1 "Plants herbs; leaves opposite; involucral glands entire, with petaloid appendages" "Euphorbia subg. Chamaesyce" 1 "Plants herbs, shrubs, or trees; leaves alternate and/or plants succulent; involucral glands entires, lobed, horned, or with fingerlike processes" 2 2 "Cyathia with 1 involucral gland; gland funnel-shaped; plants shrubs or annual herbs to 60 cm" "Euphorbia subg. Poinsettia" 2 "Cyathia with 2-8 involucral glands or, if 1, plants fleshy perennial herbs less than 15 cm tall" 3 3 "Branches succulent, with horny pads or longitudinal ridges bearing spines (sometimes minute), at least on young growth; plants rarely reduced to a single column or spineless globose body" "Euphorbia subg. Euphorbia" 3 "Branches herbaceous or woody or, if succulent, spineless; body, if globose, with leafy branches" 4 4 "Seeds with caruncle" 5 4 "Seeds without a caruncle" 7 5 "Seeds oblong-compressed, with flattened tubercles" "Euphorbia subg. Eremophyton" 5 "Seeds ovoid, smooth" 6 6 "Plants leafy herbs, not fleshy" "Euphorbia subg. Esula" 6 "Plants fleshy, cylindrical, with quickly deciduous leaves" "Euphorbia subg. Tirucalli" 7 "Plants herbaceous, with fleshy, often swollen stems" "Euphorbia subg. Eremophyton" 7 "Plants shrubs or trees with woody or semi-succulent branches" 8 8 "Cymes in umbels with ditomously branching rays; involucral glands lobed or pectinate" "Euphorbia subg. Trichadenia" 8 "Cymes in umbels with simple, rarely branhing, rays or reduced to a single cyathiu; glands entire or, if lobed and pectinate, then rays simple" 9 9 "Glandular stipules not present; cyme bracts similar to the leaves" "Euphorbia subg. Esula" 9 "Glandular stipules present, often minute; cyme-bracts different from the leaves, much smaller, scale-like, or conspicuous and creamy-white" "Euphorbia subg. Lyciopsis"