, subshrubs or small trees; ray florets 1-seriate (but ?doubles? occasionally produced)" Olearia 198 "Herbs; ray florets in 1-several-seriate" 199 199 "Capitula in corymbose or paniculate inflorescences on erect, leafy stems; ray florets 1–2-seriate; pappus bristles 1-seriate; garden-escaped rhizomatous perennials or slender, erect weeds" Symphyotrichum 199 "Capitula solitary on long peduncles; leaves rosetted or congested toward base of stem or plant a sprawling, much-branched herb (escaped from cultivation); ray florets 2-several seriate; pappus bristles 2-several-seriate" 200 200 "Cypselas 2.5–8 mm long, glabrous or very sparsely glandular; capitula solitary; ray florets ± erect" Pappochroma 200 "Cypselas 1–2.5 mm long, sparsely pubescent; capitulain a narrowly branched corymb or if solitary then ray florets widely spreading" Erigeron 201 "Cypselas beaked or with a contracted, subapical neck" Lagenophora 201 "Cypselas neither with a beak nor a subapical neck" 202 202 "Receptacles with scales" 203 202 "Receptacles without scales" 207 203 "Capitula small (4–6 mm diam.), numerous, in dense corymbose inflorescences" Achillea 203 "Capitula 8–30 mm diam., solitary or in few-flowered corymbs" 204 204 "Leaves all in a basal rosette, lobed to almost entire, white-woolly beneath; cypselas strongly grooved or hollowed on inner face" Cymbonotus 204 "Leaves all or mostly cauline, deeply divided, glabrous to hirsute, but hardly white-woolly beneath; cypselas not grooved or hollowed on inner face" 205 205 "Peduncle commonly greater than 10 cm long; stereome of involucral bracts 1.5–2 mm wide; palea with a red longitudinal resin duct; cypselas copiosly woolly, c. 4 mm long" Lasiospermum 205 "Peduncle less than 10 cm long; stereome of involucral bracts 0.5–1 mm wide; palea lacking a red longitudinal resin duct; cypselas glabrous, 1–2.5 mm long" 206 206 "More or less erect annual or biennial; cypselas 10-ribbed" Anthemis 206 "Creeping perennial; cypselas 3-ribbed on inner face, otherwise smooth" "Chamaemelum {Chamaemelum nobile}" 207 "All disc florets functionally male, not producing cypselas" 208 207 "Inner florets bisexual, producing cypselas" 210 208 "Shrub to c. 2 m high; cypselas with a fleshy outer layer" "Chrysanthemoides {Chrysanthemoides monilifera}" 208 "Herb or subshrub to 50 cm high; cypselas completely dry" 209 209 "Cypselas with a window on an apical tangential face; ligules yellow or orange apically, red to purplish near base" Monoculus 209 "Cypselas without a window on an apical face; ligules white, purple or red, never with yellow or orange" Dimorphotheca 210 "Cypselas of outer and inner florets differing in shape, or the outer cypselas with a minute cup-like pappus and inner cypselas lacking a pappus" 211 210 "Cypselas all similar" 215 211 "Ligules of ray florets yellow to orange" 212 211 "Ligules of ray florets white" 213 212 "At least inner cypselas curved to C-shaped" Calendula 212 "All cypselas straight or almost so" Glebionis 213 "Bushy subshrubs; leaves pinnatisect" "Argyranthemum {Argyranthemum frutescens}" 213 "Annual or perennial herbs; leaves entire, lobed or pinnatifid" 214 214 "Cypselas 1.5–4 mm long, those of discs ± terete, without wings, those of rays with an irregular corona to c. 2 mm long" Leucanthemum 214 "Cypselas 4–6 mm long, those of discs flattened with 2 lateral wings, those of rays without a corona" Dimorphotheca 215 "Receptacle flat, ray florets yellow; leaves grey-white and tomentose on lower sur- face, less hairy and green on upper surface" 216 215 "Receptacle convex to conical, ray florets various; leaves concolorous, green" 217 216 "Stems creeping, rooting at nodes; leaves lyrate-pinnatisect with 2–7 pairs of lobes; cypselas not grooved or hollowed on inner face" Arctotheca 216 "Stemless; leaves all rosetted at base; cypselas grooved or hollowed on inner face" Cymbonotus 217 "Ray flotrets neuter, only disc florets producing cypselas" Mauranthemum 217 "Ray florets with a style and fertile, producing cypselas" 218 218 "Plants usually aromatic, with chamomile-like odour; involucral bracts thinly scarious with expanded obtuse apices; leaves 1- to 3-pinnatisect, cauline" 219 218 "Plants sometimes with sparse glands but never aromatic; involucral bracts usually with narrow scarious hyaline margins or entirely herbaceous; leaves entire to 2-pinnatisect, basal and/or cauline" 220 219 "Annuals; capitula in loose cymes" Matricaria 219 "Rhizomatous