1 "Stamens free or mostly so (inserted in a ring on the hypanthium rim; rarely with the stamens in part free and in part irregularly fused in groups within a flower, or with the free stamens 5-grouped)" 2 1 "Stamens fused (inserted in five bundles on the hypanthim rim)" 82 2 "Staminal filaments white, cream, green or pink (includes creamy green, yellowish, but never shades of mauve or magenta)" 3 2 "Staminal filaments red, mauve or magenta (never creamy shades)" 37 3 "Calyx lobes herbaceous to or almost to the margin" 4 3 "Calyx lobes herbaceous in the proximal-central zone and scarious in a broad marginal band or scarious throughout" 25 4 "Inflorescence up to 30 mm wide" 5 4 "Inflorescence more than 30 mm wide" 12 5 "Leaves less than 3 mm wide" 6 5 "Leaves more than 3 mm wide" 8 6 "Cotyledons planoconvex; shrubs, typically in swampy shrubland or woodland in subalpine or montane regions" "Melaleuca pityoides" 6 "Cotyledons obvolute; shrubs or small trees, typically along stream banks in tableland regions" 7 7 "Leaf blade with the indumentum composed of lanuginose and/or lanuginose-sericeous, or sometimes sericeous hairs" "Melaleuca paludicola" 7 "Leaf blade with the indumentum composed of sericeous hairs" "Melaleuca phratra" 8 "Inflorescence axis sericeous-pubescent to minutely sericeous-puberulous" "Melaleuca salicina" 8 "Inflorescence axis pubescent to lanuginulose-pubescent" 9 9 "Branchlet indumentum composed of lanuginose hairs" "Melaleuca quercina" 9 "Branchlet indumentum composed of pubescent, lanuginose-pubescent, sericeous or sericeous-pubescent hairs" 10 10 "Leaves 4-17 mm wide, 2.3-7.5 times as long as wide, the apex shortly acuminate to obtusely shortly acuminate" "Melaleuca pallida" 10 "Leaves 1.2-8 mm wide, (5.9-)10-29.2 times as long as wide, the apex acute to obtuse or very shortly acuminate" 11 11 "Leaf blade with the indumentum composed of lanuginose and/or lanuginose-sericeous, or sometimes sericeous hairs" "Melaleuca paludicola" 11 "Leaf blade with the indumentum composed of sericeous hairs" "Melaleuca phratra" 12 "Stamens up to 15 mm long" 13 12 "Stamens more than 15 mm long" 18 13 "Inflorescence axis sericeous-pubescent to minutely sericeous-puberulous" "Melaleuca salicina" 13 "Inflorescence axis pubescent to lanuginulose-pubescent" 14 14 "Leaf blade with the indumentum composed of pubescent to sericeous-pubescent hairs" "Melaleuca virescens" 14 "Leaf blade with the indumentum composed of lanuginose and/or lanuginose-sericeous, or sometimes sericeous hairs" 15 15 "Branchlet indumentum composed of lanuginose hairs" "Melaleuca quercina" 15 "Branchlet indumentum composed of pubescent, lanuginose-pubescent, sericeous or sericeous-pubescent hairs" 16 16 "Leaves 4-17 mm wide, 2.3-7.5 times as long as wide, the apex shortly acuminate to obtusely shortly acuminate" "Melaleuca pallida" 16 "Leaves 1.2-8 mm wide, (5.9-)10-29.2 times as long as wide, the apex acute to obtuse or very shortly acuminate" 17 17 "Leaf blade with the indumentum composed of lanuginose and/or lanuginose-sericeous, or sometimes sericeous hairs" "Melaleuca paludicola" 17 "Leaf blade with the indumentum composed of sericeous hairs" "Melaleuca phratra" 18 "Leaves less than 3 mm wide" 19 18 "Leaves more than 3 mm wide" 20 19 "Leaf blade linear" "Melaleuca linearis" 19 "Leaf blade narrowly elliptic,narrowly ovate or ovate" "Melaleuca virescens" 20 "Hypanthium variously with lanuginose or lanuginulose hairs (lanuginose-pubescent, sericeous-lanuginulose, lanuginulose)" 21 20 "Hypanthium sericeous-pubescent, pubescent, sericeous or glabrous" 22 21 "Leaves 4-11 mm wide, the oil glands distinct; hypanthium 3.4-4.8 mm long" "Melaleuca flavovirens" 21 "Leaves 9-40 mm wide, the oil glands usually obscure or very rarely distinct; hypanthium 1.8-3.4 mm long" "Melaleuca nervosa" 22 "Stamens 23-31 mm long" "Melaleuca pachyphylla" 22 "Stamens up to 24 mm long" 23 23 "Leaf blade indumentum with dense lanuginulose hairs overlaid with sparser longish sericeous-pubescent to pubescent hairs" "Melaleuca nervosa" 23 "Leaf blade indumentum with sericeous or sericeous-pubescent hairs" 24 24 "Stamens 15-24 mm long; leaf blade with the oil glands sparse and obscure" "Melaleuca pyramidalis" 24 "Stamens up to 16 mm long; leaf blade with the oil glands sparse or moderately dense, distinct or obscure" "Melaleuca pallida" 25 "Stamens in part free and in part irregularly fused in groups within a flower (Occurring in central Australia, in gorges and rocky stream lines)" "Melaleuca faucicola" 25 "Stamens inserted more or less evenly around the hypanthium rim, not irregularly fused in groups (Occurring in eastern Australia, whether or not associated with stream lines, etc)" 26 26 "Stamens fewer than 30 per flower" 27 26 "Stamens more than 30 per flower" 28 27 "Leaves 18-50 mm long, in transverse section transversely linear to sublunate" "Melaleuca subulata" 27 "Leaves 44-143 mm long, intransverse section circular to transversely elliptic" "Melaleuca orophila" 28 "Inflorescence less than 30 mm wide" 29 28 "Inflorescence more than 30 mm wide" 30 29 "Leaf blade narrowly ovate, very narrowly ovate (rarely narrowly elliptic to very narrowly elliptic)" "Melaleuca shiressii" 29 "Leaf blade very narrowly elliptic, very narrowly obovate, linear-obovate, or linear-elliptic" "Melaleuca paludicola" 30 "Inflorescence axis sericeous, minutely sericeous or sericeous-pubescent (rarely puberulous and the leaves then 2.9-4.6 times as long as wide)" 31 30 "Inflorescence axis pubescent to lanuginulose-pubescent" 33 31 "Leaf blade linear; leaves more than 30 times as long as wide" "Melaleuca orophila" 31 "Leaf blade narrowly elliptic, elliptic, very narrowly elliptic, very narrowly ovate or narrowly obovate; leaves 3-15 times as long as wide" 32 32 "Stamens 9-15 mm long; stamens 57 -63 per flower" "Melaleuca formosa" 32 "Stamens 15-24 mm long; stamens 35-42 per flower" "Melaleuca pyramidalis" 33 "Hypanthium lanuginose-pubescent" "Melaleuca flavovirens" 33 "Hypanthium sericeous, sericeous-pubescent or glabrous" 34 34 "Style 24-29 mm long" "Melaleuca lazaridis" 34 "Style 10-23 mm long" 35 35 "Leaf blade with the indumentum composed of lanuginose and/or lanuginose-sericeous, or sometimes sericeous hairs; stamens 7-11 mm long" "Melaleuca paludicola" 35 "Leaf blade with the indumentum composed of sericeous to pubescent hairs" 36 36 "Anthers purplish or maroon; leaves 4-14 mm wide, 3.1-8.8 times as long as wide" "Melaleuca williamsii" 36 "Anthers yellow; leaves 2-5 mm wide, 7.5-14.8 times as long as wide" "Melaleuca serpentina" 37 "Calyx lobes herbaceous to or almost to the margin" 38 37 "Calyx lobes herbaceous in the proximal-central zone and scarious in a broad to narrow marginal band or scarious throughout" 55 38 "Longest stamens up to 17 mm long (range 7-17 mm)" 39 38 "Longest stamens more than 17 mm long (range 12-31 mm)" 44 39 "Branchlet hairs dimorphic (with an overstorey of spreading-ascending to ascending or spreading more or less pubescent hairs and a lanuginulose-puberulous understorey, or with a sericeous overstorey and a lanuginulose-puberulous understorey)" "Melaleuca recurva" 39 "Branchlet hairs monomorphic (the hairs sericeous, sericeous-pubescent, pubescent, lanuginose-pubescent or sericeous-lanuginulose)" 40 40 "Leaves 1.2-5 mm wide, 10.3-29.2 times as long as wide, the oil glands obscure" 41 40 "Leaves 2.5-28 mm wide, 2.3-14.8 times as long as wide, the oil glands usually distinct (if obscure, the leaves either less than 7.5 times as long as wide, or with the oil glands more numerous or only in the proximal region of the blade)" 42 41 "Stamens 7-11 mm long" "Melaleuca phratra" 41 "Stamens 17-24 mm long" "Melaleuca sabrina" 42 "Leaves with the oil glands usually in the proximal region of the blade only (sometimes adjacent to the midrib only), rarely distributed throughout the blade and then more numerous in the proximal region" "Melaleuca hemisticta" 42 "Leaves with the oil glands distributed more or less evenly throughout the blade" 43 43 "Leaves 4-17 mm wide, 2.3-7.5 times as long as wide" "Melaleuca pallida" 43 "Leaves 2.5-9 mm wide, 9.6-14.8 times as long as wide" "Melaleuca montis-zamia" 44 "Anthers yellow (excluding pollen)" 45 44 "Anthers purple or reddish (excluding pollen)" 47 45 "Leaves 8-24 mm wide, up to 5 times as long as wide" "Melaleuca pyramidalis" 45 "Leaves 0.7-3.5 mm wide, more than 8 times as long as wide" 46 46 "Leaf blade linear; hypanthium 3.4-4.5 mm long" "Melaleuca linearis" 46 "Leaf blade very narrowly elliptic, very narrowly obovate, linear-elliptic or linear-obovate; hypanthium 2.6-3.5 mm long" "Melaleuca sabrina" 47 "Leaf blades mostly linear, linear-elliptic or linear-obovate" 48 47 "Leaf blades mostly narrowly elliptic, narrowly obovate, elliptic or obovate" 50 48 "Leaves less than 3 mm wide" "Melaleuca linearis" 48 "Leaves more than 3 mm wide" 49 49 "Hypanthium sericeous-lanuginulose; leaf blade with the indumentum composed of pubescent hairs" "Melaleuca linearifolia" 49 "Hypanthium sericeous-pubescent; leaf blade with the indumentum composed of sericeous to sericeous-pubescent hairs" "Melaleuca linearis" 50 "Hypanthium glabrous" 51 50 "Hypanthium hairy or glabrescent" 52 51 "Leaf blade with the indumentum composed of sericeous and lanuginose hairs" "Melaleuca citrina" 51 "Leaf blade with the indumentum composed of velutinous hairs" "Melaleuca montana" 52 "Leaf blades mostly abruptly tapering to the apex (the apex obtusely shortly acuminate, very shortly acuminate or sometimes acute)" 53 52 "Leaf blades mostly gradually tapering to the apex (the apex narrowly acute, acute or sometimes very shortly acuminate)" 54 53 "Leaves up to 8 times as long as wide, (7-)10-17 mm wide, the oil glands distinct or obscure" "Melaleuca comboynensis" 53 "Leaves 4.5-25.3 times as long as wide, 3-10(-15) mm wide, the oil glands obscure" "Melaleuca pachyphylla" 54 "Leaf blade margin finely but distinctly serrulate or at least subentire; stamens 20-32 per flower" "Melaleuca flammea" 54 "Leaf blade margin entire or sometimes subentire; stamens 30-45 per flower" "Melaleuca citrina" 55 "Anthers yellow (excluding pollen)" 56 55 "Anthers purple or reddish (excluding pollen)" 67 56 "Longest stamens up to 12 mm long (range 4.8-12 mm)" 57 56 "Longest stamens more than 12 mm long (range 10-27 mm)" 58 57 "Leaves 0.5-1.7 mm wide; inflorescence axis pubescent, the hairs spreading" "Melaleuca brachyandra" 57 "Leaves 3.5-16 mm wide; inflorescence axis sericeous, the hairs appressed to spreading-ascending" "Melaleuca faucicola" 58 "Longest stamens up to 17 mm long (range 10-17 mm)" 59 58 "Longest stamens more than 17 m long (range 15-27 mm)" 61 59 "Leaves with the oil glands usually in the proximal region of the blade only (sometimes adjacent to the midrib only), rarely distributed throughout the blade and then more numerous in the proximal region" "Melaleuca hemisticta" 59 "Leaves with the oil glands distributed more or less evenly throughout the blade" 60 60 "Stamens 26-36 per flower; cotyledons apparently concavoconvex" "Melaleuca recurva" 60 "Stamens 40-58 per flower; cotyledons obvolute" "Melaleuca montis-zamia" 61 "Leaves up to 5 times as long as wide" 62 61 "Leaves more than 5 times as long as wide" 63 62 "Hypanthium 2.2-3.6 mm long; calyx lobes 1-2.3 mm long; leaves 8-24 mm wide" "Melaleuca pyramidalis" 62 "Hypanthium 3.8-4.7 mm long; calyx lobes 2.1-3.8 mm long; leaves 2.5-8.5 mm wide" "Melaleuca rugulosa" 63 "Inflorescence axis sericeous to sericeous-pubescent, the hairs appressed to spreading-ascending" "Melaleuca chisholmii" 63 "Inflorescence axis pubescent or lanuginulose-pubescent, the hairs spreading" 64 64 "Leaves up to 3.5 mm wide and calyx lobes glabrous or lanuginulose" 65 64 "Leaves more than 4 mm wide and calyx lobes sericeous or sericeous-pubescent" 66 65 "Hypanthium glabrous; stamens 25-39 per flower" "Melaleuca pearsonii" 65 "Hypanthium sericeous-pubescent; stamens 49-73 per flower" "Melaleuca sabrina" 66 "Calyx lobes 1.4-2 mm long; leaf blade apex acute to narrowly acute" "Melaleuca lazaridis" 66 "Calyx lobes 2.1-3.8 mm long; leaf blade apex shortly acuminate to obtusely shortly acuminate" "Melaleuca rugulosa" 67 "Hypanthium glabrous" 68 67 "Hypanthium hairy or glabrescent" 73 68 "Leaves less than 4 mm wide" 69 68 "Leaves 4 mm or more wide" 71 69 "Leaf blade linear (0.8-1.7 mm wide)" "Melaleuca orophila" 69 "Leaf blade linear-obovate, linear-elliptic, narrowly obovate or narrowly elliptic" 70 70 "Stamens 16-32 per flower" "Melaleuca subulata" 70 "Stamens 39-56 per flower" "Melaleuca phoenicea" 71 "Leaf blade with the oil glands obscure" "Melaleuca polandii" 71 "Leaf blade with the oil glands distinct" 72 72 "Leaf blade narrowly elliptic or narrowly obovate, the apex narrowly acute or acute; cotyledons obvolute" "Melaleuca citrina" 72 "Leaf blade linear-obovate or linear-elliptic, the apex shortly acuminate; cotyledons concavoconvex" "Melaleuca phoenicea" 73 "Leaves less than 4 mm wide" 74 73 "Leaves 4 mm or more wide" 78 74 "Hypanthium pubescent (Leaf blade linear, 0.8-1.7 mm wide)" "Melaleuca orophila" 74 "Hypanthium sericeous or sericeous-pubescent" 75 75 "Leaf blade narrowly obovate" "Melaleuca williamsii" 75 "Leaf blade linear, linear-elliptic or linear-obovate (sometimes narrowly obovate or narrowly elliptic)" 76 76 "Stamens 39-56 per flower" "Melaleuca phoenicea" 76 "Stamens 16-42 per flower" 77 77 "Hypanthium 2.1-3.9 mm long" "Melaleuca subulata" 77 "Hypanthium 3.8-6 mm long" "Melaleuca linearis" 78 "Leaf blade usually linear-elliptic, linear-obovate, very narrowly elliptic, or sometimes narrowly elliptic, narrowly obovate or linear-ovate" 79 78 "Leaf blade usually narrowly elliptic, narrowly obovate, elliptic, obovate, or sometimes very narrowly elliptic or very narrowly obovate" 81 79 "Stamens 39-56 per flower (Hypanthium sericeous-pubescent or glabrous)" "Melaleuca phoenicea" 79 "Stamens 16-42 per flower" 80 80 "Hypanthium and calyx lobe blade sericeous-pubescent" "Melaleuca linearis" 80 "Hypanthium and calyx lobe blade sericeous-lanuginulose" "Melaleuca linearifolia" 81 "Longest stamens up to 19 mm long (range 6.5-19 mm); inflorescence 25-45 mm wide" "Melaleuca williamsii" 81 "Longest stamens up to 25 mm long (range 17-25 mm); inflorescence 45-70 mm wide" "Melaleuca citrina" 82 "Leaves opposite and decussate or ternate" 83 82 "Leaves spiral" 154 83 "Leaves opposite and decussate" 84 83 "Leaves ternate" 134 84 "Leaves peltate" 85 84 "Leaves not peltate" 94 85 "Staminal filaments less than 12 mm long" 86 85 "Staminal filaments more than 12 mm long" 93 86 "Flowers in monads or dyads" 87 86 "Flowers in triads" 91 87 "Flowers in dyads" "Melaleuca minutifolia" 87 "Flowers in monads" 88 88 "Inflorescence an interstitial spike or group of flowers on a leafy branchlet, or the inflorescence terminating a pre-existing axis (growth often continuing from the inflorescence axis after anthesis)" 89 88 "Inflorescence a lateral cluster of one or more monads (often the plant is ramiflorous; growth never continues from the inflorescence axis)" 90 89 "Leaves appressed, the blade apex acute; stamens 20-35 per bundle" "Melaleuca foliolosa" 89 "Leaves ascending (the proximal half being appressed as a result of the peltate condition), the blade apex acuminate (rarely approaching acute); stamens 6-14 per bundle" "Melaleuca monantha" 90 "Leaf blade in transverse section lunate or broadly v-shaped; calyx lobes 1.5-2 mm long" "Melaleuca agathosmoides" 90 "Leaf blade in transverse section semicircular, transversely elliptic or subcircular; calyx lobes 0.7-0.9 mm long" "Melaleuca sculponeata" 91 "Leaves amplexicaul, spreading-ascending to spreading, the blade in transverse section depressed angular-obovate, strongly depressed obtriangular, depressed obovate or shallowly lunate (ovules 8-10 per locule)" "Melaleuca cucullata" 91 "Leaves not amplexicaul, ascending to spreading, the blade in transverse section lunate, sublunate (evenly thick and shallowly curved), strongly sublunate-curved, subreniform, transversely semielliptic or depressed obovate;" 92 92 "Inflorescence an interstitial spike or head (at anthesis it may be pseudoterminal); leaves incurved to straight in lateral view, 0.8-1.5 mm wide; ovules 15-20 per locule" "Melaleuca quadrifaria" 92 "Inflorescence a lateral spike (among or below the leaves); leaves recurved to straight, 1.4-3.8 mm wide; ovules 7-13 per locule" "Melaleuca adnata" 93 "Leaf blade subulate to linear-elliptic, 8-14 times as long as wide" "Melaleuca eximia" 93 "Leaf blade narrowly ovate, 2.7-3.8 times as long as wide" "Melaleuca penicula" 93 "Leaf blade elliptic to ovate, 1.5-2.2 times as long as wide" "Melaleuca coccinea" 94 "Stamens dimorphic" 95 94 "Stamens monomorphic" 96 95 "Stamens 30-60 per bundle, the filaments 11.5-13 mm long" "Melaleuca thymifolia" 95 "Stamens 4-25 per bundle, the filaments 5.5-8.2 mm long (when straightened)" "Melaleuca violacea" 96 "Staminal filaments less than 10 mm long" 97 96 "Staminal filaments more than 10 mm long" 127 97 "Flowers in monads (very rarely, and then in part within the inflorescence, in dyads)" 98 97 "Flowers in triads (sometimes proximal and/or distal flowers may be in monads)" 123 98 "Fruiting hypanthium distinctly embedded in the rachis or stem" 99 98 "Fruiting hypanthium not distinctly embedded in the rachis or stem (however the rachis may be compressed by the fruit)" 101 99 "Leaves with parallel-pinnate venation (blade elliptic, 5-10.4 mm long, 2.4-5.5 mm wide, 1.7-2.8 times as long as wide)" "Melaleuca platycalyx" 99 "Leaves with parallel venation" 100 100 "Leaf blade very narrowly obovate, very narrowly elliptic, narrowly obovate, or narrowly elliptic, 4.5-15 mm long, 2.9-11.6 times as long as wide" "Melaleuca decussata" 100 "Leaf blade broadly obovate, obovate, broadly elliptic, elliptic, or sometimes broadly ovate, 1.5-6 mm long, 1-2.8 times as long as wide" "Melaleuca gibbosa" 101 "Inflorescence a lateral cluster among or below the leaves (growth from the apex of the inflorescence may continue after flowering)" 102 101 "Inflorescence an interstitial spike or cluster of flowers on a leafy branchlet, or the inflorescence terminating a pre-existing axis (growth usually continues from the apex of the inflorescence after flowering; sometimes spikes may be inserted laterally, i.e. below the leaves or in the distal leaf axils of a branchlet, or both terminal and lateral inflorescences may be present)" 110 102 "Hypanthium glabrous" 103 102 "Hypanthium hairy or glabrescent" 108 103 "Stamens 2-7 per bundle" 104 103 "Stamens 8-29 per bundle" 105 104 "Leaf blade very narrowly elliptic to narrowly elliptic; staminal filaments 2.2-2.5 mm long" "Melaleuca pauciflora" 104 "Leaf blade broadly ovate; staminal filaments 5.8-7 mm long" "Melaleuca pritzelii" 105 "Flowers bracteolate" "Melaleuca dempta" 105 "Flowers ebracteolate" 106 106 "Staminal filaments pink, mauve or purple" "Melaleuca basicephala" 106 "Staminal filaments white, cream or yellow" 107 107 "Leaves appressed, ascending, or sometimes speading-ascending to spreading, the blade in transverse section transversely linear, the oil glands usually obscure (rarely distinct)" "Melaleuca oxyphylla" 107 "Leaves ascending to spreading, the blade in transverse section lunate, or conduplicate-involute (rarely transversely linear), the oil glands usually distinct (sometimes obscure)" "Melaleuca acuminata" 108 "Leaves 5-7-veined; stamens 22-25 per bundle" "Melaleuca calycina" 108 "Leaves 3-veined; stamens 6-15 per bundle" 109 109 "Staminal filaments 9-12 mm long, the bundle claw 0.4-0.6 times as long as the filaments, filaments pink, deep pink or purplish-pink" "Melaleuca wilsonii" 109 "Staminal filaments 6-6.5 mm long, the bundle claw 0.2 times as long as the filaments, filaments white" "Melaleuca ordinifolia" 110 "Stamens 2-4 per bundle" "Melaleuca pritzelii" 110 "Stamens more than 6 per bundle" 111 111 "Stamens 6-29 per bundle" 112 111 "Stamens 32-105 per bundle" 122 112 "Hypanthium glabrous" 113 112 "Hypanthium hairy or glabrescent" 119 113 "Calyx lobes hairy on the abaxial surface" "Melaleuca sciotostyla" 113 "Calyx lobes glabrous on the abaxial surface" 114 114 "Bract subtending each flower (i.e. monad) absent at anthesis (leaf blade apex narrowly acuminate or narrowly acute, never rounded to obtuse; 1-12 monads per inflorescence)" "Melaleuca adenostyla" 114 "Bract subtending each flower (i.e. monad) present at anthesis (leaf blade apex never narrowly acuminate or narrowly acute; 1-5 monads per inflorescence)" 115 115 "Leaves 1.1-1.9 times as long as wide, 2.5-6.2 mm wide" "Melaleuca dempta" 115 "Leaves 1.9-6.7 times as long as wide, 0.7-2.2 mm wide" 116 116 "Inflorescence axis lanuginulose, sometimes lanuginulose-puberulous to puberulous" 117 116 "Inflorescence axis pubescent or puberulous" 118 117 "Bracts subtending the inflorescence often numerous and often forming four distinct longitudinal series; leaves 2.6-9 mm long" "Melaleuca halmaturorum" 117 "Bracts subtending the inflorescence often few and rarely forming four distinct longitudinal series; leaves 1.8-3.7 mm long" "Melaleuca subalaris" 118 "Calyx lobes herbaceous to or almost to the margin (the scarious marginal band up to 0.1 mm wide)" "Melaleuca cuticularis" 118 "Calyx lobes herbaceous in the proximal-central region with the scarious marginal band 0.2-0.3 mm wide" "Melaleuca sparsiflora" 119 "Leaf blade in transverse section ""bird-winged"" or transversely linear" 120 119 "Leaf blade in transverse section lunate, sublunate, transversely semielliptic, or semicircular (rarely subcircular or depressed obovate)" 121 120 "Leaf blade in transverse section ""bird-winged""" "Melaleuca biconvexa" 120 "Leaf blade in transverse section transversely linear" "Melaleuca cheelii" 121 "Leaf blade ovate or broadly ovate (rarely narrowly ovate), with early deciduous pubescent hairs; leaves 5-12 mm long, 1.2-2.6 times as long as wide" "Melaleuca calycina" 121 "Leaf blade elliptic to very narrowly elliptic, narrowly obovate or very narrowly ovate (rarely linear-elliptic or linear-ovate), with often early deciduous hairs at least some of which are lanuginulose; leaves 3-10.6 mm long, 2.2-6.6 times as long as wide" "Melaleuca haplantha" 122 "Ovules 85-120 per locule; fruit with the valves inserted through to level with the orifice, the capsule not deciduous" "Melaleuca linariifolia" 122 "Ovules 25-45 per locule; fruit with the valves exserted and at length with the capsule deciduous leaving the hypanthium as an empty bowl-like structure" "Melaleuca trichostachya" 123 "Leaf blade in transverse section transversely linear (excluding effects of leaf twisting)" 124 123 "Leaf blade in transverse section otherwise (lunate, shallowly lunate, transversely semielliptic, semicircular, depressed obovate, etc)" 125 124 "Leaves distinctly twisted, 3-veined (very rarely 5-veined)" "Melaleuca tortifolia" 124 "Leaves not twisted, 5-7-veined" "Melaleuca squarrosa" 125 "Branchlets with bud scales (leaf blade narrowly elliptic, linear-elliptic, narrowly obovate, or narrowly oblong)" "Melaleuca eleuterostachya" 125 "Branchlets without bud scales (if present, then only subtending axillary growth flushes, i.e. not subtending growth flushes that continue a pre-existing axis)" 126 126 "Leaf blade linear-elliptic, or very narrowly elliptic; leaves 3-13.5 mm long" "Melaleuca densispicata" 126 "Leaf blade ovate-oblong, oblong, narrowly ovate, or ovate; leaves 2.5-6.7 mm long" "Melaleuca quadrifaria" 127 "Stamens with the bundle claw 3.5 mm long or less" "Melaleuca sparsiflora" 127 "Stamens with the bundle claw 4.5 mm long or more" 128 128 "Stamens with the free portion of the filaments diverging from the apex or distal 1/4 of the bundle claw" 129 128 "Stamens with the free portion of the filaments diverging from the distal half or more of the bundle claw" 131 129 "Inflorescence is a cluster of 1-6 monads, always lateral and never growing on after anthesis" "Melaleuca wilsonii" 129 "Inflorescence is a spike of 10-60 monads, usually lateral and often growing on after anthesis" 130 130 "Hypanthium glabrous" "Melaleuca hypericifolia" 130 "Hypanthium densely hairy" "Melaleuca elliptica" 131 "Flowering hypanthium compressed at the base and when detached leaving an oblong, narrowly elliptic, or narrowly ovate scar on the inflorescence axis" 132 131 "Flowering hypanthium not compressed at the base and when detached leaving a circular, broadly elliptic or ovate scar on the inflorescence axis" 133 132 "Stamens 30-90 per bundle, the filaments (incl. the claw) typically mauve or pink; fruit without sepaline teeth" "Melaleuca radula" 132 "Stamens 22-37 per bundle, , the filaments (incl. the claw) typically red; fruit with or without sepaline teeth" "Melaleuca fulgens" 133 "Ovules 85-120 per locule; fruit with the valves inserted or level with the orifice, the capsule not deciduous" "Melaleuca linariifolia" 133 "Ovules 25-45 per locule; fruit with the valves exserted, at length with the capsule deciduous leaving the hypanthium as an empty bowl-like structure" "Melaleuca trichostachya" 134 "Leaves without venation" "Melaleuca micromera" 134 "Leaves with venation (at least a midrib present)" 135 135 "Stamens 19-30 per bundle" "Melaleuca lecanantha" 135 "Stamens 2-16 per bundle" 136 136 "Inflorescence a lateral cluster of flowers" 137 136 "Inflorescence a spike or head of flowers (usually terminating a pre-existing shoot but sometimes lateral among or below the leaves)" 139 137 "Inflorescence axis hairy (staminal filaments 5.8-7 mm long, the stamens 2-4 per bundle)" "Melaleuca pritzelii" 137 "Inflorescence axis glabrous" 138 138 "Staminal filaments 2.2-2.5 mm long, the stamens 2-7 per bundle" "Melaleuca pauciflora" 138 "Staminal filaments 5.2-6.3 mm long, the stamens 10-12 per bundle" "Melaleuca brevifolia" 139 "Sepaline teeth, or calyx lobes on fruit, erect to inflexed" 140 139 "Sepaline teeth spreading to spreading-ascending" 152 140 "Hypanthium hairy (distinctly so)" 141 140 "Hypanthium glabrous (or effectively so, rarely a few hairs present)" 144 141 "Leaf blade ovate, broadly ovate, elliptic, obovate, broadly obovate, subcircular, narrowly ovate, or oblong; leaves 1-4.6 times as long as wide" "Melaleuca densa" 141 "Leaf blade very narrowly elliptic, very narrowly ovate, linear-elliptic, linear-ovate, linear, or very narrowly obovate, or elliptic; leaves 1.7-24.3 times as long as wide" 142 142 "Leaf blade with the oil glands scattered (New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania)" "Melaleuca ericifolia" 142 "Leaf blade with the oil glands in rows or more or less in rows (southwest Western Australia)" 143 143 "Leaf blade with the oil glands distinct" "Melaleuca incana" 143 "Leaf blade with the oil glands obscure" "Melaleuca viminea" 144 "Leaf blade with the oil glands scattered" 145 144 "Leaf blade with the oil glands in rows or more or less in rows" 146 145 "Leaf blade ovate, narrowly ovate, ovate-oblong, or narrowly triangular; leaves 1.6-3.4 times as long as wide" "Melaleuca blaeriifolia" 145 "Leaf blade very narrowly elliptic,very narrowly ovate, linear-elliptic, linear-ovate, or linear; leaves 6-24.3 times as long as wide" "Melaleuca ericifolia" 146 "Calyx lobes replaced by sepaline teeth (at length these may weather away)" 147 146 "Calyx lobes weathering away or immerged in fruiting hypanthium rim, not replaced by sepaline teeth" 151 147 "Leaf blade in lateral view incurved" 148 147 "Leaf blade in lateral view straight to recurved" 149 148 "Stamens 3-5 per bundle" "Melaleuca araucarioides" 148 "Stamens 7-11 per bundle" "Melaleuca phoidophylla" 149 "Petals lacking oil