1 "Leaves odd-pinnate, with 3 or 1 leaflets, or simple; fruits fleshy or leathery, with loculicidal dehiscence or indehiscent; seeds often arillate, neither winged nor with a corky covering" 2 1 "Leaves even-pinnate; fruits with septicidal dehiscence; seeds winged or with a corky covering" 5 2 "Leaves simple; style-head expanded; fruits capsules, much wider than long; seeds arillate" Turraea 2 "Leaves compound; style head not expanded; fruit a drupe or a capsule as wide as long" 3 3 "Leaves pinnate, rarely with 3 or 1 leaflet; fruit loculicidal capsules" "Trichilia {Trichilia emetica}" 3 "Leaves 2-3-pinnate; fruits drupes" 4 4 "Leaves 2-3-pinnate with both simple and stellate hairs" Melia 4 "leaves pinnate, all hairs simple" "Azadirachta {Azadirachta indica}" 5 "Capsules about 5 cm in diameter, with a well-developed columella; seeds flattened, winged all the way around" "Khaya {Khaya senegalensis}" 5 "Capsules 14-20 cm in diameter, with a rudimentary columella; seeds angular, not flattened, not winged" "Xylocarpus {Xylocarpus moluccensis}"