1 "Flowers irregular, perianth of 2 petaloid whorls of 3 segments; anthers and stigmas sessile, borne on a more-or-less erect fleshy structure (column)" Orchidaceae 1 "Flowers with perianth absent, reduced or present; anthers and stigmas not sessile on a column" 2 2 "Plants freshwater aquatics with leaves in whorls or false whorls, at least in the upper part" Hydrocharitaceae 2 "Plants terrestrial or aquatic, leaves not in whorls" 3 3 "Inflorescence a stout woody spike of hermaphrodite flowers arising from a tuft of long linear leaves from a stout arborescent or subterranean caudex (Grass Trees)" Xanthorrhoeaceae 3 "Inflorescence and habit not as above" 4 4 "Plant a free-floating aquatic of freshwater habitats; a simple leaf-like thallus 0.25-10 mm long budding from basal or lateral pouches" Lemnaceae 4 "Plant terrestrial, or if aquatic rooted in the substrate (lsolepis fliuitans & I. producta rooted or free-floating)" 5 5 "Plant an emergent aquatic or subaquatic; inflorescence a dense terminal cylindrical spike of unisexual flowers, male above, female below; perianth absent; fruits wind-distributed" Typhaceae 5 "Plants various in habit but without the above combination of characters" 6 6 "Plant saprophytic, flowering below soil surface or under damp litter; flower fleshy, amber, red or pink" Burmanniaceae 6 "Plant not flowering underground, not saprophytic" 7 7 "Flowers with perianth, conspicuous or inconspicuous, of 1-6 segments in 1 or 2 whorls, petaloid or fleshy or sepaloid or membranous" 8 7 "Flowers with perianth absent or reduced to scales or bristles" 23 8 "Fruit an achene, follicle or schizocarp; plants aquatic or subaquatic" 9 8 "Fruit a berry, capsule, or nut (Tricoryne fruit a schizocarp usually of 2 mericarps); plants terrestrial, aquatic or subaquatic" 13 9 "Inflorescence a panicle of whorled branches" Alistmataceae 9 "Inflorescence a spike or the flowers solitary, axillary" 10 10 "Fruit a schizocarp of 6 fertile or 3 fertile and 3 sterile mericarps" Juncaginaceae 10 "Fruit of free achenes or follicles" 11 11 "Inflorescence a terminal. bifurcate spike, the carpels partly sunk into the fleshy limbs of the spike" Aponogetonaceae 11 "Inflorescence a simple spike or the flowers solitary, axillary" 12 12 "Inflorescence a simple spike; flowers 4-merous" Potamogetonaceae 12 "Inflorescence of solitary axillary flowers; achenes 3, on gynophores" Zannichelliaceae 13 "Perianth segments sepaloid, scarious or membranous" 14 13 "Perianth segments, or at least the inner ones, petaloid or fleshy" 16 14 "Plants dioecious; leaves reduced to sheathing scales" Restionaceae 14 "Plants with hermaphrodite flowers; leaves various" 15 15 "Leaves in fascicles along slender woody stems; perianth segments membranous" Liliaceae 15 "Leaves not in fascicles; perianth sepaloid" Juncaceae 16 "Plants robust; leaves 1-3 m long, 5-12 cm wide; flowering scape up to 3.5(-6) m high; perianth stiff, fleshy" Agavaceae 16 "Plants with leaves less than 3 cm wide" 17 17 "Plants aquatic, of marine or freshwater habitats; flowers submerged or floating on the surface" Hydrocharitaceae 17 "Plants terrestrial, occasionally subaquatic" 18 18 "Stamens 3 (2 in Diplarrena)" 19 18 "Stamens 6 or 3 + 3 staminodes" 20 19 "Plants small, tufted. perennial; leaves radical, stiff, subulate, sheaths scarlet below ground; floral bracts and outer perianth segments orange, red or purplish; anthers bright pinkish orange, ovary almost superior" Haemodoraceae 19 "Plants with leaves usually distichous, usually equitant and unifacial; perianth of 2 similar or dissimilar whorls, usually showy; ovary inferior (superior in Isophysis)" Iridaceae 20 "Inflorescence a solitary, more-or-less globose head, bracts imbricate, dark brown, firm; flowers