1 "Spikelets with 1-many florets, usually breaking above the more or less persistent glumes, if falling intact, then not with 2 florets, the upper bisexual and the lower staminate or sterile; spikelets usually laterally compressed or terete" 2 1 "Spikelets with 2(3) florets, usually falling intact at maturity or as a pair, or group of 3, upper floret bisexual and the lower floret staminate or sterile and often greatly reduced, third floret, if present, above the seed-bearing floret and staminate of reduced ; spikelets usually dorsally compressed, sometimes terete" 21 2 "Plants arborescent or shrubby bamboos with woody,annual or perennial culms; leaf blades flat, lanceolate, many-veined, often with evident transverse venation, usually with a petiole-like base that is articulated with the sheath; spikelets with many florets; lemmas 5-many veined, unawned; lodicules usually 3 (Bambusoideae)" 3 2 "Plants annual or perennial; stems herbaceous, annual; leaf blades sessile, not articulated with the sheath" 4 3 "Rhizomes long, usually more slender than the culms; culms arising from lateral buds on the rhizomes; stamens usually 3; plants shrubby (Arundinarieae)" Arundinarieae 3 "Rhizomes short, thicker and shorter than the culms; culms emerging from the tips of the rhizomes; stamens 6; plants arborescent or shrubby" Bambuseae 4 "Leaf sheaths closed to the top; synflorescences paniculate; spikelets usually with more than 1 floret, if with only 1 floret, synflorescences spikelike with at least 1 sessile or subsessile spikelet; all spikelets with 2 glumes; lemmas with 5 or more, often inconspicuous veins" 5 4 "Leaf sheaths usually open at least 3/4 their length; spikelets with 1-many florets; synflorescences spikelike, paniculate, or composed of spikelike branches ; lemmas with 1-13 veins, inconspicuous or not" 6 5 "Lemma veins converging distally; ovaries (and fruits) hairy distally" "Bromeae {Bromus}" 5 "Lemma veins parallel, not converging distally; ovaries glabrous throughout" Meliceae 6 "Synflorescences spikelike; spikelets sessile or subsessile with pedicels up to 3 mm long; disarticulation usually below the glumes and florets or in the rachises" 7 6 "Synflorescences paniculate, if spikelike the spikelets either shortly pedicellate or disarticulating below the glumes" 9 7 "Ovaries glabrous, never with a densely hairy top; if spikelets clearly solitary at the nodes, the spikelets either with 2 glumes that lie side by side or all but the terminal spikelet having only 1 glume and the back of the lowest lemmas appressed to the rachis" Poeae 7 "Ovaries with a densely hairy top; all spikelets with 2 glumes that basically face each other" 8 8 "Spikelets solitary, pedicellate, and with 6-22 florets; pedicels 1-3 mm long" "Brachypodieae {Brachypodium}" 8 "Spikelets 1-7 per node, or subsessile, with 1-11 florets; pedicels less than 1 mm long, lateral spikelets of Hordeum triplets sometimes with longer pedicels but central spikelet always sessile" Triticeae 9 "Spikelets with 1 floret; glumes well developed, at least one about as long as the floret; lemmas coriaceous to indurate, terminally awned or awned from between 2 lobes; florets with a well-developed callus; rachillas not extending beyond the calluses; glumes membranous to hyaline" 10 9 "Spikelets with 1-22 florets; glumes absent to well-developed, sometimes indurate; lemmas hyaline to indurate, usually not long-awned" 11 10 "Lemma-awn junction abrupt; awns always single" Stipeae 10 "Lemma gradually transforming into the awn; awns usually 3-branched, lateral branches sometimes highly reduced or absent" Aristideae 11 "Spikelets with 1 fertile floret, often with 1 or more sterile florets above or below (these sometimes no more than a pair of highly reduced lemmas in Phalaris)" 12 11 "Spikelets usually with 2 or more seed-forming florets, if only 1, lemmas shiny, coriaceous to indurate, and usually glabrous, sometimes with 2 sterile or staminate florets below, these sometimes reduced to small hairy lemmas" 15 12 "Glumes minute or suppressed; synflorescences simply paniculate or of a single spikelet exserted from a spathe-like sheath; paleas 2- or 3-veined; stamens 3 or 6" 13 12 "Glumes, at least the upper, usually well-developed; paleas usually 2-veined; stamens 3 or fewer" 14 13 "Synflorescences simply paniculate; spikelets with 3 florets, the lower 2 reduced to small, glume-lik lemmas; paleas 3-veined; stamens 6" Oryzeae 13 "Synflorescences of a single spikelet exserted from a spathe-like sheath; paleas 2-veined; stamens 3" Lygeae 14 "Ligules of hairs; lemmas sparsely hairy on the basal half, hairs less than 2 mm long, not evenly distributed" Danthonieae 14 "Ligules membranous, lacerate; lemmas hairy on the basal half, hairs 2-5 mm long, evenly distributed" "Duthieeae {Duthiea}" 15 "Lemmas usually 1- or 3-veined, veins usually evident or lemmas 7-11 veined and the upper glumes 5-9-veined; ligules membranous or of hairs; panicles often with spikelike branches; lemmas usually unawned or shortly awned, awns rarely [?never] twice as long as the lemmas" Chloridoideae 15 "Lemmas usually 5-veined, veins usually obscure; ligules membranous; hairs not tuberculate-based; disarticulation below the seed-forming florets; panicles usually simple, sometimes dense and spikelike; lemmas from unawned to long-awned" 16 16 "Plants 1-5 m tall, reedlike; synflorescences plumose (Arundinoideae)" 17 16 "Plants usually less than 1.5 cm tall, not reedlike; panicles not plumose" 18 17 "Lemmas with long silky hairs; ligules membranous" "Arundineae {Arundo donax}" 17 "Lemmas glabrous; rachillas with long, silky hairs; ligules of hairs" "Molinieae {Phragmites}" 18 "Spikelets with 2 florets, unawned; all lemmas hard or leathery (Micrairoideae)" Isachneae 18 "Spikelets with (1-)3-several florets; lemmas membranous, awned or unawned" 19 19 "Synflorescences of spikelike branches, branches sometimes forming dense ovoid heads" Chloridoideae 19 "Synflorescences branched but branches not spikelike" 20 20 "Ligules membranous; lemmas unawned or, if awned, awns straight, terminal, dorsal, or emerging from the sinus of an inconspicuously bilobed tip" Poeae 20 "Ligules a ciliate fringe; lemmas awned, awns strongly twisted, emerging from the sinus of a bilobed tip, the lobes usually conspicuous" Danthonieae 21 "Plants 1.5-3.5 m tall, reedlike; rachillas extending beyond the base of the distal floret" Thysanolaeneae 21 "Plants usually less than 1.5 cm tall, not reed-like; rachillas rarely extending beyond the base of the upper floret" 22 22 "Spikelets paired, usually 1 sessile and 1 pedicellate, forming rames (branches that disarticulate at the base of each spikelet pair; pedicellate spikelets sometimes reduced or absent, sometimes both spikelets pedicellate" Andropogoneae 22 "Spikelets solitary, in pairs, or triplets, sessile to pedicellate; disarticulation below the glumes of sessile spikelets, but not in the branch, or above the glumes" 23 23 "Upper lemmas indurate, coriaceous, or cartilaginous, rarely mucronate, not awned" Paniceae 23 "Upper lemmas membranous to coriaceous, 1-3 awned" 24 24 "Ligules membranous" Arundinelleae 24 "Ligules composed of a line of hairs" Tristachydeae