1 "Florets usually all bisexual, mostly red, violet or blue, rarely yellow; inner florets deeply lobed; anthers usually with a long-pointed terminal appendage and a pair of caudate basal appendages; stigmatic area covering inner surface of style branches, style branches usually long, lacking a terminal appendage (Cichorioideae)" 2 1 "Outer and inner florets usually of different sex, mostly yellow; inner florets shallowly lobed; anthers usually with a short, rounded terminal appendage and lacking basal appendages; stigma surface arranged in 2 rows along margins of style-branches (except in a few Heliantheae), style branches usually short, often with a sterile terminal appendage (Asteroideae)" 7 2 "All florets with a ligule; sap usually milky and abundant" "Asteraceae - Group 3" 2 "At least the inner florets without a ligule (except in ‘doubles’); sap usually not milky, if so then not abundant" 3 3 "Plant usually a spiny herb with divided leaves; capitula mostly diskoid, often with red, pink, purple, violet or blue, 5-lobed florets; style with a ring of hairs below the branches (sometimes on lower part of branches in Echinops) (thistles)" "Asteraceae - Group 2" 3 "Combination of features not as above" 4 4 "Florets 2-lipped, 5-lobed; outer florets ligulate" "Asteraceae - Group 1" 4 "Florets not 2-lipped; outer florets tubular or ligulate" 5 5 "Capitula diskoid, few-flowered, unisexual, 2 types present, each on different plants; florets white, either functionally female (fertile) or functionally male (sterile); leaves crowded, entire, sessile; involucre cylindrical with 4 or 5 rows of bracts; pappus of bristles" Cratystylis 5 "Combination of features not as above" 6 6 "Florets all bisexual; outer florets tubular (ligulate in Stokesia); pappus usually of long bristles (scales in Stokesia)" "Asteraceae - Group 4" 6 "Florets of different sex; outer florets ligulate, female; inner florets bisexual or male; pappus of scales or absent" "Asteraceae - Group 5" 7 "Plants usually very aromatic; leaves toothed or divided; pappus of scales, a crown or absent" "Asteraceae - Group 11" 7 "Combination of features not as above" 8 8 "Involucral bracts usually in a single equal row; pappus of bristles, rarely absent" "Asteraceae - Group 12" 8 "Involucral bracts not as above; pappus various, sometimes absent" 9 9 "Outer florets tubular or filiform, lacking a prominent ligule" 10 9 "Outer florets usually with a prominent ligule" 12 10 "Style branches with long, linear, usually coloured, sterile terminal appendages; leaves mostly opposite" "Asteraceae - Group 15" 10 "Style branches not as above; leaves mostly alternate" 11 11 "Style with hairs below branches; leaves entire, toothed or divided" "Asteraceae - Group 7" 11 "Style glabrous; leaves entire" "Asteraceae - Group 8" 12 "Achenes often polymorphic within a single capitulum; pappus absent" "Asteraceae - Group 9" 12 "Achenes not polymorphic; pappus usually present" 13 13 "Leaves mostly opposite, at least on lower stems" 14 13 "Leaves mostly alternate or rosetted, rarely opposite" 15 14 "Receptacle with scales; leaves mostly entire" "Asteraceae - Group 14" 14 "Receptacle naked (except in Helenium); leaves entire, toothed or divided" "Asteraceae - Group 13" 15 "Style branches without sterile appendages; stigmatic areas joined at apex of style branches; anthers caudate, often with branched tails; ray florets with a well-developed, usually white or yellow ligule" "Asteraceae - Group 6" 15 "Style branches with sterile appendages; stigmatic areas discrete; anthers not caudate (except shortly so in Olearia and Celmisia); ray florets often numerous, with a slender, blue, purplish, pink, yellow or white ligule" "Asteraceae - Group 10"