glands" "Melaleuca phoidophylla" 149 "Petals with oil glands" 150 150 "Leaf blade in lateral view straight or slightly recurved; style 5.6-6 mm long" "Melaleuca bracteosa" 150 "Leaf blade usually strongly recurved; style 7-12 mm long" "Melaleuca viminea" 151 "Staminal filaments 2.3-4.2 mm long; style 4.5-5 mm long" "Melaleuca parvistaminea" 151 "Staminal filaments 4.2-8.5 mm long; style 6-7 mm long" "Melaleuca pustulata" 152 "Stamens with the free part of the filaments inserted on the distal one- to three quarters of the bundle claw (rarely at the apex only)" "Melaleuca incana" 152 "Stamens with the free part of the filaments inserted at the apex of the bundle claw" 153 153 "Staminal filaments 1.8-5 mm long" "Melaleuca araucarioides" 153 "Staminal filaments 6.5-7.7 mm long" "Melaleuca blaeriifolia" 154 "Leaves not peltate" 155 154 "Leaves peltate" 557 155 "Flowers in spikes" 156 155 "Flowers not in spikes (in heads or lateral clusters, or inflorescence few- to 1-flowered)" 311 156 "Flowers in monads or dyads (consistently so within the inflorescence)" 157 156 "Flowers in triads (usually consistently so within an inflorescence, sometimes in part in monads)" 239 157 "Stamens dimorphic" "Melaleuca pulchella" 157 "Stamens monomorphic" 158 158 "Hypanthium glabrous or effectively so" 159 158 "Hypanthium hairy or glabrescent" 203 159 "Staminal filaments up to 12 mm long" 160 159 "Staminal filaments more than 12 mm long" 194 160 "Leaf blade with the oil glands in rows or more or less so" 161 160 "Leaf blade with the oil glands scattered" 173 161 "Stamens with the bundle claw up to 0.2 times the length of the stamens" 162 161 "Stamens with the bundle claw more than 0.3 times the length of the stamens" 165 162 "Fruit with sepaline teeth; hypanthium 2-3 mm long" "Melaleuca torquata" 162 "Fruit without sepaline teeth; hypanthium 1-2.2 mm long" 163 163 "Stamens 15-22 per bundle" "Melaleuca xerophila" 163 "Stamens 3-9 per bundle" 164 164 "Staminal filaments 2.3-4.2 mm long; style 4.5-5 mm long" "Melaleuca parvistaminea" 164 "Staminal filaments 4.2-8.5 mm long; style 6-7 mm long" "Melaleuca pustulata" 165 "Style hooked or distinctly flexuous (never curved or gently flexuous)" "Melaleuca xerophila" 165 "Style straight or more or less so" 166 166 "Inflorescence axis puberulous to pubescent" 167 166 "Inflorescence axis glabrous or if hairy with at least some of the hairs lanuginulose or lanuginose (lanuginulose, lanuginose, lanuginulose-puberulous, or lanuginose-pubescent)" 168 167 "Fruit with or without sepaline teeth, if present then the teeth erect; calyx lobes 0.5-1 mm long; petals 1.2-2.6 mm long" "Melaleuca viminea" 167 "Fruit with sepaline teeth, the teeth spreading to spreading-ascending; calyx lobes 1-1.5 mm long; petals 2.7-3 mm long" "Melaleuca pomphostoma" 168 "Bract subtending each monad present at anthesis" "Melaleuca bracteosa" 168 "Bract subtending each monad absent at anthesis" 169 169 "Leaf blade with only 1 well developed vein" 170 169 "Leaf blade with 3 well developed veins (midvein and 2 parallel minor veins)" 172 170 "Leaf apex aristate or acuminate, straight to recurved (leaf blade in transverse section depressed obovate)" "Melaleuca hamulosa" 170 "Leaf apex not aristate, apex obtusely shortly acuminate, acute, obtuse, or acuminate, incurved to straight" 171 171 "Leaf blade in transverse section transversely elliptic, flattened transversely semielliptic, the blade straight; ovules c. 80-90 per locule" "Melaleuca diosmatifolia" 171 "Leaf blade in transverse section subcircular, circular, depressed obovate, or transversely elliptic, the blade falcate to straight; ovules c. 35-60 per locule" "Melaleuca glaberrima" 172 "Leaf blade 0.9-1.3 mm wide; leaves 11-33 times as long as wide; staminal filaments cream or cream to yellow" "Melaleuca armillaris" 172 "Leaf blade 1.5-4.5 mm wide; 2.3-8.3 times as long as wide; staminal filaments mauve, pink or purple" "Melaleuca laxiflora" 173 "Leaf blade with 1-3 parallel veins" 174 173 "Leaf blade with 4 or more parallel veins" 191 174 "Stamens with the bundle claw up to 0.3 times as long as the filaments" 175 174 "Stamens with the bundle claw 0.4-0.7 times as long as the filaments" 179 175 "Hypanthium 1-1.8 mm long" 176 175 "Hypanthium 2-3.2 mm long" 177 176 "Leaves up to 3.6 times as long as wide, 1.8-6.6 mm long" "Melaleuca blaeriifolia" 176 "Leaves more than 6 times as long as wide, 5-18 mm long" "Melaleuca ericifolia" 177 "Calyx lobes replaced by sepaline teeth in fruit" "Melaleuca torquata" 177 "Calyx lobes not replaced by sepaline teeth" 178 178 "Leaf apex narrowly acute to acute; staminal filaments purple, mauve or pink, rarely cream to white" "Melaleuca squamea" 178 "Leaf apex acuminate to narrowly acuminate; staminal filaments pallid (recorded as lemon-yellow)" "Melaleuca leiocarpa" 179 "Stamens 4-30 per bundle" 180 179 "Stamens 31-105 per bundle" 190 180 "Leaves usually more than 10 times as long as wide and up to 1.5 mm wide" 181 180 "Leaves always less than 8.5 times as long as wide and usually more than 1.5 mm wide" 186 181 "Stamens 4-10 per bundle" "Melaleuca microphylla" 181 "Stamens 11 or more per bundle" 182 182 "Hypanthium 1-1.2 mm long" "Melaleuca armillaris" 182 "Hypanthium 1.5-3.2 mm long" 183 183 "Staminal filaments mauve" "Melaleuca ctenoides" 183 "Staminal filaments white, cream or lemon-yellow" 184 184 "Leaf hairs sericeous to sericeous-pubescent" "Melaleuca leiocarpa" 184 "Leaf hairs lanuginulose to lanuginulose-puberulous, rarely with some longer pubescent hairs" 185 185 "Leaf blade usually very narrowly elliptic, in transverse section sublunate or transversely linear (eastern regions of Queensland and New South Wales)" "Melaleuca decora" 185 "Leaf blade usually linear, in transverse section depressed obovate, transversely semielliptic, or circular (southwestern Western Australia)" "Melaleuca rhaphiophylla" 186 "Calyx lobes replaced by sepaline teeth in fruit" 187 186 "Calyx lobes not replaced by sepaline teeth in fruit (lobes either deciduous or merely weathering away)" 189 187 "Staminal filaments yellow or yellow-green" "Melaleuca eurystoma" 187 "Staminal filaments mauve" 188 188 "Leaf blade in lateral view straight; branchlets glabrescent, the hairs ephemeral, lanuginulose" "Melaleuca depauperata" 188 "Leaf blade in lateral view straight to recurved; branchlets glabrous to glabrescent, the hairs puberulous" "Melaleuca camptoclada" 189 "Leaf blade with the apex narrowly acute to acute; bark papery" "Melaleuca decora" 189 "Leaf blade with the apex acuminate to narrowly acuminate; bark hard" "Melaleuca leiocarpa" 190 "Stamens with the bundle claw 2.5-4.8 mm long; hypanthium 1.5-2.5 mm long; fruit with inserted valves" "Melaleuca decora" 190 "Stamens with the bundle claw 5.5-8.2 mm long; hypanthium 1.2-1.5 mm long; fruit with exserted valves" "Melaleuca trichostachya" 191 "Leaf blade in transverse section lunate; stamens 7-15 per bundle, the bundle claw 0.5-0.6 times as long as the filaments" "Melaleuca eurystoma" 191 "Leaf blade in transverse section transversely linear to sublunate" 192 192 "Staminal filaments purple, mauve or pink, rarely cream to white (Leaf blade marrowly acute, the blade in lateral view straight to incurved)" "Melaleuca squamea" 192 "Staminal filaments white or creamy-yellow" 193 193 "Leaves 4.5-8 mm long; ovules 20-30 per locule" "Melaleuca ringens" 193 "Leaves 10-55 mm long; ovules c. 110-135 per locule" "Melaleuca groveana" 194 "Leaf blade in transverse section transversely linear" 195 194 "Leaf blade in transverse section otherwise (depressed obovate, transversely semielliptic, circular, lunate, shallowly lunate, transversely narrowly elliptic, sublunate or obsublunate)" 198 195 "Petals up to 2.6 mm long; staminal filaments cream or creamy-yellow" "Melaleuca viminea" 195 "Petals more than 3 mm long; staminal filaments green or red" 196 196 "Staminal filaments green" "Melaleuca diosmifolia" 196 "Staminal filaments red" 197 197 "Leaves 9-28 mm long" "Melaleuca macronychia" 197 "Leaves (25-)30-138 mm long" "Melaleuca viminalis" 198 "Stamens more than 30 per bundle" "Melaleuca alternifolia" 198 "Stamens up to 30 per bundle" 199 199 "Staminal filaments red" 200 199 "Staminal filaments pallid (white, creamy lemon, yellow green, pink or mauve)" 201 200 "Leaves 6.5-24.5 mm long, 0.9-1.5 mm wide" "Melaleuca lateritia" 200 "Leaves (25-)30-138 mm long, 3-27 mm wide" "Melaleuca viminalis" 201 "Leaf blade elliptic, broadly elliptic, or broadly obovate" "Melaleuca eurystoma" 201 "Leaf blade otherwise (linear, subfalcate to falcate, linear-obovate, or linear-elliptic)" 202 202 "Staminal filaments pink or mauve (fading to white); inflorescence axis usually glabrous (rarely sparsely lanuginulose-puberulous)" "Melaleuca glaberrima" 202 "Staminal filaments white, cream or lemon; inflorescence axis hairy (puberulous or lanuginulose or combinations thereof)" "Melaleuca rhaphiophylla" 203 "Staminal filaments up to 12 mm long" 204 203 "Staminal filaments more than 12 mm long" 233 204 "Leaf blade with the oil glands in rows or more or less so" 205 204 "Leaf blade with the oil glands scattered" 223 205 "Stamens with the bundle claw 0.1-0.4 times as as long as the filaments" 206 205 "Stamens with the bundle claw 0.5-0.6 times as as long as the filaments" 214 206 "Ovary adnate to the hypanthium for the proximal one quarter" 207 206 "Ovary adnate to the hypanthium for the proximal one half to three quarters" 210 207 "Stamens 3-6 per bundle" "Melaleuca densa" 207 "Stamens 9-22 per bundle" 208 208 "Style 4-5.5 mm long; petals 1.5-2.2 mm long" "Melaleuca sheathiana" 208 "Style 7.5-12 mm long; petals 2.3-3 mm long" 209 209 "Calyx lobes 1-1.5 mm long; leaves 1.3-2.3 mm wide, 2-3.3 times as long as wide" "Melaleuca linguiformis" 209 "Calyx lobes 1.6-2.4 mm long; leaves 0.9-1.3 mm wide, 1.7-7.7 times as long as wide" "Melaleuca teuthidoides" 210 "Petals 1.2-2 mm long (rarely to 2.5 mm long)" "Melaleuca viminea" 210 "Petals 2.2-4.5 mm long" 211 211 "Leaf blade in transverse section transversely linear to sublunate" 212 211 "Leaf blade in transverse section depressed obovate or flattened transversely semielliptic to semicircular" 213 212 "Leaves 4-15 mm long, 2.5-7.2 times as long as wide; inflorescence a spike of monads and/or triads; branchlet and leaf indumentum composed of lanuginulose, sometimes to lanuginulose-puberulous, hairs (occasionally with some longer pubescent hairs)" "Melaleuca sieberi" 212 "Leaves 10-25b mm long, 6-20 times as long as wide; inflorescence a short spike or head of monads (never with triads); branchlet and leaf indumentum composed of sericeous to pubescent hairs" "Melaleuca capitata" 213 "Staminal filaments purple, mauve or pink" "Melaleuca subfalcata" 213 "Staminal filaments white to cream" "Melaleuca linguiformis" 214 "Ovary adnate to the hypanthium for the proximal one quarter" 215 214 "Ovary adnate to the hypanthium for the proximal one half to three quarters" 218 215 "Stamens 3-6 per bundle" 216 215 "Stamens 15-28 per bundle" 217 216 "Calyx lobes 0.6-0.8 mm long; petals not clawed" "Melaleuca densa" 216 "Calyx lobes 1-1.5 mm long; petals distinctly clawed" "Melaleuca kunzeoides" 217 "Calyx lobes 0.5-0.8 mm long; petals 1.8-2.8 mm long, obscurely to distinctly clawed" "Melaleuca diosmatifolia" 217 "Calyx lobes 0.9-1.7 mm long; petals 1.8-1.9 mm long, not clawed" "Melaleuca bracteata" 218 "Staminal filaments white to cream or pale yellow" 219 218 "Staminal filaments pink, mauve or purplish" 221 219 "Inflorescence axis lanuginulose to lanuginose" "Melaleuca strobophylla" 219 "Inflorescence axis puberulous to pubescent" 220 220 "Stamens 3-15 per bundle; leaves untwisted; floral bract absent or present" "Melaleuca viminea" 220 "Stamens 11-33 per bundle; leaves twisted to untwisted (twist is distinct, occurring at the blade base/petiole region); floral bract present" "Melaleuca sieberi" 221 "Leaf blade ovate or elliptic (sometimes very narrowly to narrowly ovate)" "Melaleuca spicigera" 221 "Leaf blade otherwise (narrowly obovate, very narrowly obovate, narrowly elliptic, very narrowly elliptic, linear, linear-elliptic, often subfalcate)" 222 222 "Petals hairy (more or less glabrescent, not densely hairy); hypanthium 1.5-2 mm long" "Melaleuca subfalcata" 222 "Petals glabrous; hypanthium 2-2.9 mm long" "Melaleuca laxiflora" 223 "Staminal filaments 2.2-3.5 mm long (leaf blade in transverse section transversely linear)" "Melaleuca linophylla" 223 "Staminal filaments 5 mm or more long (if staminal filaments 4 mm long then leaf blade in transverse section suboblong, sublunate, flattened transversely semielliptic, or subcircular)" 224 224 "Stamens 4-9 per bundle" 225 224 "Stamens 10 or more per bundle" 227 225 "Stamens with the bundle claw 0.5 times as long as the filaments" "Melaleuca kunzeoides" 225 "Stamens with the bundle claw 0.07-0.3 times as long as the filaments" 226 226 "Staminal filaments usually purple, mauve or pink, rarely cream to white; leaf blade usually narrowly ovate to linear ovate; hypanthium sericeous-pubescent or pubescent" "Melaleuca squamea" 226 "Staminal filaments white or cream; leaf blade narrowly elliptic, linear-elliptic, very narrowly ovate or linear-ovate; hypanthium lanuginulose-puberulous" "Melaleuca ericifolia" 227 "Leaf blade with pinnate venation (if ever parallel or parallel-pinnate then with 5 or more veins)" "Melaleuca deanei" 227 "Leaf blade with parallel venation (the veins 3 in number)" 228 228 "Stamens with the bundle claw 0.2-0.3 times as long as the filaments" 229 228 "Stamens with the bundle claw 0.4-0.7 times as long as the filaments" 230 229 "Hypanthium sericeous-pubescent or pubescent" "Melaleuca capitata" 229 "Hypanthium lanuginulose-puberulous" "Melaleuca ericifolia" 230 "Leaf blade in transverse section transversely linear or sublunate; the leaves 