perennials; capitula in dense compound corymbs" Tanacetum 220 "Shrubs; involucral bracts in 1 series, fused below; ligules yellow" "Euryops {Euryops abrotanifolius}" 220 "Herbs; involucral bracts in 2 (rarely 1) series, free to base; ligules variously coloured, but rarely yellow" 221 221 "Cypselas with 3 rounded prominent ribs, not winged; leaves usually 3-pinnatisect" Tripleurospermum 221 "Cypselas not ribbed or with 2 or 4 or more ridges or ribs, winged or not; leaves entire to 2-pinnatisect" 222 222 "Involucral bracts entirely green and herbaceous; pappus absent; commonly a weed of lawns" "Bellis {Bellis perennis}" 222 "Involucral bracts with narrow scarious margins; pappus usually present but much reduced; native species" 223 223 "Non-rhizomatous or stoloniferous, tufted herbs; lower leaves with long, coarse, septate, brownish hairs at base" Allittia 223 "Rhizomatous or stoloniferous herbs; lower leaves lacking such hairs" Brachyscome 224 "Bracts (and often whole plant) glandular-hairy" 225 224 "Bracts and whole plant eglandular" 226 225 "Leaves entire, linear to narrow-lanceolate, opposite below, alternate above; involucral bracts c. uniform; cypselas compressed, but hardly angular" "Madia {Madia sativa}" 225 "Leaves commonly toothed to some degree, lanceolate to elliptic or hastate, opposite throughout; outer involucral bracts spreading, inner ones incurved; cypselas strongly angled" Sigesbeckia 226 "Ligules of ray florets prominent, 8 mm long or more" 227 226 "Ligules of ray florets under 5 mm long" 233 227 "Leaves deeply lobed, pinnate or bipinnate" 228 227 "Leaves entire, toothed or shallowly lobed" 229 228 "Achenes compressed but not winged; plants 2–6 m high, with tuberous roots; ligules of ray florets pink, lavender to magenta" "Dahlia {Dahlia excelsa}" 228 "Achenes strongly compressed with winged lateral angles (evident at flowering); plants to 1 m high, with fibrous roots; ligules of ray florets yellow to golden yellow" "Coreopsis {Coreopsis lanceolata}" 229 "Pappus of numerous barbellate bristles or hairs; perennial shrubs" Olearia 229 "Pappus of awns, scales, a few bristles, or absent; annual or perennial herbs" 230 230 "Cypselas of at least disc florets prominently winged" 231 230 "Cypsela unwinged (but sometimes compressed)" 232 231 "Ray florets c. 8; cypselas glandular; subglabrous to pubescent garden-escaped perennial of cooler districts" "Coreopsis {Coreopsis lanceolata}" 231 "Ray florets 12 or more; cypselas non-glandular; coarsely hairy annual of far north-west" "Verbesina {Verbesina encelioides}" 232 "Leaves broad-ovate; pappus of 2–5 minute, sometimes deciduous scales" Helianthus 232 "Leaves narrow-lanceolate or c. linear; pappus absent" "Pascalia {Pascalia glauca}" 233 "Receptacle lacking scales" 234 233 "Receptacle with scales" 235 234 "Involucral bracts several-seriate, free; plants not or hardly odorous" "Schkuhria {Schkuhria pinnata}" 234 "Involucral bracts 1-seriate, fused; plants strongly odorous" "Tagetes {Tagetes minuta}" 235 "Pappus of bristles, awns or scales" 236 235 "Pappus absent, or reduced to a minute apical rim" 237 236 "Leaves pinnately divided; pappus of 2–4 stout retrorsely barbed awns arising from ribs on the cypselas" Bidens 236 "Leaves entire; pappus of fringed scales" "Galinsoga {Galinsoga parviflora}" 237 "Inner and outer involucral bracts morphologically distinct, outer ones spreading, inner ones incurved" Sigesbeckia 237 "Inner and outer involucral bracts more or less similar in form and orientation" 238 238 "Capitula on axillary pedicels; cypselas more or less oblong, outer ones triangular in section, inner ones compressed; decumbent native herb of damp places" "Eclipta {Eclipta platyglossa}" 238 "Capitula terminal; cypselas broadly turbinate, 3–4-angled; erect rhizomatous weed" "Pascalia {Pascalia glauca}" 239 "Florets blue or violet, rarely white; taproot parsnip-like" 240 239 "Florets yellow, orange or red; roots various" 241 240 "Pappus of scales less than 1 mm long; capitula numerous, axillary; leaves toothed to pinnatifid" Cichorium 240 "Pappus of plumose bristles 15–25 mm long; capitula solitary or few, terminal; leaves grass-like" "Tragopogon {Tragopogon porrifolius}" 241 "Receptacle of capitula with scales between florets" 242 241 "Receptacle of capitula without scales" 243 242 "Leaves all basal; stems wingless; non-spiny herbs" Hypochaeris 242 "Leaves basal and cauline; stems winged; plants