1 "Leaves usually reduced and scalelike but leaf-like modified branches (cladodes) often present; tepals 2-5 mm long; plants scrambling vines or erect shrubs or subshrubs;" Asparagus 1 "Leaves well developed, often thick; cladodes not present; tepals usually more than 5 mm long; plants of various habits, often with bulbs, corms or rhizomes, often scapose" 2 2 "Inflorescences axillary; stamens inserted at the top of the perianth tube (Dracaenaceae)" 3 2 "Inflorescences terminal, plants with a well-developed basal rosette, often scapose" 4 3 "Plants treelike with leaves in dense rosettes at ends of branches" "Dracaena {Dracaena ombet}" 3 "Plants not treelike, even if aerial stems present, leaves not in dense rosettes at ends of branches" Sansevieria 4 "Tepals 17-20 mm long; plants with a well-developed basal leaf rosette and terminal peduncle; leaves more than 7 cm wide" "Agave {Agave sisalana}" 4 "Tepals 17-20 mm long; plants with a well-developed basal leaf rosette and terminal peduncle; leaves more than 7 cm wide" 5 5 "Plants with rhizomes, fleshy roots, or tubers; seeds flat or swollen, sometimes rounded or angular; filaments more or less terete, not wide and flattened" 6 5 "Plants with bulbs; seeds rounded to angular; filaments often wide and flattened" 7 6 "Flowers solitary at each node of the inflorescences, subtended by 1 bract; roots without tubers; pedicels not articulated; seeds more or less swoole" Anthericum 6 "Flowers often more than 1 at each node of the inflorescence or, if only 1, subtended by 2 bracts; roots often with tubers; pedicels often articulate; seeds flat or folded" Chlorophytum 7 "At least the lower bracts with a basal spur; leaves usually produced after the flowers" Drimia 7 "Bracts not spurred; leaves produced at more or less the same time as the flowers" 8 8 "Inner tepals erect, outer tepals more or less spreading, at least 8 mm long" 9 8 "All tepals similar or, if inner tepals erect and outer more or less spreading, tepals less than 6 mm long" 10 9 "Tepals free, persistent, cream to yellow, without appendages" "Albuca {Albuca abyssinica}" 9 "Tepals united at the base, falling off after flowering, dull greeen or brown, the outer usually with a tail-like appendage" "Dipcadi {Dipcadi viride}" 10 "Styles about 1 mm long, deciduous; pedicels up to 1 mm long; bracts absent" Drimiopsis 10 "Styles much longer, persistent; pedicels usually much longer; bracts present" 11 11 "Leaves linear, not spotted" Ornithogalum 11 "Leaves ovate to oblanceolate or elliptic, often with purple or dark green spots" Ledebouria