1 "Stems soft, more or less herbaceous, usually 10 mm or more thick" 2 1 "Stems hard and more or less woody, usually less than 10 mm thick" 6 2 "Leaves awl-shaped, 0.3-2 cm long; stems arching and rooting where touching the ground" "Kleinia pendula" 2 "Leaves flat, 3-16 mm long; stems not both arching and rooting where touching the ground" 3 3 "Florets orange; leaf scars raised, more or less distinctly bicuspidate" "Kleinia lunulata" 3 "Florets bright red; leafs scars not or scarcely raised" 4 4 "Plants rhizomatous, forming dense clumps; leaf axils usually with tufts of hair; achenes pubescent" "Kleinia caespitosa" 4 "Plants not both rhizomatous and forming dense clumps; leaf axils glabrous; achenes glabrous" 5 5 "Phyllaries prominently longitudinally striate; capitula erect in bud" "Kleinia grantii" 5 "Phyllaries smooth or almost so; capitula nodding in bud" "Kleinia abyssinica" 6 "Phyllaries 3-4; capitula with 3-4 flowers" "Kleinia triantha" 6 "Phyllaries 5 or more; capitula with 6 or more flowers each" 7 7 "Phyllaries 13; leaves puberulent on both sides" 8 7 "Phyllaries 5-8; leaves glabrous or with a tuft of hairs at the base" 9 8 "Outer series of phyllaries 10-15 mm long; pappus hairs 25-30 mm long" "Kleinia sabulosa" 8 "Outer series of phyllaries 3-4 mm long; pappus hairs about 13-14 mm long" "Kleinia nogalensis" 9 "Ultimate branches about 1.5 mm in diameter; leaves with a tuft of wooly hairs or lanate at the base" 10 9 "Ultimate branches at least 2 mm in diameter; leaves glabrous at the base" 11 10 "Outer phyllary bracts up to 2.5 mm long and 0.5 mm wide or completely absent; leaves up to 6 mm long and 4 mm wide; capitula with 8-12 flowers" "Kleinia gracilis" 10 "Outer phyllary bracts 4-11 mm long and 1.5-4 mm wide; leaves 7-25 mm long, 5-15 mm widel capitula with 12-20 flowers" "Kleinia tortuosa" 11 "Flowers red, purple, pink, or violet" 12 11 "Flowers yellowish or white" 13 12 "Phyllaries 5-6; capitula with 8-15 flowers; peduncles straight or almost so" "Kleinia squarrosa" 12 "Phyllaries 8; capitula with about 30 flowers; peduncles strongly downward curved" "Kleinia squarrosa" 13 "Outer series of phyllaries 5-15 mm long" 14 13 "Outer series of phyllaries up to 3 mm long" 15 14 "Inner phyllaries 10-11 mm long; pappus 10-15 mm long; persistent leaf bases 4-5 mm wide, 2 mm long, transversely elliptic, raised" "Kleinia tuberculata" 14 "Inner phyllaries 18-24 mm long; pappuses 36-50 mm long; leaf scars round, about 2 mm in diameter" "Kleinia dolichocoma" 15 "Plants usually well over 1 m tall, branches spreading, with long internodes; capitula usually many in pedunculate cymes" "Kleinia odora" 15 "Plants usually less than 0.5 m tall, compact, with short internodes; capitula few, usually in clusters of 1-3" "Kleinia scottii"