1 "Seeds with brownish hairs (fuzz) only; plants native, growing in dry bushland" 2 1 "Seeds with long white cottony hairs (lint); plants cultivated, sometimes escaping, usually on clay soils" 6 2 "Leaves coarsely dentate; epicalyx bracts deeply divided into long linear lobes" "Gossypium trifurcatum" 2 "Leaves entire or 3-5-lobed, not dentate" 3 3 "Leaves deeply 3-5-lobed, the lobes constricted at the base; epicalyx bracts laciniate" "Gossypium stocksii" 3 "Leaves entire or shallowly 3-lobed with trinagular lobes not constricted at the base; epicalyx bracts entire or dentate" 4 4 "Epicalyces and calyces not gland dotted; at least some epicalyx veins anastomosing and not reaching a margin; capsules 5-valved" "Gossypium brocchettii" 4 "Epicalyces and calyces dotted with dark glands; all epicalyx veins reaching the margins; capsules 3-4-valved" 5 5 "Capsules 13-15 mm long, with 2 seeds per cell" "Gossypium vollesenii" 5 "Capsules up to 11 mm long, with 1 seed per cell" "Gossypium somalense" 6 "Teeth of epicalyx bracts usually less than twice as long as wide; leaf lobes usually constricted at the base; seeds difficult to separate from the lint" 7 6 "Teeth of epicalyx bracts usually at least 3 times as long as wide; leaf lobes usually broadest at the base; seeds easily separated from lint" 8 7 "Epicalyx bracts with 4-6 teeth per side; capsules more or less rounded, almost smooth" "Gossypium herbaceum" 7 "Epicalyx bracts with 1-3 teeth per side; sapsules usually tapering at the tip, densely pitted with conspicuous glands" "Gossypium arboreum" 8 "Calyx tubes about 10 mm long; middle leaf lobes longer than wide; seeds, after removal of the lint, without fuzz except from a tuft at one end" "Gossypium barbadense" 8 "Calyx tubes about 6 mm long; middle leaf lobes about as long as wide; seeds, after removal of the lint, with fuzz all over" "Gossypium hirsutum"