1 "Leaves even-pinnate, with 1-5 pairs of leaflets; fruits drupes or schizocarps splitting into 5 indehiscent mericarps" 2 1 "Leaves odd-pinnate with 1-3(-7) leaflets; fruits usually capsules, sometimes schizocarps splitting into dehiscent or indehiscent mericarps, rarely the locules completely separate" 4 2 "Leaves with 1 pair of leaflets; plants trees or shrubs; spines usually present on the stems above the leaves, often branched; fruits drupes" Balanites 2 "Leaves with 2-5 pairs of leaflets; fruits schizocarps splitting into 5 indehiscent mericarps" 3 3 "Plants annuals or short-lived herbs; leaves opposite; styles up to 4 mm long or absent" Tribulus 3 "Plants shrubs, subshrubs, or shrublets; at least the lower leaves alternate; styles more than 4 mm long" Kelleronia 4 "Petals absent; stamens 5; fruits capsules with green longitudinal bands; plants herbs or shrubs" "Seetzenia {Seetzenia lanata}" 4 "Petals present; stamens 8-10; fruits schizocarps or capsules, without green longitudinal bands; plants small, prostrate herbs" 5 5 "Stipules free, spinescent or small and pointed; fruits obconical capsules, pubescent" Fagonia 5 "Stipules more or less fused, membranous or herbaceous; fruits schizocarps, or more or less ovoid glabrous capsules, rarely the locules amost free" 6 6 "Filaments with basal appendages; fruits usually schizocarps, mericarps opening septicidally or indehiscent, rarely the locules almost free" Tetraena 6 "Filaments without basal appendages; fruits loculicidal capsules" Melocarpum