4.6-22 times as long as wide" 231 230 "Leaf blade in transverse section depressed obovate, suboblong, sublunate, transversely semielliptic, or subcircular; leaves 6.9-48.6 times as long as wide" 232 231 "Stamens with the bundle claw 2.5-4.8 mm long; hypanthium 1.5-2.5 mm long; fruit with inserted valves" "Melaleuca decora" 231 "Stamens with the bundle claw 5.5-8.2 mm long; hypanthium 1.2-1.5 mm long; fruit with exserted valves" "Melaleuca trichostachya" 232 "Stamens with the free part of the filaments inserted in the distal half of the claw" "Melaleuca rhaphiophylla" 232 "Stamens with the free part of the filaments inserted throughout the length of the claw or almost so" "Melaleuca dissitiflora" 233 "Stamens 4-5 per bundle" "Melaleuca calothamnoides" 233 "Stamens 6 or more per bundle" 234 234 "Leaf blade with parallel venation (the veins 3 in number)" 235 234 "Leaf blade with pinnate venation (if ever parallel or parallel-pinnate then with 5 or more veins)" 237 235 "Stamens more than 30 per bundle, the free part of the filaments inserted in the distal three-quarters or throughout (or almost so) the length of the bundle claw" "Melaleuca alternifolia" 235 "Stamens up to 25 per bundle, the free part of the filaments inserted at the apex or in the distal one-quarter of the bundle claw" 236 236 "Staminal filaments up to 13 mm long, purple or mauve or pink" "Melaleuca subfalcata" 236 "Staminal filaments 15-18 mm long, red" "Melaleuca apostiba" 237 "Staminal filaments white" "Melaleuca deanei" 237 "Staminal filaments red" 238 238 "Inflorescence 35-50 mm wide; leaf blade usually very narrowly elliptic or narrowly elliptic" "Melaleuca viminalis" 238 "Inflorescence 50-75 mm wide; leaf blade usually linear-obovate or narrowly obovate" "Melaleuca glauca" 239 "Staminal filaments hairy" "Melaleuca lasiandra" 239 "Staminal filaments glabrous" 240 240 "Staminal filaments white, cream, yellow(ish), or green" 241 240 "Staminal filaments pink, red, crimson, mauve, or purple" 287 241 "Leaves up to 5 mm wide" 242 241 "Leaves 5 mm or more wide" 262 242 "Hypanthium distinctly stipitate; inflorescence axis glabrous" "Melaleuca stipitata" 242 "Hypanthium not stipitate; inflorescence axis hairy or rarely glabrous" 243 243 "Leaf blade linear" 244 243 "Leaf blade otherwise (sometimes linear-elliptic or linear-obovate)" 245 244 "Trunk or main stem bark papery; leaves twisted and the apex uncinate; leaves more than 20 mm long" "Melaleuca uncinata" 244 "Trunk or main stem bark hard; leaves not twisted and the apex not uncinate; leaves up to 15 mm long" "Melaleuca lanceolata" 245 "Calyx obsolete" "Melaleuca cornucopiae" 245 "Calyx well developed" 246 246 "Leaf blade recurved at the apex (apex may appear to be incurved due to twisting of the lamina)" 247 246 "Leaf blade straight at the apex" 248 247 "Leaves 3.4-22 mm long" "Melaleuca bracteata" 247 "Leaves 31-76 mm long" "Melaleuca uncinata" 248 "Leaves up to 25 mm long" 249 248 "Leaves more than 25 mm long" 259 249 "Branchlets with at least some of the hairs lanuginulose to lanuginulose-puberulous" 250 249 "Branchlets without lanuginulose to lanuginulose-puberulous hairs (hairs sericeous, sericeous-pubescent, puberulous, or pubescent; the hairs may be distinctly flexuous and/or curved but are never lanuginulose)" 253 250 "Leaf blade with the oil glands scattered" 251 250 "Leaf blade with the oil glands more or less in rows" 252 251 "Style 6-7 mm long" "Melaleuca decora" 251 "Style 7.5-12 mm long" "Melaleuca preissiana" 252 "Bark hard; ovules c. 30-50 per locule" "Melaleuca lanceolata" 252 "Bark papery; ovules c. 80-145 per locule" "Melaleuca sieberi" 253 "Leaves petiolate (sometimes shortly so)" 254 253 "Leaves sessile" 257 254 "Calyx lobes hairy on the abaxial surface" "Melaleuca sericea" 254 "Calyx lobes glabrous on the abaxial surface" 255 255 "Leaf blade 5-7-veined" "Melaleuca hnatiukii" 255 "Leaf blade 3-veined" 256 256 "Petals 2-3.5 mm long; leaf blade margin minutely crenulate to subentire" "Melaleuca zonalis" 256 "Petals 1.5-2 mm long; leaf blade margin verrucose" "Melaleuca ciliosa" 257 "Leaf blade 15-30-veined; bark papery" "Melaleuca styphelioides" 257 "Leaf blade 3-15-veined; bark hard" 258 258 "Cotyledons planoconvex; ovules c. 40-55 per locule; stamens 15-20 per bundle" "Melaleuca squamophloia" 258 "Cotyledons obvolute; ovules c. 30 per locule; stamens 15-28 per bundle" "Melaleuca bracteata" 259 "Branchlets pubescent (rarely to puberulous)" "Melaleuca zonalis" 259 "Branchlets sericeous, or sericeous-pubescent to pubescent with some shorter pubescent hairs" 260 260 "Triads distant (at least 1 hypanthium diameter apart, sometimes within an inflorescence some of the triads are closer)" "Melaleuca stenostachya" 260 "Triads clustered (less than 1 hypanthium diameter apart)" 261 261 "Ovules 10-15 per locule" "Melaleuca sericea" 261 "Ovules c. 40-50 per locule" "Melaleuca saligna" 262 "Hypanthium distinctly hairy" 263 262 "Hypanthium glabrous or effectively so" 279 263 "Leaves 15-30-veined" "Melaleuca styphelioides" 263 "Leaves up to 9-veined" 264 264 "Leaf blade indumentum with at least some of the hairs lanuginulose or sericeous-lanuginulose (whether or not also with pubescent to sericeous-pubescent hairs)" 265 264 "Leaf blade indumentum without lanuginulose or sericeous-lanuginulose hairs (the hairs sericeous, sericeous-pubescent, pubescent, puberulous, or ciliate)" 269 265 "Staminal filaments 5-8 mm long" 266 265 "Staminal filaments 10-23 mm long" 267 266 "Calyx lobes 0.5-0.8 mm long, herbaceous in the proximal-central zone and with a broad scarious marginal band" "Melaleuca saligna" 266 "Calyx lobes 0.9-1.5 mm long, herbaceous nearly throughout or with a very narrow scarious marginal band" "Melaleuca dealbata" 267 "Bark subpapery (tight, fissured); branchlet indumentum shaggy (pubescent hairs very long)" "Melaleuca triumphalis" 267 "Bark papery; branchlet indumentum never shaggy (pubescent hairs, if present, short)" 268 268 "Leaves 1.6-10.2 times as long as wide, the blade 5-40 mm wide; hypanthium 1.8-3.5 mm long; stamens 3-7 per bundle" "Melaleuca nervosa" 268 "Leaves 5-20 times as long as wide, the blade 5-19 mm wide; hypanthium 1.3-2 mm long; stamens 3-9 per bundle" "Melaleuca fluviatilis" 269 "Calyx absent" "Melaleuca cornucopiae" 269 "Calyx present" 270 270 "Inflorescence up to 30 mm wide" 271 270 "Inflorescence more than 30 mm wide" 278 271 "Leaf blade 3-5-veined" 272 271 "Leaf blade 5-9-veined" 274 272 "Calyx lobes hairy on the abaxial surface" "Melaleuca sericea" 272 "Calyx lobes glabrous on the abaxial surface" 273 273 "Petals 2-3.5 mm long; leaf blade margin minutely crenulate to subentire" "Melaleuca zonalis" 273 "Petals 1.5-2 mm long; leaf blade margin verrucose" "Melaleuca ciliosa" 274 "Inflorescence up to 20 mm wide" 275 274 "Inflorescence more than 20 mm wide" 276 275 "Triads distant (at least 1 hypanthium diameter apart, sometimes within an inflorescence some of the triads are closer)" "Melaleuca stenostachya" 275 "Triads clustered (less than 1 hypanthium diameter apart)" "Melaleuca sericea" 276 "Calyx lobes herbaceous in the proximal-central zone and scarious in a narrow marginal band (leaves 4.8-14 times as long as wide)" "Melaleuca argentea" 276 "Calyx lobes herbaceous in the proximal-central zone and scarious in a broad marginal band (leaves 1.3-9.7 times as long as wide)" 277 277 "Older leaves with the secondary venation distinct and about as prominent as the major veins" "Melaleuca cajuputi" 277 "Older leaves with the secondary venation more or less obscure" "Melaleuca quinquenervia" 278 "Hypanthium (1.8-)3-3.5 mm long; petals (2.7-)4-5.3 mm long; leaves (8-)19-76 mm wide; inflorescence axis sericeous or pubescent (occasionally glabrous); young shoots with hairs entirely appressed" "Melaleuca viridiflora" 278 "Hypanthium 1.5-2.5 mm long; petals 2.5-3.5 mm long; leaves 10-30 mm wide; inflorescence axis pubescent; young shoots with at least some spreading-ascending to spreading hairs" "Melaleuca quinquenervia" 279 "Leaf blade with the oil glands in rows or more or less so" "Melaleuca hnatiukii" 279 "Leaf blade with the oil glands scattered" 280 280 "Calyx lobes hairy on the abaxial surface" 281 280 "Calyx lobes glabrous on the abaxial surface" 282 281 "Staminal filaments 5-7.5 mm long" "Melaleuca dealbata" 281 "Staminal filaments (9-)12-23 mm long" "Melaleuca viridiflora" 282 "Calyx lobes herbaceous in the proximal-central zone and scarious in a narrow marginal band or the lobes herbaceous almost throughout" 283 282 "Calyx lobes herbaceous in the proximal-central zone and scarious in a broad marginal band" 284 283 "Staminal filaments 6-7 mm long; leaves 30-110 mm long, 3.3-9 times as long as wide; bark hard" "Melaleuca clarksonii" 283 "Staminal filaments 7-16 mm long; leaves 75-270 mm long, 3.5-16.1 times as long as wide; bark papery" "Melaleuca leucadendra" 284 "Leaf blade narrowly ovate, very narrowly ovate, rarely narrowly elliptic or very narrowly elliptic, often falcate to subfalcate; leaves 3.5-16 times as long as wide, very early glabrescent; petals with elliptic oil glands (occasionally long elliptic glands form an apparently linear gland)" "Melaleuca leucadendra" 284 "Leaf blade narrowly elliptic, elliptic, very narrowly elliptic, narrowly obovate, obovate, very narrowly obovate, rarely broadly elliptic or ovate or very narrowly ovate or approaching falcate; leaves usually 1.3-8.5 times as long as wide (in some forms of M. viridiflora 4.8-15.7 times as long as wide with the blade very narrowly elliptic, narrowly elliptic or narrowly obovate or very narrowly obovate), typically not very early glabrescent; petals with oil glands linear, elliptic, circular to subcircular, or oblong" 285 285 "Staminal filaments 9.2-10 mm long, the bundle claw 0.2-0.4 times as long as the filaments" "Melaleuca cajuputi" 285 "Staminal filaments (9.5-)10.5-23 mm long, the bundle claw 0.06-0.2(-0.5) times as long as the filaments" 286 286 "Hypanthium 1.5-2.5 mm long; petals 2.5-3.5 mm long; leaves 10-30 mm wide; inflorescence axis pubescent; young shoots with at least some spreading-ascending to spreading hairs" "Melaleuca quinquenervia" 286 "Hypanthium (1.8-)3-3.5 mm long; petals (2.7-)4-5.3 mm long; leaves (8-)19-76 mm wide; inflorescence axis sericeous or pubescent (occasionally glabrous); young shoots with hairs entirely appressed" "Melaleuca viridiflora" 287 "Leaves up to 3 mm wide" 288 287 "Leaves more than 3 mm wide" 296 288 "Petals caducous" 289 288 "Petals deciduous" 291 289 "Branchlets pubescent or glabrous" "Melaleuca tuberculata" 289 "Branchlets sericeous" 290 290 "Leaf blade indumentum monomorphic (appressed to spreading-ascending, sericeous to sericeous-pubescent hairs)" "Melaleuca leuropoma" 290 "Leaf blade indumentum more or less dimorphic (appressed to ascending more or less sericeous hairs overlaid with longer spreading pubescent hairs)" "Melaleuca parviceps" 291 "Leaves more than 50 mm long" "Melaleuca nematophylla" 291 "Leaves up to 35 mm long" 292 292 "Leaf blade in transverse section transversely linear" "Melaleuca caeca" 292 "Leaf blade in transverse section otherwise (circular, depressed obovate, transversely elliptic, transversely narrowly elliptic)" 293 293 "Style 4.5-7 mm long" 294 293 "Style 9.5-17 mm long" 295 294 "Leaves sessile to subsessile (petiole up to 0.3 mm long), 6.5-27 mm long" "Melaleuca carrii" 294 "Leaves short-petiolate to subsessile (petiole 0.5-1.3 mm long), 3.5-8.5 mm long" "Melaleuca societatis" 295 "Leaves appressed to ascending (rarely spreading-ascending), 6.3-19.6 times as long as wide; calyx lobes usually scarious throughout (rarely herbaceous in the proximal-central zone); petals 1.3-2.2 mm long; staminal filaments 7.5-9.5 mm long" "Melaleuca clavifolia" 295 "Leaves ascending to spreading-ascending (rarely appressed or spreading), 9.5-76.7 times as long as wide; calyx lobes usually herbaceous in the proximal-central zone and scarious in a narrow to broad marginal zone (rarely almost scarious throughout); petals 1.8-3.5 mm long; staminal filaments 7.5-16.5 mm long" "Melaleuca trichophylla" 296 "Staminal filaments pink, mauve, or purple" 297 296 "Staminal filaments red or crimson" 307 297 "Leaf blade with the base attenuate, or narrowly cuneate" 298 297 "Leaf blade with the base cordate, subcordate, or rounded" 306 298 "Leaves with the petiole more than 5 mm long, 10-31 mm wide" "Melaleuca quinquenervia" 298 "Leaves with the petiole up to 4 mm long, up to 15 mm wide (if leaf more than 11 mm wide then calyx lobes on the abaxial surface hairy)" 299 299 "Staminal filaments 4-6.5 mm long; style 6.5-8.5 mm long" "Melaleuca glena" 299 "Staminal filaments 7.3-14.5 mm long; style (8-)10-19.5 mm long" 300 300 "Calyx lobes glabrous on the abaxial surface" 301 300 "Calyx lobes hairy on the abaxial surface" 303 301 "Leaf blade narrowly oblong (occasionally approaching narrowly elliptic or very narrowly ovate)" "Melaleuca fabri" 301 "Leaf blade obovate, narrowly obovate, very narrowly obovate, linear-elliptic, narrowly elliptic, or rarely elliptic" 302 302 "Branchlet indumentum of appressed sericeous hairs" "Melaleuca campanae" 302 "Branchlet indumentum of spreading-ascending to spreading pubescent hairs (sometimes with the hairs appressed to ascending and then sericeous-pubescent or rarely sericeous)" "Melaleuca venusta" 303 "Hypanthium glabrous" "Melaleuca nesophila" 303 "Hypanthium hairy" 304 304 "Leaf blade hairy" "Melaleuca venusta" 304 "Leaf blade glabrescent" 305 305 "Leaf blade with parallel venation (5-veined, rarely 7-veined leaves occur on vigorous growth)" "Melaleuca conothamnoides" 305 "Leaf blade with pinnate or parallel-pinnate venation (rarely parallel entirely, pinnate veins c. 7-11 on each side of the midrib)" "Melaleuca barlowii" 306 "Leaves 0.8-1.8 times as long as wide, the blade broadly