1 "All flowers with ligulate corollas having 5-toothed tips; milky latex present" 2 1 "Some or all flowers without ligulate corollas; milky latex not present" 7 2 "Peduncles expanded just below the capitula" "Reichardia {Reichardia tingitana}" 2 "Peduncles not expanded" 3 3 "Achenes beaked or attenuate when mature, with ascending projections on the ribs" 4 3 "Achenes neither beaked nor attenuate" 5 4 "Achenes cylindrical" Crepis 4 "Achenes flattened" "Lactuca {Lactuca sativa}" 5 "flowers pink or blue" "Prenanthes {Prenanthes somaliensis}" 5 "flowers yellow" 6 6 "Achenes flattened; phyllaries usually tomentose at the base" Sonchus 6 "Achenes cylindrical or the marginal ones slightly flattened; phyllaries glabrous" Launaea 7 "flowers in compound globose or elliptic heads, each head consisting of several capitula" 8 7 "flowers in simple capitula" 13 8 "Plants spiny; flowers white or pale blue" "Echinops {Echinops pappii}" 8 "Plants not spiny; flowers white, pink, purple, or golden yellow" 9 9 "flowers purple or golden yellow" 10 9 "flowers white, pale yellow, or pale blue" 11 10 "flowers golden yellow; stems not winged" "Pseudoblepharispermum {Pseudoblepharispermum mudugense}" 10 "flowers purple; stems winged" "Sphaeranthus {Sphaeranthus ukambensis}" 11 "Plants shrubs; individual capitula flattened laterally" Blepharispermum 11 "Plants herbs, sometimes woody at the base; individual capitula not flattened laterally" 12 12 "Plants perennial herbs; compound heads pedunculate; flowers whitish" "Athroisma {Athroisma lobatum}" 12 "Plants annual herbs; compound heads sessile; flowers pale yellow" "Flaveria {Flaveria trinervia}" 13 "Phyllaries connate for most of their length; leaves odd-pinnate" Tagetes 13 "Phyllaries not connate, their edges overlapping; leaves various" 14 14 "Phyllaries in 1 series or with a calyculus of tiny outer phyllaries, without oil glands; achenes not black when mature" 15 14 "Phyllaries in 2-several series or, if occasionally in 1 series, with elongate oil glands and achenes that are black when mature" 21 15 "Involucres without a calyculus" 16 15 "Involucres with a calyculus" 17 16 "Plants annual herbs; compound heads sessile; flowers pale yellow" "Emilia {Emilia bellioides}" 16 "Plants perennial shrubs" "Euryops {Euryops arabicus}" 17 "Capitula with ray flowers" 18 17 "Capitula discoid, without ray flowers" 19 18 "Leaves pinnatified" "Cineraria {Cineraria abyssinica}" 18 "Leaves entire to dentate" Senecio 19 "Plants succulent, with fleshy leaves and/or stems; style branches with appendages" Kleinia 19 "Plants at most subsucculent or, if fleshy, style branches without appendages" 20 20 "Style branches truncate, with a cenral tuft of fused papillae" "Solanecio {Solanecio angulatus}" 20 "Style branches with a long-tapering appendage" "Gynura {Gynura pseudochina}" 21 "Capitula unisexual" 22 21 "Capitula not unisexual" 23 22 "Plants woody, shurbs or tree; involucres of pistillate capitula not fused and spiny" "Tarchonanthus {Tarchonanthus camphoratus}" 22 "Plants herbs; involucres of pistilate flowers fused and spiny" "Xanthium {Xanthium strumarium}" 23 "Stems winged" 24 23 "Stems not winged" 28 24 "Stem wings and leaves spiny" "Cirsium {Cirsium vulgare}" 24 "Stem wings and leaves not spiny" 25 25 "Ray flowers present; capitula sessile in leaf axils" "Geigeria {Geigeria alata}" 25 "Ray flowers absent; capitula pedunculate and/or terminal" 26 26 "Pappus absent" "Litogyne {Litogyne gariepina}" 26 "Pappus present" 27 27 "flowers yellow; phyllaries persistent" "Laggera {Laggera decurrens}" 27 "flowers purple; inner phyllaries quickly deciduous" Pluchea 28 "Leaves spiny" 29 28 "Leaves not or hardly spiny" 30 29 "Plants perennial herbs less than 20 cm tall; achenes desnsely hairy" "Atractylis {Atractylis cryptocephalus}" 29 "Plants annual herbs, usually well over 20 cm tall; achens glabrous" Carthamus 30 "Capitula heterogamous; ray flowers present" 31 30 "Capitula homogamous or heterogamous but without ray flowers" 54 31 "Leaves in a basal rosette" "Gerbera {Gerbera piloselloides}" 31 "Leaves opposite or alternate" 32 32 "At least the lower leaves opposite or subopposite," 33 32 "Leaves alternate" 53 33 "Leaves pinnatilobed, pinnatisect, or pinnate" 34 33 "Leaves entire or 3-lobed" 35 34 "All flowers white; ray flowers 5(-6), 0.3-1 mm long; plants widespread weeds, often forming large patches" "Parthenium {Partheium hysterophorus}" 34 "Ray flowers yelRay flowers yellow or white; disc flowers yellow;" Bidens 35 "Ray flowers absent, disl flowers mauve or white; pappus of 5 scales 0.5-1 mm long with 1 awn 2-3 mm long" "Ageratum {Ageratum conyzoides}" 35 "Ray flowers present (sometimes tiny), disk flowers yellow or white, rarely red; pappus of scales, bristles, or awns or absent" 36 36 "Rays more than 3 cm long; leaves to 30 cm long; pappus of 2 awns" "Helianthus {Helianthus annuus}" 36 "Rays up to 2 cm long" 37 37 "Rays pink, red, purple, yellow, or white, to 10 mm long; pappus absent; grown as an ornamental" "Zinnia {Zinnia elegans}" 37 "Rays yellow or white" 38 38 "Rays white, 1-2 mm long" 39 38 "Rays yellow or white" 41 39 "Involucres up to 3.5 mm long; pappus of several laciniate scales" "Galinsoga {Galinsoga parviflora}" 39 "Involucres 4-12 mm lng; pappus absent or of 2-5 bristles" 40 40 "Disk flowers 1-1.5 mm long; pappus absent" "Eclipta {Eclipta prostrata}" 40 "Disk flowers about 3.5 mm long; pappus of 2-5 bristles with connate scales" "Blainvillea {Blainvillea acmella}" 41 "Rays 6-20 mm long; pappus of bristles, awns, or scales" 42 41 "Rays 0.5-5 mm long; pappus absent or of lumose bristles" 43 42 "Stems and leaves pubescent" "Verbesina {Verbesina encelioides}" 42 "Stems and leaves hispid or scabrous" Aspilia 43 "Plants perennial herbs; pappus of plumose bristles" "Tridax {Tridax procumbens}" 43 "Plants annual herbs; pappus absent" 44 44 "Achenes enveloped in hardened involucre, 9 mm long, with 2 spines; inflorescences axiallary, of a single capitulum" "Acanthospermum {Acanthospermum hispidum}" 44 "Achenes free; involucres not as above; inflorescences terminal or, if axillary, with more than 1 capitulum" 45 45 "Pappus absent or of scales" 46 45 "Pappus of many bristles or of mixed scales and bristles" 48 46 "Rays pink to purple; pappus scales 0.4-5.5 mm long" Volutaria 46 "Rays yellow; pappus absent" 47 47 "Involucres 4-7 mm long; rays 5-17 mm long; achens free" Osteospermum 47 "Involucres 10-30 mm long; rays 3-5 mm long; achenes enclosed in hairy bracts" Sclerocarpus 48 "Pappus of mixed scales and bristles" 49 48 "Pappus of bristles only" 50 49 "Disk flowers with very acuminate corolla lobes; leaves with stalked glands" Iphiona 49 "Disk flowers with acute corolla lobes; leaves, when glandular, with sessile or sunken glands" Pulicaria 50 "Rays shorter than 3.5 mm" 51 50 "Rays longer than 5 mm" 52 51 "Plants herbs or, if shrubs, with 30-40 marginal flowers" Conyza 51 "Plants shrubs; marginal flowers about 12, with rays 2.7-3.3 mm long" Psiadia 52 "Leaves less than 5 cm long; all flowers yellow" Pulicaria 52 "Leaves 6-35 cm long; ray flowers pale mauve to white; disk flowers yellow" "Felicia {Felicia abyssinica}" 53 "Inflorescences axillary; ray flowers about 1.5 mm long" "Flaveria {Flaveria trinervia}" 53 "Inflorescences of terminal capitula; rays 3-5 mm long" "Sclerocarpus {Sclerocarpus africanus}" 54 "Capitula heterogramous and disciform; flowers of 2 kinds but none with rays" 55 54 "Capitula homogamous; flowers all alike" 67 55 "Phyllaries pale to golden yellow, pink, or