1 "Carnivorous plants: either with glandular hairs on the leaves, or with bladders 1–2 mm long borne on submerged or subterranean leaves." 2
1 "Plants not carnivorous." 4
2 "Leaves with glandular hairs, leaves either borne in a rosette, or erect and divided into 2 branches, or on aerial stems; flowers actinomorphic." Droseraceae
2 "Leaves modified into insect-trapping bladders, borne in water in aquatic species, or on underground leaves; flowers actinomorphic or zygomorphic." 3
3 "Leaves alternate; flowers actinomorphic." Droseraceae
3 "Leaves whorled; flowers zygomorphic." Lentibulariaceae
4 "Waterplants: either plants floating on or in water, or plants totally submerged in water or plants rooted in saline mud or in ± permanent water with the upper leaves and flowers in the air." 5
4 "Plants neither floating on nor growing in water." 104
5 "Woody plants – trees or shrubs growing in saline mud (mangroves) or ± permanent water." 6
5 "Plants not woody." 18
6 "Mangroves – woody plants growing in saline mud or estuaries." 7
6 "Woody plants growing in ± permanent water, either fresh or brackish but rarely saline." 12
7 "Leaves opposite." 8
7 "Leaves alternate." 10
8 "Interpetiolar stipules present on the youngest stems, falling as the leaves mature; leaves crowded, internodes mostly <1 cm long; ovary inferior." Rhizophoraceae
8 "Stipules absent; leaves not crowded, internodes >2 cm long; ovary superior." 9
9 "Pneumatophores present; leaves white-hairy below; a common mangrove." Avicenniaceae
9 "Pneumatophores absent; leaves glabrous; not common, shrubs on the inland side of mangrove communities." Verbenaceae
10 "Shoots with stipules 20–30 mm long; leaves palmately veined, densely white-hairy on lower surface." Malvaceae
10 "Stipules absent or very small; leaves pinnately veined, glabrous." 11
11 "Milky latex present in broken twigs and petioles; 2 or 3 small glands present at base of lamina." Euphorbiaceae
11 "Milky latex absent; glands not present on lamina." Myrsinaceae
12 "Branchlets photosynthetic; leaves apparently absent – leaves either scale-like, or present only on new growth." 13
12 "Branchlets not photosynthetic; leaves normally developed, persistent or sometimes seasonally deciduous." 14
13 "Trees or shrubs, branchlets often drooping; leaves scale-like, whorled." Casuarinaceae
13 "Shrubs with stiff, intertwining branches; leaves absent or present only on new growth, alternate." Polygonaceae
14 "Leaves >1 m long, compound." Arecaceae
14 "Leaves <20 cm long, simple." 15
15 "Trees with papery bark; leaves with several longitudinal veins." Myrtaceae
15 "Trees or shrubs, bark not papery; leaves with only one longitudinal vein." 16
16 Trees. Salicaceae
16 Shrubs. 17
17 "Plants hairy; leaves >5 mm wide." Onagraceae
17 "Plants glabrous; leaves <5 mm wide." Polygonaceae
18 "Either herbs free-floating and not attached to the substrate, or herbs attached at edge of water with stems floating over the water surface." 19
18 "Herbs rooted in substrate but not attached at edge of water with stems floating over the water surface." 37
19 "Plants free-floating, not attached to substrate or margin." 20
19 "Plants attached to substrate near margin of water and stems extending out over surface of water." 30
20 "All or most of the vegetative parts of the plant (except for roots or root-like structures) floating on the surface of the water." 21
20 "All or most of the vegetative parts of the plant floating below the surface of the water." 25
21 "Plant-body usually <10 mm long, often <5 mm long; roots absent or hair-like; inflorescence minute, flowers unisexual." Lemnaceae
21 "Plants always >5 cm long in at least one dimension; roots present, not hair-like; flowers bisexual or unisexual or absent." 22
22 "Petioles usually >5 cm long and inflated." Pontederiaceae
22 "Petioles absent or not inflated." 23
23 "Flowers never produced, reproduction by spores or vegetatively; leaves simple or divided." Filicopsida
23 "Flowering plants (sometimes reproducing vegetatively); leaves simple." 24
24 "Leaves 6–15 cm long, 4–8 cm wide with 7–15 ridges, closely overlapping." Araceae
24 "Leaves generally <6 cm long, without conspicuous ridges." Amaranthaceae
25 "Leaves opposite or whorled." 26
25 "Leaves alternate and either leaves 2-lobed from base, or plant body very small." 29
26 "Leaves modified into animal traps with basal sensitive bristles." Droseraceae
26 "Animal traps and sensitive bristles absent." 27
27 "Leaves simple and unbranched." Hydrocharitaceae
27 "Leaves much branched." 28
28 "All divisions of leaves dichotomous, ultimate segments toothed." Ceratophyllaceae
28 "Initial division of leaves trichotomous or more, subsequent divisions dichotomous, ultimate segments not toothed." Cabombaceae
29 "Animal traps present and obvious; plants >2 cm long." Lentibulariaceae
29 "Animal traps absent; plant body usually <1 cm long." Lemnaceae
30 "Leaves peltate." 31
30 "Leaves not peltate." 32
31 "Flowers yellow; no mucilage on leaves." Apiaceae
31 "Flowers maroon; mucilage on leaves." Cabombaceae
32 "Leaves opposite." 33
32 "Leaves alternate." 34
33 "Leaves 10–20 mm wide, ± sessile." Amaranthaceae
33 "Leaves >20 mm wide, petiole >10 mm long." Asteraceae
34 "Ocreae (sheaths of fused stipules) present around the petioles and stems." Polygonaceae
34 "Ocreae absent." 35
35 "Leaves with numerous longitudinal veins; base of lamina cordate; flowers blue." Pontederiaceae
35 "Leaves pinnately veined; base of lamina sagittate, hastate or attenuate; flowers yellow, pink or white." 36
36 "Leaves with lamina ± triangular, base hastate or sagittate, apex acute; flowers pink to ± white." Convolvulaceae
36 "Leaves with lamina ± elliptic, base attenuate, apex rounded; flowers yellow." Onagraceae
37 "Leaves emergent, flowers emergent; sometimes plant ± completely emergent." 38
37 "Leaves submerged or floating on the surface, flowers submerged or emergent." 74
38 "Plants with long, narrow leaves, many times longer than wide, often grass-like." 39
38 "Plants with leaves only, at most, a few to several times longer than wide; plants not grass-like." 51
39 "Plants ± grass-like and flowers without true perianth and subtended by one or more bracts (glumes, lemmas or paleas) and organized into characteristic spikelets; leaves flat or terete." 40
39 "Plants not grass-like or if grass-like then flowers with true perianth (hard and scarious or petaloid) or flowers arranged in spikelets; leaves various, sometimes reduced to open sheaths on stems." 43
40 "Flowers unisexual, in a group surrounded by 4 spreading bracts." Hydatellaceae
40 "Flowers bisexual or unisexual, each flower or group of fused unisexual flowers subtended and often enclosed by a bract." 41
41 "Fruit dehiscent, splitting on one side to release a smooth translucent seed." Centrolepidaceae
41 "Fruit indehiscent." 42
42 "Flowers subtended by a single bract (glume) and variously arranged into spikelets; leaves mostly with closed sheath and mostly without ligules." Cyperaceae
42 "Flowers enclosed by a lemma and palea and these variously arranged in characteristic spikelets and mostly subtended by sterile glumes; leaves usually with open sheaths and ligules present although these often much reduced." Poaceae
43 "Perianth dry and scarious, flowers or flower clusters in open paniculate inflorescences; leaves flat, terete or reduced to sheaths; flowers usually bisexual." Juncaceae
43 "Perianth of various forms but not dry and scarious, flowers rarely arranged in open paniculate inflorescences and then flowers unisexual." 44
44 "Leaves on adult plants reduced to open sheaths which sometimes bear a small ± linear lamina; flowers usually unisexual and plants mostly dioecious." Restionaceae
44 "Leaves not reduced to open sheaths; flowers bisexual or unisexual and plants monoecious." 45
45 "Flowers unisexual with both sexes aggregated into small dense heads surrounded by 2 awned bracts; leaves all basal, linear, <8 cm long." Eriocaulaceae
45 "Flowers bisexual or unisexual and male and female flowers separated in same inflorescence; leaves >8 cm long, not all basal, linear." 46
46 "Stems and often margins of leaf bases hairy; flowers yellow, conspicuous." Philydraceae
46 "Neither stems nor leaf bases obviously hairy; flowers white, greenish or brown, often inconspicuous." 47
47 "Leaves septate-cylindric, constricted slightly at each septum." Apiaceae
47 "Leaves not septate-cylindric." 48
48 "Leaves inflated and spongy when fresh; flowers bisexual." Juncaginaceae
48 "Leaves neither inflated nor spongy; flowers unisexual, plants monoecious." 49
49 "Inflorescence open, flowers on clearly visible pedicels, inflorescence axis visible between flowers; flowers >10 mm diam." Alismataceae
49 "Flowers arranged in dense elongated or globose heads; individual flower pedicels not visible; inflorescence axis visible between clusters but not between individual flowers; individual flowers <5 mm diam." 50
50 "Inflorescence dense, spike-like; male flowers above, female flowers below, ± separated by a portion of stem." Typhaceae
50 "Inflorescence of dense globose clusters arranged along the axis; upper clusters male, lower clusters female." Sparganiaceae
51 "Leaves compound and/or lobed." 52
51 "Leaves simple, reduced or absent." 55
52 "Leaves palmately lobed or divided, rarely pinnate and then usually with only 2 pairs of pinnae; flowers yellow, solitary, distinctly stalked." Ranunculaceae
52 "Leaves pinnately lobed or divided; flowers white, reddish or greenish, in umbels or racemes or ± solitary and sessile in spike-like inflorescences." 53
53 "Flowers in umbels; crushed leaves smelling like carrot leaves; plants only rarely growing in water." Apiaceae
53 "Flowers not in umbels; crushed leaves not smelling like carrot leaves; plants mostly growing in water." 54
54 "Widest leaves or leaf segments >5 mm wide; flowers white, pedicellate, in racemes." Brassicaceae
54 "Leaves and leaf segments <3 mm wide; flowers red, white or greenish, ± sessile in axils of leaves forming a spike-like inflorescence." Haloragaceae
55 "Leaves reduced to sheaths on aerial stems." 56
55 "Leaves not reduced to sheaths on stems." 58
56 "Sheaths closed." Cyperaceae
56 "Sheaths open." 57
57 "Perianth dry and scarious, flowers or flower clusters in open paniculate inflorescences; flowers usually bisexual." Juncaceae
57 "Perianth of various forms but not dry and scarious, flowers usually unisexual and plants mostly dioecious." Restionaceae
58 "Leaves all basal." 59
58 "Leaves spread along the stem, basal leaves sometimes also present, or leaves absent." 63
59 "Lamina ± circular with a radial slit, petiole attached near centre of lamina." Nymphaeaceae
59 "Lamina not ± circular and/or petiole attached towards margin." 60
60 "Plants without horizontal rhizomes or stolons." Alismataceae
60 "Plants with horizontal rhizomes or stolons." 61
61 "Lamina <10 cm long; mature plants <30 cm high; flowers white." Hydrocharitaceae
61 "Lamina >10 cm long; mature plants >50 cm high; flowers white or blue." 62
62 "Longitudinal veins usually <10 (always <20) and midrib well defined, cross veins obvious; flowers white." Alismataceae
62 "Longitudinal veins numerous, usually >20, midrib not well defined, cross veins obscure; flowers blue." Pontederiaceae
63 "Leaves with an ocrea (sheathing stipule); leaves alternate or absent." Polygonaceae
63 "Leaves without an ocrea but leaf bases sometimes winged and half encircling stem; leaves opposite, whorled or alternate." 64
64 "Leaves opposite or whorled." 65
64 "Leaves alternate." 70
65 "Flowers in heads; leaves >20 mm wide, petiole mostly >10 mm long." Asteraceae
65 "Flowers solitary or in cymes, spikes or racemes; leaves <20 mm wide, sessile or petiole <10 mm long (sometimes to 15 cm long in Limosella)." 66
