1 "Flowers single, in dense or lax elongate terminal or subterminal spikes" 2 1 "Flowers axillary, single or in small clusters, sessile or pedunculate" 15 2 "Spikes mostly terminal and subterminal or, if only axillary then densse and many-flowered with leaf-like bracts and purplish flowers more than 10 mm long" 3 2 "Spikes axillary, pedunculate, usually with 2-5 flowers; bracts and bracteoles inconspicuous; flowers white, 4-15 mm long" 11 3 "Spikes lax; bracts and bracteoles small and inconspiuous; plants shrubs" 4 3 "Spikes dense to fairly dense; bracts broad, often leaf-like; plants herbs or shrubs" 5 4 "Spikes terminal; flowers about 25 mm long; bracteoles 8-9 mm ling, with hyaline margins" "Justicia grisea" 4 "Spikes terminal and subterminal; flowers about 10 mm long; bracteoles about 1.5 mm long" "Justicia potamophila" 5 "Plants large shrubs; flowers white, more than 25 mm long; tail of lower anther cell minute" "Justicia schimperiana" 5 "Plants annual or perennial herbs; flowers less than 20 mm long; tail of lower anther cell distinct" 6 6 "Spikes strictly terminal; flowers pale pinkish, blue, or yellow; capsules 4-seeded; seeds tuberculate" 7 6 "Spikes mostly axillary, sometime confluent to a compound spike in the upper part of the stem; flowers purplish; capsules 2-seeded; seeds flattened, smooth" 10 7 "Corolla pink or blue; lower portion of spike sometimes with long internodes" "Justica caerulea" 7 "Corolla yellow; lower whorls of flowers in spike usually more or less confluent" 8 8 "Stems and leaves with densely covered with spreading hairs about 1 mm long" "Justicia vixispicata" 8 "Stems and leaves with appressed to spreading hairs, if spreading then hairs usually less than 0.5 mm long" 9 9 "Leaves thick, somewhat succulent; leaf blades as wide as long" "Justicia arenaria" 9 "Leaves of ordinary thickness, not succulent; leaf blades of various shapes but usually longer than wide" "Justicia flava" 10 "Plants perennial herbs, branched from the base with ascending stems; corolla 9-11 mm long" "Justicia debilis" 10 "Plants annual herbs, mostly erect and little branched; corolla 5-8 mm long" "Justicia bracteata" 11 "Plants subshrubs with lignified old stems 5-10 mm in diameter at their bases" "Justicia ornatopila" 11 "Plants perennial or annual herbs with thinner stems" 12 12 "Plants without a woody root-stock" "Justicia calyculata" 12 "Plants with a woody root stock" 13 13 "Capsules glabrous" "Justicia cufodontii" 13 "Capsules pubescent, rarely sparsely so" 14 14 "Leaf blades narrowly elliptic; spikes usually with 2-4 flowers" "Justicia anagalloides" 14 "Leaf blades broadly ovate to orbicular; spikes usually with 2 flowers" "Justicia thiniophila" 15 "Plants shrubs; stems woody except the most distal portion" 16 15 "Plants herbs; stems herbaceous except, sometimes, in the lowest portion" 24 16 "Corolla tube cylindrical, much longer than the lips; corollas red, at least 25 mm long" "Justicia anisotoides" 16 "Corolla tube shorter than to about as long as the lips; corollas of various colors, up to 20 mm long" 17 17 "Lower anther cells without a tail or tail very short" 18 17 "Lower anther cells with a distinct tail" 19 18 "Young stems and capsules glabrous or with a few hairs" "Justicia gesneriflora" 18 "Young stems and capsules densely pubescent" "Justicia kucharii" 19 "Flowers on axillary peduncles up to 25 mm long; leaves sessile" "Justicia cordata" 19 "Flower clusters axillary but sessile or subsessile; leaves usually petiolate" 20 20 "Corollas white or yellow" 21 20 "Corollas pink or purple" 22 21 "Plants cushion-forming dwarf shrubs about 15 cm tall, much branched from the base; leaves up to about 11 mm long; corollas white with purplish markings" "Justicia minutiflora" 21 "Plants shrubs, usually more than 15 cm tall, moderately branched; leaves about 13-58 mm long; corollas yellow, often with purplish veins in the upper lip" "Justica odora" 22 "Leaf tips truncate or retuse" "Justicia brevipila" 22 "Leaf tips obtuse" 23 23 "Calyx lobes with a more or less distinct white, hyaline margins; anther cells yellow" "Justicia phillipsiae" 23 "Calyx lobes with or without narrow hyaline margins; anther cells purplish" "Justicia scabridula" 24 "Capsules 2-seeded; seeds smooth, strongly flattened" 25 24 "Capsules, at least some of them, 4-seeded; seeds tuberculate, somewhat flattended" 26 25 "Leaves thin; bracts usually with densely ciliate margins; corollas 9-11 mm long" "Justicia debilis" 25 "Leaves succulent; bracts evenly pubescent with short hairs; corollas 5.5-7 mm long" "Justicia carnosa" 26 "Corolla purple, usually more than 10 mm long; bracts lengths usually 2 times their width; capsules smooth, 4-seeded" "Justicia ladanoides" 26 "Corolla pink or white, less than 10 mm long; bract lengths usually less than 2 times bract widths; capsules winged, 1-seeded" 27 27 "Corolla pink, about 4-5 mm long; calyx lobes with spreading hairs at the margins; capsules with 6, deeply dissected wings" "Justicia heterocarpa" 27 "Corolla white with purplish pattern on lower lip about 8-9 mm long; calyx lobes with distally-directed hairs on the margins; capsules with 4 undulate wings" "Justicia striata"