1 "Flowers in extended racemes" Helixanthera 1 "Flowers in umbels, heads, or clusters" 2 2 "Lower part of petals, and corolla tube if present, with strong, paired folds inside; secondary haustoria present on extensiv surface runners" Plicosepalus 2 "Petals without marked folds inside; plants with a single haustorial attachment" 3 3 "Hairs simple, irregularly branched, or lacking" 4 3 "Hairs stellate or dendritic with whorls of branches" 7 4 "Corollas 6-9 cm long; radially symmetric with 4 reflexing lobes; the long stamen remaining weakley attached to the style by connective-appendages" "Emelianthe {Emelianthe panganensis}" 4 "Corollas smaller, opening with an explosive release of pollen, bilaterally symmetric with a V-split down one side; filaments short, inflexed or inrolled" 5 5 "Corolla lobes much shorter than the tube" Agelanthus 5 "Corolla lobes longer than the tube" 6 6 "Corolla lobes 5, the tube rounded in cross-section; calyx tubular in species of Somaliland and Somalia" Oncocalyx 6 "Corolla lobes 4, the tube 4-angled; calyx saucer-shaped" "Englerina {Englerina ramulosa}" 7 "Corollas opening radially, the lobes spreading" Erianthemum 7 "Corollas with a short V-slit at anthesis, the lobes erect" "Phragmanthera {Phragmantherus dschallensis}"