66 "Flowers in terminal spikes, pink to purple." Lythraceae
66 "Flowers solitary or in cymes or racemes, white, blue, red-brown or petals translucent." 67
67 "Leaves not united at base, either petiolate, or lamina >3 mm wide, oblanceolate to ± obovate; corolla white to blue, 5-lobed, or 4-lobed and then lobes unequal." Scrophulariaceae
67 "Leaves united at base, sessile and <3 mm wide, lamina linear to oblong; corolla white or red-brown, 4-lobed, lobes ± equal." 68
68 "Flowers unisexual, plants dioecious; corolla red-brown or translucent; aerial stems to 1 m high." Rubiaceae
68 "Flowers bisexual; corolla white; aerial stems <20 cm high." 69
69 "Flowers in few-flowered cymes; corolla tube split to base on one side." Portulacaceae
69 "Flowers solitary; corolla tube not split on one side." Crassulaceae
70 "Leaves without obvious petioles, leaves either sessile or linear to spathulate; flowers pink, blue, purple or white." 71
70 "Leaves with obvious petioles, neither linear nor spathulate; flowers yellow." 73
71 "Leaves sessile, without a winged base; flowers solitary in axils, blue, pink or purple." Lythraceae
71 "Leaves linear or spathulate with a winged base half encircling the stem; flowers solitary and/or in heads, blue, pink or white." 72
72 "Plants <20 cm high; flowers in 1–few-flowered cymes, white." Portulacaceae
72 "Plants 40–200 cm high; flowers in heads, white, blue or pink." Asteraceae
73 "Flowers in large panicles; leaves glabrous, without stipules." Menyanthaceae
73 "Flowers solitary, axillary; leaves either with small stipules and/or stems and leaves hairy." Onagraceae
74 "At least some leaves always floating on surface of water, flowers (if present) emergent, often some leaves submerged." 75
74 "Most leaves completely submerged, some leaves may be emergent or floating when plant flowering." 82
75 "Leaves simple, peltate with petiole attached near centre of lamina; lamina ± circular, often with a radial slit." 76
75 "Leaves compound or simple and not peltate or rarely petiole attached near the margin of the lamina; lamina broad-lanceolate, elliptic, ovate or obovate." 78
76 "Leaves without a radial slit, margin entire." Cabombaceae
76 "Leaves with a radial slit, margin entire to toothed." 77
77 "Leaves all basal arising from a corm or buried horizontal rhizome; petals numerous." Nymphaeaceae
77 "Leaves arising along a floating horizontal stolon; petals 5." Menyanthaceae
78 "Leaves compound, pinnae 4, sessile, at apex of long petiole, floating on surface of water." Filicopsida
78 "Leaves simple." 79
79 "Leaves attached along trailing stem; submerged leaves different from floating leaves (that is, leaves dimorphic)." Potamogetonaceae
79 "Leaves all basal; leaves either all similar or dimorphic." 80
80 "Plants forming deeply buried tubers; inflorescence many-flowered." Aponogetonaceae
80 "Plants not forming deeply buried tubers; flowers solitary." 81
81 "Leaves with base ± cordate; lamina >20 mm wide and with 5–7 longitudinal veins." Hydrocharitaceae
81 "Leaves with base tapering into petiole; lamina <20 mm wide, venation obscure or only midvein visible." Scrophulariaceae
82 "Submerged leaves compound or deeply lobed." 83
82 "Submerged leaves simple and entire." 85
83 "Submerged leaves pinnately divided; emergent leaves pinnately divided or entire." Haloragaceae
83 "Submerged leaves dichotomously or trichotomously divided." 84
84 "Submerged leaves opposite or whorled; floating leaves if present peltate." Cabombaceae
84 "Submerged leaves alternate; all leaves divided into linear segments." Ranunculaceae
85 "Plants of marine, estuarine or brackish habitats." 86
85 "Plants of freshwater habitats." 91
86 "Leaves elliptic to ± oblong." Hydrocharitaceae
86 "Leaves elongated, filiform to linear, grass-like." 87
87 "Leaves >8 mm wide, linear." Posidoniaceae
87 "Leaves <8 mm wide, filiform to linear." 88
88 "Flowers bisexual; flowers in pairs, flowering peduncle >4 cm long." Potamogetonaceae
88 "Flowers unisexual; flowers mostly sessile and solitary or in elongated inflorescences ± sessile in axils of leaves." 89
89 "Plants of brackish or ephemeral saline pools (not marine); pollen grains ± globose." Zannichelliaceae
89 "Plants marine; pollen grains thread-like." 90
90 "Flowers solitary; plants dioecious." Cymodoceaceae
90 "Flowers in rows in a flattened spadix enclosed in a spathe; plants monoecious." Zosteraceae
91 "Leaves all basal." 92
91 "Leaves arising along stems." 95
92 "Leaves with lamina stiff, ± cylindrical; plants reproducing by spores, flowers never produced." Isoetaceae
92 "Leaves with lamina soft, flattened, grass-like; plants flowering when mature but flowers usually not present in submerged immature growth." 93
93 "Stolons present." Hydrocharitaceae
93 "Stolons never formed." 94
94 "Plants producing a well-buried corm, leaves arising from the apex of the corm." Aponogetonaceae
94 "Plants not producing a corm, roots superficial, arising from near leaf bases." Hydrocharitaceae
95 "Plants not producing flattened leaves; branches in whorls, secondary branches ± whorled and ± leaf-like; often encrusted with lime; plants not flowering, reproducing by spores (Chara & Nitella - algae not in this Flora)." Characeae
95 "Plants producing leaves with flattened lamina, leaves often flat, narrow, linear and grass-like; rarely lime-encrusted; mature plants producing flowers." 96
96 "Leaves alternate." 97
96 "Leaves opposite or whorled." 100
97 "Leaves with stipular sheath (or ligule) extending above junction of lamina and basal sheath." 98
97 "Leaves with basal sheath not extending above junction of sheath with lamina, no stipular sheath or ligule above but auricles sometimes present." 99
98 "Leaves with lamina mostly >1 mm wide; perennials with rhizomes, often with tough stems; leaves with a stipular sheath or base of lamina stem-clasping." Potamogetonaceae
98 "Leaves with lamina mostly <1 mm wide; usually delicate annuals, stems weak; leaves with a stipular sheath." Zannichelliaceae
99 "Leaves with 2 short auricles at base." Potamogetonaceae
99 "Leaves without auricles." Cyperaceae
100 "Leaves opposite and lamina expanded." 101
100 "Leaves usually whorled, lamina filiform or linear." 103
101 "Leaves with 3 or more longitudinal veins arising from near the base of lamina and re-uniting below apex; flowers unisexual." Callitrichaceae
101 "Leaves with only 1 longitudinal vein visible or venation obscure; flowers bisexual." 102
102 "Leaves entire, shortly petiolate with 2 stipules at base, lateral veins ending in minute glands." Elatinaceae
102 "Leaves toothed and stem-clasping or entire with relatively long petioles, stipules absent." Scrophulariaceae
103 "Leaves opposite or ± whorled, lamina with a short, expanded sheath-like base." Najadaceae
103 "Leaves whorled, sessile, without an expanded sheath-like base." Hydrocharitaceae
104 "Plants either climbing, or epiphytic on other plants, or ± parasitic on the aerial parts of other plants." 105
104 "Plants neither climbing nor epiphytic nor parasitic on aerial parts of other plants." 206
105 "Epiphytes, parasites, or hemiparasites, plants not rooted in the soil." 106
105 "Climbing or twining plants with roots in the soil." 118
106 "Rootless parasites or hemiparasites on the aerial parts of other plants." 107
106 "Plants epiphytic but not parasitic on other plants." 110
107 "Stems thread-like, leafless or almost so, forming Rtangled masses over the host and attached to the host by haustoria." 108
107 "Stems robust, parasitic on the branches of shrubs and trees, or parasitic on another parasite." 109
108 "Stems yellowish or reddish; usually parasitic on herbs; calyx and corolla distinct, with 5 segments in each whorl." Convolvulaceae
108 "Stems green, green-red, or blackish, sometimes with brown scale leaves; usually parasitic on shrubs and trees; perianth of 6 similar segments in 2 whorls of 3." Lauraceae
109 "Flowers bisexual, >20 mm long; stems ± terete and leaves either terete to linear, or broad and glabrous to tomentose but hairs not stellate." Loranthaceae
109 "Flowers unisexual, <2 mm long; either stems angular, or flattened and ± leafless, or stems terete and leaves broad and stellate-tomentose." Viscaceae
110 "Leaves opposite or whorled." 111
110 "Leaves alternate, sometimes crowded and appearing whorled." 113
111 "Leaves toothed; one leaf at each node generally much smaller than the other; flowers solitary." Gesneriaceae
111 "Leaves entire; leaves at each node of similar size; inflorescence many-flowered." 112
112 "Epiphytic herbs; leaves ± fleshy; inflorescence spicate; flowers <2 mm diam." Piperaceae
112 "Climbers; leaves thick and leathery; inflorescence umbellate; flowers >5 mm diam." Apocynaceae
113 "Leaves compound, palmate or pinnate." Araliaceae
113 "Leaves simple." 114
114 "Either leaves with several longitudinal veins, or venation obscure, or leaves terete." 115
114 "Leaves not terete, venation apparent but with only 1 longitudinal vein (lateral veins often present also)." 116
115 "Leaves terete or without a constriction above middle of leaf; pseudobulbs with velamen often present." Orchidaceae
115 "Leaves flat and with a constriction above the middle; pseudobulbs absent." Araceae
116 "Leaves with only midvein apparent; lamina <10 mm wide and <30 mm long." Psilopsida
116 "Leaves with midvein and several prominent secondary veins; lamina >10 mm wide and >30 mm long." 117
117 "Milky latex exudes from broken stems; stipules present; usually epiphytic on rainforest trees." Moraceae
117 "Milky latex absent; stipules absent; generally epiphytic on treeferns." Quintiniaceae
118 "Tendrils present." 119
118 "Tendrils absent." 130
119 "Leaves with 3 or more longitudinal veins, the main veins sometimes joined by a fine reticulum." 120
119 "Leaves with only one longitudinal vein or venation palmate, the fine venation reticulate." 123
120 "Apex of leaves prolonged into a coil." 121
120 "Apex of leaves not prolonged into a coil." 122
121 "Leaves with a closed basal sheath; flowers small, inflorescence paniculate." Flagellariaceae
121 "Leaves with a short petiole, sheath absent; flowers large, solitary." Colchicaceae
122 "Tendrils borne on petiole, paired; 3 or 5 longitudinal veins joined by obvious fine reticulum; inflorescence umbel-like; fruit black." Smilacaceae
122 "Tendrils on stem opposite the leaves, solitary; longitudinal veins not conspicuously joined by fine reticulum; inflorescence paniculate; fruit red." Petermanniaceae
123 "Leaves compound." 124
123 "Leaves simple, often deeply lobed." 128
124 "Leaves pinnately compound with an even number of pinnae (2–20)." 125
124 "Leaves compound with an odd number of pinnae (3–9), leaves palmate, biternate, pedate or palmately 3-foliolate." 127
125 "Leaves with 2 pinnae; stamens 4; fruit a 2-valved follicle, seeds winged." Bignoniaceae
125 "Leaves with 4–20 pinnae; stamens 10 or 5; fruit a legume or capsule, seeds not winged." 126
126 "Stipules present; flowers in racemes or solitary and <3 cm long; stamens 10; fruit a legume. (FABOIDEAE)" Fabaceae
126 "Stipules absent; flowers solitary and >5 cm long; stamens 5; fruit a capsule." Cobaeaceae
127 "Tendrils opposite leaves; palmate, pedate or 3-foliolate, pinnae usually 3–7; fruit a berry." Vitaceae
127 "Tendrils associated with inflorescence; leaves biternate with 9 pinnae; fruit an inflated capsule." Sapindaceae
128 "Tendrils opposite leaves; leaves pinnately veined; domatia regularly present." Vitaceae
128 "Tendrils in leaf axils or beside or below the petiole base; leaves palmately veined; domatia usually absent." 129
