1 "Plants smelling like onions when crushed; perianths less than 10 mm long" Allium 1 "Plants not smelling onions when crushed; perianths more than 10 mm long" 2 2 "Leaves with sheathing petioles forming a false stem; involucral bracts 4 or more; perianth tubes less than 3 cm long; fruits berries" "Scadoxus {Scadoxus multiflorus}" 2 "Leaves without petioles; involucral bracts 1-2; peranth tubes more than 5 cm long; fruits capsules, dry with thin pericarp or fleshy with a thick pericarp" 3 3 "Leaves up to 2 cm wide; filaments fused to a false corona; capsules dry, loculicidalwith glossy black seeds" "Pancratium {Pancratium tenuifolium}" 3 "Leaves more than 2 cm wide; filaments not fused to a false corona; capsules more or less berry-like with greyish/greenish fleshy seeds" 4 4 "Leaves rosulate; flowers bilaterally symmetric with a curved perianth tube and free portion of the tepals connivent and forming a funnel- or bell-shape; stamens and styles curved downwards" Crinum 4 "Leaves int 2 prostrate fans; flowers radially symmetric with a straight perianth tube and free portion of the tepals recurved; stamens and styles straight or almost so" "Ammocharis {Ammocharis tinneana}"