1 "Flowers unisexual; cladodes filiform, 3 per bract axil; ripe berry red; stems more or less erect, not climbing" "Asparagus officinalis" 1 "Flowers bisexual; if cladodes filiform and 3 per axil then berry bluish or black; stems scrambling or climbing" 2 2 "Cladodes ovate, solitary at nodes" "Asparagus asparagoides" 2 "Cladodes narrower than ovate, mostly 3–many per node (sometimes fewer by abortion, or solitary on short lateral shoots)" 3 3 "Sepals and pepals free to base; aerial stems perennial" 4 3 "Sepals and pepals united at base forming a short floral tube; aerial stems annual" 5 4 "Cladodes >5 per node, 4–7 mm long, more or less terete; berry black when ripe" "Asparagus plumosus" 4 "Cladodes 3 per node, 10–25 mm long, narrow, but flattened; berry red when ripe" "Asparagus aethiopicus" 5 "Cladodes somewhat flattened, unequal in length; berry globular, red when ripe" "Asparagus scandens" 5 "Cladodes acicular, equal in length; berry ovoid, pale bluish grey when ripe" "Asparagus declinatus"