129 "Tendrils strictly axillary, unbranched; petioles usually with raised glands; flowers bisexual, ovary superior." Passifloraceae
129 "Tendrils beside or below the base of the petiole, often branched; petioles without glands; flowers unisexual, ovary inferior." Cucurbitaceae
130 "Leaves compound with 2 or more pinnae." 131
130 "Leaves simple or 1-foliolate (sometimes apparently absent)." 142
131 "Leaves 2- or 3-pinnate or leaves ternately divided." 132
131 "Leaves pinnate or palmate." 135
132 "Prickles present on stems and on rachises of leaves. (CAESALPINIOIDEAE)" Fabaceae
132 "Prickles absent." 133
133 "Rachis of leaves twining; leaves trailing and to several metres long; pinnae very numerous." Filicopsida
133 "Petioles and petiolules often twining; leaves <30 cm long; pinnae usually 9–45." 134
134 "Leaves opposite, ternately divided." Ranunculaceae
134 "Leaves alternate, pinnately divided." Fumariaceae
135 "Leaves opposite or rarely whorled." 136
135 "Leaves alternate." 138
136 "Leaves with 2 or 5–17 pinnae, rarely 3 or more than 13." Bignoniaceae
136 "Leaves with 3 pinnae." 137
137 "Petioles and petiolules elongated and often twining around supports; domatia absent." Ranunculaceae
137 "Petioles and petiolules short and not twining; domatia often present." Oleaceae
138 "Prickles present on stems and leaves." 139
138 "Prickles absent." 140
139 "Pinnae with longitudinal veins; prickles ± straight, fine; leaves pinnate, often >50 cm long." Arecaceae
139 "Pinnae pinnately veined; prickles hooked, coarse; leaves palmate or pinnate, <20 cm long." Rosaceae
140 "Stipules and stipels usually present, at least visible on young shoots; fruit a legume; pinnae 1–19. (FABOIDEAE)" Fabaceae
140 "Stipules and stipels absent; fruit a berry or drupe; pinnae 3–9." 141
141 "Leaves with pinnae all similar, usually 3, rarely 4 or 5; petiole scabrous with bristly hairs." Araliaceae
141 "Leaves pinnatifid or pinnate with distinct pinnae on lower rachis and a terminal segment often deeply lobed; petiole smooth." Solanaceae
142 "Leaves alternate." 143
142 "Leaves opposite or occasionally whorled." 186
143 "Prickles or spines present." 144
143 "Prickles and spines absent." 149
144 "Plants apparently leafless or leaves ± succulent and falling relatively early." 145
144 "Leaves normally developed and ± persistent, not ± succulent." 146
145 "Stems either succulent and with groups of small spines at regular intervals over surface of swollen stems or numerous spines clustered on older stems; flowers ± solitary, >3 cm long." Cactaceae
145 "Spines not clustered, stems not succulent but often ending in spines; flowers in globose heads, <1 cm long. (CAESALPINIOIDEAE)" Fabaceae
146 "Leaves with 3 or 5 longitudinal veins." Ripogonaceae
146 "Main veins pinnate." 147
147 "Axillary spines present." Moraceae
147 "Prickles present on stem or at base of petiole." 148
148 "Leaves 3–5-lobed; stipules present, linear, not spinescent." Rosaceae
148 "Leaves entire; stipules spinescent." Capparaceae
149 "Either leaves apparently absent (reduced to scales, falling early or very sparse) or plants climbing by adventitious roots." 150
149 "Plants with normally developed ± persistent leaves, not climbing by adventitious roots." 157
150 "Leaves scale-like; adventitious roots sometimes present." 151
150 "Leaves not scale-like, either normally-developed, or apparently absent; adventitious roots usually present." 154
151 "Stems thread-like, leafless or almost so, forming tangled masses over the host and attached to the host by haustoria (only seedlings rooted in soil)." 152
151 "Stems not thread-like, not forming tangled masses over the host, leaves scale-like or falling early, haustoria absent." 153
152 "Stems yellowish or reddish; usually parasitic on herbs; calyx and corolla distinct, with 5 segments in each whorl." Convolvulaceae
152 "Stems green, green-red, or blackish, sometimes with brown scale leaves; usually parasitic on shrubs and trees; perianth of 6 similar segments in 2 whorls." Lauraceae
153 "Milky latex exudes from broken stems; adventitious roots absent." Euphorbiaceae
153 "Milky latex absent; adventitious roots present." Orchidaceae
154 "Aerial roots absent, stems twining; leaves either apparently absent, or if present then sparse and lamina linear to elliptic or oblanceolate and margins entire." Polygalaceae
154 "Aerial roots present, stems sometimes twining; leaves abundant, not lamina linear to elliptic or oblanceolate and margins entire." 155
155 "Leaves with a constriction above the middle; leaf base sheathing." Araceae
155 "Leaves without a constriction above the middle; leaf base not sheathing, petiole present." 156
156 "Leaves entire; stipules present on young stems and leaving a scar encircling the stem at each node." Piperaceae
156 "Leaves palmately 3–5-lobed; stipules absent." Araliaceae
157 "Leaves with 3–many longitudinal veins." 158
157 "Leaves pinnately or palmately veined." 161
158 "Leaves with base sheathing stem; margins with small spinescent teeth near base of leaves." Pandanaceae
158 "Leaves without base sheathing stem; margins entire." 159
159 "Leaves with many closely spaced ± parallel veins." Luzuriagaceae
159 "Leaves with 3–7 widely spaced longitudinal veins." 160
160 "Petioles stout and rather short; leaves with base of lamina rounded or tapering into petiole; most leaves usually regularly whorled or opposite." Ripogonaceae
160 "Petioles slender and relatively long; leaves with base of lamina hastate or cordate; leaves always alternate." Dioscoreaceae
161 "Leaves ± triangular and margins regularly toothed to finely crenate, base generally cordate." 162
161 "Leaves not ± triangular, if leaves toothed then base not cordate." 164
162 "Leaves and stems ± glabrous; ocreae present at nodes." Polygonaceae
162 "At least young stems, petioles and lower surface of leaves hairy; ocreae (sheaths of fused stipules) absent." 163
163 "Stems and leaves softly and densely hairy; petioles of many leaves twining." Scrophulariaceae
163 "Stems and petioles with scattered, bristly, stinging hairs; petioles not twining." Euphorbiaceae
164 "Leaves with petiole more than half as long as lamina; lamina ovate to ± circular, margins entire, lobed or angled and base often cordate; venation palmate or prominently 3-veined from near base." 165
164 "Leaves with petiole less than half as long as lamina; lamina linear to ovate to oblanceolate, rarely base cordate, margins generally entire, occasionally toothed, crenate or lobed; venation pinnate, rarely obscurely 3-veined from base." 170
165 "Flowers in heads surrounded by herbaceous involucral bracts; leaves palmately 5–7-angled." Asteraceae
165 "Flowers not in heads surrounded by bracts; leaves palmately lobed or 2- or 3-angled." 166
166 "Flowers bisexual, solitary or a few together, axillary or terminal." 167
166 "Flowers unisexual; inflorescence with many flowers, axillary." 169
167 "Leaves peltate; flowers spurred." Tropaeolaceae
167 "Leaves not peltate; flowers not spurred." 168
168 "Corolla tubular; a small amount of milky latex present; either leaves hairy or margins palmately lobed or base sagittate or hastate; base of lamina usually cordate." Convolvulaceae
168 "Perianth segments free; milky latex absent; leaves glabrous and margins either entire or with 1 or 2 angles; base of lamina not cordate." Flacourtiaceae
169 "Ovary inferior; carpels fused, 3; fruit a capsule, deeply 3-angled." Dioscoreaceae
169 "Ovary superior; carpels free or 1; fruit a drupe, not deeply angled." Menispermaceae
170 "Margins of leaves toothed, crenate or deeply lobed." 171
170 "Margins of leaves entire." 174
171 "Herbaceous climbers, lenticels absent; flowers >15 mm diam." 172
171 "Woody climbers or twiners, lenticels raised and obvious on stem; flowers <5 mm diam." 173
172 "Leaves toothed to crenate, ± sessile with base encircling stem; flowers yellow." Dilleniaceae
172 "Leaves deeply lobed, petiolate; flowers white to pale blue." Solanaceae
173 "Leaves scabrous below; teeth coarse and irregular; milky latex sometimes present." Moraceae
173 "Leaves not scabrous; teeth usually regular and fine, margins often ± crenate; latex absent." Celastraceae
174 "Petioles with a distinct joint or pulvinus-like swelling at the apex or petioles thickened and twisted." 175
174 "Petioles not thickened and twisted, lacking a distinct joint or pulvinus-like swelling at the apex, either absent or very short or if longer then not rigid." 177
175 "Flowers unisexual, actinomorphic." Menispermaceae
175 "Flowers bisexual, zygomorphic." 176
176 "Petioles without stipels and joint near apex; petiole base expanded into a horizontal ridge extending three-quarters of the way around the stem; corolla tubular." Aristolochiaceae
176 "Petioles with stipels and a joint near apex (leaf 1-foliolate); petiole base not expanded; corolla not tubular. (FABOIDEAE)" Fabaceae
177 "Leaves oblanceolate and tapering into the base, base sheathing the stem." Dilleniaceae
177 "Leaves usually not oblanceolate, base not sheathing the stem." 178
178 "Leaves hairy." 179
178 "Leaves glabrous or almost so (sometimes stellate hairs present on new growth)." 180
179 "Mature leaves <5 cm long, sessile or petiole <1 cm long; small twining plants." Pittosporaceae
179 "Mature leaves >5 cm long, petiole >1 cm long; woody climbers." Amaranthaceae
180 "Leaves ± fleshy, ± broad-ovate, base cordate; axillary tubers borne at some nodes." Basellaceae
180 "Leaves not fleshy, linear to ovate, base not cordate; axillary tubers absent." 181
181 "Leaves with translucent or opaque dots scattered over lower leaf surface." Myrsinaceae
181 "Leaves lacking such dots." 182
182 "Leaves scabrous on lower surface; stellate scales absent." Moraceae
182 "Leaves not scabrous; stellate scales sometimes present." 183
183 "Brown stellate scales on young stems; tall climbers in coastal rainforest north from Dorrigo." Annonaceae
183 "Stellate scales absent; scrambling shrubs or twiners, rarely in rainforest; inland or coastal regions." 184
184 "Petioles >10 mm long; coastal species, sometimes in or near rainforest." Solanaceae
184 "Petioles <10 mm long; widespread, rarely in rainforest." 185
185 "Flowers mostly absent, if present actinomorphic, <5 mm diam.; scrambling shrub of inland areas." Rhamnaceae
185 "Flowers mostly present, zygomorphic, >5 mm diam.; twining shrubs, widespread." Polygalaceae
186 "Leaves whorled, scale-like and subtending linear to ovate cladodes in the axils." Asparagaceae
186 "Leaves not whorled, scale-like and subtending linear to ovate cladodes in the axils." 187
187 "Prickles or spines present." 188
187 "Prickles or spines absent." 191
188 "Spines present at many nodes." 189
188 "Prickles scattered on stems." 190
189 "Milky latex exudes from broken stems and petioles; spines straight." Apocynaceae
189 "Milky latex absent; spines often curved." Nyctaginaceae
190 "Stems 4-angled; leaves pinnately veined, margins toothed." Verbenaceae
190 "Stems not angled; leaves with 3 or 5 main longitudinal veins, margins entire." Ripogonaceae
191 "Leaves at each node unequal in size." Gesneriaceae
191 "Leaves at each node similar in size." 192
192 "Leaves with numerous minute translucent oil dots, aromatic when crushed." 193
192 "Leaves without translucent oil dots, not aromatic when crushed." 194
193 "Rough stellate hairs present on stems and leaves; hypanthium present, perianth in 1 whorl." Monimiaceae
193 "Rusty hairs present, especially on young stems and leaves; hypanthium not present, perianth in 2 whorls." Trimeniaceae
194 "Margins of adult leaves crenate or toothed." 195
194 "Margins of adult leaves entire, sometimes juvenile leaves lobed or dissected." 198
195 "Leaves with 3–5 veins rising from base of lamina, base ± cordate." 196
