1 "Flowers solitary on aerial axes; leaves linear, nearly filiform, in section oval to round with 4 longitudinal grooves, all inserted below ground level; perianth tube shorter than the tepals" "Romulea {Romulea fischeri}" 1 "Flowersin a spike or panicle of 2-many flowers; leaves usually with an expanded, flat blade, at least some inserted above ground level; perianth tube shorter or or longer than the tepals" 2 2 "Corms campanulate, with flat bases; stems somewhat compressed to angled or winged; each of the 3 style branches divided for up to half its length; anthers without acute, terminal appendages; perianth tube much longer than the limb; seeds more or less globose" "Lapeirousia {Lapeirousia schimperi}" 2 "Corms globose to depressed-globose with rounded bases; stems round in cross-section; style branches not divided, usually expanded terminally; anthers with or without acute terminal appendages; perianth tube shorter ot long than the divided portion; seeds broadly winged" Gladiolus