1 "Robust rosetted giant herbs with very stout, thick, fleshy, often armed leaves terminated by spines" 2 1 "Herbs or subshrubs, if large then with leaves thin and flexible, if +/- fleshy then unarmed; not terminated by a sharp spine" 4 2 "Ovary superior" Yucca 2 "Ovary inferior" 3 3 "Stamens much longer than perianth" Agave 3 "Stamens shorter than perianth" Furcraea 4 "Flowers bisexual" 5 4 "Flowers unisexual" 24 5 "Stamens 3, with or without 3 staminodes" 6 5 "Stamens 6, occasionally 7, 8 or 10-14" 7 6 "Petals fringed" Thysanotus 6 "Petals not fringed" Sowerbaea 7 "Fruit a berry" Asparagus 7 "Fruit a capsule (sometimes fleshy), schizocarp or indehiscent nutlet" 8 8 "Filaments all hairy or 3 hairy, 3 glabrous" Arthropodium 8 "Filaments all glabrous, or scabrous, puberulous or papillulose" 9 9 "Perianth twisted after flowering" Chamaescilla 9 "Perianth not twisted after flowering" 10 10 "Plants bulbous; inflorescence terminal on leafless scape" 11 10 "Plants not bulbous; inflorescence various" 16 11 "Perianth segments distinctly unequal in length" 12 11 "Perianth segments ± equal in length" 13 12 "Perianth segments free; petals shorter than sepals; pedicels to 7 cm long; flowers nodding" Ornithogalum 12 "Perianth segments fused basally into a tube; outer perianth segments shorter than inner; pedicels c. 2 mm long; flowers erect" Lachenalia 13 "Perianth segments fused to c. half their length" Muscari 13 "Perianth segments free to base or almost so" 14 14 "Perianth white, sometimes with green stripe, persistent" Ornithogalum 14 "Perianth blue or blue-violet, caducous" 15 15 "Flowers subtended by 2 membranous bracts; petals fused at base" Hyacinthoides 15 "Flowers subtended by a single membranous bract or ebracteate; petals free" Scilla 16 "Stamens with densely hairy filaments or basal anther appendages" Arthropodium 16 "Stamens with glabrous filaments and without hairy anther appendages" 17 17 "Inflorescence a terminal, dense head-like umbel (sometimes reduced to 3 flowers), the flowers very shortly pedicellate" Laxmannia 17 "Inflorescences various, if umbellate then flowers long-pedicellate" 18 18 "At least the inner tepals fringed" 19 18 "Tepals not fringed" 20 19 "Tufted herbs or herbaceous twiners" Thysanotus 19 "Vines or erect shrubs with +/- woody stems" Eustrephus 20 Twiner "Thysanotus {Thysanotus exfimbriatus}" 20 Non-twiners 21 21 "Plants shrubby with short leaves sheathing aerial stems; ovule 1 per loculus; fruits muricate, verrucose or smooth" Acanthocarpus 21 "Plants tufted, with strap-like leaves from a condensed stem; ovules 2 or more per loculus; fruits smooth" 22 22 "Anthers basifixed" Chlorophytum 22 "Anthers dorsifixed" 23 23 "Leaf margins scarious and often lacerate; tepals cream to yellow" Chamaexeros 23 "Leaf margins not scarious or lacerate; tepals white sometimes flecked purple" Romnalda 24 "Flowers in spikes, racemes or panicles; leaves linear" Lomandra 24 "Flowers solitary, axillary; leaves scale-like" 25 25 "Scale-leaves herbaceous, overlapping anc closely sheathing the stems at least when young" "Xerolirion {Xerolirion divaricata}" 25 "Scale-leaves scarious, distant, each subtending three slender, filiform cladodes" "Asparagus {Asparagus officinalis}"