1 "Plants floating aquatics" 2 1 "Plants terrestrial" 4 2 "Plants stemless but with a rosette of sessile leaves to 14 cm long; roots feathery, many per plant" "Pistia {Pistia stratiotes}" 2 "Plants 1-6 mm long, not differentiated into leaves and stems; roots simple, 0-several per plant" 3 3 "Roots present, 1 per frond" "Lemna {Lemna aequinoctialis}" 3 "Roots absent" "Wolffiella {Wolffiella hyalina}" 4 "Leaf blades simple; spadices without a sterile appendage" Stylochaeton 4 "Leaf blades compound or deeply divided; spadices with a sterile, terminal appendage" 5 5 "Leaf blades basically 3-parted, each part further divided; spathes 15-33 cm long" Amorphophallus 5 "Leaf blades pedately to radiately divided to the base, the leaflets sometimes divided into 2; spathes 3.5-15 cm long" Arisaema