axillary in upper bracts; petals 3, yellow, fugacious" Xyridaceae 20 "Inflorescence a spike, raceme, cyme, panicle or umbel, never a bracteate globose head with yellow flowers" 21 21 "Plants dioecious; leaves basal, distichous, linear, coriaceous, flowers small, chaffy, outer segments thin, inner fleshy, at least at the tip; fruit a capsule, seeds 1 per loculus" Xanthorrhoeaceae 21 "Plants with flowers usually bisexual, if unisexual then fruit a berry or capsule with several seeds per loculus" 22 22 "Leaves alternate, 2.5-6 cm long, ovate-elliptic; stems succulent, prostrate, with a line of hairs along the internodes; staminal filaments surrounded by a cluster of long white hairs" Commelinaceae 22 "Leaves alternate or whorled, often all basal, stems simple or branched; perianth of 2 similar or dissimilar whorls, at least inner segments petaloid, usually conspicuous" Liliaceae 23 "Plants submerged or intertidal, of salt, brackish or freshwater habitats" 24 23 "Plants terrestrial or emergent aquatics" 31 24 "Plants small, tufted, acaulescent, of freshwater habitats; leaves filiform, grasslike" 25 24 "Plants caulescent, or if acaulescent the plant marine with flat leaves" 26 25 "Ovaries free, each with style and stigmas 2-6, free; fruit opening from below by 3 valves or indehiscent" Hydatellaceae 25 "Ovaries solitary or 2 joined collaterally or 2-20 superposed in 1-2 rows, each ovary with a single style and stigma; fruit dehiscing longitudinally" Centrolepidaceae 26 "Plants marine, acaulescent; leaves flat, up to 60 cm long, 5-10 mm wide" Posidoniaceae 26 "Plants caulescent, of marine, brackish or freshwater habitats" 27 27 "Stems hard, wiry, becoming bare at the base with scars of shed leaves; leaves in clusters at the ends of branches" Cymodoceaceae 27 "Stems not hard and wiry, more-or-less leafy throughout" 28 28 "Flowers arranged in a single terminal spikelet" Cyperaceae 28 "Flowers solitary, axillary or in marginal rows on a flattened spike or a pair of flowers on opposite sides of a spike" 29 29 "Leaves eligulate; inflorescence a pair of hermaphrodite flowers on opposite sides of a long slender peduncle coiling after anthesis" Ruppiaceae 29 "Leaves ligulate; flowers unisexual, solitary or on a flattened spike enclosed in a leaf-sheath" 30 30 "Leaf-blades up to 1 mm wide; flowers solitary, axillary" Zannichelliaceae 30 "Leaf-blades 1-2 mm wide; flowers small, arranged in marginal rows on a flattened spike (spadix) enclosed within a modified leaf-sheath (spathe)" Zosteraceae 31 "Inflorescence a compound spike on a fleshy axis (spadix) subtended by a large petaloid spathe; fruit a berry" Araceae 31 "Inflorescence not as above; fruit not a berry" 32 32 "Fruit dehiscent, opening from below by 3 valves or dehiscing longitudinally" 33 32 "Fruit indehiscent, a nut or caryopsis, rarely an achene" 34 33 "Ovaries free, each with 3 stigmas; fruit opening from below by 3 valves" Hydatellaceae 33 "Ovaries solitary or 2 joined collaterally or 2-20 superposed in 1-2 rows, each ovary with a single style and stigma; fruit dehiscing longitudinally" Centrolepidaceae 34 "Spikelet with 1-many hermaphrodite or unisexual flowers, each solitary in the axil of a glume; glumes spirally or distichously arranged on the axis; lower glumes often sterile; perianth absent or reduced to hypogynous scales or bristles; fruit a nut" Cyperaceae 34 "Spikelet consisting of 2 glumes (1 sometimes reduced or absent) and 1-several florets distichously arranged on the axis; florets consisting of a lower, abaxial, bract (lemma) and an upper, adaxial, bract (palea), subtending a solitary hermaphrodite or unisexual flower; perianth reduced to 2 (-3) small scales (lodicules) or absent; fruit a caryopsis or rarely an achene" Poaceae