195 "Leaves with only one main longitudinal vein." 197
196 "Leaves glabrous or almost so, shiny above, central area of lamina pale green." Ranunculaceae
196 "Leaves hairy, dull above, not variegated in colour." Acanthaceae
197 "Leaves slightly glossy above, dull below; stems forming short coils and abrupt knot-like bends around supports." Celastraceae
197 "Leaves very glossy above, moderately glossy below; stems twining in loose, elongated spirals." Aphanopetalaceae
198 "Interpetiolar stipules present; domatia present on most leaves, sometimes minute." Rubiaceae
198 "Interpetiolar stipules absent or greatly reduced; domatia absent." 199
199 "Petioles distinctly jointed a little above the base." Oleaceae
199 "Petioles lacking such a joint." 200
200 "Stems 4-angled." Verbenaceae
200 "Stems not angled." 201
201 "Milky or clear latex absent; stamens 1–4 or if 5 then flowers strongly zygomorphic." 202
201 "Milky or yellowish latex usually exudes from broken stems or petioles; stamens 5; flowers actinomorphic." 204
202 "Leaves sagittate to hastate, glabrous." Chenopodiaceae
202 "Leaves not lobed at base, hairy below." 203
203 "Leaves wrinkled above, whitish with stellate hairs below; flowers mauve or yellow." Buddlejaceae
203 "Leaves smooth above, green below, hairs simple or glandular; flowers cream or yellow." Caprifoliaceae
204 "Either upper surface of leaves with a cluster of 2–20 minute raised glands at the base of lamina (hand lens needed) or leaves reduced and scale-like; pollen aggregated into pollinia." Apocynaceae
204 "Upper surface of leaves without any raised glands (leaves never reduced and scale-like); pollen either granular or rarely aggregated into pollinia." 205
205 "Pollen granular, not aggregated into pollinia." Apocynaceae
205 "Pollen aggregated into pollinia." Apocynaceae
206 "Leaves apparently absent, often reduced to scales." 207
206 "Leaves present, not reduced to scales." 230
207 "Saprophytic or parasitic herbs, usually without chlorophyll; the stems yellow or purple." 208
207 "Chlorophyll present, stems sometimes with yellowish tinge if the plants are hemiparasitic on roots of other plants." 210
208 "Flowers actinomorphic; stamens 6 or rarely 3." Thismiaceae
208 "Flowers usually strongly zygomorphic; stamens 4 or 1." 209
209 "Ovary inferior; stamen 1." Orchidaceae
209 "Ovary superior; stamens 4." Scrophulariaceae
210 "Cladodes succulent, often jointed." 211
210 "Cladodes not succulent, either smooth or angular, sometimes flattened or winged." 214
211 "Cladodes >10 mm diam., cylindrical, angular or flattened, bearing numerous spines." Cactaceae
211 "Cladodes <8 mm diam., ± cylindrical, spines absent." 212
212 "Milky latex absent; cladodes jointed; erect or prostrate shrubs or subshrubs." Chenopodiaceae
212 "Milky latex present; cladodes sometimes jointed; scrambling shrubs." 213
213 "Scale leaves alternate; fruit a capsule c. 4 mm long, seeds 3." Euphorbiaceae
213 "Leaves opposite; fruit a follicle 5–14 cm long, seeds numerous." Apocynaceae
214 "Cladodes winged or leaves reduced to spines." 215
214 "Cladodes or branchlets not winged, either terete or flattened." 216
215 "Wings on cladodes firm and brown; leaves reduced to spines. (FABOIDEAE)" Fabaceae
215 "Wings herbaceous to membranous; plants not spinose." Elaeocarpaceae
216 "Scale leaves subtending leaf-like cladodes, cladodes often clustered or whorled." Asparagaceae
216 "Leaves not subtending leaf-like cladodes." 217
217 "Scale leaves in whorls of 4 or more and fused at the base." Casuarinaceae
217 "Scale leaves (or leaf scars) alternate or opposite." 218
218 "Spines regularly present along adult stems." 219
218 "Spines not regularly present on adult stems, but branches sometimes ending in spines or spines present on juvenile growth." 220
219 "Spines alternate." Rutaceae
219 "Spines opposite." Rhamnaceae
220 "Leaves opposite." 221
220 "Leaves alternate." 224
221 "Herbs in swamps; flowers unisexual." Rubiaceae
221 "Shrubs or subshrubs, not in swamps; flowers bisexual." 222
222 "Flowers 3–4 mm long; shrubs; fruit brownish, not succulent; at least some leaves normally-developed on plant." Lamiaceae
222 "Flowers either <2 mm long, or >6 mm long; subshrubs, prostrate or erect; fruit red to orange, succulent; no leaves normally developed." 223
223 "Erect subshrubs; flowers 8–10 mm long, white; western species." Loganiaceae
223 "Prostrate subshrubs; flowers 1–2 mm long, greenish; high altitude species." Santalaceae
224 "Flowers unisexual, borne in clusters at almost every node over the whole plant (dead flower parts usually persistent)." Euphorbiaceae
224 "Flowers bisexual, borne mainly towards the ends of branches (dead flower parts not usually persistent)." 225
225 "Either ovary inferior, or ovary superior and then fruiting pedicel enlarged and often succulent." Santalaceae
225 "Ovary superior, but fruiting pedicel neither enlarged nor succulent." 226
226 "Scale leaves encircling stem and usually a few millimetres apart; flowers small, pink and in large terminal panicles." Tamaricaceae
226 "Leaves not scale leaves encircling stem and usually more than a few millimetres apart; flowers and inflorescences not large terminal panicles." 227
227 "Flowers bisexual, strongly zygomorphic." 228
227 "Flowers unisexual, actinomorphic." 229
228 "Flowers blue; inner 2 sepals large and petaloid; fruit a capsule." Polygalaceae
228 "Flowers yellow, orange or rarely purple; sepals not petaloid, shortly tubular and ± equal; fruit a legume. (FABOIDEAE)" Fabaceae
229 "Shrubs or small trees 1–4 m high; flowers solitary or in short, few-flowered racemes; fruit a berry." Capparaceae
229 "Shrubs with tangled branches; flowers in interrupted, spike-like racemes; fruit an indehiscent nut." Polygonaceae
230 "Leaves consistently whorled." 231
230 "Leaves alternate or opposite or leaf solitary." 254
231 "Woody plants, trees or erect shrubs." 232
231 "Herbs or prostrate or hemispherical subshrubs." 248
232 "Milky latex or coloured resin exudes from cut or broken twigs or petioles." 233
232 "Neither milky latex nor coloured resin exudes from cut or broken twigs or petioles." 234
233 "Milky latex exudes from cut stems or petioles." Apocynaceae
233 "Yellowish to red resin exudes from cut stems or petioles." Myrtaceae
234 "Leaves with 5–7 main longitudinal veins. (STYPHELIOIDEAE)" Ericaceae
234 "Leaves with only 1 main longitudinal vein." 235
235 "Leaves either <3 cm long, or if 3–6 cm long then neither rigid nor pungent-pointed." 236
235 "Leaves either >6 cm long or if 3–6 cm long then rigid and pungent-pointed." 243
236 "Whorls usually with 3 or 4 leaves." 237
236 "Whorls with 5–7 leaves." 242
237 "Leaves 3–6 mm long and ± terete." Ericaceae
237 "Leaves >6 mm long or if less then not ± terete." 238
238 "Stems 4-angled." Lamiaceae
238 "Stems not 4-angled." 239
239 "Leaves in whorls of 4 (rarely 3 or 5)." Elaeocarpaceae
239 "Leaves in whorls of 3, rarely more." 240
240 "Plants ± white-tomentose; leaves sessile." Lamiaceae
240 "Plants never white-tomentose; leaves mostly petiolate, if sessile then plants glabrous or hairy." 241
241 "Fruit a legume; flowers zygomorphic. (FABOIDEAE)" Fabaceae
241 "Fruit a drupe; flowers actinomorphic." Proteaceae
242 "Whorls consistently with 6 `leaves' (actually 2 sessile 3-foliolate leaves); fruit a capsule." Cunoniaceae
242 "Whorls with 5–7 leaves (phyllodes); fruit a legume. (MIMOSOIDEAE)" Fabaceae
243 "Leaves mesomorphic." 244
243 "Leaves scleromorphic." 246
244 "Stipular sheaths present on apex of shoots." Rubiaceae
244 "Stipular sheaths absent." 245
245 "Stems terete; terminal buds scaly." Pittosporaceae
245 "Stems angular; terminal buds not scaly." Verbenaceae
246 "Terminal buds scaly; juvenile leaves whorled, toothed, adult leaves alternate, entire." Corynocarpaceae
246 "Terminal buds not scaly; all leaves whorled, entire or toothed." 247
247 "Interpetiolar stipules present; leaves glaucous below; flowers in separated, dense, ± globose clusters." Cunoniaceae
247 "Stipules absent; leaves not glaucous below; inflorescence racemose or flowers in heads surrounded by bracts." Proteaceae
248 "Leaves succulent and either terete or about as wide as long; leaves usually in whorls of 4." 249
248 "Leaves not succulent; leaves opposite or in whorls of 2 to many." 250
249 "Leaves terete, 3–7 mm long; calyx and corolla present." Frankeniaceae
249 "Leaves flat, about as long as wide, 5–15 mm long; flowers naked." Piperaceae
250 "Leaves regularly in whorls of 3 or leaves opposite; flowers purple to blue, c. 8–10 mm long." Lythraceae
250 "Leaves in whorls of 4 or more, sometimes some in 3s; flowers usually greenish to white, mostly <5 mm long." 251
251 "Leaves fused into a basal tube with only apices free; stems longitudinally grooved." Sphenopsida
251 "Leaves not fused into a basal tube with only apices free; stems rarely grooved." 252
252 "Stems 4-angled; ovary inferior." Rubiaceae
252 "Stems not 4-angled; ovary superior." 253
253 "Perianth in 1 whorl; stipules absent." Aizoaceae
253 "Sepals and petals present; stipules present." Caryophyllaceae
254 "Leaves usually with reticulate venation; vascular bundles open, that is, secondary thickening occurs; taproot present, at least in seedlings; flower parts usually in whorls of 4 or 5; embryo mostly with 2 cotyledons (dicots)." 255
254 "Leaves usually with parallel venation; vascular bundles closed, that is, no secondary thickening occurs; root system fibrous; flower parts usually in whorls of 3; embryo mostly with 1 cotyledon (monocots)." 514
255 "Leaves compound, with 2 or more distinct pinnae." 256
255 "Leaves 1-foliolate or simple (sometimes lamina deeply lobed but not divided into discrete leaflets)." 315
256 "Leaves either 2- or 3-pinnate or biternate." 257
256 "Leaves either 1-pinnate or palmate." 269
257 Herbs. 258
257 "Shrubs or trees." 261
258 "Ovary superior; flowers zygomorphic or actinomorphic." 259
258 "Ovary inferior; most flowers actinomorphic, rarely all zygomorphic." 260
259 "Flowers zygomorphic; fruit a nut; leaves 2- or 3-pinnate." Fumariaceae
259 "Flowers actinomorphic; fruit a follicle; leaves biternate." Malaceae
260 "Upper part of petioles usually with reduced pinnae or flaps of tissue; flowers in heads." Asteraceae
260 "Reduced pinnae or flaps of tissue absent (the lowest pinnae largest); flowers in umbels." Apiaceae
261 "Pinnae with a terminal pinnule or segment." 262
261 "Pinnae without a terminal pinnule or segment." 268
262 "Leaves with jointed rachis; ovary inferior or superior." 263
262 "Leaves without jointed rachis; ovary superior." 264
263 "Ovary inferior." Araliaceae
263 "Ovary superior." Berberidaceae
264 "Pinnules toothed to subentire." 265
264 "Pinnules entire." 267
265 "Leaves regularly 2-pinnate; leaves glabrous except for stellate hairs on petioles; fruit an indehiscent drupe." Meliaceae
265 "Leaves irregularly 2–4-pinnate; lower surface of leaves either hairy (hairs not stellate) or strongly glaucous; fruit dehiscent." 266
266 "Fruit a capsule, covered with irritant hairs; leaves irregularly 2-pinnate." Sapindaceae
266 "Fruit a follicle, glabrous; leaves irregularly 2–4-pinnate." Proteaceae
267 "Leaves without oil dots, lower surface pale, silky; leaves deeply 2- or 3-pinnatifid." Proteaceae
267 "Leaves with oil dots, lower surface either glabrous or with scattered hairs; leaves regularly or irregularly 2-pinnate." Rutaceae
268 "Flowers zygomorphic; spines or prickles present. (CAESALPINIOIDEAE)" Fabaceae
268 "Flowers actinomorphic; spines and prickles present or absent. (MIMOSOIDEAE)" Fabaceae
269 "Trees and shrubs." 270
269 "Herbaceous plants." 298
270 "Leaves opposite, sometimes apparently whorled." 271
270 "Leaves alternate." 277
