1 "Plants woody trees or shrubs" 2 1 "Plants herbaceous, annual or perennial" 3 2 "Inflorescences panicles or racemes with many flowers; ovaries partially inferior; fruits with several seeds; leaves at least 10 cm long" "Maesa {Maesa lanceolata}" 2 "Inflorescences with few flowers; ovaries superior; fruits 1-seeded; leaves uo to 2 cm long" "Myrsine {Myrsine lanceolata}" 3 "Plants with tuberous rootstocks; corolla lobes strongly reflexed" "Cyclamen {Cyclamen somalense}" 3 "Plants without tuberous rootstocks; corolla lobes not reflexed" 4 4 "Corollas somewhat bilaterally symmetric and 2-lipped; calyx lobes in 2 rows, the outer row spinescent" "Coris {Coris monspeliensis var. longinqua}" 4 "Corollas radially symmetric; calyx lobes in one row, not spinescent" 5 5 "Leaves basal rosettes, plants without leafy stems; flowers yellow" "Primula {Primula verticillata}" 5 "Leaves not in basal rosettes, with leafy stems; flowers blue, pink, or white" 6 6 "Ovaries superior; capsules opening by circular lids" Anagallis 6 "Ovaries half inferior; capsules opening by 5 valves" "Samolus {Samolus valerandi}"