1 "Sap watery " 2 1 "Sap milky-yellow or orange " 3 2 "Mostly annual herbs; leaves thin, finely dissected, divisions linear; flowers yellow, pink or orange; sepals fused to form a hood, soon shed " Eschscholzia 2 "Woody, waxy blue perennial; leaves pinnate, leaflets and divisions not linear; flowers white; sepals forming a round bud, soon shed " Romneya 3 "Stigma large, flat and disk-like (with a starfish-like appearance) " Papaver 3 "Stigma not flat and disk-like" 4 4 "Petals absent; flowers small, white and numerous in clusters to 40 cm long " Macleaya 4 "Petals present but soon shed; flowers not as above " 5 5 "Capsule shedding seed through short teeth at tip; stigmas 4 or more " Meconopsis 5 "Capsule with valves; stigmas 2 " 6 6 "Flowers about 5 cm wide; capsule more than 14 cm long " Glaucium 6 "Flowers less than 2.5 cm wide; capsule 2.5–5 cm long " Chelidonium