1 "Calyx and corolla, separately or together, united into an operculum wih falls off as a unit when the stamens expand; fruit a capsule" Eucalyptus 1 "Calyx and corolla with free segments, not falling off together as an operculum; fruit a berry" 2 2 "Flowers solitary; ovary 4-5-celled; fruits with numerous seeds; leaves hairy on the lower surface" "Psidium {Psidium guajava}" 2 "Flowers in clusters of at least 3; ovary 2-celled; fruits with 1-3 seeds each; leaves glabrous" 3 3 "Flowers axillary in 3-10-flowered clusters; bracteoles persistent; filaments and style scarcely longer than the petals" "Eugenia {Eugenia capensis}" 3 "Flowers in terminal cymes of panicles; bracteoles soon falling; filaments and style at least twice as long as the petals" Syzygium