271 "Oil dots present in leaves, leaves aromatic when crushed." Rutaceae
271 "Oil dots absent, leaves not aromatic when crushed." 272
272 "Interpetiolar stipules present." 273
272 "Stipules absent." 274
273 "Margins of pinnae toothed; stipules not resinous." Cunoniaceae
273 "Margins of pinnae entire; stipules resinous." Cunoniaceae
274 "Leaves sessile, 3-foliolate; pinnae <1.5 cm long." Cunoniaceae
274 "Leaves petiolate, 3–11-foliolate; pinnae 2–12 cm long." 275
275 "Leaves with small stalked glands on rachis between petiolules." Adoxaceae
275 "Leaves without glands on rachis." 276
276 "Cultivated trees, sometimes naturalized; fruit dry, winged." Aceraceae
276 "Shrub in rainforest; fruit succulent, not winged." Verbenaceae
277 "Stipules present and pinnae regularly toothed." 278
277 "Either stipules absent or if stipules present then pinnae not regularly toothed." 281
278 "Prickles usually present; stipules ± linear; rachis not winged." Rosaceae
278 "Prickles absent." 279
279 "Stipules not prominent, <3 mm wide; rachis not winged." Malaceae
279 "Stipules >1 cm wide; rachis winged." 280
280 "Stipules free, ± semicircular, 1–2 cm long; fruit drupaceous." Cunoniaceae
280 "Stipules fused and encircling the stem, >5 cm long; fruit capsular." Melianthaceae
281 "Fruit a legume or samara; stipules mostly present on new growth but often shed early." 282
281 "Fruit variable but neither a legume nor a samara; stipules absent or inconspicuous." 284
282 "Fruit a samara." Simaroubaceae
282 "Fruit a legume." 283
283 "Stamens 10 and free, either unequal or some reduced and sterile. (CAESALPINIOIDEAE)" Fabaceae
283 "Stamens 10, free or variously united, equal in size, all fertile. (FABOIDEAE)" Fabaceae
284 "Oil dots present in leaves, leaves aromatic when crushed." Rutaceae
284 "Oil dots absent, leaves not aromatic when crushed." 285
285 "Leaves palmately compound with 5 or more pinnae or pinnae 3 and pinnae with silvery scales below." Malvaceae
285 "Leaves pinnately compound or if pinnae 3 then not silvery below." 286
286 "Domatia present, sometimes small and inconspicuous." 287
286 "Domatia absent." 290
287 "Petioles and stems exuding a clear sap when cut; fruit an indehiscent drupe." Anacardiaceae
287 "Petioles and stems not exuding a clear sap when cut; fruit usually a dehiscent capsule." 288
288 "Pinnae regularly toothed." Sapindaceae
288 "Pinnae entire (rarely a few teeth in juveniles)." 289
289 "Either stamens fused into a tube or seeds winged; leaves either with >10 leaflets, or with a terminal pinna present, or pinnae opposite and rachis without a terminal spur." Meliaceae
289 "Stamens not fused into a tube and seeds not winged; leaves mostly <10 leaflets and rachis ending in a terminal spur, true terminal leaflet absent, pinnae often subopposite." Sapindaceae
290 "Leaves with main rachis jointed at the point where the pinnae are attached, the pinnae usually opposite." Araliaceae
290 "Leaves without jointed rachis." 291
291 "Leaves with either a terminal spur at end of rachis (pinnae alternate, subopposite or opposite), or fruit a 2–6-winged capsule." Sapindaceae
291 "Leaves without terminal spur on rachis (pinnae mostly opposite); fruit variable but not a winged capsule." 292
292 "Pinnae toothed, lobed or dissected." 293
292 "Pinnae (or leaves) with entire margins." 296
293 "Pinnae with blunt teeth or lobes; adult leaves usually <30 cm long." Proteaceae
293 "Pinnae with spinose teeth; adult leaves usually >30 cm long." 294
294 "Leaves pinnatisect in upper part; rachis winged." Proteaceae
294 "Leaves pinnate throughout; rachis not winged." 295
295 "Leaves with 12–30 pinnae, without a terminal pinna." Akaniaceae
295 "Leaves with 5–13 pinnae, with a terminal pinna." Berberidaceae
296 "Leaves pinnate and simple on the same shoot; fruit a follicle." Proteaceae
296 "All leaves pinnate; fruit a drupe or capsule." 297
297 "Pinnae with an obvious swelling at junction of petiolule with rachis, terminal pinna always present; fruit a drupe." Burseraceae
297 "Pinnae without a swelling at junction of petiolule and rachis, terminal pinna usually not present; fruit a capsule." Meliaceae
298 "Leaves pinnate without a terminal pinna." 299
298 "Leaves palmate or pinnate with a terminal pinna." 300
299 "Leaves opposite; stipules interpetiolar; pinnae 2–24." Zygophyllaceae
299 "Leaves alternate; paired stipules usually present at base of each petiole; pinnae >2. (FABOIDEAE)" Fabaceae
300 "Leaves dotted with oil glands." Rutaceae
300 "Leaves without oil glands." 301
301 "Leaves with 3 pinnae arranged at the apex of a relatively long petiole; pinnae ± obcordate, margins entire; fruit a capsule." Oxalidaceae
301 "Leaves not with 3 pinnae arranged at the apex of a relatively long petiole; pinnae not obcordate, margins not entire; fruit various, rarely a capsule." 302
302 "Leaves palmate with 3–11 pinnae, petiolule of terminal pinna ± as long as petiolules of lateral pinnae." 303
302 "Leaves pinnate with 3 or more pinnae, petiolule of terminal pinna longer than those of lateral pinnae." 306
303 "Leaves irregularly palmately dissected, pinnae irregularly lobed." Ranunculaceae
303 "Leaves regularly divided into pinnae, margins entire or regularly toothed." 304
304 "Either pinnae entire or stipules spinescent, the pinnae usually with glandular hairs." Capparaceae
304 "Pinnae toothed, stipules not spinescent." 305
305 "Flowers unisexual, <5 mm diam.; stipules not fused to petiole." Cannabaceae
305 "Flowers bisexual, >10 mm diam.; stipules fused to petiole." Rosaceae
306 "Stipules present." 307
306 "Stipules absent, petioles sometimes dilated at the base." 308
307 "Pinnae toothed, the teeth >1 mm deep; flowers actinomorphic." Rosaceae
307 "Pinnae entire or with teeth <1 mm deep or pinnae lobed or deeply dissected; flowers zygomorphic. (FABOIDEAE)" Fabaceae
308 "Flowers in heads surrounded by involucral bracts (leaves often deeply pinnatisect)." Asteraceae
308 "Flowers not in heads surrounded by involucral bracts; leaves not deeply pinnatisect." 309
309 "Pinnae 3, usually deeply dissected; fruit a cluster of achenes." Ranunculaceae
309 "Pinnae more than 3; fruit not an achene." 310
310 "Flowers in umbels or umbellate clusters." 311
310 "Flowers not in umbels." 312
311 "Ovary inferior." Apiaceae
311 "Ovary superior." Geraniaceae
312 "Leaves succulent or spinose." 313
312 "Leaves neither succulent nor spinose." 314
313 "Leaves succulent, opposite." Crassulaceae
313 "Leaves spinose, alternate." Polemoniaceae
314 "Leaves tasting like mustard; petals mostly yellow or white; stamens usually 6." Brassicaceae
314 "Leaves not tasting like mustard; petals blue; stamens 5." Hydrophyllaceae
315 "Flowers enclosed in an invaginated floral axis; fruit multiple, a syconium or fig." Moraceae
315 "Flowers not enclosed in an invaginated floral axis; fruit not a syconium or fig." 316
316 "Flowers unisexual, arranged in a cyathium; white latex present." Euphorbiaceae
316 "Flowers either bisexual, or if unisexual then not arranged in a cyathium; white latex either absent or if rarely present then flowers bisexual." 317
317 "Ocreae (sheaths of fused stipules) present around the petiole and stem." Polygonaceae
317 "Ocreae absent." 318
318 "Ovary superior or the flower naked." 319
318 "Ovary inferior or half-inferior." 476
319 "Carpels ± free, fruit usually separating into distinct carpels, that is, 2 or more ovaries present (sometimes carpels enclosed in hypanthium and `ovary' apparently solitary)." 320
319 "Carpels fused or the carpel solitary, that is, ovary and fruit solitary." 336
320 "Milky or yellowish latex exudes from broken stems." 321
320 "Milky or yellowish latex absent." 322
321 "Pollen granular, not aggregated into pollinia; fruit black or more often brightly coloured, mostly drupaceous, sometimes a pair of tardily dehiscent follicles." Apocynaceae
321 "Pollen aggregated into pollinia; fruit a pair of green or brownish dehiscent follicles." Apocynaceae
322 "Herbs, sometimes trailing." 323
322 "Shrubs or trees." 326
323 "Petals fused into a tube." 324
323 "Petals free." 325
324 "Leaves opposite." Lamiaceae
324 "Leaves alternate." Convolvulaceae
325 "Carpels equal in number to the petals; leaves opposite, succulent." Crassulaceae
325 "Carpels much more numerous than the petals; leaves usually alternate, not succulent." Ranunculaceae
326 "Leaves opposite." Monimiaceae
326 "Leaves alternate, sometimes ± whorled." 327
327 "Either stamens 5 and alternate with 5 staminodes or stamens numerous and on an androgynophore." Malvaceae
327 "Stamens >5 but not on an androgynophore." 328
328 "Sepals and petals modified into calyptras; carpels immersed in the receptacle." Eupomatiaceae
328 "Calyptras not formed; carpels not immersed in the receptacle." 329
329 "Fruit a cluster of berries; leaves with fine oil dots and aromatic when crushed." 330
329 "Fruit otherwise; leaves without oil dots, not aromatic when crushed." 331
330 "Flowers mostly unisexual; fruit blue to blackish; leaves tasting like pepper." Winteraceae
330 "Flowers bisexual; fruit orange to red; leaves not tasting like pepper." Annonaceae
331 "Stamens perigynous." 332
331 "Stamens hypogynous." 333
332 "Receptacles urn-shaped and almost enclosing carpels; fruit a number of individual achenes enclosed in a false fruit or `hip'." Rosaceae
332 "Receptacles saucer-shaped; fruit a cluster of follicles." Malaceae
333 "Individual fruit dehiscent, follicles; carpels always completely free." Dilleniaceae
333 "Individual fruit not dehiscent, drupes; carpels often united by their common style." 334
334 "Leaves toothed; individual black drupes seated on swollen red receptacle." Ochnaceae
334 "Leaves entire; individual drupes either red, orange or brownish, receptacle neither swollen nor red." 335
335 "Leaves usually <5 cm long and with <10 pairs of secondary veins; western species." Surianaceae
335 "Leaves mostly >5 cm long and with >10 pairs of secondary veins; coastal species." Simaroubaceae
336 "Fertile stamens more than twice as many as sepals or tepals (tepals as in Proteaceae, Moraceae)." 337
336 "Fertile stamens to twice as many as sepals or tepals." 357
337 "Leaves alternate." 338
337 "Leaves opposite." 355
338 "Leaves modified to phyllodes, identified by the extrafloral nectary on the upper edge; carpel 1; fruit a legume or a lomentum. (MIMOSOIDEAE)" Fabaceae
338 "Leaves not modified into phyllodes; carpels 1 or more; fruit neither a legume nor lomentum." 339
339 "Either all flowers unisexual or unisexual and bisexual flowers occurring together in the same inflorescence." 340
339 "All flowers bisexual." 344
340 "Sepals fused and enclosing the bud, splitting into 2 or 3 lobes; carpel 1; leaves tasting like pepper." Winteraceae
340 "Sepals or perianth otherwise; carpel 1 or 3–indefinite; leaves not tasting like pepper." 341
341 "Carpels 3, fused; styles 3." Euphorbiaceae
341 "Carpels 1, or >3 (rarely 3 and with 1 style)." 342
342 "Sepals and petals present; carpels 4 or 5, rarely 3, central column absent." Ebenaceae
342 "Either sepals or petals absent; carpels solitary or >3 and then united around a central column." 343
343 "Perianth represented by blunt teeth; carpels 4–7 or >20, united around a central column; fruit without spines." Gyrostemonaceae
343 "Perianth sepaloid, 2–3 mm long; carpel solitary; fruit covered by spines." Phytolaccaceae
344 "Carpel solitary; fruit a drupe." Amygdalaceae
344 "Carpels >2, fused together; fruit variable." 345
345 "Carpels incompletely fused, either free at the apex or carpels united only by their gynobasic style." 346
345 "Carpels fused throughout, except sometimes in upper style and stigma." 347
346 "Carpels free at the apex, ovules and seeds visible." Resedaceae
346 "Carpels united only by their gynobasic style." Ochnaceae
