1 "Petals 4" 2 1 "Petals 5-6" 3 2 "Leaves entire to more or less deeply lobed; inflorescences with tendrils; disk with vertical furrows" "Ampelocissus {Ampelocissus africana}" 2 "Leaves with 3 leaflets; inflorecences without tendrils; disk without furrows" "Rhoicissus {Rhoicissus revoilii}" 3 "Flower-buds ovoid or conical, not constricted near the middle; nectary-disk annual; leaves simple" Cissus 3 "Flower buds cylindrical or flask-shaped, constricted at or near the middle; disk divided into 4 separate glands; leaves with (1)3-7 leaflets" Cyphostemma