1 "Calyx becoming enlarged and more or less enclosing the fruit" 2 1 "Calyx not or only slightly enlarged in fruit, not enclosing the fruit" 7 2 "Calyx armed with prickles" Solanum 2 "Calyx without prickles" 3 3 "Inflorescences raceme-like or paniculate, with many flowers; fruit a capsule" 4 3 "Inflorescences of a solitary flower or few-flowered clusters" 5 4 "Corollas white with purple markings inside, 6-8 cm long; capsules opening by a lid" "Hyoscyamus {Hyoscyamus grandiflorus}" 4 "Corollas yellowish or reddish, up to 5.5 cm long; capsules opening by apical valves" "Nicotiana {Nicotiana tabacum}" 5 "Corolla blue; calyces divided almost to the base" "Nicandra {Nicandra physalodes}" 5 "Corallas yellowish, whitish, or greenish; calyces divides less than 2/3 their length" 6 6 "Plants with simple hairs, sometimes glabrescent" Physalis 6 "Plants with branched hairs" Withania 7 "Corollas 4.5-18 cm long; fruits densely prickly capsules" Datura 7 "Corollas shorter than 4.5 cm; fruits berries" 8 8 "Corollas funnel-shaped" "Lycium {Lycium shawii}" 8 "Corollas campanulate or rotate" 9 9 "Calyces shortly toothed" "Capsicum {Capsicum annuum}" 9 "Calyces with well developed lobes" Solanum