1 "Flower heads sessile or nearly so; ray florets 0.2–2.5 mm long" 2 1 "Flower heads distinctly pedunculate; ray florets usually more than 2.5 mm long" 3 2 "Achenes densely hairy with short hairs; awns spreading" "Calotis hispidula" 2 "Achenes sparsely hairy to nearly glabrous; awns more or less erect" "Calotis squamigera" 3 "Achenes with distinct scales as well as awns (or rarely scales without awns)" 4 3 "Achenes with awns or bristles only, lacking scales" 7 4 "Achene scales tightly inrolled at the apex; leaves auriculate" "Calotis cuneifolia" 4 "Achene scales flat or curved, not inrolled; leaves auriculate or not" 5 5 "Achene usually with 2 scales and 2 awns; involucral bracts 2–4 mm wide" "Calotis dentex" 5 "Achene with 4–6 scales and 4–6 awns; involucral bracts less than 2 mm wide" 6 6 "Rays white or mauve; leaves cuneate to oblong, auriculate" "Calotis xanthosioidea" 6 "Rays yellow; leaves oblanceolate to linear, not auriculate" "Calotis hispidula" 7 "Achenes distinctly winged (wings extending from lateral margins)" 8 7 "Achenes not winged" 11 8 "Achene wings broad and spreading at the base forming a broad anchor-shape; major awns 15–25" "Calotis ancyrocarpa" 8 "Achenes cuneate, not broadly anchor-shaped, major awns 6–15" 9 9 "Mature heads woolly; achenes densely covered with long white silky hairs obscuring the surface; awns soft" "Calotis plumulifera" 9 "Mature heads not woolly; achene hairs not completely obscuring the surface; awns stiff" 10 10 "Rays mauve or blue; mature achenes with flat wings that are truncate at the apex (southern Queensland)" "Calotis porphyroglossa" 10 "Rays white; mature achenes with inflated wings tapered at the apex (northern Queensland)" "Calotis breviseta" 11 "Plants stoloniferous, with a distinct basal cluster of leaves" 12 11 "Plants not stoloniferous; leaves mostly cauline" 14 12 "Leaves moderately hairy and coarsely toothed; achenes completely smooth with thick margins, awns usually shorter than the achene body" "Calotis scabiosifolia var. scabiosifolia" 12 "Leaves sparsely hairy or glabrous, toothed or not; achenes tuberculate to almost smooth, with thin margins, the major awns longer than the body" 13 13 "Basal leaves entire or sparsely toothed, less than 1 cm wide, glabrous or almost so; ray ligules to 5 mm long" "Calotis scapigera" 13 "Basal leaves coarsely toothed and usually more than 1 cm wide, sparsely to moderately hairy; ray ligules more than 5 mm long" "Calotis cuneata" 14 "Achenes with 12–15 soft flexible bristles 10–15 mm long with spreading hairs (not barbed); rays purple or blue" "Calotis inermis" 14 "Achenes with 2–9 rigid awns (additional smaller awns may be present); awns with retrorse barbs at least distally; rays yellow, white or mauve" 15 15 "Heads subsessile, the peduncles less than 0.7 cm long" "Calotis hispidula" 15 "Heads distinctly pedunculate, nearly all peduncles more than 1 cm long" 16 16 "Achenes with only 2 major awns and many small ones less than 0.5 mm long; body of achene longer than wide" 17 16 "Achenes with several major awns, smaller awns also present; body of achene more or less as wide as long" 18 17 "Fruiting heads 10–13 mm diameter, hemispherical; involucral bracts straw coloured, at least 1 mm wide and forming a stiff disc" "Calotis suffruticosa" 17 "Fruiting heads 3–10 mm diameter, spherical; involucral bracts green, less than 0.7 mm wide and reflexed" "Calotis lappulacea" 18 "Rays white; achenes with awns not joined at the base; small plants less than 20 cm high" "Calotis glabrescens" 18 "Rays yellow; achenes with awns distinctly joined at the base; plants robust, more than 20 cm high" 19 19 "Leaves glabrous; flower heads 1.5–1.7 cm diameter" "Calotis erinacea" 19 "Leaves septate hairy; flower heads less than 1.5 cm diameter" "Calotis latiuscula"