1 "Ovary or carpels superior, or if inferior the calyx tube not becoming fleshy" 2 1 "Ovary usually inferior with calyx tube becoming fleshy" 11 2 "Ovules 2 in each carpel" 3 2 "Ovules 1 in each carpel" 4 3 "Calyx or calyx lobes deciduous, trees or shrubs" Prunus 3 "Calyx or calyx lobes persistent; receptacle conical or globose" Rubus 4 "Petals absent; ovary inferior or included in calyx tube at fruiting" 5 4 "Petals present" 8 5 "Flowers stalkless in long stalked leafless heads or spikes, epicalyx absent" 6 5 "Flowers in leafy cymes, epicalyx present" 7 6 "Receptacle spiny at fruiting stage, stamens 2 to 10" Acaena 6 "Receptacle not spiny at fruiting stage, stamens 4 to 30" "Sanguisorba {Sanguisorba minor}" 7 "Leaves more or less kidney-shaped, flowers in cymose panicles" "Alchemilla {Alchemilla xanthochlora}" 7 "Leaves fan-shaped, flowers in axillary cluster" Aphanes 8 "Ovary inferior" "Agrimonia {Agrimonia eupatoria}" 8 "Ovary superior" 9 9 "Styles persistent, long, hooked at fruiting, carpels in dense hairy cluster" Geum 9 "Styles deciduous, short, not hooked at fruiting, carpels not forming a hairy cluster" 10 10 "Leaves with 9–20 leaflets, pinnate" "Argentina {Argentina anserina}" 10 "Leaves with 3–7 leaflets, pinnate or digitate" Potentilla 11 "Carpels many, achene fruits free within enlarged more or less fleshy receptacle (hips)" Rosa 11 "Carpels 1-5, fruits surrounded by or submerged within fleshy receptacle" 12 12 "Fruits drupaceous and bony, containing 1 to 5 seeds" 13 12 "Fruits pomaceous, the carpels with leathery or papery walls inside" 15 13 "Unarmed shrubs, leaves entire or nearly so, 2 to 5 seeds" Cotoneaster 13 "Thorny trees and shrubs" 14 14 "Leaves deeply lobed, wedge-shaped at base, seeds 1 to 2" Crataegus 14 "Leaves entire, seeds 5" Pyracantha 15 "Inflorescence a corymb or panicle" 16 15 "Inflorescence an umbel, raceme, or flower solitary" 17 16 "Leaves simple, evergreen, more than 10 cm long" "Eriobotrya {Eriobotrya japonica}" 16 "Leaves pinnate or simple, deciduous" Sorbus 17 "Carpels 4- to many-seeded, flowers solitary" 18 17 "Carpels 1- to 2-seeded, flowers in clusters" 19 18 "Sepals deciduous, styles fused at base" "Chaenomeles {Chaenomeles speciosa}" 18 "Sepals persistent, styles unfused" "Cydonia {Cydonia oblonga}" 19 "Leaves evergreen, ovary 2-chambered" Rhaphiolepis 19 "Leaves deciduous, ovary 2-to 5-chambered" 20 20 "Fruit globose; styles fused at the base" "Malus {Malus pumila}" 20 "Fruit top-shaped or with pronounced waist, styles unfused at the base" Pyrus