ovate to ovate" "Melaleuca cordata" 306 "Leaves 1.9-5.2 times as long as wide, the blade narrowly obovate, oblong, narrowly elliptic, elliptic, obovate, or rarely ovate" "Melaleuca conothamnoides" 307 "Calyx lobes glabrous on the abaxial surface" 308 307 "Calyx lobes hairy or glabrescent (rarely glabrous) on the abaxial surface" 309 308 "Calyx lobes 0.3-0.7 mm long (southwestern Western Australia)" "Melaleuca conothamnoides" 308 "Calyx lobes 1-1.8 mm long (coastal Queensland and New South Wales)" "Melaleuca quinquenervia" 309 "Young shoots with at least some lanuginulose hairs (sericeous-pubescent, pubescent, and/or other hair types usually also present)" "Melaleuca nervosa" 309 "Young shoots without lanuginulose hairs (the hairs sericeous or sericeous-pubescent)" 310 310 "Hypanthium (1.8-)3-3.5 mm long; petals (2.7-)4-5.3 mm long; leaves(8-)19-76 mm wide; inflorescence axis sericeous or pubescent (occasionally glabrous); young shoots with hairs entirely appressed" "Melaleuca viridiflora" 310 "Hypanthium 1.5-2.5 mm long; petals 2.5-3.5 mm long; leaves 10-30 mm wide; inflorescence axis pubescent; young shoots with at least some spreading-ascending to spreading hairs" "Melaleuca quinquenervia" 311 "Leaves less than 3 mm wide" 312 311 "Leaves 3 mm or more wide" 500 312 "Flowers in monads" 313 312 "Flowers in triads or dyads" 376 313 "Stamens dimorphic" "Melaleuca pulchella" 313 "Stamens monomorphic" 314 314 "Hypanthium glabrous (or effectively so)" 315 314 "Hypanthium hairy" 349 315 "Calyx lobes costate" 316 315 "Calyx lobes not costate" 318 316 "Style 2-4 mm long; staminal filaments distinctly papillate, the free portion of the proximal filaments strongly reflexed" "Melaleuca delta" 316 "Style 7-10.5 mm long; staminal filaments not papillate, the free portion of the proximal filaments not reflexed" 317 317 "Leaf blade with indumentum composed of long cilia on the margin (the lamina per se is glabrous), glabrescent" "Melaleuca undulata" 317 "Leaf blade with indumentum composed of sericeous or sericeous-lanuginulous hairs (sometimes with some lanuginulose-puberulous or lanuginulose hairs also), glabrescent" "Melaleuca lateriflora" 318 "Leaf blade 1-3-veined" 319 318 "Leaf blade 5-6-veined" 346 319 "Leaf blade with the oil glands scattered" 320 319 "Leaf blade with the oil glands in rows or more or less so" 329 320 "Inflorescence axis glabrous" 321 320 "Inflorescence axis hairy" 323 321 "Stamens 3-5 per bundle" "Melaleuca blaeriifolia" 321 "Stamens 6-16 per bundle" 322 322 "Leaves 2.9-5.5 mm long, the blade narrowly elliptic, elliptic or narrowly suboblong-elliptic" "Melaleuca camptoclada" 322 "Leaves 30-90 mm long, the blade linear" "Melaleuca teretifolia" 323 "Hypanthium 1-2 mm long" 324 323 "Hypanthium 2-3.2 mm long" 326 324 "Stamens 3-5 per bundle" "Melaleuca blaeriifolia" 324 "Stamens 7-25 per bundle" 325 325 "Stamens 7-14 per bundle; leaf blade in transverse section flattened transversely semielliptic" "Melaleuca ericifolia" 325 "Stamens 11-25 per bundle; leaf blade in transverse section depressed obovate (occasionally transversely semielliptic or circular)" "Melaleuca rhaphiophylla" 326 "Hypanthium when detached leaving a circular scar on the inflorescence axis; calyx lobes scarious in a broad marginal band (0.4-0.5 mm wide)" "Melaleuca leiocarpa" 326 "Hypanthium when detached leaving a very narrowly elliptic, elliptic, broadly elliptic, or ovate scar on the inflorescence axis; calyx lobes herbaceous to the margin or scarious in a narrow marginal band (up to 0.3 mm wide)" 327 327 "Hypanthium when detached leaving a very narrowly elliptic scar on the inflorescence axis (leaves 8-40 mm long; stamens 11-25 per bundle)" "Melaleuca rhaphiophylla" 327 "Hypanthium when detached leaving an elliptic, broadly elliptic, or ovate scar on the inflorescence axis" 328 328 "Leaf blade in transverse section transversely linear or sublunate (leaves 4.5-12 mm long; stamens 4-9 per bundle)" "Melaleuca squamea" 328 "Leaf blade in transverse section transversely semielliptic, semicircular, or strongly depressed obtriangular (leaves 4.5-12.8 mm long; stamens 3-13 per bundle)" "Melaleuca torquata" 329 "Calyx lobes replaced by sepaline teeth in fruit" 330 329 "Calyx lobes not replaced by sepaline teeth in fruit (the lobes weathering away and teeth not developing, rarely the extreme proximal portion of the lobes may become woody and persist in M. lateralis and M. xerophila)" 340 330 "Growth from the inflorescence apex typically continuing after anthesis (growth may have commenced prior to, or at, anthesis)" 331 330 "Growth from the inflorescence apex typically not continuing after anthesis" 336 331 "Leaf blade at the apex rounded (and usually also at the base, sometimes at the base narrowly cuneate)" 332 331 "Leaf blade at the apex acute, narrowly acute, obtuse, obtusely shortly acuminate, or acuminate" 333 332 "Stamens with the bundle claw 4-5.5 mm long, the claw 0.6-0.7 times as long as the filaments" "Melaleuca pomphostoma" 332 "Stamens with the bundle claw 1.5-2.3 mm long, the claw 0.3 times as long as the filaments" "Melaleuca pauperiflora" 333 "Stamens with the bundle claw 0.1-0.2 times as long as the filaments" "Melaleuca torquata" 333 "Stamens with the bundle claw 0.3-0.6 times as long as the filaments" 334 334 "Inflorescence axis lanuginulose-pubescent" "Melaleuca bracteosa" 334 "Inflorescence axis puberulous to pubescent" 335 335 "Style at anthesis kinked at about three-quarters from the base; leaves 3-7.5 mm long" "Melaleuca pauperiflora" 335 "Style at anthesis not kinked; leaves 4-20 mm long" "Melaleuca viminea" 336 "Staminal filaments 1.5-3.5 mm long; style 4-5.5 mm long (when straightened)" "Melaleuca apodocephala" 336 "Staminal filaments (3.7-)4-7 mm long; style 5.6-8 mm long (when straightened)" 337 337 "Calyx lobes hairy or glabrescent on the abaxial surface" "Melaleuca viminea" 337 "Calyx lobes glabrous on the abaxial surface" 338 338 "Stamens 3-8 per bundle" "Melaleuca bracteosa" 338 "Stamens 10-23 per bundle" 339 339 "Inflorescence a lateral cluster of flowers (among or below the leaves) or a pseudoterminal head; hypanthium 1.5-1.8 mm long; cotyledons obvolute" "Melaleuca apodocephala" 339 "Inflorescence a pseudoterminal head (lateral inflorescences may also occur in distal axils of the previous season’s growth flush); hypanthium 2-2.5 mm long; cotyledons planoconvex" "Melaleuca pauperiflora" 340 "Style at anthesis kinked at about three-quarters from the base" 341 340 "Style at anthesis not kinked (style may be slightly flexuous but is not kinked per se)" 342 341 "Inflorescence axis puberulous to pubescent" "Melaleuca pauperiflora" 341 "Inflorescence axis lanuginulose, lanuginulose-puberulous, or sometimes puberulous" "Melaleuca xerophila" 342 "Inflorescence axis glabrous" "Melaleuca brevifolia" 342 "Inflorescence axis hairy" 343 343 "Anther connective prominently glandular" 344 343 "Anther connective not prominently glandular (discernible but not large)" 345 344 "Inflorescence with 4-15 monads; staminal filaments pink, mauve or reddish pink" "Melaleuca lateralis" 344 "Inflorescence with 15-30 monads; staminal filaments yellow (or perhaps whitish but never pink, mauve or reddish pink)" "Melaleuca pustulata" 345 "Staminal filaments 2.3-4.2 mm long, the bundle claw 0.1-0.8 mm long" "Melaleuca parvistaminea" 345 "Staminal filaments 4-7.3 mm long, the bundle claw 2.3-3.7 mm long" "Melaleuca viminea" 346 "Leaf blade with the oil glands scattered" 347 346 "Leaf blade with the oil glands in rows or more or less so" 348 347 "Stamens 4-9 per bundle, the filaments purple, mauve, pink or cream to white; cotyledons planoconvex" "Melaleuca squamea" 347 "Stamens 7-11 per bundle, the filaments cream or creamy-yellow; cotyledons obvolute" "Melaleuca ringens" 348 "Inflorescences among the leaves, terminal or pseudoterminal; style 5-6.8 mm long; ovules 30-35 per locule" "Melaleuca pauperiflora" 348 "Inflorescences below the leaves, lateral (the plant ramuliflorous to ramiflorous); style 10-14.5 mm long; ovules 95-110 per locule" "Melaleuca fissurata" 349 "Flowers with the proximal portion immerged in the corky bark of the branches and major stems (often only the perianth, stamens and style are exserted)" "Melaleuca suberosa" 349 "Flowers not immerged in the bark of branches or major stems" 350 350 "Staminal filaments white, cream, yellow, or green (sometimes ageing pinkish, salmon, or reddish)" 351 350 "Staminal filaments pink, mauve, purple, or magenta (sometimes ageing whitish)" 373 351 "Leaf blade with the oil glands scattered" 352 351 "Leaf blade with the oil glands in rows or more or less so" 360 352 "Petals with oil glands" 353 352 "Petals without oil glands" 359 353 "Calyx lobes replaced by sepaline teeth in fruit" 354 353 "Calyx lobes not replaced by sepaline teeth in fruit (sepals may be deciduous, persistent or may weather away with the extreme proximal portion becoming woody and persisting as a ring around the orifice of the fruit or a series of low undulations)" 355 354 "Hypanthium 1-1.8 mm long; calyx lobes 0.5-0.7 mm long" "Melaleuca ericifolia" 354 "Hypanthium 2-2.4 mm long; calyx lobes 1.2-1.4 mm long" "Melaleuca bromelioides" 355 "Leaf blade in transverse section depressed obovate, transversely semielliptic, transversely narrowly elliptic, or circular" 356 355 "Leaf blade in transverse section transversely linear, sublunate, or oblunate" 357 356 "Calyx lobes herbaceous in the proximal-central zone and scarious in a marginal band" "Melaleuca rhaphiophylla" 356 "Calyx lobes scarious throughout" "Melaleuca urceolaris" 357 "Leaf blade narrowly ovate, very narrowly ovate, linear-ovate, subulate, or ovate" "Melaleuca squamea" 357 "Leaf blade narrowly obovate, linear-obovate, narrowly elliptic, or linear-elliptic" 358 358 "Stamens 7-11 per bundle, the filaments 2.5-5.5 mm long" "Melaleuca citrolens" 358 "Stamens 14-33 per bundle, the filaments 6-10 mm long" "Melaleuca capitata" 359 "Inflorescence composed of a single monad" "Melaleuca cliffortioides" 359 "Inflorescence composed of 3-14 monads" "Melaleuca leiocarpa" 360 "Inflorescence usually consistently composed of a single monad (occasionally up to 3 monads per inflorescence)" 361 360 "Inflorescence usually consistently composed of more than a single monad (usually 3-50, occasionally as few as 1 monad per inflorescence)" 362 361 "Stamens 8-13 per bundle" "Melaleuca cliffortioides" 361 "Stamens 30-45 per bundle" "Melaleuca podiocarpa" 362 "Growth from the inflorescence apex typically continuing after anthesis (growth may have commenced prior to, or at, anthesis)" 363 362 "Growth from the inflorescence apex typically not continuing after anthesis" 370 363 "Calyx lobes scarious throughout" "Melaleuca laetifica" 363 "Calyx lobes herbaceous in the proximal-central zone and scarious in a marginal band, sometimes herbaceous almost to the margin" 364 364 "Style at anthesis kinked at about three-quarters from the base" "Melaleuca pauperiflora" 364 "Style at anthesis not kinked (style may be slightly flexuous but is not kinked per se)" 365 365 "Stamens 3-6 per bundle" "Melaleuca densa" 365 "Stamens (4-)9-33 per bundle" 366 366 "Leaves twisted to untwisted, 10-25 mm long, the blade in transverse section transversely linear (eastern New South Wales)" "Melaleuca capitata" 366 "Leaves untwisted, 2-20 mm long, the blade in transverse section transversely linear or otherwise (transversely semielliptic, depressed obovate, transverselly elliptic, shallowly lunate, etc; southwestern Western Australia)" 367 367 "Calyx lobes 0.5-1 mm long" 368 367 "Calyx lobes 1-2.4 mm long" 369 368 "Leaves 2-3.5 mm long" "Melaleuca sheathiana" 368 "Leaves (3-)4-20 mm long" "Melaleuca viminea" 369 "Calyx lobes 1-1.5 mm long; stamens 13-22 per bundle" "Melaleuca linguiformis" 369 "Calyx lobes 1.6-2.4 mm long; stamens 12-16 per bundle" "Melaleuca teuthidoides" 370 "Leaf blade 3-veined" 371 370 "Leaf blade 7-17-veined" 372 371 "Anther connective prominently glandular" "Melaleuca apodocephala" 371 "Anther connective not prominently glandular (discernible but not large)" "Melaleuca viminea" 372 "Petals with oil glands; leaf blade usually with distinct oil glands; ovules 15-30 per locule" "Melaleuca undulata" 372 "Petals without oil glands; leaf blade usually with obscure oil glands; ovules 38-44 per locule" "Melaleuca coronicarpa" 373 "Leaf blade in transverse section depressed obovate, subcircular, or transversely elliptic" "Melaleuca calyptroides" 373 "Leaf blade in transverse section transversely linear, sublunate, or lunate" 374 374 "Leaf blade narrowly ovate, very narrowly ovate, linear-ovate, subulate, or ovate" "Melaleuca squamea" 374 "Leaf blade obovate, elliptic, narrowly elliptic, or rarely broadly obovate or narrowly obovate" 375 375 "Infructescence typically globose or subglobose (the constituent fruits closely packed (often into a ball-like structure) and not retaining a significant separate identity); majority of leaves on the specimen 1.6-1.8 times as long as wide (range 1-2.2)" "Melaleuca ryeae" 375 "Infructescence typically not globose or subglobose (the constituent fruits ""peg-like"" and retaining a significant separate identity), or sometimes approaching globose or subglobose with the constituent fruits somewhat closely packed; majority of leaves on the specimen 2-2.8 times as long as wide (range 1.5-4.8)" "Melaleuca amydra" 376 "Staminal filaments white, cream, yellow, or greenish yellow (ageing salmon, pinkish or reddish)" 377 376 "Staminal filaments pink, mauve, purple, purplish pink, magenta, rose pink, violet, or rarely red (ageing white, or whitish mauve)" 415 377 "Petals caducous" 378 377 "Petals deciduous" 390 378 "Calyx lobes scarious throughout" 379 378 "Calyx lobes herbaceous in the proximal-central zone and scarious in a narrow to wide marginal