1 "Plants aquatic herbs with round, floating leaves having cordate bases; ovaries superior; styles simple" "Menyanthaceae {Nymphoides forbesiana}" 1 "Plants not aquatic herbs with round floating leaves; ovaries usually inferior, superior in a few species; styles lobed or bifid, surrounded by a ciliate cup in Scaevola)" 2 2 "Flowers in capitula (heads), 1-many sessile on a common receptacle surrounded by an involucre of scaly to leafy bracts, individual flowers sometimes subtended by an inconspicuous bract; calyces absent or modified into a pappus composed of bristles or scales; ovaries inferior" Asteraceae 2 "Flowers not in capitula, individual flowers often subtended by 1 or more, more or less conspicuous bracts; calyces of membranous lobes or absent; ovaries inferior or superior" 3 3 "Flowers subtended by 2 or more conspicuous bracts; corollas usually strongly 2-lipped or,if radially symmetric, plants woody, with peumatophores and growing in mangrove swamps" Acanthaceae 3 "Flowers not subtended by conspicuous bracts; corollas radially or bilaterally symmetric; sometimes woody but without pneumatophores and not growing in mangrove swamps" 4 4 "Calyces with well developed lobes; corollas radially or bilaterally symetric, never tubular and deeply slit on the back; styles with pollen collecting hairs in the upper portion" Campanulaceae 4 "Calyces reduced to a short tube; corollas tubular with a slit on the back through which the style emerges; styles 2-lobed, the lobes surrounded by a ciliate cup" "Goodeniaceae {Scaevola plumieri}"