spiny, thistle-like" "Scolymus {Scolymus hispanicus}" 243 "Involucral bracts in a single series" 244 243 "Involucral bracts in 2-several series" 246 244 "Pappus of short scales only or of scales and barbellate bristles" Leontodon 244 "Pappus bristles plumose" 245 245 "Leaves grass-like, parallel-veined, glabrous; cypsela with a smooth transition into beak" Tragopogon 245 "Leaves not grass-like, pinnate veined, with scattered hairs on both surfaces; cypsela with an abrupt junction between body and beak" "Urospermum {Urospermum picroides}" 246 "All leaves in basal rosette" 247 246 "Leaves basal and cauline (cauline leaves often much smaller), or all cauline" 249 247 "All (or most) cypselas with a filiform beak longer than the fertile portion; scaly-muricate or muricate-spinulose in upper part" Taraxacum 247 "Cypselas lacking filiform beak or beak not filiform and less than half the length of the fertile portion" 248 248 "Pappus of inner cypselas of numerous plumose bristles, outer cypselas without long bristles, often clasped by incurved margins of inner bracts" Leontodon 248 "Pappus of all cypselas of lanceolate scarious scales with acuminate barbellate apices, or rarely of barbellate bristles slightly widened at base" Microseris 249 "Cypselas tapered to a prominent apical beak" 250 249 "Cypselas truncate or somewhat tapered but not prominently beaked" 254 250 "Pappus hairs plumose" 251 250 "Pappus hairs simple or shortly barbellate" 252 251 "Outer bracts of involucre ovate-cordate, leaf-like; hairs of stems and leaves coarse, 3–5-fid, with expanded, tuberculate bases; cypselas abruptly narrowed into a fili- form beak" "Helminthotheca {Helminthotheca echioides}" 251 "Outer bracts of involucre c. linear, not leaf-like; hairs of stems and leaves bifid at apex or simple, not prominently tubercle-based; cypselas more or less gradually tapered at apex, beak not filiform" Picris 252 "Cypselas strongly compressed, 5–7-ribbed on each face" Lactuca 252 "Cypselas not compressed" 253 253 "Flowering branches virtually leafless at anthesis; capitula 1–3 in sessile clusters along branches; cypselas with a ring of scales at base of beak" "Chondrilla {Chondrilla juncea}" 253 "Flowering branches leafy; capitula pedunculate in terminal corymbs or panicles; cypselas smooth to scabrous, but without a ring of scales" Crepis 254 "Cypselas all laterally compressed" 255 254 "Cypselas not compressed, or sometimes the outer ones dorsiventrally compressed" 256 255 "Rhizomatous, spreading perennial herb or subshrub of coasts; cypselas flask-shaped in outline, constricted at the apex, margins broadly winged, facial ribs often raised to form smaller secondary wings" "Actites {Actites megalocarpus}" 255 "Taprooted, more or less erect annual to perennial herbs; cypselas elliptic in outline, both ends narrowed, sometimes cylindric, margins wingless or very narrowly winged, facial ribs never raised to form small wings" Sonchus 256 "Pappus hairs plumose" 257 256 "Pappus hairs simple, scabrid or absent" 258 257 "Cypselas not thickened or hollow at base" Picris 257 "Cypselas with a pale thickened hollow base about one-third as long as fertile part of cypsela" "Scorzonera {Scorzonera laciniata}" 258 "Pappus absent, cypselas 20-ribbed" "Lapsana {Lapsana communis}" 258 "Pappus present at least on inner cypselas, if outer cypselas sometimes lacking pap- pus then 4- or 5-ribbed" 259 259 "Leaves and involucral bracts glabrous, more or less glaucous; leaves amplexicaul; cypselas 4- or 5-angled, with pappus of fine silky hairs; weed mostly of north-west" "Reichardia {Reichardia tingitana}" 259 "Leaves and involucral bracts hairy to some degree, non-glaucous; leaves not amplexicaul; if cypselas 4- or 5-angled, then pappus scale-like" 260 260 "Cypselas 4- or 5-ribbed; involucral bracts eglandular, outer series filiform, much longer than inner" "Tolpis {Tolpis barbata}" 260 "Cypselas with 6 or more ribs; involucral bracts glandular, outer series shorter than inner" 261 261 "Involucral bracts and usually leaves with stellate hairs" Pilosella 261 "Involucral bracts and leaves never with stellate hairs" Crepis 262 "Male capitula with fused bracts, in a leafless terminal raceme; female capitula 1- flowered, with involucre of short, straight or slightly curved prickles" Ambrosia 262 "Male capitula with free bracts, in a short terminal cluster; female capitula 2- flowered, fruiting involucre of long curved hooks or spines" Xanthium