band (when unlobed, i.e. the calyx composed of an unbroken ring of tissue, up to 5 areas of herbaceous tissue may occur)" 385 379 "Infructescence typically globose or subglobose (the constituent fruits closely packed (often into a ball-like structure) and not retaining a significant separate identity)" 380 379 "Infructescence typically not globose or subglobose (the constituent fruits ""peg-like"" and retaining a significant separate identity)" 382 380 "Calyx lobes consistently 5; leaves 4.5-16 mm long, 2.7-14.5 times as long as wide" "Melaleuca brophyi" 380 "Calyx lobes variable in number, often 2-4 or occasionally 5; leaves 8-52 mm long, 7.8-74 times as long as wide" 381 381 "Leaves 18-52 mm long, 0.5-0.8 mm wide" "Melaleuca borealis" 381 "Leaves 8-21 mm long, 0.8-1.2 mm wide" "Melaleuca uncinata" 382 "Hypanthium glabrous" "Melaleuca systena" 382 "Hypanthium hairy" 383 383 "Branchlet indumentum composed of pubescent to lanuginulose-puberulous or rarely lanuginose-pubescent hairs (rarely some lanuginulose hairs may also occur)" "Melaleuca virgata" 383 "Branchlet indumentum composed of a layer of short dense puberulous to shortly pubescent hairs overlaid with sparse longish pubescent hairs, or of sericeous-pubescent to sericeous hairs, or of sericeous hairs" 384 384 "Branchlet indumentum composed of a layer of short dense puberulous to shortly pubescent hairs overlaid with sparse longish pubescent hairs" "Melaleuca systena" 384 "Branchlet indumentum composed of sericeous-pubescent to sericeous hairs, or consisting of sericeous hairs" "Melaleuca leuropoma" 385 "Infructescence typically globose or subglobose (the constituent fruits closely packed (often into a ball-like structure) and not retaining a significant separate identity)" 386 385 "Infructescence typically not globose or subglobose (the constituent fruits ""peg-like"" and retaining a significant separate identity)" 388 386 "Leaves 4-12 mm long, the blade obovate to elliptic (sometimes narrowly so)" "Melaleuca ciliosa" 386 "Leaves 18-83 mm long, the blade linear (sometimes oblong to linear-elliptic)" 387 387 "Leaves 0.5-0.8 mm wide, the apex straight to incurved; infructescence up to 6.5 mm wide" "Melaleuca borealis" 387 "Leaves 0.7-2.2 mm wide, the apex recurved to straight; infructescence up to 12 mm wide" "Melaleuca uncinata" 388 "Branchlet indumentum composed of sericeous-pubescent to sericeous hairs, or branchlet indumentum consisting of sericeous hairs" "Melaleuca leuropoma" 388 "Branchlet indumentum composed of a layer of short dense puberulous to shortly pubescent hairs overlaid with sparse longish pubescent hairs" 389 389 "Leaves 4.4-18 times as long as wide; calyx with the margin ciliate; hypanthium 1.5-2.5 mm long" "Melaleuca systena" 389 "Leaves 1.5-3 times as long as wide; calyx with the margin entire; hypanthium 1-1.5 mm long" "Melaleuca ciliosa" 390 "Infructescence typically globose or subglobose (the constituent fruits closely packed (often into a ball-like structure) and not retaining a significant separate identity)" 391 390 "Infructescence typically not globose or subglobose (the constituent fruits ""peg-like"" and retaining a significant separate identity)" 408 391 "Leaf blade with the oil glands scattered" 392 391 "Leaf blade with the oil glands in rows or more or less so" 401 392 "Cotyledons obvolute" 393 392 "Cotyledons planoconvex to flattened planoconvex" 397 393 "Leaf blade 5-veined; hypanthium glabrescent or glabrous" "Melaleuca croxfordiae" 393 "Leaf blade 3-veined; hypanthium persistently hairy" 394 394 "Calyx lobes glabrous on the abaxial surface" 395 394 "Calyx lobes hairy on the abaxial surface" 396 395 "Leaves with the blade twisted, the blade apex usually recurved (sometimes straight)" "Melaleuca uncinata" 395 "Leaves with the blade untwisted, the blade apex straight" "Melaleuca nodosa" 396 "Leaves with the blade twisted (usually through 180°), the blade apex usually recurved (sometimes straight)" "Melaleuca uncinata" 396 "Leaves with the blade untwisted, the blade apex straight" "Melaleuca glomerata" 397 "Leaves with the blade twisted (usually through 180°; when the blade is terete this may be difficult to ascertain), the blade apex usually recurved (sometimes straight)" "Melaleuca uncinata" 397 "Leaves with the blade untwisted" 398 398 "Branchlet indumentum composed of spreading to more or less retrorse hairs" "Melaleuca condylosa" 398 "Branchlet indumentum composed of appressed to more or less spreading hairs (the hairs sericeous-pubescent, lanuginose-sericeous, lanuginose-pubescent, sericeous-lanuginulose, hairs sometimes sericeous, or lanuginulose)" 399 399 "Leaf blade verrucose, the oil glands very distinct; stamens 3-6 per bundle, 3.5-6 mm long" "Melaleuca brophyi" 399 "Leaf blade smooth or sometimes verrucose, the oil glands distinct or obscure; stamens 6-8 per bundle, 5-8 mm long" 400 400 "Calyx lobes distinct, 5" "Melaleuca thapsina" 400 "Calyx lobes usually indistinct, 1-5 (usually the calyx exists as a ring of weakly lobed tissue, rarely with well formed lobes)" "Melaleuca uncinata" 401 "Apex of leaf blade (i.e. mucro or acumen if applicable) straight or incurved; leaves untwisted" 402 401 "Apex of leaf blade (i.e. mucro or acumen) recurved; leaves usually twisted" 407 402 "Cotyledons planoconvex" 403 402 "Cotyledons obvolute" 406 403 "Calyx lobes herbaceous in the proximal-central zone and scarious in a marginal band" "Melaleuca uncinata" 403 "Calyx lobes scarious throughout" 404 404 "Branchlet indumentum composed of pubescent to lanuginose-pubescent hairs" "Melaleuca grieveana" 404 "Branchlet indumentum composed of sericeous hairs (these occasionally to sericeous-pubescent)" 405 405 "Leaf blade with the oil glands usually distinct, the hairs not soon deciduous" "Melaleuca johnsonii" 405 "Leaf blade with the oil glands obscure, the hairs soon deciduous" "Melaleuca halophila" 406 "Staminal filaments 5-8.5 mm long, the bundle claw 0.3-0.4 times as long as the filaments" "Melaleuca nodosa" 406 "Staminal filaments 2.8-6.5 mm long, the bundle claw 0.5-0.8 times as long as the filaments" "Melaleuca uncinata" 407 "Major branches with the proximal bark hard; calyx lobes scarious throughout; leaf blade in transverse section transversely oblenticular, flattened transversely semielliptic, transversely narrowly elliptic, transversely elliptic, or transversely oblong to transversely narrowly oblong" "Melaleuca stereophloia" 407 "Major branches with the proximal bark papery; calyx lobes herbaceous in the proximal-central zone and scarious in a marginal band; leaf blade in transverse section transversely oblong, quadrate, or transversely semielliptic" "Melaleuca uncinata" 408 "Style 4-6.5 mm long" "Melaleuca glomerata" 408 "Style 10-15.5 mm long" 409 409 "Petals without oil glands" "Melaleuca laetifica" 409 "Petals with oil glands" 410 410 "Leaf blade in transverse section transversely linear" 411 410 "Leaf blade in transverse section depressed obovate, transversely elliptic, or transversely narrowly elliptic" 414 411 "Leaf blade with the oil glands scattered" 412 411 "Leaf blade with the oil glands more or less in rows" 413 412 "Calyx lobes consistently 5" "Melaleuca leiopyxis" 412 "Calyx lobes 2-5 (the calyx variously differentiated into lobes)" "Melaleuca zonalis" 413 "Leaf blade narrowly obovate, very narrowly obovate, or narrowly elliptic; leaves 8.5-30.5 mm long; petal oil glands elliptic, subcircular, or rarely circular" "Melaleuca zonalis" 413 "Leaf blade usually elliptic to narrowly elliptic, sometimes narrowly obovate, very narrowly obovate, or broadly elliptic; leaves 6.4-12.5 mm long; petal oil glands linear, elliptic or sometimes circular" "Melaleuca depressa" 413 "Leaf blade obovate or elliptic; leaves 4.5-8.5 mm long; petal oil glands subcircular to circular" "Melaleuca lara" 414 "Fruit 2.8-4 mm long; leaves 7.4-28 times as long as wide; ovules 8-10 per locule" "Melaleuca urceolaris" 414 "Fruit 4.5-6.5 mm long; leaves 3-11 times as long as wide; ovules 15-20 per locule" "Melaleuca leiopyxis" 415 "Petals caducous (rarely tardily so)" 416 415 "Petals deciduous (rarely early so)" 447 416 "Hypanthium glabrous or effectively so" "Melaleuca pentagona" 416 "Hypanthium hairy" 417 417 "Leaf blade in transverse section transversely linear (rarely sublunate)" 418 417 "Leaf blade in transverse section otherwise (transversely semielliptic, transversely elliptic, lunate, sublunate, semicircular, circular, depressed obovate, etc)" 422 418 "Leaf blade subcircular, broadly ovate, transversely broadly elliptic, broadly elliptic, or rarely broadly obovate" "Melaleuca orbicularis" 418 "Leaf blade narrowly elliptic, very narrowly elliptic, linear, linear-obovate, very narrowly obovate, narrowly obovate, or obovate" 419 419 "Style 6.5-7 (-c.8?) mm long" "Melaleuca pentagona" 419 "Style 8.5-13 mm long" 420 420 "Leaf blade pinnately 6-9-veined" "Melaleuca keigheryi" 420 "Leaf blade parallel 3-veined (some weakly developed pinnate veins may also occur but the blade primarily is 3-veined)" 421 421 "Leaf blade usually hairy (more or less early glabrescent forms sometimes occurring)" "Melaleuca leptospermoides" 421 "Leaf blade glabrescent or sometimes glabrous" "Melaleuca tuberculata" 422 "Infructescence typically globose or subglobose (the constituent fruits closely packed (often into a ball-like structure) and not retaining a significant separate identity)" 423 422 "Infructescence not globose or subglobose (the constituent fruits ""peg-like"" and retaining a significant separate identity)" 426 423 "Fruiting hypanthia distally coherent" "Melaleuca pentagona" 423 "Fruiting hypanthia free from each other throughout their length" 424 424 "Calyx variously lobed (occasionally 5-, usually 2-4-lobed, rarely unlobed with the calyx then a continuous ring of tissue)" "Melaleuca leuropoma" 424 "Calyx lobes consistently 5" 425 425 "Leaf blade in transverse section subcircular, circular, semicircular, rarely almost quadrate; leaves 9.5-38.3 times as long as wide; calyx lobes 0.3-0.6 mm long" "Melaleuca filifolia" 425 "Leaf blade in transverse section transversely semielliptic, transversely narrowly elliptic, or rarely transversely narrowly oblong; leaves 6.2-10 times as long as wide; calyx lobes 0.5-0.8 mm long" "Melaleuca boeophylla" 426 "Calyx lobes at the apex acute, rarely somewhat rounded (the lobes triangular, usually narrowly to very narrowly so)" "Melaleuca aspalathoides" 426 "Calyx lobes at the apex rounded or truncate (the lobes never triangular)" 427 427 "Leaf blade 5-7-veined (and subcircular, broadly ovate, transversely eliptic, or broadly elliptic)" "Melaleuca orbicularis" 427 "Leaf blade 3-veined (or if 5-veined then obovate, narrowly obovate, or very narrowly obovate)" 428 428 "Branchlet indumentum composed of predominantly pubescent hairs, or of scattered pubescent hairs overtopping sericeous to minutely sericeous hairs and whether or not some lanuginose or lanuginulose hairs also present; the branchlet hairy or glabrescent but never glabrous" 429 428 "Branchlet indumentum composed of sericeous to minutely sericeous hairs (whether or not some lanuginulose, sericeous-lanuginulose or lanuginulose-puberulous hairs also present), or of lanuginose to lanuginose-pubescent to lanuginose-sericeous hairs with longer appressed to ascending sericeous to sericeous-pubescent hairs, or of sericeous-pubescent to sericeous hairs, or branchlets glabrous" 440 428 "Branchlet glabrous" 446 429 "Leaf blade indumentum composed of pubescent and/or sericeous-pubescent hairs" 430 429 "Leaf blade indumentum composed of sericeous or more or less sericeous hairs, or more or less sericeous, lanuginose-sericeous to sericeous-lanuginulose grading to sericeous-pubescent hairs and often with some sparser long pubescent hairs as well, or leaf blade glabrous but for a few ephemeral stout pubescent hairs" 437 430 "Leaf blade obovate, narrowly obovate, very narrowly obovate, elliptic, or broadly elliptic, more than (1.1-)1.3 mm wide, the leaves 1.4-7.4 times as long as wide" 431 430 "Leaf blade linear, linear-obovate, suboblong, or oblong, 0.7-1.3 mm wide, the leaves 2.7-18.1 times as long as wide" 433 431 "Calyx hairs sericeous, lanuginulose, or lanuginulose-puberulous" "Melaleuca leptospermoides" 431 "Calyx hairs pubescent or sericeous-pubscent, or calyx glabrous" 432 432 "Cotyledons obvolute; leaf blade often glaucous or greyish, sometimes greenish to brownish" "Melaleuca tuberculata" 432 "Cotyledons planoconvex; leaf blade greenish to brownish" "Melaleuca manglesii" 433 "Leaves glaucous" "Melaleuca tuberculata" 433 "Leaves greenish or brownish (sometimes greyish or silverish)" 434 434 "Leaf blade recurved, in transverse section usually transversely semielliptic (leaves 3-7.5 mm long)" "Melaleuca manglesii" 434 "Leaf blade incurved to straight, sometimes recurved, in transverse section usually depressed obovate or subcircular to circular (leaves 3.5-20 mm long)" 435 435 "Leaf blade indumentum of more or less sericeous to lanuginose-sericeous and/or sericeous-lanuginulose hairs grading to spreading-ascending sericeous-pubescent hairs, often with some sparse long pubescent hairs also" "Melaleuca holosericea" 435 "Leaf blade indumentum not as above" 436 436 "Leaf blade early glabrescent, glossy or dull, indumentum composed of longish pubescent to sericeous-pubescent hairs (these appearing more or less lanuginose-pubescent on growth in the early stages of expansion)" "Melaleuca villosisepala" 436 "Leaf blade not early glabrescent, dull, indumentum composed of short to longish pubescent hairs and usually with a distinct layer of short hairs overtopped by a sparser layer of much longer hairs" "Melaleuca wonganensis" 437 "Leaf blade obovate, narrowly obovate, or very narrowly obovate, more than 1.3 mm wide, 1.6-7.4 times as long as