1 "Plants herbs, prostrate or creeping; ovaries deeply 2-lobed; styles 2, almost gynobasic; flowers small, solitary, axillary; corollas deeply 5-lobed; leaves reniform or cordate-orbiular" "Dichondra {Dichondra caroliniana}" 1 "Plants herbs or shrubs, climbing, twining, rarely, prstrate or erect; ovaries not lobed; styles 1 or 2, terminal; flowers medium ro large, rarely small; corollas rarely deeply lobed, if so, the petals bifid or lobed" 2 2 "Plants subshtrubs, perennial; styles 2" 3 2 "Plants herbs, climbers, perennial or annual; styles usually 2, sometimes each lobe also bilobed int 4 filiform stigmas" 4 3 "Stamens and styles exserted" "Cressa {Cressa cretica}" 3 "Stamens an styles included" "Seddera {Seddera latifolia}" 4 "Stigmas filiform, attenuate to ellipsoid or oblong" 5 4 "Stigmas globose or bi-globose" 8 5 "Stems and leaves with stellate indumentum; stigmas ellipsoid to oblong" "Jacquemontia {Jacquemontia pentanthos}" 5 "Stems and leaves glabrous or with 2-branched hairs; stigmas filiform to elliptic and complanate" 6 6 "Styles 2-branched, each branch divided into 2 filiform branches" Evolvulus 6 "Styles unbranched" 7 7 "Stigmas (ultimate style branches) filiform" Convolvulus 7 "Stigmas (ultimate style branches) oblong or elliptic, complanate" "Calystegia {Calystegia hederacea}" 8 "Sepals accrescent in fruit, patent, scarious, falling with the fruits; flowers 5-6 mm long, white; corolla limbs shallowly lobed" "Porana {Porana paniculata}" 8 "Sepals not or barely accrescent in fruit, falling with the fruit or not; flowers usually 10 mm or longer, variously colored; corolla limbs shallowly lobed to sub-entire" 9 9 "Corollas broadly funnel-shaped or campanulate, yellow, yellowish or white, often red of purple at the base; pollen smooth, colpate" 10 9 "Corollas funnel-shaped to salverform, rarely campanulate, variously colored but often purple; pollen spinose, porate" 12 10 "Capsules circumscissile, the upper part of the epicarp separating from the lower part of the endocarp; corollas usually white or yellow through; stems terete or winged" "Operculina {Operculina turpethum}" 10 "Capsules opening by 4 valves or irregularly; corollas white or yellow, often with a red or purple centre; stems terete" 11 11 "Corollas white; sepals 17-25 mm long; leaves palmately compound or lobed almost to the dense, leaflets or lobes 5-9" Distimake 11 "Corollas yellow or yellowish; sepals 3.5-8 mm long; leaves shallowly t deeply lobed" Merremia 12 "Fruits capsules, thin-walled, opening by valves or irregularly dehiscent; plants usually herbaceous, rarely woody, usually twining or prostrate, rarely erect; corollas usually glabrous outisde" Ipomoea 12 "Fruits indehiscent, fleshy or woody; plants suffrutescent to woody twining plants; corollas usually pubescent outside, at least between the folds" 13 13 "Corollas white, salverform; stamens attached near the middle of the tube; stigmas linear-oblong; fruits nearly dry" "Rivea {Rivea hypocrateriformis}" 13 "Corollas usually purple to rose, rarely white, funnelform; stamens attached below the middle of the tube; stigmas globose or bi-globose; fruits fleshy or leathery, rarely nearly dry" Argyreia