347 "Filaments of stamens fused, forming a tube around the styles, stigmas protruding above the tube." Malvaceae
347 "Filaments free or almost so, not forming a tube." 348
348 "Sepals 2 or 3, sometimes united into a calyptra." 349
348 "Sepals 4 or more." 350
349 "Flowers solitary on long scapes; placentation parietal." Papaveraceae
349 "Flowers in few- to many-flowered cymes, cymose panicles or heads, rarely solitary in leaf axils; placentation basal or free-central." Portulacaceae
350 "Ovary on a gynophore." Capparaceae
350 "Ovary ± sessile." 351
351 "Rigid spreading shrubs; leaves <5 mm wide." 352
351 "Erect shrubs; leaves >5 mm wide." 353
352 "Leaves deeply and irregularly pinnatisect, glabrous." Peganaceae
352 "Leaves entire, covered with appressed hairs." Nitrariaceae
353 "Placentation parietal; leaf margins entire or bluntly angular." Flacourtiaceae
353 "Placentation axile; leaf margins usually finely or coarsely toothed." 354
354 "Anthers opening by terminal valves or pores." Elaeocarpaceae
354 "Anthers opening by longitudinal slits." Tiliaceae
355 "Shrubs or trees." Monimiaceae
355 "Herbs or small shrubs." 356
356 "Leaves gland-dotted, not succulent, bright green." Hypericaceae
356 "Leaves not gland-dotted, succulent or often greyish and apparently whorled." Aizoaceae
357 "Perianth in 1 whorl or the flower naked." 358
357 "Perianth in 2 whorls." 388
358 "Flowers naked, perianth absent." 359
358 "Flowers with perianth present." 361
359 "Trees with alternate leaves; flowers in catkins." Salicaceae
359 "Herbs with opposite leaves." 360
360 "Flowers bisexual, in dense terminal spikes." Piperaceae
360 "Flowers unisexual, axillary, solitary or in pairs." Callitrichaceae
361 "Perianth segments scarious." Amaranthaceae
361 "Perianth segments herbaceous or petaloid." 362
362 "Stamens 8–10." 363
362 "Stamens <8." 372
363 "Leaves opposite." 364
363 "Leaves alternate and/or radical." 366
364 Herbs. Caryophyllaceae
364 "Trees or shrubs." 365
365 "Flowers with tubular hypanthium, several times longer than ovary; leaves usually <6 cm long." Thymelaeaceae
365 "Flowers with hypanthium or perianth about as long as the ovary; leaves >6 cm long." Cunoniaceae
366 "Flowers unisexual." 367
366 "Flowers bisexual." 369
367 "Style simple; fruit a winged capsule." Sapindaceae
367 "Style branched or styles as many as the carpels; fruit not a winged capsule." 368
368 "Carpels 3, fused, styles 3; fruit usually 3-lobed." Euphorbiaceae
368 "Carpels 2 or >3 and united around a central column; styles free, 2–7, or fused and 4–7-branched; fruit 2- or >3-lobed." Gyrostemonaceae
369 "Carpels 8–10." Phytolaccaceae
369 "Carpels usually 3–5." 370
370 "Herbs or subshrubs." Aizoaceae
370 "Shrubs or small trees." 371
371 "Plants of coastal areas; seeds without arils." Flacourtiaceae
371 "Plants of inland areas; seeds with a fleshy red aril." Sapindaceae
372 "Styles 2 or more, or the style branched." 373
372 "Style simple, unbranched (stigma sometimes lobed)." 377
373 "Ovary usually 3-locular, rarely 2–7-locular." Euphorbiaceae
373 "Ovary 1-locular." 374
374 "Herbs with opposite leaves, the leaf bases usually fused; stipules sometimes present; glabrous or with a few simple hairs." Caryophyllaceae
374 "Trees, shrubs or herbs with leaves alternate (rarely opposite, and if so, without stipules, the leaf bases not fused and hairs tubercled)." 375
375 "Herbs or small shrubs; widespread, rarely in rainforest." Chenopodiaceae
375 "Shrubs or trees; mostly in or near rainforest." 376
376 "Fruit solitary or paired, drupaceous; leaves usually 3-veined from base." Ulmaceae
376 "Fruit crowded and forming a multiple fruit; leaves not 3-veined from base." Moraceae
377 "Perianth tubular (at least in bud) or tubular hypanthium present." 378
377 "Perianth not tubular (sometimes fused at the base and forming a shallow cup)." 382
378 "Stamens always 6; petals 6; calyx represented by a cup which enlarges in fruit." Olacaceae
378 "Stamens mostly 2–5, sometimes 6–8; calyx not a cup which enlarges in fruit." 379
379 "Upper part of perianth tube falling, the lower part persisting and enclosing the fruit." Nyctaginaceae
379 Otherwise. 380
380 "Stamens 2; inserted on the rim of the tubular hypanthium." Thymelaeaceae
380 "Stamens >3; not inserted on the rim of a tubular hypanthium." 381
381 "Trees or shrubs; stamens opposite to and fused with the perianth segments." Proteaceae
381 "Herbs or subshrubs; stamens alternating with the perianth segments." Aizoaceae
382 "Stamens opposite the perianth segments." 383
382 "Stamens alternating with the perianth segments." 384
383 "Either trees or tall shrubs with toothed leaves, often with stinging hairs, or herbs sometimes with stinging hairs." Urticaceae
383 "Shrubs with entire leaves (glabrous or hairy but without stinging hairs)." Santalaceae
384 "Leaves opposite; herbs." Aizoaceae
384 "Leaves alternate; small trees, shrubs or subshrubs." 385
385 "Leaves with a rusty stellate tomentum." Malvaceae
385 "Leaves glabrous or hairy with simple hairs." 386
386 "Flowers bisexual; fruit dry, winged." Rhamnaceae
386 "Flowers unisexual; fruit succulent, not winged." 387
387 "Trees; leaves with domatia." Pennantiaceae
387 "Subshrubs; leaves without domatia." Phytolaccaceae
388 "Petals free." 389
388 "Petals fused into a tube, rarely split down one side or at base." 432
389 "Flowers zygomorphic." 390
389 "Flowers actinomorphic." 398
390 "Sepals 2; soft herbs with semisucculent, highly dissected leaves." Fumariaceae
390 "Sepals or perianth segments 4 or 5; shrubs or herbs, but not with semisucculent, highly dissected leaves." 391
391 "Two lateral sepals large and petaloid." Polygalaceae
391 "Sepals not with two large and petaloid lateral sepals." 392
392 "Shrubs with stout spines and fruit a berry <5 mm long; flowers very slightly zygomorphic." Violaceae
392 "Herbs or shrubs, rarely with spines and then fruit a legume; flowers strongly zygomorphic." 393
393 "Stamens 5, all fertile, staminodes absent; either sepal or petal spurred." 394
393 "Stamens and staminodes when present totalling 10; uppermost sepal sometimes spurred." 395
394 "Lowermost petal spurred at base, sepals not spurred; leaves not succulent; herbs or shrubs." Violaceae
394 "Petals not spurred, uppermost sepal spurred; leaves ± succulent; semisucculent shrubs." Balsaminaceae
395 "Carpels 3 or 5; uppermost sepal often spurred." 396
395 "Carpel 1; uppermost sepal not spurred." 397
396 "Carpels 3; leaves peltate." Tropaeolaceae
396 "Carpels 5; leaves not peltate." Geraniaceae
397 "Petals dissimilar in size and shape, consisting of one large posterior standard, inserted to the outside of 2 lateral wings and 2 fused segments (keel) that enclose the stamens. (FABOIDEAE)" Fabaceae
397 "Petals ± similar in size and shape, posterior petal innermost, petals usually not fused. (CAESALPINIOIDEAE)" Fabaceae
398 "Woody plants." 399
398 Herbs. 420
399 "Leaves with oil dots, leaves aromatic when crushed." 400
399 "Leaves without oil dots, not distinctly aromatic when crushed." 401
400 "Fruit a capsule or berry; flowers >3 mm long: disc present between stamens and ovary; oil dots relatively large." Rutaceae
400 "Fruit drupaceous; flowers 1–2 mm long; disc absent; oil dots minute." Lauraceae
401 "Disc present between the stamens and the ovary." 402
401 "Disc absent." 403
402 "Stamens 8–12." Simaroubaceae
402 "Stamens 4 or 5." Celastraceae
403 "All flowers unisexual." 404
403 "Either all flowers bisexual or rarely some unisexual." 405
404 "Leaves either entire or toothed to crenate, if teeth spinose then leaves not glossy and fruit a capsule; fruit usually capsular, rarely drupaceous or a berry." Euphorbiaceae
404 "Leaves with spinose teeth and glossy; fruit drupaceous." Aquifoliaceae
405 "Stamens 2." Oleaceae
405 "Stamens >2." 406
406 "Stamens hypogynous." 407
406 "Stamens perigynous." 418
407 "Anthers dehiscing by terminal pores or valves." 408
407 "Anthers dehiscing by longitudinal slits." 410
408 "Stems with 3-branched spines." Berberidaceae
408 "Stems without spines." 409
409 "Small shrubs; leaves <2 cm long." Elaeocarpaceae
409 "Trees or tall shrubs; leaves >4 cm long." Lauraceae
410 "Stamens 4 or 5." 411
410 "Stamens 8 or 10." 414
411 "Stamens alternating with staminodes." 412
411 "Staminodes absent." 413
412 "Leaves stellate-hairy; fruit a capsule." Malvaceae
412 "Leaves glabrous; fruit a drupe." Corynocarpaceae
413 "Anthers with a terminal appendage; shrubs with stout spines; flowers slightly zygomorphic." Violaceae
413 "Appendages absent; trees or spinose shrubs, spines fine; flowers actinomorphic." Pittosporaceae
414 "Leaves opposite." 415
414 "Leaves alternate." 416
415 "Interpetiolar stipules present; leaves not lobed, margins toothed." Cunoniaceae
415 "Stipules absent; leaves palmately lobed, otherwise margins entire." Aceraceae
416 "Leaves covered with appressed hairs; western species." Nitrariaceae
416 "Leaves glabrous; rainforest species." 417
417 "Leaves usually <3.5 cm long; fruit red, <9 mm long; petals white." Erythroxylaceae
417 "Leaves usually >3.5 cm long; fruit black, >9 mm long; petals yellow." Surianaceae
418 "Stamens alternating with the sepal lobes; stipules present." Rhamnaceae
418 "Stamens alternating with the petals; stipules absent." 419
419 "Ovary 1–2-locular." Escalloniaceae
419 "Ovary 4–5-locular." Rousseaceae
420 "Sepals 2 or 3." 421
420 "Sepals or outer perianth segments 4 or more." 422
421 "Sepals 2." Portulacaceae
421 "Sepals 3." Elatinaceae
422 "Flowers with tubular hypanthium bearing 4–6 sepals, 4–6 appendages and 4–6 petals." Lythraceae
422 "Flowers without hypanthium." 423
423 "Flowers unisexual." Euphorbiaceae
423 "Flowers bisexual." 424
424 "Leaves dotted with oil glands." Rutaceae
424 "Leaves without oil dots." 425
425 "Fruit a schizocarp splitting into awned mericarps." Geraniaceae
425 "Fruit a siliqua, silicula or capsule." 426
426 "Leaves opposite (sometimes apparently whorled)." 427
426 "Leaves alternate." 429
427 "Ovary 2–5-locular; leaves Y-shaped." Zygophyllaceae
427 "Ovary 1-locular; leaves not Y-shaped." 428
428 "Placentation free-central; mostly herbs, rarely dwarf shrubs; leaves generally green, or if greyish then not salt encrusted." Caryophyllaceae
428 "Placentation parietal; dwarf shrubs; leaves generally greyish because of salt encrusted on surface." Frankeniaceae
429 "Ovary 1-locular; leaves and stems with mixed glandular and non-glandular hairs." Capparaceae
429 "Ovary with 2 or more loculi; plants either glabrous or hairy but hairs not glandular." 430
430 "Sepals 4 and petals 4, stamens usually 6; fruit a siliqua or silicula." Brassicaceae
430 "Sepals and petals 5 or perianth in whorls of 5, stamens 5 or 8; fruit capsular." 431
431 "Ovary 5-locular; flowers blue or yellow; leaves mostly cauline." Linaceae
431 "Ovary 3-locular; flowers white or pinkish; leaves mostly basal." Aizoaceae
432 "Leaves alternate or all basal." 433
432 "Leaves opposite." 460
433 "Stamens epipetalous." 434
433 "Stamens not epipetalous." 451
434 "Stylar cup around the stigma; anthers fused to each other around style." Goodeniaceae
434 "Cup absent; anthers not fused to each other." 435
435 "Flowers unisexual." Ebenaceae
435 "Flowers bisexual." 436
436 "Milky latex exudes from broken stems or petioles." Apocynaceae
436 "Milky latex absent." 437
437 "Shrubs with leaves longitudinally veined; leaves scleromorphic. (STYPHELIOIDEAE)" Ericaceae
437 "Either leaves not longitudinally veined, or if leaves with >1 longitudinal vein then leaves herbaceous." 438
438 "Style more or less gynobasic, the ovary lobed; either hairs tubercular, or plants glabrous and succulent; inflorescence cymose." Boraginaceae