wide" "Melaleuca leptospermoides" 437 "Leaf blade linear, or linear-obovate, 0.5-1.5 mm wide, 5-19.6 times as long as wide" 438 438 "Calyx lobes glabrous on the abaxial surface" "Melaleuca procera" 438 "Calyx lobes hairy on the abaxial surface" 439 439 "Leaves sessile to subsessile, the petiole up to 0.8 mm long, the blade 0.5-1 mm wide; leaf blade indumentum of more or less sericeous to lanuginose-sericeous and/or sericeous-lanuginulose hairs grading to spreading-ascending sericeous-pubescent hairs, often with some sparse long pubescent hairs also" "Melaleuca holosericea" 439 "Leaves subsessile to short-petiolate, the petiole 0.5-1.3 mm long, the blade 0.9-1.3 mm wide; leaf blade early glabrescent, glossy or dull, indumentum composed of longish pubescent to sericeous-pubescent hairs (these appearing more or less lanuginose-pubescent on growth in the early stages of expansion)" "Melaleuca villosisepala" 440 "Leaf blade in transverse section transversely linear to sublunate" "Melaleuca leptospermoides" 440 "Leaf blade in transverse section otherwise (depressed obovate, subcircular, transversely elliptic, or transversely narrowly elliptic)" 441 441 "Branchlet indumentum composed of lanuginose to lanuginose-pubescent and lanuginose-sericeous hairs and longer appressed to mostly ascending sericeous to sericeous-pubescent hairs" "Melaleuca hollidayi" 441 "Branchlet indumentum composed of sericeous to sericeous-pubescent hairs, or of sericeous to minutely sericeous hairs (whether or not also with some obscure lanuginulose-type hairs)" 442 442 "Calyx lobes hairy on the abaxial surface" 443 442 "Calyx lobes glabrous on the abaxial surface" 445 443 "Hypanthium indumentum coarse (the pubescent hairs generally longer and straighter towards the hypanthium apex)" "Melaleuca villosisepala" 443 "Hypanthium indumentum fine (the hairs sericeous, often minutely so, to pubescent or puberulous" 444 444 "Leaf blade dull, usually glaucous or greyish" "Melaleuca calyptroides" 444 "Leaf blade more or less glossy, greenish or brownish" "Melaleuca leuropoma" 445 "Leaf blade indumentum composed of more or less sericeous hairs overlaid with longer pubescent hairs" "Melaleuca parviceps" 445 "Leaf blade indumentum composed of sericeous to sericeous-pubescent hairs" "Melaleuca leuropoma" 446 "Leaves glaucous" "Melaleuca tuberculata" 446 "Leaves greenish or brownish; style 11-16 mm long" "Melaleuca procera" 447 "Infructescence typically globose or subglobose (the constituent fruits closely packed (often into a ball-like structure) and not retaining a significant separate identity)" 448 447 "Infructescence not globose or subglobose (the constituent fruits ""peg-like"" and retaining a significant separate identity)" 479 448 "Calyx lobes hairy on the abaxial surface" 449 448 "Calyx lobes glabrous on the abaxial surface" 460 449 "Style 4.5-8 mm long" 450 449 "Style 8.5-20 mm long" 455 450 "Leaf blade in transverse section transversely linear, or if transversely narrowly elliptic, transversely semielliptic, depressed obovate, or depressed obtriangular then the venation pinnate or parallel-pinnate (with c. 5-11 pinnate veins on each side of the midrib and up to 4 (excluding the midrib) parallel veins)" 451 450 "Leaf blade in transverse section circular, subcircular, semicircular, depressed obovate, transversely elliptic, or transversely narrowly elliptic, the blade sometimes channeled on the adaxial surface, the blade with 3 parallel veins" 453 451 "Branchlets with the indumentum composed of sericeous hairs; leaves 8-21.5 mm long, 5.3-16.6 times as long as wide, the blade with 3 parallel veins" "Melaleuca caeca" 451 "Branchlets with the indumentum composed of pubescent, puberulous, or sericeous-pubescent hairs, rarely lanuginose-pubescent or sericeous; leaves 2.5-28 mm long, 1.5-7 times as long as wide, the blade venation pinnate or parallel-pinnate (with c. 5-11 pinnate veins on each side of the midrib and up to 4 (excluding the midrib) parallel veins)" 452 452 "Leaf blade in lateral view incurved to straight, verrucose (often strongly so); ovules c. 10-15 per locule" "Melaleuca sclerophylla" 452 "Leaf blade in lateral view recurved (rarely straight), more or less smooth; ovules 5-6 per locule" "Melaleuca spathulata" 453 "Leaf blade with the oil glands in rows or more or less in rows" "Melaleuca concinna" 453 "Leaf blade with the oil glands scattered" 454 454 "Leaf blade strongly verrucose and often also verruculose or the blade verruculose only, the apex obtuse to acute (occasionally narrowly acute or indistinctly acuminate)" "Melaleuca tinkeri" 454 "Leaf blade verruculose to smooth, the apex acuminate (rarely acute to obtuse)" "Melaleuca carrii" 455 "Leaf blade in transverse section transversely linear, sublunate, or lunate" 456 455 "Leaf blade in transverse section circular, subcircular, depressed obovate, transversely elliptic, or transversely narrowly elliptic" 457 456 "Leaf blade usually elliptic (sometimes narrowly elliptic or narrowly obovate); majority of leaves on the specimen 2-2.8 times as long as wide (range 1.5-4.8)" "Melaleuca amydra" 456 "Leaf blade usually narrowly obovate to very narrowly obovate (sometimes obovate, linear-obovate, narrowly elliptic, or elliptic); majority of leaves on the specimen 2.5-5 times as long as wide (range 2-7.5)" "Melaleuca seriata" 456 "Leaf blade usually obovate (occasionally elliptic, rarely obovate); majority of leaves on the specimen 1.6-1.8 times as long as wide (range 1-2.2)" "Melaleuca ryeae" 457 "Leaf blade with the oil glands scattered" 458 457 "Leaf blade with the oil glands in rows or more less in rows" 459 458 "Style 7.5-9 mm long; leaf blade indumentum composed of ascending to spreading-ascending sericeous-pubescent hairs and rarely with some appressed sericeous or lanuginose-sericeous hairs as well, or only of appressed to ascending sericeous to lanuginose-sericeous hairs" "Melaleuca tinkeri" 458 "Style 9.5-20 mm long; leaf blade indumentum composed of spreading pubescent hairs (these rarely dimorphic with a dense short layer of hairs overtopped by long hairs, rarely the short layer of hairs more or less lanuginulose-puberulous)" "Melaleuca trichophylla" 459 "Leaf blade in transverse section transversely elliptic or depressed obovate; hypanthium with hairs evenly distributed on the outer wall; leaf blade 0.5-0.9 mm wide" "Melaleuca clavifolia" 459 "Leaf blade in transverse section transversely linear, transversely semielliptic or sublunate; hypanthium with hairs on the proximal region only of the outer wall; leaf blade 1-2.7 mm wide" "Melaleuca seriata" 460 "Leaves 55-155 mm long" "Melaleuca nematophylla" 460 "Leaves up to 35 mm long" 461 461 "Style up to 8 mm long" 462 461 "Style 8.5 mm long or more" 474 462 "Petiole up to 0.3 mm long" 463 462 "Petiole more than 0.3 mm long" 467 463 "Leaf blade in transverse section transversely linear" 464 463 "Leaf blade in transverse section subcircular, circular transversely elliptic, transversely narrowly elliptic, depressed obovate" 465 464 "Leaf blade elliptic, narrowly elliptic, narrowly ovate, or ovate; leaves 2-4.5 mm wide, 2-3.9 times as long as wide" "Melaleuca polycephala" 464 "Leaf blade very narrowly obovate or linear-obovate; leaves 1-2.5 mm wide, 5.3-16.6 times as long as wide" "Melaleuca caeca" 465 "Leaf blade with the oil glands scattered" "Melaleuca carrii" 465 "Leaf blade with the oil glands in rows or more or less so" 466 466 "Leaves 2-3.3 mm long, never glaucous" "Melaleuca seriata" 466 "Leaves 5-19.5 mm long, sometimes glaucous" "Melaleuca rigidifolia" 467 "Branchlets hairy to glabrescent" 468 467 "Branchlets glabrous" 471 468 "Leaves 2-3.3 mm long" "Melaleuca seriata" 468 "Leaves 3.5-19.5 mm long" 469 469 "Petiole less than 0.5 mm long" "Melaleuca rigidifolia" 469 "Petiole 0.5-1.3 mm long" 470 470 "Leaf blade in lateral view incurved to straight, rarely recurved; hypanthium usually glabrous, if hairy the the hairs on the proximal region of the outer wall only" "Melaleuca societatis" 470 "Leaf blade in lateral view recurved to straight; hypanthium hairy, the hairs evenly distributed on the outer wall" "Melaleuca concinna" 471 "Leaves 2-3.3 mm long" "Melaleuca seriata" 471 "Leaves 3.5-21 mm long" 472 472 "Leaf blade verruculose, often channeled on the adaxial surface (the blade greenish or brownish, never silvery, greyish, or glaucous)" "Melaleuca scabra" 472 "Leaf blade smooth (rarely verruculose or finely so), not channeled on the adaxial surface (the blade greenish, brownish, greyish, silvery, or glaucous)" 473 473 "Leaves 3.5-8.5 mm long, petiole 0.5-1.3 mm long" "Melaleuca societatis" 473 "Leaves 5-19.5 mm long, petiole not more than 0.5 mm long" "Melaleuca rigidifolia" 474 "Leaf blade glabrous" 475 474 "Leaf blade glabrescent or hairy" 477 475 "Leaf blade verruculose, often channelled on the adaxial surface" "Melaleuca scabra" 475 "Leaf blade smooth, not channelled on the adaxial surface" 476 476 "Infructescence usually subtended by persistent leaf bases" "Melaleuca trichophylla" 476 "Infructescence not subtended by persistent leaf bases" "Melaleuca clavifolia" 477 "Leaf blade in transverse section circular, subcircular, depressed obovate, transversely elliptic, or transversely narrowly elliptic" "Melaleuca trichophylla" 477 "Leaf blade in transverse section transversely linear, sublunate, lunate, or transversely semielliptic" 478 478 "Leaf blade usually elliptic (sometimes narrowly elliptic or narrowly obovate); majority of leaves on the specimen 2-2.8 times as long as wide (range 1.5-4.8)" "Melaleuca amydra" 478 "Leaf blade usually narrowly obovate to very narrowly obovate (sometimes obovate, linear-obovate, narrowly elliptic, or elliptic); majority of leaves on the specimen 2.5-5 times as long as wide (range 2-7.5)" "Melaleuca seriata" 478 "Leaf blade usually obovate (occasionally elliptic, rarely obovate); majority of leaves on the specimen 1.6-1.8 times as long as wide (range 1-2.2)" "Melaleuca ryeae" 479 "Inflorescence axis sericeous" "Melaleuca papillosa" 479 "Inflorescence axis pubescent" 480 480 "Hypanthium indumentum composed of distinctly matted hairs (these may be sericeous, lanuginulose-sericeous, or sericeous-pubescent)" "Melaleuca stramentosa" 480 "Hypanthium, if hairy, with the indumentum composed of non-matted hairs" 481 481 "Calyx lobes hairy on the abaxial surface" 482 481 "Calyx lobes glabrous on the abaxial surface" 491 482 "Branchlet indumentum composed of sericeous hairs" 483 482 "Branchlet indumentum composed of pubescent or puberulous hairs, or with lanuginose, lanuginose-pubescent or lanuginulose hairs" 485 483 "Stamens 4-5 per bundle" "Melaleuca similis" 483 "Stamens 6-10 per bundle" 484 484 "Style 7.5-8 mm long; leaf blade in transverse section usually sublunate or transversely linear, or transversely semielliptic to shallowy lunate" "Melaleuca sapientes" 484 "Style 11-13 mm long; leaf blade in transverse section usually quadrate to broadly oblong, or subcircular to transversely elliptic" "Melaleuca idana" 485 "Leaf blade elliptic (if ever narrowly elliptic or narrowly obovate then the leaf blade in transverse section transversely linear, sublunate or lunate)" "Melaleuca amydra" 485 "Leaf blade usually linear, linear-obovate, narrowly oblong (the leaf blade in transverse section never transversely linear, sublunate or lunate)" 486 486 "Style 6.5-8 mm long; bracts subtending the inflorescence usually ""fluffy"" in appearance" "Melaleuca plumea" 486 "Style 9.5-18 mm long; bracts subtending the inflorescence, if present, never ""fluffy"" in appearance" 487 487 "Leaf blade with the indumentum composed of pubescent hairs (these usually longish but sometimes with some shorter hairs present also, but despite this the hairs effectively are monomorphic)" 488 487 "Leaf blade with the indumentum composed of a layer of short pubescent hairs overtopped by (often sparser) long pubescent hairs (the hairs are distinctly dimorphic)" 490 488 "Branchlet indumentum two-layered (with a dense layer of puberulous to shortly pubescent hairs overtopped by sparser long pubescent hairs)" "Melaleuca urceolaris" 488 "Branchlet indumentum one-layered (with short grading to long pubescent hairs, or with lanuginose to lanuginose-pubescent hairs that contrast strongly with the long pubescent leaf hairs)" 489 489 "Branchlet indumentum composed of short grading to long pubescent hairs; buds never rostrate" "Melaleuca trichophylla" 489 "Branchlet indumentum composed of lanuginose to lanuginose-pubescent hairs that often contrast strongly with the long pubescent leaf hairs; buds often rostrate (due to the long acuminate calyx lobe apices)" "Melaleuca psammophila" 490 "Leaves 4.8-10.5 mm long, the apex rounded to obtuse; calyx lobes 1-2.5 mm long; stamens 8-13 per bundle" "Melaleuca beardii" 490 "Leaves 8-31 mm long, the apex acute, narrowly acute, shortly acuminate or obtuse; calyx lobes 0.5-1.5 mm long; stamens 5-10 per bundle" "Melaleuca trichophylla" 491 "Leaf blade in transverse section transversely linear, sublunate, lunate, or transversely semielliptic" 492 491 "Leaf blade in transverse section subcircular, depressed obovate, semicircular, transversely semielliptic, or transversely narrowly elliptic (often the adaxial surface with two channels or the midrib region raised; if shallowly lunate then the fruit 4.8-6.5 mm long)" 494 492 "Leaf blade usually elliptic (sometimes narrowly elliptic or narrowly obovate; majority of leaves on the specimen 2-2.8 times as long as wide (range 1.5-4.8))" "Melaleuca amydra" 492 "Leaf blade usually narrowly obovate to very narrowly obovate (sometimes obovate, linear-obovate, narrowly elliptic, or elliptic; leaves 2-7.5 times as long as wide (in M. seriata the majority of leaves on the specimen 2.5-5 times as long as wide))" 493 493 "Stamens 5-8 per bundle; style 8.5-10 