1 "Leaves compound" 2 1 "Leaves simple, although often deeply cut or lobed" 5 2 "Leaves odd-pinnate" Polyscias 2 "Leaves palmate or multi-palmate" 3 3 "Leaf stalk forming a sheathing base; flowers more or less stalkless; ovary of 5–75 chambers" Schefflera 3 "Plants not as above" 4 4 "Leaves thick and leathery; flower stalks jointed below the ovary" Pseudopanax 4 "Leaves and flower stalks not as above" Panax 5 "Plant creeping or climbing, generally with aerial roots at the nodes" Hedera 5 "Plants erect" 6 6 "Leaves dull, hairy below; flowers 4-parted" Tetrapanax 6 "Leaves hairless, shiny above; flowers 5-parted" Fatsia