438 "Style terminal; tubercular hairs absent and plants not succulent; inflorescence not cymose." 439
439 "Fertile stamens 5, opposite the corolla lobes; 5 staminodes sometimes present also." 440
439 "Stamens 5 or fewer, alternating with the corolla lobes." 442
440 "Staminodes 5, alternating with 5 stamens." Sapotaceae
440 "Staminodes absent." 441
441 "Herbs or scandent shrubs, if the latter then calyx glandular and flowers >10 mm long." Plumbaginaceae
441 "Trees or shrubs, if shrubs then glandular hairs absent and flowers <10 mm long." Myrsinaceae
442 "Ovary 1-locular; ± semi-aquatic herbs either with radical leaves with long petiole and cordate to sagittate lamina, or underground dissected leaves with insect-trapping bladders." 443
442 "Ovary with 2 or more loculi; leaves not dissected or underground leaves with insect-trapping bladders, plants not aquatic." 444
443 "Flowers actinomorphic; stamens 5; bladders absent." Menyanthaceae
443 "Corolla 2-lipped; stamens 2; leaves with bladders." Lentibulariaceae
444 "Flowers in compact spikes." 445
444 "Inflorescence otherwise." 446
445 "Herbs with leaves in basal rosettes; dense inflorescence solitary on long leafless scapes." Plantaginaceae
445 "Subshrubs with alternate leaves on branches; inflorescences often clustered near ends of branches." Selaginaceae
446 "Ovary (placenta) oblique in the flower; flowers usually actinomorphic or almost so." Solanaceae
446 "Ovary and placenta straight; flowers actinomorphic or zygomorphic." 447
447 "Herbs, sometimes woody at base." 448
447 "Shrubs or trees." 450
448 "Stamens 4; flowers zygomorphic, corolla usually 2-lipped (stamens 5 in Verbascum and the corolla yellow and the lobes slightly unequal)." Scrophulariaceae
448 "Stamens 5; flowers actinomorphic." 449
449 "Flowers <15 mm long, solitary or in small axillary clusters." Convolvulaceae
449 "Flowers >20 mm long, in many-flowered terminal inflorescences." Polemoniaceae
450 "Stamens 4, sometimes with 1 staminode; corolla 2-lipped or flower ± actinomorphic." Scrophulariaceae
450 "Stamens 5; flowers actinomorphic." Boraginaceae
451 Herbs. 452
451 "Woody plants." 455
452 "Flowers zygomorphic." 453
452 "Flowers actinomorphic." 454
453 "Stamens 5; stylar cup present; fruit a small capsule, <2 cm long, not horned." Goodeniaceae
453 "Fertile stamens 2 or 4; stylar cup absent; fruit a horned capsule, >2 cm long." Martyniaceae
454 "Petals shortly united into a basal tube; cymes few-flowered; prostrate plants." Portulacaceae
454 "Petals free at the base, fused above; either flowers in many-flowered spikes or racemes, or rarely flowers solitary and then plant prostrate; plants usually erect." Stackhousiaceae
455 "Flowers unisexual." Ebenaceae
455 "Flowers bisexual or polygamous." 456
456 "Stamens 10, anthers dehiscing by terminal pores; calyx enlarging in fruit." Ericaceae
456 "Stamens 5 or 10, anthers dehiscing by longitudinal slits; calyx not enlarging in fruit." 457
457 "Ovary usually 5-locular; stamens 10; stems and leaves covered with peltate scales." Rutaceae
457 "Ovary 1- or 2-locular; stamens 5." 458
458 "Ovary incompletely 2-locular, ovules several; fruit dehiscing by 2 valves." Pittosporaceae
458 "Ovary 1-locular, ovules 2; fruit an indehiscent drupe." 459
459 "Domatia pit-like, mostly in forks of secondary veins; inflorescences corymbose panicles; anthers versatile; seed not grooved." Pennantiaceae
459 "Domatia pocket-like, usually confined to axils along primary veins; inflorescences thyrsoid; anthers not versatile; seed grooved" Cardiopteridacea
460 "Style gynobasic or at least style arising between the 4 lobes of the ovary; fruit consisting of 4 nutlets." Lamiaceae
460 "Style terminal on the ovary; fruit variable, rarely of 4 nutlets." 461
461 "Corolla tube split to base on one side." Portulacaceae
461 "Corolla tube not split to base." 462
462 "Stamens fewer than the corolla lobes." 463
462 "Stamens equal in number to the corolla lobes or more numerous." 469
463 "Stamens 2 and the flowers actinomorphic." Oleaceae
463 "Stamens more than 2 or if 2 the flowers zygomorphic." 464
464 "Ovary with 1 or 2 basal ovules per loculus; fruit either of 4 nutlets each with or without a succulent layer, or drupaceous." 465
464 "Ovules numerous in each loculus; fruit dry." 466
465 "Plants either glabrous or hairy and then hairs simple or T-shaped." Verbenaceae
465 "Plants usually densely hairy; hairs much-branched." Lamiaceae
466 "Leaves with glandular hairs; fruit prominently hardened." 467
466 "Leaves without glandular hairs; fruit not hardened." 468
467 "Fruit indehiscent, without horns, <2 cm long." Pedaliaceae
467 "Fruit dehiscent, horned, >2 cm long." Martyniaceae
468 "Seeds attached to placentas by hooked processes." Acanthaceae
468 "Seeds not attached by hooked processes." Scrophulariaceae
469 "Milky or yellowish latex exudes from cut or broken stems or petioles." 470
469 "Milky or yellowish latex usually absent." 471
470 "Pollen aggregated into 2–4 pollinia; fruit always a pair of dehiscent, green to brownish follicles (sometimes only 1 develops)." Apocynaceae
470 "Pollen granular, not aggregated into pollinia; fruit a black or brightly coloured capsule, berry or drupe, rarely a pair of tardily dehiscent follicles." Apocynaceae
471 "Stamens free, 8." Rutaceae
471 "Stamens epipetalous, 4–6." 472
472 "Stamens opposite the corolla lobes." Myrsinaceae
472 "Stamens alternating with the corolla lobes." 473
473 "Corolla zygomorphic (sometimes only slightly so); stems often angular." 474
473 "Corolla actinomorphic; stems rarely angular." 475
474 "Stamens 4, in pairs, filaments of unequal length; plants either glabrous or hairy and then hairs simple or T-shaped." Verbenaceae
474 "Stamens 4–6, all similar; plants usually densely hairy; hairs much-branched." Lamiaceae
475 "Petiole bases connected by a raised line or flap of tissue." Loganiaceae
475 "Connection between petiole bases absent." Gentianaceae
476 "Style terminated by a cup that surrounds the stigma; petals usually with a thickened strip on the back." Goodeniaceae
476 "Stylar cup absent; petals without a thickened strip." 477
477 "Tendrils present on stems." Cucurbitaceae
477 "Tendrils absent." 478
478 "Either anthers fused around the style, or the anthers sessile and fused to the style." 479
478 "Anthers free from one another and free from the style." 481
479 "Anthers 2, sessile, fused to the style." Stylidiaceae
479 "Stamens 3–5, the anthers fused around the style." 480
480 "Flowers in heads and surrounded by an involucre of bracts, bracts sometimes fused and then forming a burr in fruit." Asteraceae
480 "Flowers neither in heads nor surrounded by involucral bracts; burrs not formed." Lobeliaceae
481 "Leaves opposite and with interpetiolar stipules." 482
481 "Either leaves alternate or if leaves opposite then stipules absent or not interpetiolar." 483
482 "Petals fused into a tube; margins of leaves entire." Rubiaceae
482 "Petals free; margins of leaves toothed." Cunoniaceae
483 "Flowers aggregated in either heads or head-like umbels with an involucre of bracts." 484
483 "Flowers neither in heads nor in head-like umbels with an involucre of bracts." 486
484 "Leaves succulent." Portulacaceae
484 "Leaves not succulent." 485
485 "Leaves opposite or ± whorled." Dipsacaceae
485 "Leaves alternate." Apiaceae
486 "Leaves succulent or semisucculent; herbs or shrubs." 487
486 "Leaves non-succulent; herbs, shrubs or trees." 489
487 "Corolla not differentiated, perianth present in 1 or 2 whorls, staminodes absent or more often numerous and petaloid." Aizoaceae
487 "Corolla present, 4–6-lobed." 488
488 "Staminodes 5, not petaloid; flowers in terminal racemes." Myrsinaceae
488 "Staminodes absent; flowers in few-flowered terminal or axillary cymes." Portulacaceae
489 "Either stamens >5 or if 5 then oil dots prominent in leaves (leaves usually aromatic when crushed)." 490
489 "Stamens 5 or fewer and oil dots absent from leaves." 500
490 "Leaves dotted with oil glands; sepals and/or petals sometimes formed into a calyptra." 491
490 "Leaves without obvious oil glands; calyptra usually not formed (except in some Myrtaceae)." 492
491 "Stamens 5–numerous, all similar, staminodes absent." Myrtaceae
491 "Stamens numerous, inner stamens sterile, petaloid, outer stamens fertile." Eupomatiaceae
492 "Flowers unisexual; vegetative buds scaly, sharply pointed; stipules present." Nothofagaceae
492 "Flowers bisexual; vegetative buds generally not scaly; stipules absent." 493
493 "Styles free, 2 or more." 494
493 "Style simple." 495
494 "Styles usually 5; leaves alternate; fruit usually fleshy." Malaceae
494 "Styles 2; leaves opposite or apparently whorled; fruit dry." Cunoniaceae
495 "Stamens >10; shrubs or trees, various habitats." 496
495 "Stamens 10 or fewer; herbs or trees, not in rainforest." 498
496 "Fruit dry, capsular; trees, rarely in rainforest." Myrtaceae
496 "Fruit ± succulent, drupaceous or a berry; shrubs or trees in rainforest." 497
497 "Leaves alternate, toothed." Symplocaceae
497 "Leaves opposite, entire." Myrtaceae
498 "Stamens not all similar, 5 larger, filaments articulated." Melastomataceae
498 "Stamens all similar, filaments not jointed." 499
499 "Herbs; calyx and corolla present; fruit a capsule." Onagraceae
499 "Shrubs; perianth in 1 whorl; fruit a berry." Loranthaceae
500 "Flowers in umbels (sometimes 2-flowered in Xanthosia); carpels usually 2." 501
500 "Flowers not in umbels; carpels variable." 502
501 "Epigynous disc usually swelling at the base of the styles on the fruit; mostly herbs, occasionally small shrubs; glabrous, or if pubescent not stellate-pubescent." Apiaceae
501 "Epigynous disc not swelling; shrubs or trees, stellate-pubescent." Araliaceae
502 "Flowers minute (1–2 mm long), in leaf axils." Haloragaceae
502 "Flowers larger and in expanded inflorescences or solitary and terminal." 503
503 "Herbs or subshrubs; corolla blue to purple or red." 504
503 "Shrubs or trees; corolla neither blue to purple nor red." 505
504 "Flowers ± solitary, blue, calyx not pappus-like; widespread, native species." Campanulaceae
504 "Flowers in dense terminal clusters, calyx pappus-like, flowers red or white; cultivated plants, rarely naturalized." Valerianaceae
505 "Leaves palmately lobed; stout, curved spines present at most nodes." Grossulariaceae
505 "Leaves not palmately lobed; spines absent." 506
506 "Stamens alternating with the sepals (or perianth segments if only 1 whorl present)." 507
506 "Stamens opposite the sepals." 508
507 "Stipules present (sometimes minute); leaves alternate, hairy, hairs often stellate; fruit a capsule." Rhamnaceae
507 "Stipules absent; leaves opposite or subopposite, glabrous or almost so; fruit a drupe." Santalaceae
508 "Domatia numerous; ovary 1-locular." Cornaceae
508 "Domatia absent; ovary mostly 2–5-locular, rarely 1-locular." 509
509 "Shrubs (sometimes single-stemmed) with stellate hairs; ovary usually 2-locular." Araliaceae
509 "Shrubs or trees, glabrous or pubescent with simple or T-shaped hairs; ovary 1–5-locular." 510
510 "Native rainforest species; leaves alternate or opposite with toothed margins; flowers <5 mm long." 511
510 "Garden escapes, not in rainforest; leaves opposite with margins entire or toothed; flowers >8 mm long." 513
511 "Leaves alternate, sparsely hairy on lower surface; fruit red, 1-locular and 1-seeded." Argophyllaceae
511 "Leaves opposite or alternate, glabrous or silvery-hairy on lower surface; fruit blackish, 2–5-locular and many-seeded or if 1-locular and 1-seeded then leaves opposite." 512
512 "Leaves silvery-hairy on lower surface." Argophyllaceae
512 "Leaves opposite or alternate, glabrous on lower surface." Escalloniaceae
513 "Fruit 2–5-locular, many-seeded; leaves either entire or lobed, or if toothed then flowers enclosed by coloured bracts >10 mm long." Caprifoliaceae
