1 "Epicalyx bracts lanceolate to ovate or subcircular, at least 1.5 mm wide in flowers" 2 1 "Epicalyx bracts filiform to narrowly linear, up to about 1 mm wide in flower" 6 2 "Mericarps without spines" "Pavonia burchellii" 2 "Mericarps spiny" 3 3 "Mericarps with two flat sides and a convex back with a raised central spine having 2 rows of hooked prickles on either side" "Pavonia elegans" 3 "Mericarps more or less obovoide, with a spiny dorsal keel and spiny lateral ridges" 4 4 "Calyces 7-9 mm long; all vegetatives parts finely tomentellous, without long hairs" "Pavonia friisii" 4 "Calyces 3-5 mm long; vegetative parts either with long simple hairs or large stellate hairs" 5 5 "Branchlets and pedicels with long simple hairs, without or with a few scattered glands" "Pavonia procumbens" 5 "Branchlets and pedicels without long simple hairs, usually densely glandular" "Pavonia flavoferruginea" 6 "Mericarps with 2 lateral spines and 1 apical conical spind on the back; epicalyx bracts narrowly linear, about 1 mm wide in flower" "Pavonia propinqua" 6 "Mericarps without spines; epicalyx bracts filiform" 7 7 "Leaves distinctly 3-5-lobed or divided" 8 7 "Leaves not or only slightly lobed" 10 8 "Petals 20-25 mm long; calyces 5.5-6 mm long; leaves digitately 3-foliolate, the leaflets with entire margins" "Pavonia nigrescens" 8 "Petals 6-11 mm longl calyces 2-4 mm long; leaves 3-5-lobed or digitately 3-5-foliolate, the lobes or leaflets dentate at least towards the tips" 9 9 "Mericarps 3-4 mm long, with wings up to 0.5 mm wide and backs with a central ridge and some transverse ridges" "Pavonia zeylanica" 9 "Mericarps 4.5-6 mm long, with wings 1.5-3 mm wide and transversely reticulate backs" "Pavonia pirottae" 10 "Leaf margins entire or almost so" 11 10 "At least some leaves with distinctly toothed margins" 13 11 "Stems with a rough indumentum often of somewhat brownish hairs; calyces glabrous except for their ciliate margins" "Pavonia ellenbeckii" 11 "Stems pubescent and/or glandulat but indumentum neither rough nor brownishl calyces puberulous to tomentose or glandular" 12 12 "Leaf blades cordate to rounded at the base; stems pubescent to tomentose with at least some stellate or long simple hairs" "Pavonia arabica" 12 "Leaf blades cuneat at the base; stems with minute glandular hairs only" "Pavonia sp. = Gillett, Hemming, & Watson 22140" 13 "Epicalyx bracts 5-6" 14 13 "Epicalyx bracts (7-)8-19" 15 14 "Petals 17-20 mm long; mericarps 10-14 mm long with 3-4 mm wide wings" "Pavonia eremogeiton" 14 "Petals 10-13 mm long; mericarps 4.8-5.5 mm long with wings about 1.2 mm wide" "Pavonia paucibracteata" 15 "Mericarps 3-4 mm long, not winged or wings no more than 0.5 mm wide" 16 15 "Mericarps 4.5-12 mm long with wings 1-5 mm wide" 18 16 "Petals 6-11 mm longl calyces 2-4 mm long; leaves 3-5-lobed or digitately 3-5-foliolate, the lobes or leaflets dentate at least towards the tips" "Pavonia zeylanica" 16 "Petals 14-20 mm long" 17 17 "Leaf blades dark green above, pale greyish green beneath; toothed for most of their length; pedicels 5-15 mm long; mericarps keeled on the back" "Pavonia mollissima" 17 "Leaf blades not much darker above than beneath, toothed only distally, sometimes obscurely so; pedicels often more than 15 mm long; mericarps reticulate on the back" "Pavonia somalensis" 18 "Leaf blades with reddish margins, entire or with 1-3 teeth at the tip" "Pavonia marginata" 18 "Leaf blades without reddish margins, margins more or less distinctly toothed below the tips" 19 19 "Calyces 2-3 mm long; leaf blades suorbicular, about as long as wide; epicalyx bracts 13-19" "Pavonia rotundifolia" 19 "Calyces 4-8 mm long; leaf blades, at least most of them, clearly longer than wide; epicalyx bracts up to 13, usually fewer" 20 20 "Epicalyx bracts 5-8 mm long in flower; leaves often somewhat 3-lobed" "Pavonia sp. = Beckett 1292" 20 "Epicalyx bracts 8-20 mm long; leaves not lobed" 21 21 "Mericarps usually with a triangular outline when seed from the side, with wings up to 2.5 mm side at the widest; leaf blades usually with 9 or more teeth on each side" "Pavonia serrata" 21 "Mericarps suborbicular in outline, wings 2-5 mm wide; leaf blades usually with fewer than 9 teeth per side" 22 22 "Leaf blades with broadly cuneate or rounded bases; stems usually with non-glandular hairs only; seeds with short, scattered, curly hairs" "Pavonia kotschyi" 22 "Leaf blades with cordate bases; stems with a mix of glancular and non-glandular stellate hairs; seeds densly villous with long, greyish-white hairs" "Pavonia matteiana"