1 "Leaves tghtly inrolled, less than 1 mm wide, with reduced blades; stems branched throughout forming dense cushions up to 25 cm tall" "Andropogon aridus" 1 "Leaves flat or loosely inrolled, 1.5-8 mm wide, with well developed blades" 2 2 "Stems profusely branched throught, forming dense bushes up to 2(-3.6) m tall and 1.8 m across" "Andropogon kelleri" 2 "Stems branched only at the base, if at all; plants not at all bushy" 3 3 "Rhachis-internodes and pedicels cuneate; lower blume of sessile spikelets deeply depressed between the dorsal keels" "Andropogon pungens" 3 "Rhachis-internodes and pedicels filiform to cuneate; lower glume of sessile spikelets flor or slightly convex but with a shallow median depression between the lateral keels" 4 4 "Inflorescences a large, leafy false panicle" "Andropogon gayanus" 4 "Inflorescences of paired (rarely more) terminal racemes" 5 5 "Lower glumes of sessile spikelets coarsely scabrous with conspicuous veins in the depression; plants densely tufted with a cushion of old leaf sheaths" "Andropogon leprodes" 5 "Lower flumes of seessile spikelets smooth, with no veins in the depression; plants loosely or densely tufted, sometimes mat-forming but without a cushion of old leaf sheaths at the base" 6 6 "Pedicellate spikelets 1-2-awned; sessile spikelets narrowly lanceolate to narrowly elliptic; pedicels linear to slightly clavate" "Andropogon amethystinus" 6 "Pedicellate spikelets unawned; sessile spikelets linear to lanceolate; pedicels filiform to linear" "Andropogon greenwayi"