513 "Fruit 1-locular, 1-seeded; leaves toothed but flowers not enclosed by bracts." Adoxaceae
514 "Leaves usually with an open sheath that surrounds the stem and a ligule usually present at the top of the sheath although often much reduced; flowers enclosed by a palea and lemma and variously arranged into spikelets." Poaceae
514 "Leaves lacking a sheath and ligule; flowers not enclosed by a palea and lemma and arranged into spikelets." 515
515 "Leaves on adult plants reduced to open sheaths on the aerial stems (sheath sometimes bears a small ± linear lamina)." Restionaceae
515 "Leaves on adult plants not reduced to open sheaths on the aerial stems." 516
516 "Plants arborescent." 517
516 "Plants herbaceous." 523
517 "Leaves compound." Arecaceae
517 "Leaves simple." 518
518 "Stems branched several times; plants with stilt roots." Pandanaceae
518 "Stems unbranched, or if branched then stilt roots absent." 519
519 "Leaf bases persistent on the stem." Xanthorrhoeaceae
519 "Leaf bases not persistent on the stem." 520
520 "Perianth segments <2 cm long; ovary superior; leaves not succulent and spinescent." Asteliaceae
520 "Perianth segments >2 cm long; ovary inferior or rarely superior; leaves often succulent and/or spinescent." 521
521 "Inflorescence capitate or racemose; perianth red or bright pink; leaves entire, apex not spinose but with a drip tip." Doryanthaceae
521 "Inflorescence paniculate, spreading; perianth white to yellowish or rarely red; leaves with margins toothed, often spinose and apex spinose." 522
522 "Scape usually >1.5 m high; flowers white to yellowish." Agavaceae
522 "Scape <1 m high; flowers red." Asphodelaceae
523 "Leaves with reticulate venation; main veins often longitudinal." 524
523 "Leaves with parallel venation." 526
524 "Leaves with petiole shorter than the lamina." Orchidaceae
524 "Leaves with petiole as long as or longer than the lamina." 525
525 "Flowers in dense cylindrical spikes surrounded by a spathe." Araceae
525 "Flowers in loose panicles or racemes." Alismataceae
526 "Leaves 4–10 cm wide." 527
526 "Leaves <4 cm wide." 531
527 "Inflorescence borne among, or slightly exceeding, the leaves; leaves cauline, differentiated into a circular open sheath that surrounds the stem and the lamina, midrib present; stamen 1." 528
527 "Inflorescence borne on a scape much longer than the leaves, often 1–3 m high; leaves radical, without a circular sheath, dilated at the base; stamens 6." 529
528 "Leaves 2-ranked and with a ligule at junction of sheath and lamina, lateral veins almost parallel to the midrib; anthers with 2 fertile loculi." Zingiberaceae
528 "Leaves not 2-ranked, ligule absent, lateral veins pinnate; anthers with 1 fertile loculus." Cannaceae
529 "Inflorescence paniculate, spreading; leaves with margins and apex spinose." Agavaceae
529 "Inflorescence capitate or racemose; leaves entire, not spinose." 530
530 "Flowers actinomorphic, perianth red or bright pink." Doryanthaceae
530 "Flowers zygomorphic, perianth white to yellowish, sometimes with darker markings." Orchidaceae
531 "Leaves well developed, green and scattered along the aerial stem and branches; flowers usually axillary or in small terminal inflorescences; underground stems generally not well developed." 532
531 "Leaves all or mostly basal or reduced and bract-like along the aerial stems; flowers commonly borne on a ± leafless scape; underground stems well developed, usually modified into bulbs, corms, tubers or rhizomes." 541
532 "Mat-forming perennials of damp alpine flats." Anthericaceae
532 "Plants not forming mats in alpine areas." 533
533 "Stamen 1, fused to the style and stigma to form the column; staminodes sometimes present; one petal (labellum) different from, and more conspicuous than the others." Orchidaceae
533 "Stamens 3–6; stamens not fused to the style and stigma to form the column; and flowers not modified with one petal different from others." 534
534 "Leaves with a closed basal sheath that encircles the stem; lamina herbaceous, semi-succulent or scleromorphic; ovary superior." 535
534 "Closed sheath absent; leaves scleromorphic or herbaceous; ovary superior or inferior." 536
535 "Fruit usually a capsule, sometimes a nut but then not suspended by filaments; petals coloured; leaves herbaceous or semisucculent, ligule absent." Commelinaceae
535 "Fruit a nut, may be suspended by persistent anther filaments; petals not differentiated; leaves scleromorphic, scabrous and often ligulate." Cyperaceae
536 "Leaves with petiole twisted 180°, >10 mm long; ovary inferior." Alstroemeriaceae
536 "Leaves with petiole <10 mm long or lamina sessile, petiole not conspicuously twisted; ovary superior." 537
537 "Flowers unisexual; leaves scleromorphic." Lomandraceae
537 "Flowers bisexual (rarely unisexual and then the leaves herbaceous); leaves usually herbaceous, rarely scleromorphic." 538
538 "Filaments densely bearded or with a conspicuous swelling below the anthers; perianth commonly blue, rarely cream; plants >30 cm high." Phormiaceae
538 "Filaments neither bearded nor with a conspicuous swelling below the anthers; perianth usually cream or lilac; plants usually <30 cm high." 539
539 "Fruit a berry; flowers solitary, axillary, stalked." Luzuriagaceae
539 "Fruit a capsule; flowers in few-flowered cymes or umbels or if solitary then flowers sessile or terminal, rarely axillary and stalked." 540
540 "Plants with a corm; leaves either with apex tendril-like or with a tubular sheath encircling the stem and broadening of the basal part of the lamina." Colchicaceae
540 "Plants rhizomatous; leaves not with apex tendril-like or with a tubular sheath." Uvulariaceae
541 "Either flowers unisexual and in dense spikes (male above, female below), or flowers covered by glume-like bracts." 542
541 "Flowers not unisexual and in dense spikes (male above, female below), or flowers not covered by glume-like bracts." 548
542 "Flowers unisexual and in dense elongated or globose heads; individual flower pedicels not visible; inflorescence axis visible between clusters but not between individual flowers; individual flowers <5 mm diam." 543
542 "Flowers not unisexual and in dense elongated or globose heads; individual flower pedicels visible; inflorescence axis visible between individual flowers; individual flowers >5 mm diam." 544
543 "Inflorescence dense spike-like; male flowers above, female flowers below, ± separated by a portion of stem." Typhaceae
543 "Inflorescence of dense globose clusters arranged along the axis; upper clusters male, lower clusters female." Sparganiaceae
544 "Petals 3, yellow, conspicuous when expanded but short-lived; sepals 3; flowers subtended by wide imbricate bracts, massed into a globose head; leaf bases dilated and mostly dark red-brown or blackish." Xyridaceae
544 "Perianth segments all similar; inflorescence and leaf bases not as above." 545
545 "Perianth segments >4 mm long; fruit a berry; at least bases of leaves silvery-hairy." Asteliaceae
545 "Perianth segments <3 mm long, membranous or chaffy or perianth lacking; fruit a capsule or a nut; leaf bases green." 546
546 "Perianth members 4 or 6; flowers arranged in dense, convex, button-like heads 6–8 mm diam. on a scape; fruit a capsule." Eriocaulaceae
546 "Perianth lacking or represented by hairs or scales; inflorescence not as above; fruit a capsule or nut." 547
547 "Fruit a dehiscent capsule; tufted annuals with filiform leaves dilated at the base." Centrolepidaceae
547 "Fruit an indehiscent nut; habit rarely as above, if similar, then the leaves with closed sheaths encircling the stem." Cyperaceae
548 "Ovary superior." 549
548 "Ovary inferior or half-inferior." 564
549 "Perianth of 4 segments; inflorescence spicate." 550
549 "Perianth of 6 segments in 2 whorls, fused or free; inflorescence variable." 551
550 "Stamen 1; flowers zygomorphic, yellow or white, >1 cm long; inflorescence > 20 cm long, flowers spread along axis." Philydraceae
550 "Stamens 4; flowers actinomorphic, greenish, <3 mm long; inflorescence c. 15 cm long, flowers crowded at end of peduncle c. 1–2 m long." Araceae
551 "Bulbs present." 552
551 "Bulbs absent, rootstock often a rhizome, tuber or corm." 554
552 "Either plants smelling like onions, or inflorescence umbellate." Alliaceae
552 "Plants not smelling like onions, inflorescence racemose." 553
553 "Scape with one or more leaves; perianth >9 cm long; bulb >5 cm diam." Liliaceae
553 "Scape leafless or only leafy at the base; perianth <6 cm long; bulbs <3 cm diam." Hyacinthaceae
554 "All flowers unisexual, arranged in branched cymes, spikes or semi-globose heads." Xanthorrhoeaceae
554 "Flowers bisexual, rarely some unisexual flowers present." 555
555 "Carpel solitary." Lilaeaceae
555 "Carpels 3, fused." 556
556 "Perianth greenish to dark red-brown, usually 1–2 mm long; flowers generally in compound cymes or heads; leaves cylindrical, flat or reduced to sheaths." Juncaceae
556 "Perianth white or brightly coloured, >2 mm long; inflorescences and leaves not as above." 557
557 "Style divided into 3 or 6 distinct segments." 558
557 "Style simple, sometimes the stigma shallowly lobed." 559
558 "Style divided into 3 segments; inflorescence umbellate on a scape above the basal leaves; leaves <30 cm long; fruit a 3-lobed capsule." Colchicaceae
558 "Style divided into 6 segments; inflorescence racemose, ± among the leaves; leaves >40 cm long; fruit a 6-lobed berry." Asteliaceae
559 "Perianth segments fused to form a tube longer than the lobes; flowers usually >2.5 cm long." Blandfordiaceae
559 "Perianth segments ± free; flowers generally <2.5 cm long." 560
560 "Flowers terminal, solitary and sessile; plants forming mats in damp alpine flats." Anthericaceae
560 "Flowers axillary or if terminal then not solitary and sessile; plants not alpine." 561
561 "Flowers either pedicellate in terminal umbels, or in dense clusters on scapes, or in ± sessile heads (perianth often spirally twisted after flowering)." Anthericaceae
561 "Inflorescence racemose, commonly unbranched, flowers, or at least some of them separated, at nodes along the inflorescence axes." 562
562 "Filaments dorsifixed, anthers versatile; either leaves fleshy and with spinose teeth, or leaves ± terete, sometimes channelled above." Asphodelaceae
562 "Filaments attached at or near the base of the anthers, anthers not versatile; leaves flat." 563
563 "Anthers dehiscing by apical pores." Phormiaceae
563 "Anthers dehiscing by longitudinal slits." Anthericaceae
564 "Stamens 6." 565
564 "Stamens 3 or fewer." 566
565 "Inflorescence umbellate, rarely flowers solitary on leafless scape; bulbs present." Amaryllidaceae
565 "Inflorescence shortly racemose, spicate or the flowers solitary; corms or rhizomes present." Hypoxidaceae
566 "Stamen 1, fused to the style and stigma to form the column; staminodes sometimes present; one petal (labellum) usually different from, and more conspicuous than the others." Orchidaceae
566 "Stamens 3, free from the style; perianth variable, but not as below." 567
567 "Ovary half-inferior; perianth not petaloid, purple-black; underground parts of the plant usually orange or reddish." Haemodoraceae
567 "Ovary inferior; perianth petaloid, generally not purple-black; underground parts of the plant not conspicuously orange or reddish." 568
568 "Ovary and fruit winged; flowers on one side of a once-forked cyme; flowers actinomorphic, perianth blue; leaves often <5 cm long." Burmanniaceae
568 "Ovary and fruit not winged; inflorescence spicate or racemose, rarely cymose or flowers solitary; flowers zygomorphic or actinomorphic, perianth variously coloured, occasionally blue; leaves >5 cm long." Iridaceae