mm long" "Melaleuca seriata" 493 "Stamens 8-13 per bundle; style 10-13 mm long" "Melaleuca zonalis" 494 "Leaves 2-8(-10.5) mm long" 495 494 "Leaves 9-26 mm long" 499 495 "Leaf blade glabrous (rarely with an occasional hair; fruit 2.5-3 mm long)" "Melaleuca seriata" 495 "Leaf blade glabrescent (distinctly hairy when young, some hairs usually persisting; fruit 2.5-6.5 mm long)" 496 496 "Calyx lobes at the apex acuminate to long acuminate, the flower buds usually rostrate due to the acuminate sepal apex" "Melaleuca psammophila" 496 "Calyx lobes not acuminate to long acuminate at the apex, the flower buds not rostrate" 497 497 "Stamens 3-7 per bundle (style 6.5-10.5 mm long; fruit 2.5-4 mm long)" "Melaleuca subtrigona" 497 "Stamens 6-13 per bundle (style 10-15 mm long; fruit (3-)4.8-6.5 mm long" 498 498 "Leaf blade in transverse section transversely semielliptic or shallowly lunate, the blade often channelled" "Melaleuca bisulcata" 498 "Leaf blade in transverse section depressed obovate, transversely elliptic or subcircular, the blade not channelled" "Melaleuca beardii" 499 "Style 6.5-10.5 mm long" "Melaleuca subtrigona" 499 "Style 12.5-18 mm long" "Melaleuca trichophylla" 500 "Petals caducous (rarely deciduous and if so then plant having the following combination of characters: leaves more than 24 mm long; basic floral unit a monad; hypanthium 1.1-1.5 mm long; calyx lobes non-costate, triangular, 0.7-0.9 mm long)" 501 500 "Petals deciduous (if basic floral unit is a monad then plant not having the following combination of characters: leaves more than 24 mm long; hypanthium 1.1-1.5 mm long; calyx lobes non-costate, triangular, 0.7-0.9 mm long)" 514 501 "Staminal filaments white, cream, or yellow (sometimes ageing reddish)" 502 501 "Staminal filaments pink, mauve, magenta, or purple (often ageing whitish)" 506 502 "Flowers in monads or dyads" 503 502 "Flowers in triads" 504 503 "Flowers in monads" "Melaleuca citrolens" 503 "Flowers in dyads" "Melaleuca alsophila" 504 "Leaves 3-veined; calyx glabrous on the abaxial surface, usually unlobed (calyx then an unbroken ring of tissue) but sometimes variously partitioned into up to 5 or so lobes" "Melaleuca ciliosa" 504 "Leaves 5-7-veined; calyx puberulous to pubescent on the abaxial surface, the lobes usually 5 or sometimes 4" 505 505 "Leaves 3.5-6.6 mm long, the apex obtuse to rounded (rarely acute to broadly acute)" "Melaleuca huttensis" 505 "Leaves 9.5-34 mm long, the apex acuminate" "Melaleuca oldfieldii" 506 "Leaves subcircular, broadly ovate, transversely broadly elliptic, broadly elliptic, elliptic, or occasionally broadly obovate, 0.7-2.2 times as long as wide" "Melaleuca orbicularis" 506 "Leaves obovate, narrowly obovate, broadly obovate, linear, linear-obovate, narrowly elliptic, linear-elliptic, or elliptic, (1.6-)2.4-17.9 times as long as wide" 507 507 "Infructescence typically globose or subglobose (the constituent fruits closely packed (often into a ball-like structure) and not retaining a significant separate identity)" 508 507 "Infructescence not globose or subglobose (the constituent fruits ""peg-like"" and retaining a significant separate identity)" 513 508 "Leaf blade remaining hairy (distinctly so with the indumentum composed of dense, sericeous hairs becoming sericeous-pubescent to pubescent proximally)" "Melaleuca venusta" 508 "Leaf blade glabrescent" 509 509 "Branchlet indumentum composed of spreading-ascending to spreading pubescent hairs" "Melaleuca keigheryi" 509 "Branchlet indumentum composed of appressed sericeous hairs, sometimes the hairs ascending to spreading and sericeous-pubescent to pubescent (mature leaf blade then having a groove or channel on the abaxial surface)" 510 510 "Mature leaf blade with a deep groove or channel on the abaxial surface" "Melaleuca pentagona" 510 "Mature leaf blade without grooves or channels on the abaxial surface (rarely the midrib impressed)" 511 511 "Calyx not distinctly differentiated into 5 lobes, usually an unbroken ring of tissue" "Melaleuca campanae" 511 "Calyx distinctly differentiated into 5 lobes" 512 512 "Hypanthium hairy; calyx lobes 0.6-0.8 mm long;style 10-11 mm long" "Melaleuca eulobata" 512 "Hypanthium glabrous or hairy (rarely hairy throughout, more often scattered hairs present at the base); calyx lobes 0.3-0.6 mm long; style 6.5-c.8 mm long" "Melaleuca pentagona" 513 "Leaf blade indumentum usually more or less persistent, composed of appressed to ascending more or less sericeous hairs (rarely of spreading pubescent hairs)" "Melaleuca leptospermoides" 513 "Leaf blade indumentum not persistent (the blade may sometimes be glabrous), composed of ascending to (mostly) spreading hairs" "Melaleuca tuberculata" 514 "Staminal filaments at anthesis white, cream, yellow, or green, sometimes ageing reddish" 515 514 "Staminal filaments at anthesis pink, mauve, or purplish, often ageing whitish" 548 515 "Flowers in monads" 516 515 "Flowers in triads" 526 516 "Leaves 24-90 mm long" "Melaleuca citrolens" 516 "Leaves up to 25 mm long" 517 517 "Style 2-5.9 mm long" 518 517 "Style 7-13 mm long" 519 518 "Inflorescence 1-3-flowered (usually 1)" "Melaleuca podiocarpa" 518 "Inflorescence 15-37-flowered" "Melaleuca densa" 519 "Calyx lobes deciduous and in fruit not replaced by sepaline teeth" "Melaleuca leiocarpa" 519 "Calyx lobes persisting in fruit or replaced by sepaline teeth" 520 520 "Calyx lobes costate" 521 520 "Calyx lobes not costate" 524 521 "Hypanthium glabrous" 522 521 "Hypanthium hairy" 523 522 "Leaf blade with indumentum composed of long cilia on the margin (the lamina per se is glabrous), glabrescent" "Melaleuca undulata" 522 "Leaf blade with indumentum composed of sericeous or sericeous-lanuginulous hairs (sometimes with some lanuginulose-puberulous or lanuginulose hairs also), glabrescent" "Melaleuca lateriflora" 523 "Petals with oil glands; leaf blade usually with distinct oil glands; ovules 15-30 per locule" "Melaleuca undulata" 523 "Petals without oil glands; leaf blade usually with obscure oil glands; ovules 38-44 per locule" "Melaleuca coronicarpa" 524 "Leaves sessile, apex acuminate to narrowly acuminate, pungent" "Melaleuca coronicarpa" 524 "Leaves with petiole to at least 0.4 mm long, apex rounded, or acuminate, not pungent" 525 525 "Leaf apex rounded to obtuse, leaf blade lunate in transverse section" "Melaleuca eurystoma" 525 "Leaf apex acute to (rarely) acuminate, leaf blade transversely linear in transverse section" "Melaleuca ringens" 526 "Leaf blade with the oil glands scattered" 527 526 "Leaf blade with the oil glands more or less in rows" 543 527 "Leaf blade 3-veined" 528 527 "Leaf blade 5-11 veined" 537 528 "Petiole less than 3 mm long" 529 528 "Petiole more than 3 mm long (up to 20 mm long)" 536 529 "Leaf blade usually obovate to broadly obovate, 1.2-3.3 times as long as wide" "Melaleuca megacephala" 529 "Leaf blade usually very narrowly obovate, narrowly obovate, linear-obovate, or very narrowly elliptic" 530 530 "Calyx lobes hairy on the abaxial surface" 531 530 "Calyx lobes glabrous on the abaxial surface" 533 531 "Branchlet indumentum composed of sericeous to sericeous-pubescent hairs; cotyledons subobvolute (almost planoconvex)" "Melaleuca sericea" 531 "Branchlet indumentum composed of pubescent to puberulous hairs (rarely of sericeous to sericeous-pubescent hairs); cotyledons obvolute" 532 532 "Fruit 1.5-2.5 mm long; staminal filaments 4-6.6 mm long, 4-13 per bundle; leaves 11.5-78 mm long" "Melaleuca glomerata" 532 "Fruit 4.5-6.5 mm long; staminal filaments 7.3-10.8 mm long, 8-14 per bundle (mostly 11-14); leaves 7.5-16 mm long" "Melaleuca leiopyxis" 533 "Infructescence typically globose or subglobose (the constituent fruits closely packed (often into a ball-like structure) and not retaining a significant separate identity)" 534 533 "Infructescence not globose or subglobose (the constituent fruits ""peg-like"" and retaining a significant separate identity)" 535 534 "Leaf apex straight" "Melaleuca nodosa" 534 "Leaf apex recurved (may appear incurved due to twisting of the blade)" "Melaleuca uncinata" 535 "Hypanthium 1.2-1.8 mm long; calyx lobes 2-5 (calyx variously divided into lobes)" "Melaleuca zonalis" 535 "Hypanthium 2-3 mm long; calyx lobes 5" "Melaleuca leiopyxis" 536 "Staminal filaments up to 8 mm long" "Melaleuca saligna" 536 "Staminal filaments more than 18 mm long" "Melaleuca triumphalis" 537 "Calyx 2-5-lobed (mostly 2-4-lobed); leaf blade margin verruculose, minutely crenulate, or rarely entire" "Melaleuca megacephala" 537 "Calyx 5-lobed (consistently so); leaf blade margin entire" 538 538 "Calyx lobes herbaceous in the proximal-central zone and scarious in a broadish marginal band (northern Australia)" 539 538 "Calyx lobes scarious throughout or rarely herbaceous in the proximal-central zone and scarious in a broadish marginal band (southwestern Australia)" 542 539 "Leaf blade with the absolute (mucronate) apex recurved" "Melaleuca acacioides" 539 "Leaf blade with the absolute apex straight" 540 540 "Leaf blade with the apex usually obtuse, sometimes acute, rounded, obtusely shortly acuminate or retuse" "Melaleuca arcana" 540 "Leaf blade with the apex acuminate, narrowly acute or acute" 541 541 "Petiole 0.7-2.2 mm long; inflorescence axis sericeous to sericeous-pubescent" "Melaleuca sericea" 541 "Petiole 3-20 mm long; inflorescence axis pubescent (to almost sericeous-pubescent)" "Melaleuca saligna" 542 "Leaf blade 5-veined" "Melaleuca croxfordiae" 542 "Leaf blade 7-11-veined" "Melaleuca globifera" 543 "Leaf blade 3-veined" 544 543 "Leaf blade 5-11-veined" 546 544 "Stamens 4-7 per bundle; calyx lobes 0.2-0.4 mm long" "Melaleuca nodosa" 544 "Stamens 8-13 per bundle; calyx lobes 0.6-2 mm long" 545 545 "Leaf blade narrowly obovate, very narrowly obovate, or narrowly elliptic; leaves 8.5-30.5 mm long; petal oil glands elliptic, subcircular, or rarely circular" "Melaleuca zonalis" 545 "Leaf blade usually elliptic to narrowly elliptic, sometimes narrowly obovate, very narrowly obovate, or broadly elliptic; leaves 6.4-12.5 mm long; petal oil glands linear, elliptic, or sometimes subcircular" "Melaleuca depressa" 545 "Leaf blade obovate or elliptic; leaves 4.5-8.5 mm long; petal oil glands subcircular to circular" "Melaleuca lara" 546 "Leaves more than 36 mm long" "Melaleuca globifera" 546 "Leaves up to 24 mm long" 547 547 "Calyx lobes hairy on the abaxial surface; stamens 9-13 per bundle" "Melaleuca depressa" 547 "Calyx lobes glabrous on the abaxial surface; stamens 5-8 per bundle" "Melaleuca hnatiukii" 548 "Style up to 6 mm long" 549 548 "Style more than 6 mm long" 550 549 "Calyx lobes hairy on the abaxial surface; stamens 4-7 per bundle; leaf blade with the margin subentire to verrucose" "Melaleuca sclerophylla" 549 "Calyx lobes glabrous on the abaxial surface; stamens 3-4 per bundle (usually 3); leaf blade with the margin entire" "Melaleuca polycephala" 550 "Hypanthium glabrous" "Melaleuca nesophila" 550 "Hypanthium hairy" 551 551 "Calyx lobes scarious throughout" 552 551 "Calyx lobes herbaceous in the proximal-central zone and scarious in a broadish marginal band" 553 552 "Leaves 3-9 mm long" "Melaleuca ryeae" 552 "Leaves 24-46 mm long" "Melaleuca glena" 553 "Petals hairy on the lamina (the margin ciliate); hypanthium 2.5-3.5 mm long, 3-4.5 mm wide" "Melaleuca fabri" 553 "Petals glabrous on the lamina (the margin ciliate or not); hypanthium 1.5-2.5 mm long, 1.7-3 mm wide" 554 554 "Leaf blade usually 3-parallel-veined with 7-11 pinnate veins on each side of the middle vein (sometimes with a few additional parallel veins present and then with fewer pinnate veins, rarely the venation consists only of parallel veins)" "Melaleuca barlowii" 554 "Leaf blade 5-9-parallel-veined" 555 555 "Leaf blade broadly ovate to ovate" "Melaleuca cordata" 555 "Leaf blade narrowly obovate, oblong, narrowly elliptic, elliptic, obovate, or rarely ovate" 556 556 "Branchlets and leaves glabrescent; inflorescences usually pseudoterminal (occasionally some are lateral in the distal leaf axils)" "Melaleuca conothamnoides" 556 "Branchlets and leaves glabrous; inflorescences usually lateral and often below the leaves (occasionally some are pseudoterminal)" "Melaleuca glena" 557 "Staminal filaments more than 12 mm long" "Melaleuca longistaminea" 557 "Staminal filaments less than 12 mm long" 558 558 "Stamens more than 30 per bundle" "Melaleuca cardiophylla" 558 "Stamens fewer than 20 per bundle" 559 559 "Branchlets not impressed adjacent to each leaf blade; calyx lobes not costate" "Melaleuca cucullata" 559 "Branchlets impressed (""excavated"") adjacent to each leaf blade; calyx lobes costate (sometimes indistinctly so)" 560 560 "Leaf blade in transverse section transversely linear" "Melaleuca irbyana" 560 "Leaf blade in transverse section otherwise (strongly lunate, lunate, shallowly lunate, crescentic, strongly depressed obtriangular, broadly obtriangular, transversely semielliptic, depressed obovate)" 561 561 "Stamens 1-seriate" 562 561 "Stamens 2-seriate" 563 562 "Leaf blade generally obovate (broadly angular-obovate, depressed angular-obovate, broadly obovate, or angular-obovate); staminal filaments white" "Melaleuca thyoides" 562 "Leaf blade generally ovate (narrowly ovate, ovate, very narrowly ovate); staminal filaments pink or mauve (fading to white)" "Melaleuca pallescens" 563 "Flowers in triads, the flowers more or less arranged in a triangle (the central flower distinctly displaced towards the shoot apex)" "Melaleuca huegelii" 563 "Flowers in triads or monads, the flowers of the triads more or less in a row (the central flower very slightly displaced towards the shoot apex)" 564 564 "Staminal filaments 4.5-5 mm long; ovules c. 5-8 per locule" "Melaleuca nanophylla" 564 "Staminal filaments 5.8-7.6 mm long; ovules 25-35 per locule" "Melaleuca tamariscina"