1 "Epicalyx absent or of minute teeth only" 2 1 "Epicalyx present, well-developed, sometimes rapidly deciduous" 19 2 "Anthers with 2-thecae; filaments free or united into groups 5 or 10 groups of stamens" 3 2 "Anthers with 1 thecae; filaments united at base or for most of their length into a staminal tube" 15 3 "Filaments disinct or only shortly connate at the base into 5 or 10 stamen clusters (Tiliaceae)" 4 3 "Filaments usually connate into a tube around the ovaries (Sterculiaceae)" 6 4 "Fruits drupes, 2-4 lobed or unlobed" Grewia 4 "Fruits capsules or nuts" 5 5 "Fruits usually well over 6 mm long, usually without bristles; oavaries with more than 2 ovules per cell" Corchorus 5 "Fruit bodies 3-6 mm long, cristly or spiny; ovary with 2 ovules per cell" Triumfetta 6 "Flowers with a single perianth whorl; fruits of free carpels" 7 6 "Flowers with both a calyx and a corolla; fruits capsules formed by united carpels" 10 7 "Leaf blades pubescent; bark of trunk usually peeling in papery flakes; fruiting carpels with irritating hairs inside" Sterculia 7 "Leaf blades glabrous or the lower surfaces with some hairs in the axils of the veins; bark of trunks not peeling in papery flakes; fruiting carpels without irritating hairs" 8 8 "Trees with flask-shaped trunks; calyces tubular; fruiting carpels membranous, indehiscent" "Hildegardia {Hildegardia gillettii}" 8 "Trees with normal trunks; calyces more or less bell-shaped, not tubular; fruting carpels more or less woody, deiscent" 9 9 "Leaf blades acuminate; flowers in pendulous panicles with calyces forming a corolla-like structure 1-2 cm long; follicles 4-6 cm long with many seeds enveloped by honeycomb-like endocarps; plants cultivated trees" Brachychiton 9 "Leaf blades obtuse to obtusely apiculate; flowers in axillary clusters with calyces shorter than 1 cml follicles about 2 cm long, 1-seeded; plants native trees" "Cola {Cola clavata}" 10 "Staminodes absent" 11 10 "Staminodes present, conspicuous" 13 11 "Ovaries 1-celled, with 2 ovules; capsules 2-celled" Waltheria 11 "Ovaries and capsules 5-celled" 12 12 "Anthers obtuse; filaments united into a tube; petals white" "Melochia {Melochia corchorifolia}" 12 "Anthers acuminate; filaments free or only shortly united; petals reddish or yellow" Hermannia 13 "Fertile stamens 5" Melhania 13 "Fertile stamens 10-15" 14 14 "Petals white; fruits without prickles of plimose bristles" "Dombeya {Dombeya taylorii}" 14 "Petals yellowl fruits with prickles or bristlesq" Harmsia 15 "Leaves palmately compound" 16 15 "At least some, usually all, leaves usually simple to palmately lobed" 17 16 "Plants unarmed; pedicels leaves and ovaries pubescent; stamens numerous" "Adansonia {Adansonia digitata}" 16 "Plants spiny; pedicels, leaves, and ovaries glabrous or almost so; stamens 10-15" "Ceiba {Ceiba pentandra}" 17 "Fruits loculicidal capsules; plants annual" Hibiscus 17 "Fruits schizocarps of indehiscent or variously dehiscent mericarps" 18 18 "Ovules 3 or more per carpel; mericarps opening by apical slits" Abutilon 18 "Ovules 1 per carpel; mericarps indehiscent or irregularly dehiscent" Sida 19 "Calyces splitting on one side during expansion of the corollas, circumscissile at the base, adnate to the corolla and falling with it; fruits elongate capsules at least 3 cm long" Abelmoschus 19 "Calyces not as above; fruits various, not as above" 20 20 "Calyces with entire margins or woth short, widelyspaced teeth; indumentum of scale-like hairs; fruits inhehiscent, berrylike" Thespesia 20 "Calyces usually distinctly 5-lobed; indumentum usually of stellate hairs, never of scale-like hairs; fruits dehiscent, capsules or schizocarps" 21 21 "Fruits schizocarps with indehiscent mericarps" 22 21 "Frtuis capsules, sometimes separating from the receptacle and disintegrating at maturity" 24 22 "Epicalyces with 5 or more bracts" Pavonia 22 "Epicalyces with 3 bracts" 23 23 "Corollas yellow or orange, without darker veins; mericarps with apical to dorsal spurs" "Malvastrum {Malvastrum coromandelianum}" 23 "Corollas usually white to pink, ragnet, orange or red, sometimes with darker veins; mericarps without spurs" "Malva {Malva parviflora}" 24 "Calyces without dark oil-glands; styles with 5 distinct branches" 25 24 "Calyces with distinct dark oil-glands; style not distinctly branched" 26 25 "Epicalyx bracts 5 or more, filiform to linear or spathulate, now with cordate bases" Hibiscus 25 "Epicalyx bracts 3, broadly ovate-cordate" "Senra {Senra incana}" 26 "Epicalyx bracts about 9; calyces with dark oil glands over the veins" "Cienfuegosia {Cienfuegosia welshii}" 26 "Epicalyx bracts 3; calyces with irregularly scattered dark oil glands" Gossypium