white, shiny" 56 55 "Phyllaries green or nearly so, not particularly shiny" 57 56 "Phyllaries all about the same length" "Pseudognaphalium {Pseudognaphalium luteo-album}" 56 "Phyllaries odifferent lengths, the inner phyllaries longer than the outer" Helichrysum 57 "Pappus of an outer ring of (sometimes narrow) scales 0.1-0.7 mm long and an inner ring of bristles 4-6.5 mm long" Pulicaria 57 "Pappus uniform, of bristles, a ring of scales, or absent" 58 58 "Pappus a massive, laciniate, coroniform ring" "Grangea {Grangea maderaspatana}" 58 "Pappus of only bristles or absent" 59 59 "Pappus absent or of 1-10 bristles" 60 59 "Pappus of more than 10 bristles" 64 60 "Pappus of 2 bristles" 61 60 "Pappus of more than 2 bristles" 62 61 "Pappus bristles without barbs; flowers shorter than 1.5 mm" Dichrocephala 61 "Pappus bristles barbed; flowers more than 3 mm long" Bidens 62 "Plants annual herbs; leaves usually lobed; pappus of 2-4 backwardly barbed bristles" Bidens 62 "Plants perennial herbs or shrubs; pappus bristles with small barbs" 63 63 "Styles with hairs only on the branches" Blumea 63 "Styles with hairs on the branches and below the bifurcation" Pluchea 64 "Outer/female flowers tubular, 16-36; involucre 2-4 mm tall; plants shrubs" Psiadia 64 "Outer/female flowers filiform; involcures 3-8.5 mm tall; plants herbs" 65 65 "flowers pale yellow or cream" Conyza 65 "flowers whitish pink to purplish" 66 66 "Styles with hairs only on the branches" Blumea 66 "Styles with hairs on the branches and below the bifurcation" Pluchea 67 "Pappus absent" 68 67 "Pappus present but sometimes quickly deciduous" 69 68 "flowers violet or purple; achenes free, not enclosed in bracts" Gutenbergia 68 "flowers yellow; achenes enclosed by hairy bracts" Sclerocarpus 69 "Pappus of scales and bristles or of a single scale" 70 69 "Pappus of bristles only" 83 70 "Pappus of single scale; leaves pinnatifid" "Pentzia {Pentzia somalensis}" 70 "Pappus of both scales and bristles; leaves entire or toothed" 71 71 "Pappus of 1-3 series of outer bristles and an inner series of scales" Dicoma 71 "Pappus of small outer scales, sometimes forming a minute cup, and longer inner bristles" 72 72 "Flowers purple or blue" 73 72 "Flowers yellow" 74 73 "Corolla lobes glabrous or with very few hairs;" Orbivestus 73 "Corolla lobes finely pubescent" Vernonia 74 "Leaves 3-veined from the base; flowers about 10 mm long" "Distephanus {Distephanus plumosus}" 74 "Leaves not 3-veined; flowers 3-8 mm long" 75 75 "Leaves in a basal rosette; pappus bristles in 2 series; flowers lilac-purple, 16-21 mm long" "Jurinea {Jurinea monocephalus}" 75 "Leaves not in a basal rosette; pappus bristles various; flowers 3-16.5 mm long" 76 76 "Pappus bristles few, quickly falling, 1.5-3 mm long" Erlangea 76 "Pappus bristles at least 8" 77 77 "Pappus bristles in 1 series" 78 77 "Pappus bristles in 2 or more series" 80 78 "Pappus bristles many; leaves pinnatified" Iphiona 78 "Pappus bristles 8-12; leaves entire" 79 79 "Plants annual herbs; leaves 15-20 mm long, 5-16 mm wide; pyllaries with spiny tips" Dicoma 79 "Plants shrubs; leaves 2-12 mm long, 1-3 mm wide; phyllaries not spiny" "Pentanema {Pentanema ligneum}" 80 "Pappus in 2 series; plants annual" 81 80 "Pappus in several series; plants annual or perennial" 82 81 "Involucres 8-16 mm long; inner pappuses 5.5-11 mm long" "Centropalus {Centropalus pauciflorus}" 81 "Involucres 3-6 mm long; inner pappuses 3.3-4.5 mm long" "Cyanthillium {Cyanthillium cinereus}" 82 "Phyllaries without conspicuous ducts, with acuminate-pungent tips" Dicoma 82 "Phylaries with a conspicuous darker median secretory duct and acute tips" Iphionopsis 83 "Pappus bristles plumose" "Pegolettia {Pegolettia senegalensis}" 83 "Pappus bristles smooth or barbed" Pulicaria