1 "Plants with stellate indumentum; styles 2.5-4 mm long" 2 1 "Plants glabrous or with simple hairs; styles 0.5-2 mm long" 4 2 "Many or all the flowers in clusters of 3-7 together; fruits densely tomentose with tufted hairs or tomentose bristles" "Corchorus cinerascens" 2 "Flowers solitary or in clusters of 2(-3) together; fruits pubescent to tomentose" 3 3 "Leaf blades 1-6.5 cm long, much longer than wide; petioles 3-15 mm long; peduncles 1-6 mm long" "Corchorus baldaccii" 3 "Leaf blades 0.3-0.8 cm long, not much longer than wide; petioles 1-2.5 mm long; peduncles up to 1.5 mm long" "Corchorus parvifolius" 4 "Capsules with 3 spreading horns at the top" 5 4 "Capsules blunt to beaked at the top, without spreading horns" 6 5 "Capsules winged, horns 2-4 mm long; stems densely pilose" "Corchorus aestuans" 5 "Capsules not winged, horns up to 2 mm long; stems sparsely pilose" "Corchorus tridens" 6 "Plants with prostrate stems, usuall from a woody taproot; blades usually shorter than the petioles" "Corchorus depressus" 6 "Plants with erect or procumbent stems; blades always longer than the petioles" 7 7 "Capsules pilose; at least some pedicels reflexed" "Corchorus urticifolius" 7 "Capsules glabrous, scabrous, or puberulent, sometimes pilose when young; pedicels erect" 8 8 "Capsules 5-valved" "Corchorus olitorius" 8 "Capsules 3(-4)-valved" 9 9 "Capsules 0.8-1.5 cm longl sepals 1-2 mm long" "Corchorus fascicularis" 9 "Capsules 2 cm or more long; sepals 3-9 mm long" 10 10 "Petals 4.5-5 mm long, about 1.2 mm wide; pedicels 0.3-0.8 mm long; capsules 2-35.cm long; seeds warty" "Corchorus peudoclitorius" 10 "Petals 5-7 mm long, 2-2.5 mm widel pedicels 1-6 mm long; capsules 2.5-8 cm long; seeds very finely reticulate" "Corchorus trilocularis"