1 "Spikelets solitary at each node of the rachis" 2 1 "Spikelets 2 or more at each node of the rachis" 9 2 "Spikelets unawned, sunk into the rachis and closely appressed to it, with 1-2 florets; glumes lying side by side, concealing the florets; lemmas thin, membranous" Henrardia 2 "Spikelets awned or awnless, not sunk into the rachis, from lightly appressed to it to clearly diverging; glumes facing eah other, frequently exceeded by the upper florets; lemmas herbaceous to coriaceous" 3 3 "Spikelets dimorphic, fertile spikelets hairy and warty, sterile scale-like" Heteranthelium 3 "Spikelets all alike or the upper ones reduced or abouted" 4 4 "Spikelets with 2-florets; lemma keels prominently pectinate-ciliate; glumes subulate" Secale 4 "Spikelets with more than 2 florets; lemma keels not pectinate-ciliate; glumes not subulate" 5 5 "Lemma veins not converging at the tip; plants annuals" 6 5 "Lemma veins convering towards the tip; plants annual or perennial" 7 6 "Glumes and lemmas keeled on the back; lemmas and paleas not firmly enclosing the caryopses at maturity, easily removed by threshing; plants cultivated or escaped from cultivation" Triticum 6 "Glumes and lemmas rounded on the back; lemmas and paleas firmly enclosing the caryopses at maturity, not removed by threshing" Aegilops 7 "Rachises breaking up at maturity" Eremopyrum 7 "Rachises not breaking up at maturity" 8 8 "Glumes boat-shaped, keeled; spikelets divergent at maturity" Agropyron 8 "Glumes not boat-shaped, rounded on the back; spikelets lightly appressed to the rachis (Elymus sensu lato)" Elymus 9 "Spikelets with 1 floret, the rachilla produced and bearing a second, rudimentary floret" 10 9 "Spikelets usually with 3-5 florets" 11 10 "Spikelets 2 at each rachis node, both spikelets fertile" Taeniatherum 10 "Spikelets 3 at each node, only the central spikelet fertile in wild species" Hordeum 11 "Rachises breaking up at some nodes maturity; plants sterile" "× Elyhordeum" 11 "Rachises not breaking up at any nodes maturity; plants fertile" 12 12 "Glumes subulate, 1-veined; lemma awns not more than 3 mm long" Leymus 12 "Glumes wider, with 3 or more veins (Elymus sensu lato)" Elymus