1 "Stipules spinescent, usually more than 4 and up to 10 in each whorl" "Fagonia charoides" 1 "Stipules spinescent or not, only in whorls of 4" 2 2 "All or most leaves with 3 leaflets" 3 2 "All leaves with 1 leaflet or simple" 4 3 "Stipular spines 2.5-6 mm long; petails 6-8 mm long" "Fagonia lahovarii" 3 "Most stipular spines well over 6 mm long; petals 3.5-5 mm long" "Fagonia schweinfurthii" 4 "Stipules up to 2 mm long, spinescent or not; leaf blades 5-25 mm wide" "Fagonia luntii" 4 "Stipules 5-20 mm long, spinescent; leaf blades up to 5 mm wide" 5 5 "Plants glandular-pubescent; sepals more or less persistent in fruit" "Fagonia indica" 5 "Plants glabrous; sepals soon falling" "Fagonia paulayana"