1 "Fertile stamens 2; staminodes sometimes present also" 2 1 "Fertile stamens 4" 15 2 "Leaves alternate, more or less forming a basal rosette; seeds without jaculators" "Elytraria {Elytraria acaulis}" 2 "Leaves oppostie, not forming a basal rosette; seed with jaculators" 3 3 "Calyx 4-lobed; corolla more or less radially symmetric and 5-lobed or 1 lobe much smaller than the other 4" Barleria 3 "Calyx 5-lobed; corolla usually 2-lipped" 4 4 "Flowers appearing between paired, opposite free or connate bracts" 5 4 "Flowers with or without 1 bract and with or without 2 bracteoles but not appearing from between 2 simple bracts" 7 5 "Anthers 1-celled" Hypoestes 5 "Anthers 2-celled" 6 6 "Flowers in more or less dense axillary cymes; placentas rising lastically from base of capsule and throwing out the seeds" Dicliptera 6 "Flowers in spreading, much-branched panicles; placentas not rising elastically" "Peristrophe {Peristrophe paniculata}" 7 "Anthers 1-celled" 8 7 "Anthers 2-celled" 9 8 "Corolla subequally 5-lobed, not black in the throat" "Ruspolia {Ruspolia pseuderanthemoides}" 8 "Corolla 2-lipped, black in the throat" "Ruttya {Ruttya fruticosa}" 9 "Anther cells at equal heights" 10 9 "Anther cells at unequal heights, one completely or partly above the other" 11 10 "Stamens held between the upper and lower lip of the corolla" Megalochlamys 10 "Stamens erect and parallel under upper lip of corolla" Ecbolium 11 "Corolla tube narrowly cylindric, long that the lobes" Rhinacanthus 11 "Corolla tube markedly widened at the throad or, if more or less cylindric, shorter than or equaling the lobes" 12 12 "Anther cells separated by about 2 mm" "Isoglossa {Isoglossa congesta}" 12 "Anthers partly overlapping" 13 13 "Lower lip of corolla with a raised palate that almost completely closes the entrance to the tube" "Ichthyostoma {Ichthyostoma thulinii}" 13 "Lower lip of corolla without a raised palate" 14 14 "Upper lip narrower than the lower lop; lower anther cell usually distinctly tailed at the base" Justicia 14 "Upper lip much wider than lower lip; lower anther cell mucronate but not tailed at the base" Anisotes 15 "Flowers radially symmetric; seeds viviparpus; plants shrubs, growing in mangrove swamps" "Avicennia {Avicennia marina}" 15 "flowers bilaterally symmetric; seeds not viviparous; plants herbs or shrubs, usually not in mangrove swamps" 16 16 "Bracteoles large and usually enclosing the base of the flowers; capsule more or less globose with a sharply differentiated beak but without jaculators" Thunbergia 16 "Bracteoles not conspicuous; capsule oblong to club-shaped, with jaculators" 17 17 "Corolla 1-lipped" 18 17 "Corolla 2-lipped" 20 18 "Stamens not exserted from the corolla; calyx 5-lobed" Crossandra 18 "Stamens exserted from the corolla (but hidden under the dorsal sepal); calyx 4-lobed" 19 19 "Filaments of all stamens alike; seeds glabrous or glaberulous" "Acanthus {Acanthus gaed}" 19 "Filaments of upper pair of stamens linear, those of lower pair wide and flattened; seeds with long, branched, hygroscopic hairs" Blepharis 20 "Calyx 4-lobed, the 2 outer wider than the 2 inner ones; corolla not distinctly 2-lipped" Barleria 20 "Calyx not as above or, if 4-lobed, corolla distinctly 2-lipped" 21 21 "Flowers in 1-several flowered clusters surrounded by whorls of bracts" Crabbea 21 "Flower clusters not surrounded by whorls of bracts" 22 22 "Capsule many-seeded; flowers axillary, solitary or in pairs" Ruellia 22 "Capsule 2-4 seeded; flowers variously arranged" 23 23 "Calyx deeply divided into 2 parts, the upper 3-veined, the lower 2-veined" Neuracanthus 23 "Calyx not as above" 24 24 "Calyx tubular and shortly 5-lobed, the sepals losely united, splitting into 5 segments with age; seeds glabrous" Satanocrater 24 "Calyx not as above, if tubular and splitting with age, seeds with hygroscopic hairs" 25 25 "Seeds glabrous; corolla with 5 unequal lobes" Asystasia 25 "Seeds with hygroscopic hairs; corolla wakly to distinctly 2-lipped" 26 26 "Calyx lobes 4, the lowermost bifid; corolla in bud with 2 exterior lobes, 2 interior lobes, and 1 with ine margin exterior, the other interior [this does not add up]" Lepidagathis 26 "Calyx lobes 5, subequal or 2 lower lobes sometimes connate; corolla in bud with each corolla lobe overlapping another on 1 margin and overlapped by another on the other margin" 27 27 "Anther cells shortly spurred at the base; capsule 4-seeded" Dyschoriste 27 "Anther cells not spurred at base; capsule 2-seeded" Duosperma