1 "Fruits flattened, persistent, 1-seeded capsules" Wellstedia 1 "Fruits drupes, nuts, or 2-4 nutlets" 2 2 "Plants prostrate annuals with crenate leaves; styles 2, very short" "Coldenia {Coldenia procumbens}" 2 "Plants not prostrate annuals or, if so, not with crenate leaves; styles usually undivided, sometimes divided" 3 3 "Styles terminal on the ovaries" 4 3 "Styles gynobasic, inserted between the lobes of the distinctly 4-lobed ovaries" 9 4 "Styles twice 2-fid of 4-branched" Cordia 4 "Styles once 2-fid or undivided" 5 5 "Styles 2-fid, each branch with a captitate stigma or practically unbranched with 2, more or less sessile capitate stigmas at the top" 6 5 "Styles unbranched, with a conical to disk-like stigmatic head at the top" 7 6 "Calyx lobes overlapping; stones with reticulate inner faces" Ehretia 6 "Calyx lobes touching; stones with a conspicuously ridged or winged outer surfaces" Bourreria 7 "Plants shrubs or small trees growing on sea shores; fruits with a spongy mesocarp" "Argusia {Argusia argentea}" 7 "Plants usually herbs or subshrubs, rarely small shrubs; fruits without a spongy mesocarp" 8 8 "Fruits 4-seeded stones with a thinly fleshy mesocarp" "Nogalia {Nogalia drepanophylla subsp. suaediformis}" 8 "Fruits splitting into 2 or 4 notlets at maturity or reduced to 1 nutlet by abortion" Heliotropium 9 "Anthers with terminal linear and usually long exserted appendages" 10 9 "Anthers without terminal appendages, included to slightly exserted" 11 10 "Anther appendages not twisted; nutlets more or less warty" Cycostemon 10 "Anther appendages twisted; notlets more or less spiny" Trichodesma 11 "Corollas closed at the throat by appendages; nutlets more or less covered by glochidiate spines" Cynoglossum 11 "Corollas glabrous or hairy at the throat, without appendages; nutlets smooth or tuberculate" 12 12 "Corollas glabrous at the throat, bright yellow" "Arnebia {Arnebia hispidissima}" 12 "Corollas hairy at the throat, variusly colored but scarcely bright yellow" Echiochilon