1 "Plants parasitic; leaves reduced to scales" Cuscuta 1 "Plants not parasitic; leaves normal" 2 2 "Ovary 2-lobed" "Dichondra {Dichondra repens}" 2 "Ovary not lobed" 3 3 "Styles 2, sometimes branched" 4 3 "Styles 1 per ovary, with stigma lobes of various shapes" 8 4 "Each style bifid for almost half its length" "Evolvulus {Evolvulus alsinoides}" 4 "Styles not bifid" 5 5 "Plants functionally unisexual" 6 5 "Plants with bisexual flowers" 7 6 "Sepals of pistillate flowers with 2 or 3 outer sepals enlarging in fruit and adnate to the pedicel, inner sepals smaller" Hildebrandtia 6 "Sepals of pistillate flowers clawed at the base, all enlargin in fruit and of similar size" Cladostigma 7 "Stamens and styles included" Seddera 7 "Stamens and styles exserted" "Cressa {Cressa cretica}" 8 "Plants with stellate hairs" Astripomoea 8 "Plants with simple hairs" 9 9 "Stigmas linear to oblong or ovate-oblong" 10 9 "Stigmas globose or nearly so" 12 10 "Stigmas linear or, if oblong, plants virgate shrubs" Convolvulus 10 "Stigmas from more or less oblong to ovate-oblong; plants herbaceous" 11 11 "Corollas blue, about 1 cm long" Jacquemontia 11 "Corollas yellow or white, usually with purple centre" "Hewittia {Hewittia malabrica}" 12 "Pollen grains smooth; corollas usually yellowish or whitish, often with dark centres" 13 12 "Pollen grains spinulose; sorollas often purple or red" 16 13 "Fruits indehsicent, membranous; outer sepals usually serrate or toothed" Hyalocystis 13 "Fruits dehsicent capsules, not membranous; sepals entire" 14 14 "Capsules circsumscissile, with outer layer splitting around the middle and the top part separating as a lid" "Operculina {Operculina turpethum}" 14 "Capsules dehiscing by 4 valves" 15 15 "Anthers spiraled after dehiscence; pollen grains 3-12-colpate;" Merremia 15 "Anthers staight after dehiscence; pollen grains pantoporate" Xenostegia 16 "Fruits capsules, dehiscing by valves" Ipomoea 16 "Fruits indehiscent or dehiscing irregularly" 17 17 "Plants twining and climbing; leaves ovate to suborbicular" Strictocardia 17 "Plants erect shrubs; leaves linear-oblong" "Turbina {Turbina perbella}"